Jablonski Remphan Egypt. Dens, 21. (J. D.) de Foro in Portis, 22. Jackson's (J. G.) Morocco, 144. II.'s Airt of Scottis Poetrie, 362. James VI. 264. (Historie of), 266. James's (G. P. R.) Charlemagne, 280. Jameson's Mineralogy, 91. Roman Camps in Scotland, 258. Japanese History, 306. - Authors (List of), 306. Jarrin's Confectioner, 126. Jeanne d'Arc, (Mémoires de), 281. Sermons, 57. (S.) de Vità Scotorum Reginæ, 265. Jefferson's Memoirs, 310. See also Galfredus. Jehan's (Shah) Rules, 303. (Hist. de) de Sainctre, 380. (Life and Letters of Sir L.), 239. Jenkinson's Wit's Theatre, 402. (Modern), 60. Joanna of Naples (Life of), 299. Letters by Piozzi, 403. (J.) Chronicles of Man, 218. (R.) Grammatica Islandica, 357. (J.) on the Canon of the New Test. 9. (S.) Sheridan's Dict. improved, 353. (T.) Brecknockshire, 257. (T. S.) Sermons, 57. (W.) Works, 36. Life, 36. (Sir W.) Works, 398. Life, 322. Jonson's Works, 391. Life, 391. Jonston de Festis Græcorum, 161. Jortin on the Christian Religion, 44. - Observations, 358. Josephi Opera, 16. translated, 16. Josef (La Vie du Véritable Père), 283. Joubertus de Gymnasiis, 167. de Balneis, 167. Jouy (E.), Œuvres, 398. Jovii (B.) Hist. Novocomensis, 293. on the Turke's Chronicle, 300. Jowett's Christian Researches, 65. de Picturâ Vet. 108. Etymologicon Anglicanum, 352. Kersey's English Dictionary, 353. 53. Opinions of Primitive Christians, Flowers of Wit, 401. Kettell's American Poets, 364. Kidder on the Messias, 51. Killiani Etymologicon Teutonicon, 356. King's (D.) Vale Royal, 197. (E.) Morsels of Criticism, 14. (W.) Own Times, 241. Kingsborough (Lord) Mexican Antiqui- Kinneir's Marches of Alexander, 129. Asia Minor, 148. Kinschotti Poëmata, 361. Kinsey's Portugal, 141. Entomology, 98. Kircher de Musicâ, &c. 24. de Musurgia, 24. Mundus Subterraneus, 90. Sphinx Mystogoga, 107. Kirkmajer ad Tacit. Hist. de Rebus Jud. Kirkpatrick's Nepaul, 151. Kirkton's Church of Scotland, 269. Khakani (Kuliat Hakim), 378. Klaproth, Supplément au Dict. Chinoise, 350. Klingsted sur les Samojedis, 135. Knevet's Rhodon and Iris, 392. (J.) Divinity of Christ, 52. Knowler's Strafforde Papers, 250. Against the Regiment of Women, 268. Life by Ruddiman, 268. Knyghton (Hen.) Historia, 221. _ Notitia Dignitatum, 182. Lacombe, Dict. du Vieux Langage, 355. 63. Histoire du Christianisme des Indes, Dict. Angliæ Topographiæ, 185. Lambert's Canada and the United States, Lamballe (Princesse de), Mémoires, 285. Lamotte, le Nord de l'Europe, 136. Lampridus Ælius, 409. Lamy de Levitis Cantoribus, 24. Lancaster's Evidences of Christianity, 54. 65. Lander's (R.) Africa, 145. (R. and J.) Course of the Niger, 145. Landon, Œuvres des Peintres, 111. Landt's Feroe Islands, 275. Latrobe's (J. A.) Music of the Church, 31. - (C. J.) Alpenstock, 137. Laud (Life of Abp.), 234. Scotch Service-Book, 30. Varia de Antiquitatibus Græcorum, de Desponsatione Maris Adriaticæ, -de Monacis Ezerinus tertius, 294. Law, 67. Law (J.) of Lauriston's Life, 284. Lawrence (R.) on the Calvinistical Arti- Interests of Ireland, 270. Lazii Græcia Antiqua, 160. (W. M.) Morea, 143. Concile de Constance, 27. Leng on Revelation, 52. - Hist. de l'Art en France, 108. Peintre sur Verre, 111. Monumens Français, 289. Lent de Judæorum pseudo-Messiis, 21. Leonis Africanis Africæ Descriptio, 144. translated by Pory, 306. (A.) Urbis Nolæ Descriptio, 295. Leontii Mechanica, 410. Le Roux, Dictionnaire Comique, &c. 355. Le Sage. See Las Cases. Lethieulliers, Bayeux Tapestries, 194. Le Vaillant. See Vaillant. Le Vasor, Histoire de Louis XIII, 283. Lévizac, Bibliothèque des Vers Françoises, Lewin's (J. W.) Lepidopterous Insects of (W.) British Birds, 97. Lewis's (G.) Costume, &c. of France and (J.) on English Translations of the Suffragan Bishops, 253. Lewis and Clarke's Source of the Mis- Lewkenor on Forraine Cities, 184. Complaint of Scotland, 263. Leyser de Poësi Hebræorum, 24. Liber Quotidianus Garderobæ, 194. Liberal Arts, 107. Lichtenberger Initia Typographica, 340. Light's Sicilian Scenery, 140. Lightfoot Chorographia in Evangelios, 17. Descriptio Templi Hierus. 18. Ministerium Templi, 18. Works, 36. Memoirs, 36. Flora Scotica, 94. Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life, 383. Ligorius de Vehiculis Antiquorum, 169. Topography, 204. Lindahl Lexicon Lapponicum, 357. Lindley's Brazil, 156. Lingard's History of England, 226. System of Nature, 87. Linguet, Mémoires sur la Bastile, 286. Strenarum Historia, 166. Lipsius de Vestà et Vestalibus, 164. Saturnalia, 166. Lister's Synopsis Conchyliorum, 100. Literary History, 336. - History of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, 337. Souvenir, 407. Lithgow's Siege of Newcastle, 439. Livii Historiæ, 419.. translated, 419. Lombardus de Balneis Puteolanis, 295. Longinus de Sublimitate, 419 and 420. translated, 420. Longland's (R.) [misprinted Thomas] Piers Ploughman, 369. Longus, 409. Loon de Manumissione Servorum Roma- Lope de la Vega (Life of C.), 323. Obras, 398. Lopez de Ayala, Historia de Gibralter, 292. Lossius de Epispasmo Judaico, 21. Loudon (J.) on Country Residences, 124. le Grand (Médailles de), 176. Lounger (the), 405. Jewish Civil Government, 25. Lowndes's (T.) Romaic Lexicon, 351. 343. (W. T.) Bibliographer's Manual, Lowth's Isaiah, 6. de Sacra Poësi Hebræorum, 10, 24. translated, 10. on the Prophets, 11. Oratio Crewiana, 24. Lowther's (Von) Analysis of Nobility, |