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of the crew rushed out into the open air on the platform in front with their clothes and skin hanging in threads from their bodies, and with their last breath shouted, Hurrah for the Union.' Another poor fellow, while dying, being told that the fort had surrendered, said, 'I die content.' Another, with blistered hands, pulled the string to fire another shot, but the steam had dampened the priming. Seldom has greater heroism been displayed. Several poor fellows jumped overboard to escape the steam and were drowned. Altogether it was an awful scene, the contending ships and the fort, the roar of battle, and the hissing steam, sending its deadly breath into every pore of the devoted crew."

On the arrival of General McClernand at the rear of the fort, he found the camp of the enemy, where several thousand troops-regiments of Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, and others, had been stationed, quite deserted. It had been abandoned in haste at his approach. Tents were left standing with all their appurtenances, arms, clothes, provisions, the public property and personal effects of officers and men. So eager, in fact, were the troops to be off, that they did not leave a single horse for the officers of the garrison to ride away upon, General Tilghman's favorite steed, "one of the finest, sir, in the Southern Confederacy," as he touchingly remarked, being taken with the rest. On the opposite side of the river, General Smith's division reached the unfinished works at Fort Hickman, also to take possession of the tents and stores from which the owners had fled. Fort Henry was found to be a well-built bastioned fort without casemates, inclosing an area of three and a half acres. Outside was an extensive series of rifle pits. Its armament consisted of one 10-inch columbiad, a rifled 24-pounder, twelve smooth-bore 32's, a 24-pounder siege gun, and two 12-poundSpecial Correspondent of the New York Tribune, Feb

ruary 14, 1862.


ers. The rifled gun exploded early in the action. The casualties of the garrison were six killed and ten wounded.

Commander William D. Porter, who suffered so severe, but happily, as it proved, not fatal injury on board his vessel, was a son of the distinguished Commodore Porter, of world-wide fame, for his adventures in the Pacific Ocean in the second war with Great Britain. The gunboat which the son commanded in Commander Foote's flotilla, was named in honor of his father's ship, the Essex. Commander Porter was born in Louisiana, but was appointed to the navy from Massachusetts. He entered the service early in life, in 1823, and had shared the usual employments of a junior officer, his rank of Commander dating from 1855. At the beginning of 1861 he was in command of the Sloop St. Marys, at Panama, whence he dated an indignant letter of rebuke to Lieutenant J. H. Hamilton, a South Carolinian, who having deserted the service of the United States to conduct a rebel steam tug in Charleston harbor, thought fit to write his brethren in the navy to follow the same treasonable course. Porter's reply was not to be mistaken: "The Constitutional Government of the United States has entrusted me with the command of this beautiful ship, and before I will permit any other flag to fly at her peak than the Stars and Stripes, I will fire a pistol in her magazine and blow her up. The Constitution defines treason to be bearing arms against the United States. You have frequently heard this read on the quarter-deck of these vessels of the navy, and yet you would persuade the gallant men of the navy to place themselves alongside of the traitor Arnold and yourself. It has ever been the boast of the navy that she has never had one traitor within her corps. You, sir, are the first to destroy the proud boast. Future history will place you alongside of Arnold, and you will be the first to blot the page of naval history illuminated by the ex

Henry, a native of Maryland, was a graduate of West Point of the year 1836, with the rank of brevet 2d Lieutenant in the 1st Regiment Dragoons. He left the service immediately to follow the profession of civil engineering, in which he became engaged in various important public works. Returning to the army in the war with Mexico, he served with distinction on the Rio Grande, and elsewhere, and when peace was concluded, resumed his occupation of engineering, and was employed in an important position in the construction of the Panama railroad. He had of late resided at Paducah in Kentucky, and in the early defensive or armed neutrality movements in that state, held an appoint

