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ing that part of the field and not ap- and rear of the tents, was heard. About pearing again until attacked by Captain the same time the 7th- and 22d, which Dollins, on the river bank below their had passed the rear of the 30th and encampment, and chased out of sight, 31st, hastened up, and, closing the space near the close of the contest. Advanc- between them and the 27th, poured a ing about a quarter of a mile further, deadly fire upon the enemy. A combinthis force again came up with the enemy, ed movement was now made upon three who by this time had been reinforced sides of the enemy's works, and driving upon this part of the field, as I since him across the abattis, we followed close learn, by three regiments and a company upon his heels into the clear space of cavalry. Thus strengthened, they at- around his camp. The 27th was the. tempted to turn our left flank, but, or- first seen by me entering upon this dering Colonel Logan to extend the line ground. I called the attention of the of battle by a flank movement, and other regiments to their approach, and bringing up a section of Taylor's battery, the whole line was quickened by eager commanded by First Lieutenant B. H. and impatient emulation. In a few minWhite, under the direction of Captain utes our entire force was within the enSchwartz, to cover the space thus made closure. Under the skillful direction of between the Thirtieth and Thirty-first, Captain Schwartz, Captain Taylor now the attempt was frustrated. Having brought up his battery within three huncompleted that disposition, we again dred yards of the enemy's tents, and opened a deadly fire from both infantry opened fire upon them. He fled with and artillery, and after a desperate resistance drove the enemy back the third time, forcing them to seek cover among thick woods and brush, protected by the heavy guns at Columbus. In this struggle, while leading the charge, I received a ball in one of my holsters, which failed of harm by striking a pistol. Here Colonels Fouke and Logan urged on their men by the most energetic appeals; here Captain Dresser's horse was shot under him, while Captain Schwartz's horse was twice wounded; here the projectiles from the enemy's heavy guns at Columbus, and their artillery at Belmont crashed through the woods over and among us; here again, all my staff who were with me, displayed the greatest intrepidity and activity; and here, too, many of our officers were killed or wounded; nor shall I omit to add that this gallant conduct was stimulated by your presence, and inspired by your example. Here your horse was killed un

der you.

"While this struggle was going on, a tremendous fire from the 27th, which had approached the abattis on the right

precipitation from the tents, and took shelter behind some buildings near the river, and into the woods above the camp, under cover of his batteries at Columbus. Near this battery I met Colonel Dougherty, who was leading the 7th and 22d through the open space toward the tents. At the same time our lines upon the right and left were pressing up to the line of fire from our battery, which now ceased firing, and our men rushed forward among the tents and toward some buildings near the river. Passing over to the right of the camp, I met Colonel Buford, for the first time since his detour around the pond, and congratulated him upon the ardor of his men, to be the first to pass the enemy's works. During the execution of this movement, Captain Alexander Bielaski, one of my aides-de-camp, who had accompanied Colonel Buford during the march of the 27th, separate from the main command, having dismounted from his horse, which had been several times wounded, was shot down while advancing with the flag of his adopted country in his hand, and calling on the men in

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his rear to follow him. Near him, and plished the object of the expedition, I in a few minutes afterward, Colonel Lan- ordered Captain Taylor to reverse his man fell, severely wounded in the thigh, guns and open fire upon the enemy in while leading his men in a desperate his new position, which was done with charge. Galloping my horse down to great spirit and effect, breaking his the river, I found Captain Bozart, of line, and opening our way by the main Company K, 27th regiment, supported road. Promptly responding to an order by squads of men who had joined him, to that effect, Colonel Logan ordered his sharply engaged with a detachment of flag in front of his regiment, prepared to the enemy, whom he drove into the force his way in the same direction, if woods above the camp. Here the firing necessary. Here the firing necessary. Moving on, he was followed was very hot. My own head was grazed by the whole force, except the 27th and by a ball, my horse was wounded in the the cavalry companies of Captains Dolshoulder and his caparison torn in several lins and Delano. Determined to preserve places. Here, too, one of the enemy's my command unbroken, and to defeat caissons fell into my hands, and a cap- the evident design of the enemy to ture of artillery was made by Captain divide it, I twice rode back across the Schwartz, a portion of the 7th gallantly field to bring up the 27th and Dollins' assisting in achieving this result. Hav- cavalry, and also dispatched Major Braying complete possession of the enemy's man for the same purpose, but without camp in full view of his formidable bat- accomplishing the object; they having teries at Columbus, I gave the word for sought, in returning, the same route by three cheers for the Union, to which the which they advanced in the morning. brave men around me responded with On passing into the woods the 30th, the the most enthusiastic applause. Several 7th, and 22d encountered a heavy fire of the enemy's steamers being within on their right and left successively, range above and below, I ordered a sec- which was returned with such vigor and tion of Taylor's battery, under the direc-effect as to drive back the superior force tion of Captain Schwartz, down near the river, and opened a fire upon them, and upon Columbus itself, with what effect I could not learn. The enemy's tents were set on fire, destroying his camp equipage, about four thousand blankets, and his means of transportation. Such horses and other property as could be removed were siezed, and four pieces of his artillery brought to the rear.

