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Humbert, Manuel du Publiciste et de l'Homme d'Etat, contenant les Chartes et les Lois Fondamentelles, &c., et tout ce qui est rélatif aux Constitutions de l'Ancien et du Nouveau Monde. 4 vols. 8vo. Rouen, 1826.

Temple's (Sir W.) Survey of the Constitutions and Interests of the Empire, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Holland, France, and Flanders; with their Relation to England in 1671. (Works, Vol. II.)

Grotius (H.) de Mare Libero, et P. Merula de Maribus. 24mo. Lugd. Bat. 1635.

Selden (Jo.) Mare Clausum; seu, de Dominio Maris, ex Jure Naturæ seu Gentium, &c. (Opera, Vol. II.)

Azuni, Origine et Progrès du Droit et de la Législation Maritime, avec des Observations sur le Consulat de la Mer. 8vo. Paris, 1810.


For Mosaic and Jewish Law-see "Biblical Antiquities."

Leges Atticæ, Gr. et Lat.; collegit et Comment. illustravit S. Petit, cum Observationibus Wesselingii et variorum. Folio. Lugd. Bat.


The Speeches of Isæus, in causes concerning the Law of Succession to Property at Athens. (Sir W. Jones's Works, Vol. IV.)

Chapman (T.) on the Roman Senate. 8vo, large paper. Lond. 1750. Gravinæ (Jo. V.) Origines Juris Civilis; seu, de Ortu et Progressu Juris Civilis; cum Notis Mascovii. 4to. Lipsiæ, 1737.

Savigny's History of the Roman Law during the Middle Ages; translated from the German by E. Cathcart. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1830. Waltheri (J. L.) Lexicon Juridicum, Indices utriusque Juris exhibens locupletissimos. 8vo. Francof. 1754.

Taylor's (John) Elements of Civil Law. 4to. London, 1756.

Fontes IV. Juris Civilis in unum collectæ; putà, Leges XII. Tab. et Leges Juliæ et Papiæ Fragmenta; cum Notis; Edicti perpetui ut et Sabinianorum librorum ordo seriesque. Edente Jac. Gothofredo. 4to. Geneva, 1653.

Jurisprudentia Vetus antè Justinianea, ex recensione et cum Notis Schultingii. Nova collata cum Codd. MSS. de illustratione Juris Civilis Antiqui, ex lectione classicorum; præfatus est D. G. H. Ayrer. 4to. Lipsiæ, 1737.

Continens-Quæ supersunt ex Caii Inst. Lib. IV.

Pauli Sententiarum receptarum lib. V.

Fragmentum ex Institut. Lib. II.

Tituli ex corpore Ulpiani XXIX.

Codd. Gregoriani et Hermogeniani Fragmenta.

Mosaicarum et Romanarum Legum Collatio, cum quibusdam aliis


Consultatio Veteris cujusdam Jurisconsulti.

Papiani Responsorum liber.

Dosithei Magistri Liber III. Gr. et Lat.

Codex Theodosianus; cum perpet. Commentariis J. Gothofredi. Editio emendata et Observationibus aucta à J. D. Rittero. 6 vols. folio, Lipsiæ, 1736-45.

Theodosiani Codicis Fragmenta inedita; ex Codice palimpsesto Bib. R. Tauriniensis Athenæi in lucem protulit atque illustravit A. Peyron. 4to. Augustæ Taur. 1824.

Theodosiani Codicis genuina Fragmenta, ex Membranis Bib. Ambrosianæ Mediolanensis; nunc primùm edidit W. F. Classius. 8vo. Tubingæ, 1824.

Theodosiani Codicis libri V. priores; recognovit, additamentis insignibus à W. F. Classio, et A. Peyron repertis aliisque auxit; Notis Subitaneis tum criticis tum exegeticis, nec non quadruplici Appendice, instruxit C. F. C. Wenck. 8vo. Lipsiæ, 1825.

Leges Novellæ V., Anecdote Imper. Theodosii Junioris, et Valentiniani III.; cum cæterarum etiam Novellarum editarum Titulis, &c., studio J. C. Amadutii. Folio. Roma, 1767.