ample of Decatur, Porter, Hull, Bain- the Confederate commander of Fort bridge, Jones, Caldwell, and other gallant and patriotic officers." Such were the terms in which Porter resented the wounds inflicted on his country. In the appointment to the fleet on the Mississippi he was among the foremost, and his gunboat was one of the first fitted for action. That he lost no opportunity for a word as well as a blow at the enemy, his correspondence with a rebel commander on the Mississippi at Fort Columbus, thus given in the newspapers of the day, abundantly witnesses. It opened with a general challenge : "Come out here, you cowardly rebels, and show your gunboats. PORTER." There was something in the appeal, unceremonious as it appears, which suited the meridian, for it was presently ment under General Buckner. When the answered, though in more profession-state decided for the Union, he left for al phraseology: "Marine Headquarters, Columbus, Kentucky, January 13, 1862. Commander Porter, on United States gunboat Essex-Sir, The ironclad steamer Grampus will meet the Essex at any point and time your honor may appoint, and show you that the power is in our hands. An early reply will be agreeable to your obedient servant, Marsh J. Miller, Captain-Commanding C. S. I. C. steamer Grampus." To which Porter answered, with a genuine sailor's inspiration: "United States gunboat Essex, W. D. Porter Commanding, Fort Jefferson, January 18, 1862. To the traitor Marsh Miller, commanding a rebel gunboat called the Grampus :-Commander Porter has already thrashed your gunboat fleet, shelled and silenced your rebel batteries at the Iron Banks, chased your miserable and cowardly self down behind Columbus; but if you desire to meet the Essex, show yourself any morning in Prentys' Bend, and you shall then meet with a traitor's fate-if you have the courage to stand. 'God and our country; rebels offend both.' PORTER."

Brigadier-General Lloyd
Lloyd Tilghman,

Tennessee, and accepted a commission from the Confederate Government. He figured prominently in the border movements attending the rebel occupation of Bowling Green, and was specially intrusted with the defences of the Cumberland and the Tennessee.

In the reports of the engagement at Fort Henry, which were current at the time, it was said, that in surrendering to Flag-Officer Foote, General Tilghman remarked, "I am glad to surrender to so gallant an officer," to which the Commodore replied, in no disparagement of his gallantry, for to that he has testified in his official report, but with a full consciousness of the relative value of assailing the Government and defending it; "You do perfectly right, sir, in surrendering, but you should have blown my boats out of the water before I would have surrendered to you." In fact, the gallant sailor seems to have taken quite a fancy to his valiant antagonist. Writing to a friend at Baltimore, who was particularly interested in the events of the day, he said-" You will see quite enough, and perhaps more than you want to see, about our fight. Tighlman and I

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laughed over it, and became quite social if not warm friends before I turned him over to our General, as I was leaving the evening of our action. He acted so bravely and gallantly in the fight, and is such a high-toned, brave man, that he won my heart, and I take pleasure in bearing testimony to his pluck, the gallant defence of his post, and how near he was to killing your nephew."

By the courtesy of General Grant, General Tilghman was permitted to communicate a report of the transactions of the day to Headquarters at Bowling Green. In this he stated, that he had commenced the action with the gunboats with eleven guns, and had continued the engagement for about two hours. when having but four guns fit for service, he .found it impossible to maintain the fort, and surrendered. "The effect of our shot," says he, "was severely felt by the enemy, whose superior and overwhelming force alone gave them the advantage." While he bore testimony to the gallantry of the officers and men, he added, "I also take great pleasure in acknowledging the courtesies and considerations shown by Brigadier-General U. S. Grant, and Commander Foote, and the officers under their command."*

Commodore Foote was a straight-forward man, ready for duty in whatever form it might present itself. We have seen an Episcopal Bishop becoming a Major-General, in the Confederate service. The reverse of that spectacle was far more pleasing, when Commodore Foote, the Sunday after his victory, preached a sermon from the pulpit of a church at Cairo. The congregation of the Presbyterian Church, at that place, we are told, "were disappointed at the non-appearance of their pastor. After waiting half an hour for his arrival, Commodore Foote was induced to conduct the services. He seemed to be as much

Brigadier-General Lloyd Tilghman to Colonel W. W. Mackall, A. A. General, C. S. A., Bowling Green. Fort Henry, February 9, 1862.


