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they abet and countenance these acts in others. Although less bold they are equally guilty. It is, therefore, ordered and directed that the Provost Marshal immediately inquire into the condition of the persons so driven from their homes, and that measures be taken to quarter them in the houses and to feed and clothe them at the expense of avowed secessionists, and of those who are found guilty of giving aid, assistance and encouragement to the enemy." A further order of General Halleck issued December 12th, stated that the suffering families driven by the rebels from southwest Missouri, which had already arrived, had been supplied by voluntary contributions made by Union men; that others were on their way, to arrive in a few days, who "must be supplied by charity from men known to be hostile to the Union." A list would be prepared of the terms. Upon those who did not voluntarily furnish their quota a contribution was directed to be levied of ten thousand dollars, in clothing, provisions and quarters, or money in lieu thereof. The levy was to be made upon three classes of persons "in proportion to the guilt and property of each individual: first, those in arms with the enemy who have property in St. Louis; second, those who have furnished pecuniary or other aid to the enemy, or to persons in the enemy's service; third, those who have verbally, in writing or by publication, given encouragement to the insurgents and rebels." BrigadierGeneral Curtis, B. G. Farrar, Provost Marshal, and Charles Berg, Assessor of the county, were appointed a Board of Assessors to levy the contributions. In case they were not promptly delivered, an execution was to issue, and sufficient property taken to satisfy the assessment. Where buildings, or parts of buildings, were used, or the sufferers quartered on families, care, it was enjoined, should be taken "to produce as little inconvenience to the owners or families as possible, this

not being considered a military contribution levied upon the enemy, but merely a collection to be made from friends of the enemy for charitable purposes." Any person so assessed might file with the Provost Marshal an affidavit of his loyalty, and be allowed one week to vindicate his character. If at the end of that time he should not be able to satisfy the Board of his loyalty, the assessment was to be increased ten per cent., and made immediately. Any one attempting to resist the execution of these orders was to be immediately imprisoned, and tried by a military commission. order was not suffered to remain a 'dead letter. The tax was imposed upon a number of the wealthiest sympathizers with the rebellion.


To meet the mischievous insurrectionary spirit of a portion of the people of the State, General Halleck by his General Order of December 4th, provided for the treatment of rebels and spies within the camps and lines of the army, who were engaged in giving aid to the enemy by sending him information, laying waste the country and harassing loyal citizens. "All such persons," was the language of the Order, "are by the laws of war in every civilized country, liable to capital punishment. The mild and indulgent course heretofore pursued toward this class of men, has utterly failed to restrain them from such unlawful conduct. The safety of the country and the protection of the lives and property of loyal citizens, justify and require the enforcement of a more severe policy. Peace and war cannot exist together. We cannot at the same time extend to rebels the rights of peace, and enforce against them the penalties of war. They have forfeited their civil rights as citizens, by making war against the Government, and upon their own heads must fall the consequences." Commanding officers were directed to arrest all such persons, and their arms and their personal property required by the army were to be taken



possession of, and after condemnation partment, General Pope was assigned to by a military commission, to be applied the command of the forces in Northern to the public use. "All persons found Missouri. His Proclamation at St. in disguise as pretended loyal citizens Charles, on the 19th of July, on entering or under other false pretences, within upon this duty announced his determinaour lines, giving information to or com- tion to maintain the authority of the municating with the enemy, will be Government in that region, which was arrested, tried, comdemned, and shot much disturbed by insurgent marauders, as spies. It should be remembered that by the most effective measures. "I warn in this respect, the laws of war make no all persons," said he, "taken in arms distinction of sex. All are liable to the against the Federal authority, who atsame penalty.' Such were the vigorous tempt to commit depredation upon public regulations prescribed by General Hal- or private property, or who molest unofleck for the protection and preservation fending and peaceful citizens, that they of the State of Missouri. To enforce will be dealt with in the most summary them, or rather to prevent the occasion manner, without awaiting civil process. for their enforcement, it was necessary For the safety of the important line of that he should at once send a sufficient communication of the Hannibal and St. army into the insurgent districts, and to Joseph's railroad, he assigned Brigadierthis he earnestly directed his efforts. General Hurlburt to the command of a The most important of the military move- sufficient force, stationed at different ments which, before the end of the points, for the protection of the road. month, effectually arrested the depredations of the enemy, was entrusted to an officer destined to become a prominent actor in the War for the Union.

General John Pope, who was employed to defeat the plans of General Price and his associates, was born in Kentucky, about the year 1822. He entered the Military Academy at West Point from Illinois, in 1838, and graduated in due course in 1842, with the appointment of Brevet 2d Lieutenant of Engineers. He was with the army of General Taylor in the Mexican war, was brevetted 1st Lieutenant, for gallant and meritorious conduct at Monterey, and also received the brevet rank of Captain for like services at Buena Vista. In 1856, he was appointed to the full rank of Captain in the corps of Engineers. When the army was called into the field for the suppression of the Rebellion, Captain Pope's name was on the first list of appointments of May 17th, 1861, as Brigadier-General of Volunteers. He was immediately engaged in active service in Missouri.