"The enemy at Columbus, seeing us in possession of his camp, directed upon us the fire of his heavy guns, but ranging too high inflicted no injury. Information came at the same time of the crossing of heavy bodies of troops above us, amounting, as I since learn, to five regiments, which, joining those which had fled in that direction, formed rapidly in our rear with the design of cutting off our communication with our transports. To prevent this, and having fully accom

of the enemy and silence his firing, but not until the 7th and 22d had been thrown into temporary disorder. Here Lieutenant-Colonel Wentz, of the 7th, and Captain Markley, of the 30th, with several privates were killed, and Colonel Dougherty, of the 22d, and Major McClurken, of the 30th, who was near me, were severely wounded. Here my body servant killed one of the enemy by a pistol shot. Driving the enemy back on either side, we moved on, occasionally exchanging shots with straggling parties, in the course of which my horse received another ball, being one of two fired at me from the corner of a field. Captain Schwartz was at my right when these shots were fired. At this stage of the contest, according to the admission of rebel officers, the enemy's forces had swelled, by frequent reinforcements from the other side of the river, to over thir

teen regiments of infantry, and some- ferring that my transport was waiting to thing less than two squadrons of caval- receive him, I went farther down the ry; excluding his artillery, four pieces river, and met Captain Dollins, whom I of which were in our possession, and two also instructed to embark, and still farof which, after being spiked, together ther met the remainder of the 27th, with part of one of our caissons were which had halted on the bank where the left on the way for want of animals to gunboat Tyler was lying to, the Lexingbring them off. The other two, with ton lying still farther down. The rest their horses and harness, were brought of the boats having gone forward, Capoff. On reaching the landing and not tain Walker, of the Tyler, at my request finding the detachments of the 7th and promptly took the remainder of the 27th 22d, which you had left behind in the on board, Captain Stembel, of the Lexmorning to guard the boats, I ordered ington, covering the embarkation. HavDelano's cavalry, which was embarking, ing thus embarked all my command, I to the rear of the field to watch the ene- returned with Captains Schwartz and my. Within an hour all our forces Hatch to my transports and reëmbarked, which had arrived were embarked, Cap-reaching Cairo about midnight, after a tain Schwartz, Captain Hatch, Assistant day of almost unceasing marching and Quartermaster, and myself being the conflict. last to get on board. Suddenly the enemy, in strong force, (whose approach had been discovered by Lieutenant-Colonel John H. White, of the 31st, who was conspicuous through the day for his dauntless courage and conduct,) came within range of our musketry, when a terrible fire was opened upon him by the gunboats, as well as by Taylor's battery and the infantry. The engagement thus renewed was kept up with great spirit, and with a deadly effect upon the enemy, until the transports had passed beyond his reach. Exposed to the terrible fire of the gunboats and Taylor's battery, a great number of the enemy were killed and wounded in this, the closing scene of a battle of six hours' duration. The 27th and Dollins' cavalry being yet behind, I ordered my transport to continue in the rear of the fleet, excepting the gunboats; and after proceeding a short distance, landed and directed the gunboats to return and await their appearance. At this moment Lieutenant H. A. Rust, Adjutant of the 27th, hastened up and announced the approach of the 27th and Dollins' cavalry. Accompanied by Captains Schwartz and Hatch, I rode down the river bank and met Colonel Buford with a part of his command. In

"I cannot bestow too high commendation upon all whom I had the honor to command on that day. Supplied with inferior and defective arms, many of which could not be discharged, and others bursting in use, they fought an enemy in woods, with which he was familiar, behind defensive works which he had been preparing for months, in the face of a battery at Belmont, and under his heavy guns at Columbus, and although numbering three or four to our one, beat him, capturing several stands of his colors, destroying his camp, and carrying off a large amount of property, already mentioned. From his own semi-official account his loss was six hundred killed, wounded and missing, including among the killed and wounded a number of officers, and probably among the missing one hundred and fifty-five prisoners who were brought to this post."

The number of the Union casualties does not differ greatly from this estimate of the loss of the enemy. There were eighty-four killed, chiefly of the 7th Iowa and 22d Illinois regiments, two hundred and eighty-eight wounded, and two hundred and thirty-five missing. Many of the wounded in the exigencies of the escape, were left on the field of battle, and



to seize "Bird's Point" or "Fort Holt," in this immediate vicinity, and, in view of this, wants early reinforcements of well-equipped regiments. The general estimates the loss on our side at two hundred and fifty killed, wounded, and missing, and the enemy's loss in killed alone at three hundred. My opinion is, after careful inquiry, as stragglers are still coming in, that our loss of killed, wounded and missing, will. amount to five hundred persons, together with twenty-five baggage wagons, one hundred horses, one thousand overcoats, and one thousand blankets. The men fought with great gallantry, and Generals Grant and McClernand had their horses shot under them; and had not the troops been flushed with their early success, and commenced looting, instead of being prepared to retire when the object of the expedition was accomplished, they might have left with comparatively little loss, but the delay gave the enemy time to cross from Columbus in great force, and hence the comparative disastrous termination in the withdrawal of our forces."*