at home in the pulpit as he was in the Cincinnati during the bombardment, for he extemporized an excellent practical discourse from the text, 'Let not your hearts be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in me.' The auditors," it is added, "were much affected at hearing the voice from which so lately rang out the word of command,

'In worst extremes, and on the perilous edge Of battle, when it raged,' raised in humble acknowledgment to Heaven for the victory, in earnest invocation for future protection, and in simple, but forcible, expositions of the truth, that happiness depends not on externals, but upon integrity, purity of life, and straightforward, conscientious performance of the duties which devolve upon us."*

The victory of Commodore Foote, everywhere received with congratulations at the North, was announced to General McClellan, at Washington, in this brief dispatch by Major-General Halleck from his headquarters at St. Louis the day after its the day after its occurrence. "Fort Henry is ours! The flag of the Uuion is reëstablished on the soil of Tennessee. It will never be removed." The dispatch of Commodore Foote from the deck of his flag-ship, after the surrender, was read to both Houses of Congress immediately on its receipt, and was received with loud demonstrations of applause. The Senate, fired by the success of the gunboats, at once passed the bill from the naval committee for building twenty additional iron-clad steam vessels of that description.

"The country," wrote Secretary Welles, in reply to Commodore Foote, "appreciates your gallant deeds, and this Department desires to convey to you and your brave associates its profound thanks for the service you have rendered." A few days after, the following General Order was issued by Flag-Officer Foote: "The officers and crew of

*Correspondence of the New York Tribune, Cairo, February 10, 1862.

that portion of the gunboat flotilla which rebels. The draw of the bridge was were engaged in the capture of Fort found closed, and the machinery for Henry on the 6th inst., already have had their brilliant services and gallant conduct favorably noticed by the Commanding General of the Western Army, and by the Secretary of the Navy, conveying the assurance that the President of the United States, the Congress, and the country, appreciate their gallant deeds, and proffer to them the profound thanks of the Navy Department for the services rendered. In conveying these pleasing tidings that our services are achnowledged by the highest authorities of the Government, you will permit me to add, that in observing the good order, coolness, courage, and efficiency of officers and men, in the memorable action between the gunboats and the fort, that I shall ever cherish with the liveliest interest all the officers and men who participated in the battle, and in the future shall, with increased hope and the greatest confidence, depend upon all officers and men attached to the flotilla, in the performance of every duty, whether in the fight or the laborious work of its preparation."

turning it disabled. About a mile and a half above were several rebel transport steamers escaping up stream. A party was landed, and in an hour I had the satisfaction to see the draw open. The Taylor being the slowest of the gunboats, Lieutenant-Commanding Gwin landed a force to destroy a portion of the railroad track, and to secure such military stores as might be found, while I directed Lieutenant-Commanding Shirk to follow me. with all speed in chase of the fleeing boats. In five hours this boat succeeded in forcing the rebels to abandon and burn those of their boats loaded with military stores. The first one fired (Samuel Orr) had on a quantity of submarine batteries, which very soon ex-. ploded; the second one was freighted with powder, cannon-shot, grape, balls etc. Fearing an explosion from the fired boats-there were two together-I had stopped at a distance of a thousand yards, but, even there, our skylights were broken by the concussion; the right upper doors were forced open, and locks and fastenings everywhere broken. Of the sequel to the capture of Fort The whole river, for half a mile roundHenry, the expedition up the Tennessee about, was completely beaten up' by river, which had been so judiciously pro- the falling fragments, and the shower of vided for by Commodore Foote in ad- shot, grape, balls, etc. The house of a vance, we have a most interesting de- reported Union man was blown to pieces, tailed account in the official report of and it is suspected that there was deLieutenant-Commanding S. L. Phelps, to sign in landing the boats in front of the whom the work was entrusted. "Soon doomed home. The Lexington having after the surrender of Fort Henry," fallen, and without a pilot on board, I writes that officer to Flag-Officer Foote, concluded to wait for both of the boats from the gunboat Conestoga, on the 10th to come up. Joined by them, we proof February," I proceeded, in obedience ceeded up the river. Lieutenant-Comto your order, up the Tennessee river, manding Gwin had destroyed some of with the Taylor, Lieutenant-Command- the tressel-work at the end of the bridge, ing Gwin; Lexington, Lieutenant-Com- burning with them a lot of camp equipmanding Shirk, and this vessel, forming age. J. N. Brown, formerly a lieutenant a division of the flotilla, and arrived in the navy, and signing himself C. S. N., after dark at the railroad crossing, twen- had fled with such precipitation as to ty-five miles above the fort, having on leave his papers behind. These Lieuthe way destroyed a small amount of tenant-Commanding Gwin brought away, camp equipage, abandoned by the fleeing and I send them to you, as they give an


