ePub 版

contains is there adjoined. That principle of analysis has also been adopted, by which the several parts of Polygraphic Authors, Treatises on separate subjects, &c. are placed under their proper heads, with references to their collected sources. Under Separate Biographical Memoirs, references are made to such as are, throughout the Catalogue, placed elsewhere, and also to those prefixed to collected works, &c. - a plan still more enlarged in the Index. The order of arranging the works under the minor heads, is such as seemed, on consideration, best suited to the nature or extent of each.

The Index contains the works under their authors' names, except in the cases of translations, biography, and such as are anonymous, which appear under their subjects only; together with the various classes and divisions; and the references are made to where the title is to be found at length.

Four Engravings illustrate the Catalogue, -a View of Eshton Hall, two of the Interiors of the Libraries, and one of the Landscape fronting the House.

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