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angularly divided will make the decussated number; and so agreeable unto the Quincunciall Ordination, and rowes divided by Equality, and just decorum, in the whole com-plantation; And might be the originall of that common game among us, wherein the fifth place is Soveraigne, and carrieth the chief intention. The Ancients wisely instructing youth, even in their recreations unto virtue, that is, early to drive at the middle point and Central Seat of justice.


Nor can we omit how agreeable unto this number an handsome division is made in Trees and Plants, since Plutarch, and the Ancients have named it the Divisive Number, justly dividing the Entities of the world, many remarkable things in it, and also comprehending the generall division of Vegetables. And he that considers how most blossomes of Trees, and greatest number of Flowers, consist of five leaves; and therein doth rest the setled rule of nature; So that in those which exceed there is often found, or easily made a variety; may readily discover how nature rests in this number, which is indeed the first rest and pause of numeration in the fingers, the naturall Organs thereof. Nor in the division of the feet of perfect animals doth nature exceed this account. And even in the joints of feet, which in birds are most multiplied, surpasseth not this number; So progressionally making them out in many, that from five in the fore-claw she descendeth unto two in the hindemost; and so in fower feet makes up the number of joynts, in the five fingers or toes of man.

Not to omit the Quintuple section of a Cone2 of handsome practise in Ornamentall Garden-plots, and in some way discoverable in so many works of Nature; In the leaves, fruits, and seeds of Vegetables, and scales of some Fishes, so much considerable in glasses,

1 Δένδρον, Θάμνος, Φρύγανον, Πόα, Arbor, frutex, sufrutex, herba, and that fifth which comprehendeth the fungi and tubera, whether to be named "Ασχιον οι γύμνον, comprehending also conferva marina salsa, and Sea-cords, of so many yards length.

2 Elleipsis, parabola, hyperbole, circulus, triangulum.

and the optick doctrine; wherein the learned may consider the Crystalline humour of the eye in the cuttlefish and Loligo.

He that forgets not how Antiquity named this the Conjugall or wedding number, and made it the Embleme of the most remarkable conjunction, will conceive it duely appliable unto this handsome Economy, and vegetable combination; May hence apprehend the allegoricall sence of that obscure expression of Hesiod,1 and afford no improbable reason why Plato admitted his Nuptiall guests by fives, in the kindred of the married couple.2

And though a sharper mystery might be implied in the Number of the five wise and foolish Virgins, which were to meet the Bridegroom, yet was the same agreeable unto the Conjugal Number, which ancient Numerists made out by two and three, the first parity and imparity, the active and passive digits, the materiall and formall principles in generative Societies. And not discordant even from the customs of the Romans, who admitted but five Torches in their Nuptiall solemnities. Whether there were any mystery or not implied, the most generative animals were created on this day, and had accordingly the largest benediction: And under a Quintuple consideration, wanton Antiquity considered the Circumstances of generation, while by this number of five they naturally divided the Nectar of the fifth Planet.1

The same number in the Hebrew mysteries and Cabalistical accounts was the character of generation;5 declared by the Letter He, the fifth in their Alphabet; According to that Cabalistical Dogma: If Abram had not had this Letter added unto his Name, he had remained fruitlesse, and without the power of generation: Not only because hereby the number of his

1 Téμrras, id est, nuptias, multas. Rhodig.
2 Plato de Leg. 6.

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3 Plutarch. Problem. Rom. i.
oscula quæ Venus

Quinta parte sui nectaris imbuit.-Hor. lib. i. od. 13.
Archang. Dog. Cabal.

Name attained two hundred fourty eight, the number of the affirmative precepts, but because as in created natures there is a male and female, so in divine and intelligent productions, the mother of Life and Fountain of souls in Cabalisticall Technology is called Binah; whose seal and character was He. So that being sterill before, he received the power of generation from that measure and mansion in the Archetype; and was made conformable unto Binah. And upon such involved considerations, the ten of Sarai was exchanged into five.1 If any shall look upon this as a stable number, and fitly appropriable unto Trees, as Bodies of Rest and Station, he hath herein a great Foundation in nature, who observing much variety in legges and motive Organs of Animals, as two, four, six, eight, twelve, fourteen, and more, hath passed over five and ten, and assigned them unto none, or very few, as the Phalangium monstrosum Brasilianum (Clusii et Jac. de Laet. Cur. Poster. America Descript.). If perfectly described. And for the stability of this Number, he shall not want the sphericity of its nature, which multiplied in itself, will return into its own denomination, and bring up the reare of the account. Which is also one of the Numbers that makes up the mysticall Name of God, which consisting of Letters denoting all the sphæricall Numbers, ten, five, and six; Emphatically sets forth the Notion of Trismegistus, and that intelligible Sphere, which is the Nature of God.