In July, shortly after the appointment of General Fremont to the Western De

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General Pope's plan in case of a continuance of the outrages committed, was to hold the people of the country where they occurred responsible. Committees of Safety were appointed in the districts, and influential Secessionists placed upon them charged to preserve the peace. Accordingly, when on the 18th of August, General Pope received word that a train conveying troops on the railroad, had been fired into by a band of secessionists near Palmyra, and one soldier killed and several wounded; he immediately ordered General Hurlburt to take a sufficient force to Marion county and quarter them on the people, levying a contribution of horses, mules, and provisions, and other things of use to the soldiers, to the amount of ten thousand dollars, and five thousand dollars on the citizens of Palmyra as a penalty for the outrage. The result of this was, that the citizens set themselves earnestly at work to hunt out the miscreants and repress the disorder. An infamous outrage on the 3d of September, in the partial destruction by fire, by the insurgents of the railway bridge, at Little Platte river,

near St. Josephs, so that a passenger train at night was precipitated into the abyss, killing 17, and wounding many others, exhibited the necessity for the strong measures of suppression set on foot by General Pope.

Allowances were to be made for a defective military organization, the supposed want of arms, the enforced retreat southward, the blockade of the river, and the presence of an armed foe. But six months had passed, the harvests had On the 7th of December, General been reaped, the Confederate army had Pope was assigned by General Halleck sustained itself in the field, the country to the command of all the national forces was groaning from the inflictions of the between the Missouri and Osage, em- enemy, and where were the fifty thousbracing a considerable part of the army and men? In every form of adjuration, led by General Fremont to Springfield. by appeals to patriotism, to pride, to General Price was then on his advance interest, the fifty thousand were sumfrom the South, threatening to occupy moned. "Where," he asked, "are those this central region with his marauders; fifty thousand men ? Are Missourians and it was with the view of interposing no longer true to themselves? Are they between his army on the Osage and the a timid, time-serving race, fit only for recruits, represented as between four subjugation to a despot? Awake, my and six thousand strong, with a large countrymen, to a sense of what constitrain of supplies, on their way to him tutes the dignity of true greatness of a from the Missouri river, that General people! A few men have fought your Pope projected an expedition which was battles. A few have dared the dangers attended with the most brilliant success. of the battle-field. A few have borne It was an important moment in the the hardships of the camp,-the scorchaffairs of Missouri. The rebel General ing of the sun of summer, the frosts of Price, with indomitable energy, was winter, the privations incident to our straining every effort to rouse the dis- circumstances, fatigue, hunger and thirst, affected to arms. His proclamation of often without blankets, without shoes, November was one of the most stirring with the cold, wet earth for a bed, the appeals of the war: if words could have sky for a covering, and a stone for a mustered a great army, the Confederate pillow; glad only to meet the enemy in cause would have been assured in Mis- the field, where some paid the noblest souri. He began by reminding his "fel- devotion known among men on earth to low-citizens" of his call in June to the cause of your country and your command a handful of Missourians, rights with their lives. But where one who nobly gave up home and comfort has been lost by battle, many have been to espouse, in that gloomy hour, the lost by disease induced by privation. cause of their bleeding country, strug- During all these trials we murmured gling with the most causeless and cruel not. We offered all we had on earth despotism known among civilized men." at the altar of our common country, our Their chief magistrate, he said, alluding own beloved Missouri; and we only now to Governor Jackson, has called for fifty ask our fellow citizens, our brethren, to thousand men, "and to that call less come to us, and help maintain what we than five thousand responded out of a have gained, to win our glorious inherimale population exceeding two hundred tance from the cruel hand of the spoiler thousand. One in forty only stepped and oppressor. Come to us, brave sons forward to defend with their persons and of the Missouri valley! Rally to our their lives the cause of constitutional standard! I must have fifty thousand liberty and human rights." There were men. I call upon you, in the name of difficulties, he admitted, at the outset. your country, for fifty thousand men.



victory with the tread of a giant. Come on, my brave fifty thousand heroesgallant, unconquerable Southern men! We await your coming."

Do you stay at home to take care of us my country. I will ask for six and a and your property? Millions of dollars half feet of Missouri soil on which to have been lost because you stayed at repose, for I will not live to see my peohome. Do you stay at home for protec-ple enslaved. Are you coming? Fifty tion? More men have been murdered thousand men of Missouri shall move to at home than I have lost in five successive battles. Do you stay at home to secure terms with the enemy? Then I warn you, the day may soon come, when you will be surrendered to the mercies of that enemy, and your substance given to the Hessians and the Jayhawkers. . . Boys and small property-holders have in the main fought the battles for the protection of your property, and when they ask, where are the men for whom we are fighting, how can I explain, my fellow-citizens? I call upon you, by every consideration of interest, by every desire of safety, by every tie that binds you to home and country, delay no longer. Let the dead bury the dead. Leave your property to take care of itself. Come to the army of Missouri-not for a week, or a month, but to free your country.

"Strike, till each armed foe expires!
Strike, for your country's altar fires!
Strike, for the green graves of your sires,

God and your native land!"