Justinianæ Institutiones. Additi sunt Tituli Digestor. de Verborum Significatione et Regulis Juris. 32mo, large paper. Lugd. Bat. ap Dan. à Gaesbeeck, 1678.

Justiniani Imp. Corpus Juris Civilis; cum Notis D. Gothofredi et variorum, ex editione S. Van Leeuwen. 2 vols. folio. Lugd. Bat. Elzev. 1663.

Voet (J. E.) Commentarius ad Pandectas. 2 vols. folio. Haga-Comit. 1734.

Wieling (Abr.) Jurisprudentia Restituta; sive, Index Chronologicus in. totum Juris Justinianæi Corpus, ad modum J. Labitti, &c. novâ tamen et faciliore methodo collectus. 8vo. Amstelod. 1727.

Accesserunt-J. Labitti Usus Pandectarum, cum Notis W. Schmauccii.

H. Hahn de Usu Chronologiæ in Jure.
H. Brencmann de Legum Inscriptionibus.

B. H. Reinoldi Oratio de Inscriptionibus Legum Dig. et Cod.

ΒΑΣΙΛΙΚΩΝ Libri LX. ; Car. A. Fabrotus Latinè vertit et Græcè edidit. 7 vols. folio.

Paris, 1647.

ΒΑΣΙΛΙΚΩΝ Supplementum, continens Libros IV. Basilicorum, 49-52; Gr. et Lat. vertit et castigavit Ruhnkenius. Folio. Lugd. Bat.


Constitutiones Vetustæ Imperatorum, ex MS. à J. B. Schiltero. (Schilteri Thes. Vol. II.)

Lindenbrogii (F.) Codex Legum Antiquarum, in quo continentur Leges Wisigothorum, Edictum Theodorici Regis, Lex Burgundiorum, Salica, Almannorum, Bajuvariorum; Decretum Tassilonis Ducis, Leges Ripuariorum, Saxonum, Anglorum, et Werinorum, Frisorum, Longobardorum; Capitularia Caroli Magni, &c. Folio. Francof.


Legis Salicæ Antiquissimæ textus vet., ex Bib. Parisiensi Regia descriptus. Recensuit et Editioni paravit Jo. Schilterus. Adjuncta est accurata subnotatio variationum insignium ex edit. Heraldi et ex aliis vetustis. Cod. Accedit pactus Legis Salicæ textus recentior, Notis Baluzii, Pithoei, Bignonii. (Schilteri Thes. Vol. II.)

Jus Provinciale Alemannicum, ex Cod. MS. Membr. Dni. R. Krafft. Lectiones variantes excerpsit et Latinam versionem juxta textum donavit, Notis illustrat. B. Schilterus. (Schilteri Thes. Vol. II.)

Jenichen (G. A.) Thesaurus Juris Feudalis, continens optima atque selectissima Opuscula, quibus Jus Feudale explicatur. 3 vols. 4to. Francof. 1750.

Beccaria's (Marquis) Essays on Crimes and Punishments, translated, with the Commentary by Voltaire, 8vo. Lond. 1804.

Montagu (Basil), the Opinions of different Authors upon the Punishment of Death. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1809-13.


Corpus Juris Canonici ex Edit. et cum Notis P. et F. Pithæorum, curâ Fr. Desmares. 2 vols. folio. Parisiis, 1687.

Selden (Jo.) Uxor Ebraica; seu, de Nuptiis et Divortiis ex Jure Civili, id est, Divino et Talmudico, Vet. Ebræorum. (Opera, Vol. II.) Milton's (John) Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce restored from the Bondage of the Canon Law, and other mistakes, to the Meaning of True Scripture; -the Judgment of Martin Bucer concerning Divorce; -Tetrachordon; Expositions upon the four chief places of Scripture that treat of Marriage; -Colasterion; a Reply to a Nameless Answer against the Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce. (Prose Works, 4to. Vol. I.; 8vo. Vols. I. and II.)


Public and Constitutional Law.

