Vita Vital. Borrhomæi, 295.
Scaliger de Comœdiâ et Tragedia, 161.
_ de Versibus Comicis, 161.
de Re Nummaria, 162.
de Vet. Anno Rom. 165.
de Splendore Gentis Scaligeriæ, 296.
Scandinavian Metrical Tales, 378. Scardeonii Hist. de Urbis Patav. 294.
de Sepulc. Insignibus Patav. 294. Scarron, le Roman Comique, 386. Scatcherd's Morley, 217. Scattergood's Sermons, 58. Schäffers' Papierversuche, 126. Scharban de Luxu Hebræorum, 23. Scheffer's Lapland, 136.
de Varietate Navium, 163. Agrippa Liberator, 165. de Militia Navali Vet. 169. de Re Vehiculari Vet. 169.
Scheidii Oleum Unctionis, 19.
Hist. Librariorum et Bibliopolorum,
History of Bengal, 304.
(T.) Bible, 11.
Works, 36.
on Calvinism, 47. Life, 327.
(Sir W.) Provincial Antiquities, 259. Napoleon, 288.
Border Antiquities, 192.
Poetical Works, 371. (Illustrations of), 371.
Bridal of Triermain, 371. Harold the Dauntless, 371. Border Minstrelsy, 373. Waverley Novels, 385.
Miscellaneous Prose Works, 399.
Scougal's Works, 47. Scriptores de Re Militari, 408. de Re Rusticâ, 408.
Historiæ Romanæ, 409. Hist. Romani Minores, 409. Historiæ Augustæ, 409.
Erotici, 409.
Scripture Atlas, 130.
Scriven on Copyholds, 74.
Scudamore (Memoirs of the Family of),
Sculteti Medulla Theologiæ Patrum, 34. Sebæ Rerum Naturalium Thesaurus, 89. Secker's Works, 36. Life, 36.
Seckendorf de Lutheranismo, 63. Sects (History of), 65. Sedano, Parnasso Espanola, 377. Seed's Moyer Lectures, 52. Seeley's (J.) Description of Stowe, 196. (J. B.) Elora, 151.
Segar's Earl Marshal's Power, 330. Booke of Honour, 330. Baronagium, 333.
Segur's Frederick II. 278. Peter the Great, 276. Expedition to Russia, 276. Seine (La) Homeri Nepenthes, 163. Selby's Ornithology, 439.
Selden (J.) de Anno Civili Jud. 19.
de Successione Pontif. Heb. 19. de Diis Syris, 21 and 67.
de Juramentis, 22.
de Jure Nat. et Gent. Hebr. 22.
de Synedriis et Successionibus Ebr. 25. Opera, 399.
Vita, 314 and 399.
Senart (Mémoires de), 287.
Senecæ Opera, 425 and 426. Opera Rhetorica, 426. Tragœdiæ, 426. translated, 426. Epistles translated, 426. Morals translated, 426. Senstlebius de Alea Veterum, 161. Septuaginta Biblia, 2.
(Translations of the), 5. Seran de la Tour's Lives, 312. Serarii S. J. Herodes, 21. Serenius Samonicus, 409. Serle's Horæ Solitariæ, 47. Sermons, 51.
Seroux d'Agincourt, Hist. de l'Art, 107. Fragmens de Sculpture, 172. Serre, l'Entrée de Mary de Medici en G. Brit. 234.
Serupius de Titulo Rabbi, 20. Servetus (History of), 65.
Servilius de Mirandis Ant. Operibus, 167. Servius de Odoribus, 162.
Sestini Geographia Numismatica, 174. Seton Genealogy, 336. Seven Wise Masters of Rome, 387. Severus Alexandrinus, 408. Historia Sacra, &c. 61. Sevigné, Lettres, et Vie, 404.
Seward's (A.) Poetical Works, 371.
Life, 371. Letters, 404. (W.) Anecdotes, 314. Biographiana, 314.
Sewell's History of the Quakers, 65. Dutch Dictionary, 356.
Sextus Aurelius, 409. Seyppel de Flagellandi Ritu Rom. 22. Shaftesbury's Characteristics, 80.
- Memoirs, 327. Shah Nameh, 302. Shakespeare's Plays, 392.
Works, 392.
(Supplement to), 392. Life, 392.
(the Novels and Tales of), 393.
Sharp's Voyages, 132. Sharpe's (Sir C.) Hartlepool, 209.
(Death of Archbishop James), 269. - (Archbishop John) on British Coins, 437.
Family's Letters, 434 and 435.
Shropshire Topography, 211. Shuckford's Sacred and Profane History connected, 26. Shurreef's Qanoon-e-Islam, 439. Siamese History, 305. Sibbald's (J.) Chronicle of Scottish Poetry, 373.
