ON THE PROPHECIES, WHICH HAVE REMARKABLY BEEN FULFILLED, AND AT THIS TIME ARE FULFILLING IN THE WORLD. BY THOMAS NEWTON, D. D. LATE LORD BISHOP OF BRISTOL, IN TWO VOLUMES. VOLUME THE FIRST. THE TENTH EDITION. LONDON : PRINTED FOR F. C. AND J. RIVINGTON, NO. 62, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD; T TO HIS GRACE THE LORD ARCHBISHOP CANTERBURY: (DR. HERRING.) MAY IT PLEASE YOUR GRACE, ITH Your wonted condefcenfion and WITH goodness, to accept this offering from my hands, as a teftimony of my veneration for Your GRACE, and of my gratitude for Your favors to me. A work of this kind I could not indeed addrefs to any one fo properly as to your GRACE, on account of your eminent ftation, and much more on account of your amiable A 2 (RECAP) 79282 qualities, |