Smith (Sir Thomas) De Republicâ Anglorum: the Manner of Government or Policie of the Realme of England. Black letter. 4to. London, by Henrie Middleton, 1583.

The first published Work on the English Government. Acherley (Roger), The Britannic Constitution; or, Fundamental Form of Government in Britain. Folio. London, 1727.

De Lolme (J. L.), the Constitution of England; or, an Account of the English Government. 8vo. London, 1807.

Wentworth (Peter), a Pithie Exhortation to her Majestie for establishing her successor to the crowne; whereunto is added, a Discourse containing the Author's opinion of the true and lawful successor to her Majestie; [wherein the title is briefly and plainely set down, Dolman's objections refuted, and inconveniences removed.] Small 8vo. Imprinted (abroad) 1598.

The "Exhortation" was presented in 1593 as a supplication to the Queen, and cost its author an imprisonment in the Tower. Both were now first printed with a view to favour James's succession.

[Hearne's (Thomas)] Vindication of those who take the Oath of Allegiance to his present Majestie, from Perjurie, Injustice, and Disloyaltie, charged upon them by such as are against it. Royal 8vo, large paper, port. by Vertue. [Oxford), printed 1731.

Harrington's (James) Grounds and Reasons of Monarchy considered; Answer to Wren's Monarchy asserted; and Letters and Answer to Stubbs and Rogers. (Works.)

Milton (John), the Tenure of Kings and Magistrates; proving that it is lawful to call to account a Tyrant or Wicked King. (Prose Works, 4to, Vol. I.; 8vo, Vol. III.)

Milton (J.) Defensio pro Populo Anglicano, contra Salmasium; Defensio secunda contra A. Morum, pro se Defensio contra idem liber, et ad A. Mori Supplementum Responsio. (Prose Works, 4to. Vol. II.; 8vo. Vol. V.)

Philippi (Jo.) Responsio ad Apologiam anonymi cujusdam Tenebrionis pro Rege et Populo Anglicano infantissimam. (Milton's Prose Works, 4to. Vol II.; 8vo. Vol. V.)

Cruise (W.) on the Origin and Nature of Dignities and Titles of Honour. Royal 8vo. London, 1823.

Betham's (Sir W.) Dignities, Feudal and Parliamentary; the Constitutional Legislature of the United Kingdom; the Nature and Functions of the Aula Regis; the Magna Concilia and the Communia Concilia of England, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1831.

Selden (Jo.) on the Office of Lord Chancellor of England. (Works, Vol. III.)

Selden's (J.) Privileges of the Baronage of England. (Works, Vol. III.) The Antiquity, Power, Order, State, Manner, Persons, and Proceedings of the High Court of Parliament, by Agarde, Tate, Camden, &c. (Curious Discourses, Vol. I.)

Ralegh's (Sir W.) Prerogative of Parliaments in England; proved in a Dialogue between a Counsellor of State and a Justice of Peace. (Works, Vol. VIII.)

Prynne's (W.) Soveraigne Power of Parliaments and Kingdomes; with an Appendix, wherein the superiority of our owne, and most other foraine Parliaments, States, &c. (collectively considered) over and above their lawful Kings, is abundantly evidenced. 4to. Lond. 1643.

Selden (John) of the Judicature in Parliament. (Works, Vol. III.) Dugdale's (Sir W.) Perfect Copy of all Summons of the Nobility to the Great Councils and Parliaments of England, from 49th of Henry III. until these times. Folio. London, 1685.

Palgrave's (Francis) Parliamentary Writs, and Writs of Military Summons; together with the Records and Muniments relating to the Suit and Service due and performed to the King's High Court of Parliament and the Councils of the Realm, or affording Evidence of attendance given at Parliaments and Councils. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1827.

Harrington (James), a Word concerning a House of Peers. (Works.) Stillingfleet (Bp.) on the Bishops' Right to vote in Parliament in Cases capital. (Works, Vol. III.)

Hatsell's (John) Precedents of Proceedings in the House of Commons, with Observations. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1796.

