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On a motion made and seconded,

Voted, That the further examination of the credentials be postponed to the afternoon, and that the Convention be adjourned to 3 o'clock.

Three o'clock, P. M. Met according to adjournment.

The Convention proceeded in the examination of the credentials, which, being completed, on a motion made,

Voted, That the Secretary be directed to prepare an exact List of the Delegates returned to this Convention.

On a motion made and seconded,

Voted, That the Secretary be permitted to furnish an attested copy of the List of Delegates to any person, who may apply for the same.

On a motion made and seconded,

Voted, That a number of Monitors be chosen to keep order,

and to return the House as there may be occasion.

Voted, That the number be six.

Voted, That MAJOR WASHBUrn,



MR. KOLLOCK, of Wrentham,

COL. COFFIN, be the Monitors.

On a motion, made and seconded,

Voted, That a Committee be appointed to prepare Rules for the Government of the Convention, and to report to-morrow morning.

Voted, That the Hon'ble JOHN PICKERING, Esq.


The Hon'ble NOAH GOODMAN, Esq.

The Hon'ble JAMES SULLIVAN, Esq. and

mittee for this purpose.

THOMAS DAWES, Esq. be a Com

On a motion made for adjournment to 8 o'clock to-morrow morning, the Convention adjourned accordingly.


The Convention met according to adjournment. The Committee, appointed to prepare Rules for the Government of the Convention in their debates and proceedings, made their Report;-which, after sundry amendments, was accepted; and the Secretary was directed to cause a fair Copy of the same to be posted up in some conspicuous part of the House, in order that the Members may have recourse to it for their direction and government on all occasions.

The Report, as amended and accepted, is as follows;—

RULES AND ORDERS to be observed by the Convention held at Cambridge, for the purpose of framing a New Constitution of Government for the State of Massachusetts Bay, agreeable to their Vote of the 2d September, 1779.

1st. The seat now occupied by any member shall be the seat of such member, during the Sitting of this Convention, unless such seat has previously been taken possession of by another Member.

2dly. No member shall speak more than twice to any question, without leave expressly obtained; nor more than once, until others, who have not spoken, shall have delivered their sentiments, if they shall desire it.

3dly. Any member, rising to speak, shall address himself to the President, and as soon as he has done speaking, he shall sit down.

4thly. No member speaking shall be interrupted by another, unless it be by calling to order, or to correct a mistake with respect to matter of fact; and no member shall stand up to the interruption of any one speaking, or to hinder other members from hearing the Delegates, or what is read by the President.

5thly. No member shall declare or scruple any vote, until the President shall have made his declaration thereon.

6thly. It shall be the duty of the Monitors to keep good or

der in the Convention, and when any vote is questioned, to make return of the numbers in their respective quarters or divisions, voting for or against the motion proposed.

7thly. When a motion shall be made by any member, and seconded by some other member, the same shall be considered as before the Convention, but not otherwise.

8thly. When a Vote is scrupled, it shall be determined by the numbers voting in the affirmative, and the numbers present in the Convention, unless any member shall be excused giving his Vote by the Convention.

9thly. No member shall nominate more than one person for one Committee, provided the person by him first nominated be chosen.

10thly. No Vote shall be reconsidered, unless there be as many of the members in the Convention, at the time of reconsideration, as there were when it was passed.

A Copy of the Resolves of the Great and General Court of the 15th and 17th June, ulto., recommending to the several towns in this State to convene, by their Delegates, at Cam

bridge, on the first of September, then next ensuing, for the sole purpose of framing a new Constitution of Government, being read-On a motion made and seconded,

Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Convention, that they have sufficient authority from the People of the Massachusetts Bay to proceed to the framing a new Constitution of Government, to be laid before them agreeably to their instructions.

On a motion, made and seconded,

Voted, That the Convention proceed, at the adjournment, to the consideration of a Declaration of Rights.

On a motion made and seconded,

Voted, That the Convention be adjourned to 3 o'clock, P. M. The Convention was adjourned accordingly.

Three o'clock, P. M. Met according to adjournment.

The Convention, agreeably to their vote in the forenoon, entered upon the consideration of a Declaration of Rights. On a motion, made and seconded,

Voted, That there be a Declaration of Rights prepared, previous to the framing a new Constitution of Government.

A motion was then made and seconded, that a Committee be appointed for that purpose.

After a very general and extensive debate, on a motion, Voted, That the further consideration of the Declaration of Rights be postponed to the morning.

The Secretary, having acquainted the Convention that some previous engagements render his absence to-morrow necessary, Voted, That he be excused attending; and another gentleman be appointed to officiate in his absence.

Voted, That JOSEPH ALLEN, Esq., take the minutes of the Convention, during the absence of the Secretary.

The Convention then adjourned to the next morning, 8 o' clock.

FRIDAY MORNING, 8 o'clock, Sept. 3.

Met according to adjournment.

On a motion, made and seconded,

Ordered, that the bell be rung a quarter of an hour before the

time to which this Convention shall from time to time be adjourned.

A motion was then made and seconded, that those gentlemen of the Clergy, who have seats in this Convention, be requested to open the Convention with Prayer, every morning, in rotation, which passed in the affirmative.

On a motion, made and seconded,

Voted, That there be a reconsideration of the vote passed yesterday, viz: "that there be a Declaration of Rights prepared previous to the framing a Constitution of Government."

Resolved, That the Convention will prepare a Declaration of Rights of the People of the Massachusetts Bay.

Upon this Question, the whole number present as returned by the Monitors, were 251, of which, 250 were for the affirmative.

A motion was then made and seconded, as follows, viz.

"Resolved, that this Convention will proceed to the framing a new Constitution of Government." After some debate thereon, a motion was made and seconded, that a Committee be appointed to prepare a Declaration of Rights, previous to the framing a new Constitution.

Whereupon a general debate ensued, and, after some time spent therein, the Convention postponed the further discussion of the same until 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

The Convention then adjourned to that time.

Three o'clock, P. M. The Convention met according to adjournment, and resumed the consideration of the motion made in the forenoon, viz. "That a Committee be appointed to prepare a Declaration of Rights, previous to the framing a new Constitution." After some further debates thereon, it passed in the negative.

The question was then put upon the motion made in the forenoon, viz.

"Resolved, That this Convention will proceed to the framing a new Constitution of Government," which passed in the affirmative.

Upon a motion made by the Hon'ble Gen. HANCOCK, it was Voted, That a time be assigned for the Convention to proceed to the choice of a Committee to prepare a Declaration of Rights, and Frame of a Constitution.

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