official history of the rebel floating preparations on the Mississippi, Cumberland, and Tennessee. Lieutenant Brown had charge of the construction of gunboats.

"At night, on the 7th, we arrived at a landing in Hardin County, Tennessee, known as Cerro Gordo, where we found the steamer Eastport, being converted to a gunboat. Armed boat-crews were immediately sent on board, and search was made for means of destruction that might have been devised. She had been scuttled, and the section pipe broken. These leaks were soon stopped. A number of rifle shots were fired at our vessels, but a couple of shells dispersed the rebels. On examination, I found that there were large quantities of timber and lumber prepared for fitting up the Eastport; that the vessel itself-some two hundred and eighty feet long-was in excellent condition, and already half finished, considerable of the plating designed for her was lying on the bank, and everything at hand to complete her. I therefore directed Lieutenant-Commanding Gwin to remain with the Taylor to guard the prize, and to load the lumber, etc., while the Lexington and Conestoga should proceed still higher up. Soon after daylight, on the 8th, we passed Eastport, Mississippi, and at Chickasaw, further up near the state line, seized two steamers, the Sallie Wood and Muscle-the former laid up, and the latter freighted with iron, destined for Richmond, and for rebel use. We then proceeded up the river, entering the State of Alabama, and ascending to Florence, at the foot of the Muscle shoals. On coming in sight of the town, three steamers were discovered, which were immediately set on fire by the rebels. Some shots were fired from the opposite side of the river below. A force was landed, and considerable quantities of supplies, marked Fort Henry, were secured from the burning wrecks. Some had been landed and stored. These I seized, putting such as


we could bring away on board our vessels, and destroying the remainder. No flats or other craft could be found. I found also more of the iron and plating intended for the Eastport.

"A deputation of citizens of Florence waited upon me, first desiring that they might be made able to quiet the fears of their wives and daughters, with assurances from me that they would not be molested; and secondly, praying that I would not destroy their railroad bridge. As for the first, I told them we were neither ruffians nor savages, and that we were there to protect from violence, and to enforce the laws; and, with reference to the second, that if the bridge were away, we could ascend no higher, and that it could possess no military importance, so far as I saw, as it simply connected Florence itself with the railroad on the south bank of the river. We had seized three of their steamers, one halffinished gunboat, and had forced the rebels to burn six others loaded with supplies, and their loss, with that of freight, is a heavy blow to the enemy. Two boats are still known to be on the Tennessee, and are, doubtless, hidden in some of the creeks, where we shall be able to find them when there is time for the search. We returned on the night of the 8th, to where the Eastport lay. The crew of the Taylor had already got on board the prize an immense amount of lumber, etc. The crews of the three boats set to work to finish the undertaking, and we have brought away probably 250,000 feet of the best quality of ship and building lumber, all the iron, machinery, spikes, plating, nails, etc., belonging to the rebel gunboat, and I caused the mill to be destroyed where the lumber had been sawed. Lieutenant-Commanding Gwin had, in our absence, enlisted some twenty-five Tennesseans, who gave information of the encampment of Colonel Drew's rebel regiment, at Savannah, Tennessee. A portion of the six hundred or seven hundred were known

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