History and General Treatises of the Law of England. Herbert's (W.) Concise History of English Law. (Antiquities of Inns of Court.)

Selden (Jo.) ANALECTON ANGLO-BRITANNICON; quibus ea maximè quæ ad Civilem illius, quæ jam Anglia dicitur, Mag. Brit. antiquitùs, Administrationem, Statûsque Catastrophas usque ad Normanni adventum attinet. (Opera, Vol. II.)

Dugdale's (Sir Wm.) Origines Juridicales; or, Historical Memorials of the English Laws, Courts of Justice, Forms of Tryall, Punishments in Cases criminal, Law Writers, Law Books, Innes of Court and Chancery; also, a Chronology of the Lord Chancellors, Judges, &c. Folio. First edition. London, 1666.

Selden's (Jo.) England's Epinomis; -Notes on Sir John Fortescue de Laudibus Legum Angliæ, and on Sir Ralph de Hengham's Summæ. (Works, Vol. III.)

Wynne's (Edward) Eunomus; or, Dialogues concerning the Law and Constitution of England. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1809.

Lambardi (Gul.) APXAIONOMIA; sive, de Priscis Anglorum Legibus Libri, Saxonicè et Latinè. 4to. Herbert's copy. Lond. J. Daii, 1568. Selden (Jo.) Janus Anglorum, à primo Henrici II. ad usque abitionem quod occurrit prophanum Anglo-Britanniæ Jus resipiens. (Opera, Vol. II.)

Selden (J.) Dissertatio ad Jus Angl. Vet. Fletam dictum. (Opera, Vol. II.)

Leges Anglo-Saxonicæ Eccl. et Civiles. Accedunt Leges Edwardi, Guilielmi Conquest., et Henrici I. Subjungitur H. Spelmanni Codex Legum Vet. Stat. Regni Angliæ ad Hen. III. Præmit. Dissert. Guil. Nicolsoni de Jure Feudali Vet. Saxonum. Notas, Vers., et Gloss. adjecit David Wilkins. Folio. Lond. 1721.

Leges Wallicæ Eccles. et Civilis Hoel Boni, Wal. et Lat.; cum Notis Guil. Wottoni. Folio. London, 1730.

Coke's (Sir Edward) Four Institutes of the Laws of England; or, a Commentary upon Littleton's Tenures, &c.; with Notes by Charles Butler and Francis Hargrave. 6 vols. roy. 8vo. London, 1817. Blackstone's (Sir W.) Commentaries on the Laws of England; with Notes by J. T. Coleridge. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1825.

Jacob's (Giles) Law Dictionary, improved by T. E. Tomkins. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1820.

Comyn's (Sir John) Digest of the Laws of England; with Additions by Ant. Hammond. 8 vols. royal 8vo. London, 1822.

Statute Law.

Magna Charta Regis Johannis, A. D. M.CCXV. Et Conventio inter Regem Johannem et Barones. Folio. Londini, apud J. Whittaker, 1816-19.

On vellum printed in gold, and one of the copies sumptuously ornamented with emblematical and grotesquely painted margins, containing the arms and banners of the barons emblazoned in their proper colours; with portraits of King John, George IV. (to whom, as Prince Regent, the work was dedicated), &c., and a representation of John affixing his signature to the charter; all richly executed in body colours on the vellum, in the highest style of miniature paintings. Miss Currer's genealogical escutcheon on the first leaf. Splendidly and appropriately bound in blue morocco by Whittaker, and enclosed in a case.

The Boke of Magna Charta, with divers Statutes, translated out of Latyn and French into Englyshe by George Ferrers. Black letter, small 8vo. Lond. by Rob. Redman, 1534.

Johnson's (Samuel) History and Defence of Magna Charta; with an Introductory Account of the Rise and Progress of National Freedom. Also the Liberties which are confirmed by the Bill of Rights, and an Essay on Parliaments. 8vo. London, 1772.

The Statutes of the Realm, printed, by authority, from original Records and authentic MSS.; with Indexes alphabetical and chronological. 11 vols. folio. [London], 1810, &c.


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