many of the missing were prisoners in the hands of the enemy. The report of Commodore Foote to the Department at Washington, says generally of the part borne by the gunboats Tyler and Lexington, "that they rendered the most effective service on this occasion, having but one man killed and two wounded; in fact, I am informed, both by army and navy officers, that the boats, by covering the final retreat with well-directed fire of grape and canister, mowing down the enemy, prevented our troops from being almost, if not entirely, cut to pieces." He adds also the following comments on the engagement which serve to explain its objects and importance. General Grant, the commanding general, informs me that there are 40,000 men and 108 guns of large calibre in Columbus and its vicinity, and that the rebels intend to make this point their principal stand against the movements of the gunboats and troops down the Mississippi river. A rifle shot weighing 90 pounds was picked up by one of our men, thrown a distance of three miles from one of the rebel batteries. The demonstration down The day after the battle General Grant the river was intended rather as an arm- sent Major Webster with a flag of truce ed reconnoissance than an attack on Col- to Columbus, bearing a number of the umbus; in fact, mainly for the purpose rebel sick and wounded whom he offered of destroying the detachment which had unconditionally, asking the privilege of crossed the river, and this was effected supplying the wants of our own men in by capturing the cannon and burning the like condition. After some parley with tents and baggage, the latter accomplish- the adjutant-general of General Polk, a ed by Quartermaster Hatch, with a de- mutual exchange of the wounded was actachment of men. This movement, it is complished, without any formal recognibelieved, has prevented, for the present tion of the belligerent rights. A workat least, a junction with General Price ing party of an Illinois regiment was adin Southwest Missouri, also the detach-mitted to the battle-field and permitted ments being cut off which have been sent to succor the suffering and bury the from here to attack Jeff. Thompson, as dead. In the discharge of these duties well as establishing the fact of Columbus the wounded were surrendered and mubeing so strongly fortified that a large tually received by their friends. Genland force must cooperate with the gun-eral Polk, touched by sympathy with the boats, in order to move successfully beyond this point down the Mississippi river. On the other hand, General Grant is impressed with the idea that

suffering, hesitated to interfere with the arrangement, though he felt compelled to consult the etiquette of the camp. "My

* Commodore A. H. Foote to the Hon. Gideon Welles,

the rebels may retaliate by an attempt U. s. Gunboat Lexington, off Cairo, November 9, 18o1.

own feelings," he wrote, in reply to General Grant, "would prompt me to waive again the unimportant affectation of declining to recognize these states as belligerents, in the interests of humanity, but my government requires all prisoners to be placed at the disposal of the Secretary of War."

The brief official report of General Polk bears witness to this severely contested field, "The enemy," he wrote to Headquarters, through General A. S. Johnston, "came down on the opposite side of the river, Belmont, to-day, about 7,500 strong, landed under cover of gunboats and attacked Colonel Tappan's camp. I sent over three regiments under General Pillow to his relief, then at intervals three others, then General Cheatham. I then took over two others in person, to support a flank movement which I had directed. It was a hard fought battle, lasting from half-past ten in the morning to five in the afternoon. They took Beltzhoover's battery, four pieces of which we recaptured. The enemy were thoroughly routed. We pursued them to their boats seven miles, then drove their boats before us. The road was strewn with their dead and wounded, guns, ammunition and equipments. Our loss considerable; theirs heavy." It will be noticed in this, that while the number of the Union forces is greatly exaggerated, made nearly threefold, the calculation by the other side, of the extensive reinforcements of the enemy is fully sustained. The actual contest stood three or four of the rebels to

one of the Unionists, but, at the end, the disparity was somewhat lessened by the fire and protection of the gun-boats. A General order issued by Brigadier-General McClernand on the 8th of November, the day after the battle, from his headquarters at Camp Cairo, paid a deserved tribute to the valor displayed by his command. General Grant also, in an official order, returned his thanks to the troops under his command in the battle. "It had been his fortune," he said, "to have been in all the battles fought in Mexico by Generals Scott and Taylor, save Buena Vista, and he never saw one more hotly contested, or where troops behaved with more gallantry."

The disaster at Belmont was a severe one, for nearly one-fourth of those who went into the action were killed, wounded, or prisoners; and it was doubly felt at the time when an impatient public, tired of the slow proceedings of the war, were eagerly demanding some decisive action. The attack, though parried, was, doubtless, however, felt by the enemy who, if they had any intentions of assisting the rebels in Missouri were diverted from the purpose, and who certainly were taught that the war was a reality, and that the Northern soldiers, whom they had affected to despise, were no feeble antagonists. So far from discouraging the camp at Cairo, it steeled the courage of its inmates and caused them eagerly to long for another contest, when on more equal terms they could renew the fight so valiantly begun at Belmont.

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