What might have been the success of this appeal under more favorable circumstances we know not; that a considerable number of the population of western and central Missouri were disposed to meet the requisition, there is evidence enough. It was to break up the combination and prevent the new force taking the field, that General Pope set his command in motion. The history of the movement is thus given in his official report. "I encamped," he writes, "on the 15th of December, eleven miles southwest of Sedalia. That the enemy might be thoroughly misled as to the destination of the expedition, it was given out that the movement was upon Warsaw, and the troops pursued the road to that place several miles beyond Sedalia. I threw forward on Clinton four companies of the 1st Missouri Cavalry, under Major Hubbard, with orders to watch any movement from Osceola, to prevent any reconnoissance of our main column, and to intercept any messengers to the enemy at Osceola. On the 16th I pushed forward by forced march twenty-seven miles, and with my whole force, occupied at sunset a position between the direct road from Warrensburg to Clinton, and the road by Chilhowee, which latter is the road heretofore pursued by returning soldiers and by recruits. Shortly after sunset, the advance consisting of four companies of Iowa Cavalry, under Major Torrence, captured the enemy's pickets at Chilhowee, and learned that he was encamped in force (about twentytwo hundred) six miles north of that town. . . . I, at least, town. . . . After resting the horses and men for a couple of hours, I threw for

"The burning fires of patriotism lead us on just at the moment when all might forever be saved. Numbers give strength. Numbers intimidate the foe. Numbers save the necessity of often fighting battles. Numbers make our arms irresistible. Numbers command universal respect and insure confidence... Come with your guns of any description, that can be made to bring down a foe. If you have no arms, come without them. Bring cooking utensils and rations for a few weeks. Bring no horses to remain with the army, except those necessary for transportation. We must have fifty thousand men. . . . Be yours the office to choose between the glory of a free country and a just government, or the bondage of your children. I, at least, will never see the chains fastened upon

ward ten companies of cavalry, and a section of artillery, under LieutenantColonel Brown, Seventh Missouri regiment, in pursuit, and followed with my whole force, posting the main body between Warrensburg and Rose Hill, to support the pursuing column. I, at the same time, reinforced Major Hubbard with two companies of Merrill's Horse, and directed him, in order to secure our dank in the pursuit, to push forward as far as possible toward Osceola. This officer executed his duty with distinguished ability and vigor, driving back and capturing the pickets, and one entire company of the enemy's cavalry, with tents, baggage, and wagons. One of the pickets and two wagons were captured within the lines of Rains' division, encamped north of the Osage River. The column under Lieutenant-Colonel Brown continued the pursuit vigorously all night of the 16th, all day of the 17th, and part of the night of the same day, his advance consisting of Foster's company of Ohio Cavalry, and a detachment of thirty men of the 4th regular cavalry, occupying Johnstown in the course of the night. The enemy began to scatter as soon as the pursuit grew close, disappearing in every direction in the bushes, and by every by-path, driving their wagons into farm-yards remote from the road, and throwing out their loads. As these wagons were all twohorse wagons of the country, and had been in fact taken by force from the farm-houses, it was impossible to identify them. When our pursuit reached Johnstown, about midnight on the 17th, the enemy, reduced to about five hundred, scattered completely, one portion fleeing precipitately toward Butler, and the other toward Papinsville. . . . The main body of my command moved slowly toward Warrensburg, awaiting the return of the force under Lieutenant-Colonel Brown, which proceeded from Johnstown to scour the country south of Grand River to the neighborhood of Clinton.

In these operations In these operations sixteen wagons, loaded with tents and supplies, and one hundred and fifty prisoners, were captured. The enemy's force was thoroughly dispersed.

"On the morning of the 18th Lieutenant-Colonel Brown's force rejoined the command. Knowing that there must still be a large force of the enemy north of us, I moved forward slowly, on the 18th, toward Warrensburg, and, when near that town, the spies and scouts I had sent out before marching from Sedalia, in the direction of Lexington, Waverly, and Arrow Rock, reported to me that a large force was moving from the two latter places, and would encamp that night at the mouth of Clear Creek, just south of Milford. . . . I posted the main body of my command between Warrensburg and Knob Noster, to close all outlet to the south between those two points, and despatched seven companies of cavalry, (five of the Ohio 1st and two of the 4th regular cavalry,) afterward reinforced by another company of regular cavalry, and a section of artillery, all under command of Colonel J. C. Davis, Indiana Volunteers, to march on the town of Milford, so as to turn the enemy's left and rear, and intercept his retreat to the northeast, at the same time directing Major Marshall, with Merrill's regiment of horse, to march from Warrensburg on the same point, turning the enemy's right and rear, and forming junction with Colonel Davis. . . . The main body of my command occupied a point four miles south, and ready to advance at a moment's notice, or to intercept the enemy's retreat south. Colonel Davis marched promptly and vigorously with the forces under his command, and at a late hour in the afternoon came upon the enemy encamped in the wooded bottom-land on the west side of Blackwater, opposite the mouth of Clear Creek. His pickets were immediately driven in across the stream, which was deep, miry, and impassable, except by a long, narrow

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