(R.) Prodromus Nat. Hist. Scotiæ, 89. Scotia Illustrata, 259. Fife and Kinross, 260. de Gestis Gul. Vallæ, 263. Sicard, les Journées de Septembre, 286. Siccama de Judicio C. Virili, 163. in Festos Kalend. Rom. 165.
Sichemitarum Epistolæ, 20. Siciliæ Chronicon Anonymi, 297. Siddons (Life of Mrs.), 390. Sidney. See Sydney. Sigonius de Republ. Hebr. 17.
de Republ. Athen. 160. de Lacedæmon. Temporibus, 160. Varia de Antiquitatibus Romanorum,
(W.) Nat. Hist. of Nevis, &c. 89. Voyage to Guinea, 145. University College, Oxford, 211. (Prof.) Nat. Hist. of Congo, 145. Chart of Mountains, 90. Smithiana Dactyliotheca, 173. Smollett's History of England, 226. Miscellaneous Works, 399. Life, 399.
Smyth's (J.) Engravings from the Blen- heim Collection, 116.
(Life of Bp. W.), 314. (W.) Description of London, 431. (W. H.) Sicily, 140.
Snelling's (T.) English Coins, 175.
Eng. Coins struck abroad, 175. Scottish Coins, 175.
Coins of Europe, 176.
Snellius de Re Nummariâ, 162. Snorronis Sturl. Hist. Septentrionalium, 274.
Historia Norvegiæ, 275.
Olave, the King of Man, 275. Soames's Doctrines of the Anglo-Saxon Church, 54.
English Reformation, 254.
Sobieski (Histoire de), 277. Social Life in England and France, 240. Societies Literary and Philosophical(His- tory of), 339.
Society of Arts' Transactions, 106. Sociniarum Catechismus, 33. Socratis Historia Ecclesiastica, 61. Solinus Polyhistor, 246.
Solis (De) Conquista de Mexico, 309. Solvet, Etudes de la Fontaine, 400. Solvyns' Hindoos, 121.
Somers's Tracts, 408.
Somerset's (D. of) Expedition into Scot- land, 264.
Somersetshire Topography, 211. Somerville's (M.) Mechanism of the Hea- vens, 104.
(R.) Agriculture of E. Lothian, 125. Booshuana Nation, 145.
Somner's Gavelkind, and Life, 74.
Roman Ports and Forts in Kent, 202. Canterbury, 202. Etymologicon Anglicanum, 352. Sonnini, Hist. des Poissons et Cétacées, 88.
Spanish Bible, 8.
History, 290. Language, 356. Poetry, 377.
Novels, 388.
Drama, 396.
Sparrman's Cape of Good Hope, 146. Spartianus Elus, 409.
Specialis Rei Sicularum, 297. Spectacle de la Nature, 89. Speed's Great Britain, 225.
Spelman (H.) Leges Anglo-Saxonicæ, 73.
Aspilogia, 331. Glossarium Archaiologicum, 352. (J.) Psalterium Saxonicum, 3.
Spence's (J.) Polymetis, 108.
Megliabechi and Hill, 323. Anecdotes, dotes, and Life, 338. (W.) Entomology, 98. Spencer de Urim et Thummim, 19. de Professione Decimarum, 20. de Solutione Primat. et Decim. 20. Alia de Antiquitatibus Sacris, 21 and 24.
de Juramento per Anchialum, 22.
Spenceriana Bibliotheca, 346. Spenser's State of Ireland, 269. Letters on Poetry, 362. Works, 371. Life, 371.
Sperlingius de Nummis non cusis, 22. de Crepidis, 162.
de Ant. Græcis et Romanis, 169.
Spiker's Travels in England, 189. Spix's (Von) Travels in Brazil, 156. Spira (Judgment of God on F.), 42. Spon, la Dalmatie, la Grèce, &c. 143.
Ignotorum, &c. Deorum Aræ, 161. de Strenis, 162.
Rei Ant. Quæstiones, 169. Miscellaneæ Antiquitates, 169. Spottiswood's Scottish Religious Houses,
Church of Scotland, 268. Spretus de Ravennæ Urbis Amplitud. 294. Sprotti Chronica, 252. Spry's Christian Unity, 54. Spurzheim's Physiognomical System, 79. Squadroni Laudum Regii Lepidi, 296. Squyer (Tragical Fiction of), 231. Stabback on the Gospels and Acts, 13. Stace's Cromwelliana, 237. Stackhouse's History of the Bible, 8. Stael (Mad. de), l'Allemagne, 277. on the French Revolution, 285. Corinne, 386.
Stafford Gallery of Pictures, 116.
(Sir T.) Pacata Hibernica, 272. Staffordshire (Topography of), 212. Stanhope (G.) on Christianity, 51. (J. S.) Battle of Platea, 143. Olympia, 143.