Many Expressions by this Number occurre in Holy Scripture, perhaps unjustly laden with mysticall Expositions, and little concerning our order. That the Israelites were forbidden to eat the fruit of their new planted Trees, before the fifth yeare, was very agreeable unto the naturall Rules of Husbandry: Fruits being unwholsome and lash, before the fourth, or fifth Yeare. In the second day or Feminine part of five, there was added no approbation. For in the third or masculine day, the same is twice repeated: 1 Jod into He.

and a double benediction inclosed both Creations, whereof the one, in some part was but an accomplishment of the other. That the Trespasser1 was to pay a fifth part above the head or principall, makes no secret in this Number, and implied no more than one part above the principall; which being considered in four parts, the additional forfeit must bear the Name of a fift. The five golden mice had plainly their determination from the number of the Princes; That five should put to flight an hundred might have nothing mystically implyed; considering a rank of Souldiers could scarce consist of a lesser number. Saint Paul had rather speak five words in a known than ten thousand in an unknowne tongue: That is as little as could well be spoken. A simple proposition consisting of three words and a complexed one not ordinarily short of five.

More considerable there are in this mysticall account, which we must not insist on. And therefore why the radicall Letters in the Pentateuch, should equall the number of the Souldiery of the Tribes; Why our Saviour in the wilderness fed five thousand persons with five Barley Loaves, and again, but four thousand with no lesse than seven of Wheat? Why Joseph designed five changes of Rayment unto Benjamin and David took just five pibbles2 out of the Brook against the Pagan Champion? We leave it unto Arithmeticall Divinity, and Theologicall explanation.

Yet if any delight in new Problemes, or think it worth the enquiry, whether the Critical Physician hath rightly hit the nominall notation of Quinque; Why the Ancients mixed five or three but not four parts of water unto their Wine: And Hippocrates observed a fifth proportion in the mixture of water with milk, as in Dysenteries and bloudy fluxes? Under what abstruse foundation Astrologers do Figure the good or bad fate from our Children, in good Fortune;3

1 Lev. vi.

2 Téσσapa evκe four and one, or five.-Scalig.

1 'Ayaðǹ Tuxǹ bona fortuna, the name of the fifth house.

or the fifth house of their Celestiall Schemes. Whether the Egyptians described a Starre by a Figure of five points, with reference unto the five Capitall aspects,1 whereby they transmit their Influences, or abstruser Considerations? Why the Cabalisticall Doctors, who conceive the whole Sephiroth, or divine emanations to have guided the ten-stringed Harp of David, whereby he pacified the evil spirit of Saul, in strict numeration doe begin with the Perihypate Meson, or si fa ut, and so place the Tiphereth answering C sol fa ut, upon the fifth string: Or whether this number be oftner applied unto bad things and ends, then good in holy Scripture, and why? He may meet with abstrusities of no ready resolution.

If any shall question the rationality of that Magick, in the cure of the blind man by Serapis, commanded to place five fingers on his Altar, and then his hand on his Eyes? Why since the whole Comedy is primarily and naturally comprised in four parts, and Antiquity permitted not so many persons to speak in one Scene, yet would not comprehend the same in more or lesse then five acts? Why amongst Seastarres nature chiefly delighteth in five points? And since there are found some of no fewer than twelve, and some of seven, and nine, there are few or none discovered of six or eight? If any shall enquire why the Flowers of Rue properly consist of four Leaves, The first and third Flower have five? Why since many Flowers have one leaf or none,3 as Scaliger will have it, diverse three, and the greatest number consist of five divided from their bottoms; there are yet so few of two or why nature generally beginning or setting out with two opposite leaves at the Root, doth so seldome conclude with that order and number at the Flower? he shall not pass his hours in vulgar speculations.

If any shall further quary why magneticall Philo

1 Conjunct, opposite, sextile, trigonal, tetragonal.

3 Πρότασις, ἐπίτασις, κατάστασις, καταστροφή.

Unifolium, nullifolium.

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