AD DOMINOS SPIRITUALES. DOCTISSIMI PRESTANTISSIMI VIRI, CUA JM veftram dignitatem in Ecclefia Anglicana, Veri Spiritui oppofitam magis magifque cogitemus, nostri animi mirando, ftupefacti funt; quo pacto, Illuftriffimi Viri, a Sacris Literis erraviffent, Vox Sacra videntibus a prejudiciis liberatis eft tam manifefta, ut nulli nifi capti oculis, fed eam intelligere poffent. Siquidem vis lucri veftros animos inquinati obruit pofcendum veniam Deum, de hoc horrifico malo. CICERO Domini declaravit, quæ veftris præcordiis funt digna: "Nemo enim juftus "effe poteft, qui mortem, qui dolorem, qui "exilium, qui egeftatem, timet; aut quæ his "funt contraria equitati anteponit. Maxime66 que admirantur eum, qui pecunia non mo"vetur: quod in quo viro perspectum fit hunc "dignum fpectatu arbitrantur." Decet omnes Epifcopos CICERONIS fententias animis confiderare. Melius effet, fi mente alta DEI leges in dies revolviffent, I PREFACE. T is a commandment of our Saviour, to preach the Gospel to every Creature: I am afraid that I have tranfgreffed this rule. Our Saviour undoubtedly meant God's Creatures; but whether my Audience, in their exalted ftation, are fuch, is fomewhat problematical. But though God did not make them Bishops, or Lords Spiritual, he has made them men; in this sense they are his Creatures. Perhaps a few Sermons may do them good; they are welcome to the following, whatever may happen. There is a period to come, when we fhall all be upon a level, which men of rank, as well as others, would do well to remember. Their Graces and Lordships cannot be the worse of being put in mind of their latter end. It is but feldom their Chaplains make so free with them. I heartily with they may all arrive fafely in the kingdom of Heaven, though their Mitres in this world fhould be laid in the dust. I expect no reward for the small service I have done them 1 them; they may read these Discourses or not, as they pleafe. They have read better, and perhaps worse; but such as they are, they are welcome to peruse them. If they will be so kind as to fet us free from the Articles of the Church, and the Penal Laws connected therewith, I fhall promise never to preach to them any more, CON |