Stanihurst's Ireland, 269. Stanleiana Bibliotheca, 347. Stapfer, l'Oberland, 137. Stapletoni Tres Thomæ, 253. Starke's Travels on the Continent, 134. State Papers, 248.
Statii Opera, 426.
Thebaid translated, 426.
Staveley's English Churches, 186.
Stebbing's (H.) Christianity justified, 48.
on Christianity, 52.
(S.) Staffordshire, 212.
Stedman's (C.) American War, 310.
(J. G.) Surinam, 156. Steele's Correspondence, 404. Steevens's Catalogue, 347. on Shakespeare, 392. Stehlin's Traditions of the Jews, 60. Stellæ Elog. Venet. Navalis Pugnæ, 293. Stenography, 107. Stephanidis Descriptio Londini, 205.
Vita St. Thomæ Cant. 221. Stephani Byzantini de Dodone Fragmen- tum, 161.
Stephanus (H.) de Græcorum Moribus, 163.
Katherine de Medicis, 282. Glossaria, 351.
Thesaurus Ling. Græcæ, 351. Poëtæ Græci Principes, 408. (J.) de Jurisd. Vet. Græc. 160. (Sancti) Cadomensis Chronica, 220. Regis Anglorum Gesta, 289.
Stephens' Essayes and Characters, 80. Sterne's Works, 399. Life, 399.
Steuart's Planter's Guide, 125. Stevenson's (M.) Florus Britannicus, 225. (R.) Bell Rock Light, 123. (W.) Agriculture of Surrey, 125. Progress of Discovery, 131. Ely Cathedral, 197. Naval Commanders, 243. (W. B.) South America, 156. Stewart's (C. J.) History of Bengal, 303. Catalogue of Tipoo's Library, 346. (Sir D.) Highlanders of Scotland,
![[blocks in formation]](,970,367,449)
Stubbes Historia Anglicana, 221.
Stukeley's Med. Hist. of Carausius, 175.
Itinerarium, 188. Stone-Henge, 215. Abury, 215.
Sturbridge Fair (Hist. of), 197. Sturlson. See Snorro.
Sturm's (C. C.) Reflections, 48.
(L. C.) Sciographia Templi, 18. Mare Æneum, 20.
Sturt's Common Prayer, 50.
Suard, Mélange de Littérature, 407. Suaresius de Foraminibus Lapidum, 167.
Prænestes Antiquæ, 295. Suckling's (Sir J.) Works, 399. Sudbury (Life of Dean), 314. Suetonius de claris Grammaticis, 424.
Lives, translated, 427. Suffolk (Agriculture of), 125. (Topography of), 212.
-Papers, 251. Sugden's Law of Vendors, 74. Suger (Histoire de l'Abbé), 281.
Suhm Scriptores Danici, 274.
Suiceri Thesaurus Patrum Græcorum, 34.
Suidæ Lexicon Græcè, 350.
Sully, Mémoires, 282 and 283.
Sulpitii Severi Opera, 61.
Satiræ, 409 and 419.
Sumner's Records of the Creation, 48. Apostolical Preaching, 48. Evidences of Christianity, 48. Character of Christ, 48. Sermons, 59.
Sunskrit New Testament, 8. Superville, Sermons, 59.
(le fils), Sermons, 59. Surgentis Neapolis illustrata, 295. Surgery, 101. Surrey (Topography of), 213. Surrey (Memoirs of the Earls of), 335.
Sykes's Catalogue, 347.
Sylva (De), el Unione de Portugal, 292. Sylvester's Posthumi, 371.
Symeonis Monaci Hist. Eccles. Dunhelm. 199 and 253.
Syncelli Chronographia, 181.
Syrbius de Sabbatho Gentili, 19. Syriaca Evangelia, à White, 3.
Tachard, Voyage de Siam, 151.
Taciti Opera, 427.
translated, 427.
Taffinus de Rom. Anno Seculari, 165.
Talbot Correspondence, 434 and 5.
(E.) Works, 399. Life, 399.
Tales of the Wars, 385.
Talleur, Chroniques de Normandie, 290. Talmudical Writings, 60.
Tanner's Notitia Monastica, 186. Tansillo's Nurse, 376.
Tarsia (de) Historia Cupersanensium, 295. Tartary (History of), 305.
Tasso, la Gierusalemme Liberata, 376.
translated, 376 and 377. Life, 328. Aminta, 377.
Tassoni (Life of Alexandro), 328. Tatham's Chart and Scale of Truth, 53. Tatius de Sacerdote Castrensi, 19. Tattam's Egyptian Grammar, 349. Taverner's Bible, 4.
Taxatio Ecclesiastica, 247.
Taylor's (E.) Historical Collections, 434.
- (G. L.) Arch. Antiq. of Rome, 171. (G. W.) Catalogue, 347.
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