Couché, Galerie du Palais Royal, 117. Couplet, Monarchiæ Sinicæ, 305. Courtenay Genealogy, 335. Coventry on Junius, 246. Couveray, Histoire de ses Périls, 287. Coventry New Cross, 214. Coverdale's Bible, 4. Covert's Travels in India, 150. Cowley's Voyages, 132. (A.) Works, 397. Life, 397. (J. L.) Solid Geometry, 102. Cowper's Poems, 367. (Illustrations of), 196. Private Correspondence, 403. Coxwell (Parish of Great), 195. (Illustrations of), 367. 18. (J. J.) de Arâ ext. Templi Secundi, (P.) Papillons Exotiques, 99. Cranmer's Bible, 4. on Unwritten Verityes, 40. Crantz's Unitas Fratrum, 65. Steps to the Temple, 367. Crausius de Succoth Benoth, 21. 260. Renfrew, 260. House of Stewart, 334. Cresy's Antiquities of Rome, 171. Crevenna, Cat. de sa Bibliothèque, 346. Crœsius de Velando Capite Muliebris, 23. (J.) Excerpta Antiqua, 248. Croker's (T. C.) South of Ireland, 269. Croly's Salathiel, 384. Cromarty's (Earl of) Gowry Conspiracies, 266. Cromek's Nithsdale and Galloway Song, Cromwell's (O.) Campaigns, 236. (Memoirs of), 237. (Court and Kitchen of Elizabeth), 238. (O.) Memoirs of the Cromwells, 237. Crophii Antiquitates Macedoniæ, 160. Croze (De la), Christianisme des Indes, 64. Cruden's Concordance, 16. Concordance of Parallels, 16. Culley's Agriculture of Northumberland, Culloden Papers, 267. Cullum's Hawksted and Hardwick, 212. Cumberland's (Bp.) Origines Gentium, Theory of the Earth, 90. sur les Ossemens Fossiles, 91. Animal Kingdom, 96. Histoire des Mammifères, 96. Hist. Nat. des Poissons, 98. Cyrilli Confessio Fidei, 32. Dacre (MS. Correspondence of Lord), 431. Dallaway's (J.) Anecdotes of the Arts in England, 109. Sussex, 213. Dalrymple's (A.) English Songs, 365. (Sir J.) on Feudal Property, 74. Damadeni (Abbatis) Es Rediv. Canusio- Damas sur l'Affaire de Varennes, 286. Damiens (Procès fait à R. F.), 285. Dampier's Voyages, 132. Dampmartin sur la Révolution Franc. Atlas, 130. (Notice des Ouvrages de), 344. Darrell's Dover Castle, 203. Botanic Garden, 94. (Memoirs of), 319. Dassovii Imagines Hebr. Rerum, 18. Dates (l'Art de Vérifier les), 159. Sermons, 56. Daubuz on the Revelations, 14. (E.) Druidical Mythology, 67. (Sir J.) Causes why Ireland was never subdued, 272. Nosce Teipsum, 363. Dramatic Miscellanies, 392. (W.) Agriculture of N. Wales, 125. Davila, Guerre Civile de Francia, 282. (J.) on Prophecy, 15. Agricultural Chemistry, 87. Dawbeny's Oliver Cromwell, 237. Dawson on the Logos, 53. De Brosses sur le Gouvernement des Ro- mains, 81. De Bure, Bibliographie Instructive, 342. De Courcy's Sermons, 56. Dee's Arte of Navigation, 85. Deffand's Letters to Walpole, 403. Memoirs, 241. D'Egly, Hist. des Rois des Siciles, 299. 56. Dekker's London's Entertainment to De la Beche's Geology, 90. De la Fond, Dict. des Merveilles, 88. (Sir J.) Poems, 367. Denina, Revoluzione d' Italia, 298. Istoria d' Italia Occidentale, 298. 341. Dibdin's (T. F.) Typographical Anti- Library Companion, 342. Bibliophobia, 342. Introduction to the Classics, 344. Bibliotheca Spenceriana, 346. Diceto (R. de) Historia, 221. Diodati, Biblia Italiana, 7. Diodorus Siculus de Urbe Catanæ, 297. Bib. Historica, 414, 415. Diogenes Laertius de Vitis, &c. Philo- translated, 415. Dodsworth's Monasticon Angl. 186. (H.) de Parma Equestri, 172. Comment. Linguæ Latinæ, 352. for Yorkshire, in MS. 436. Domestic Economy, 126. de Salubritate Agri Rom. 167. Donne (Life of Dr. J.), 313. British Fishes, 98. British Shells, 101. South Wales, &c. 257. Doppet (Mém. du Général), 288. - Nænia Britannica, 192. Selkirkshire, 125. (Sir R.) Scottish Peerage, 334. (T. S. N.) on the Greeks, 142. D'Outrein de Velando Capite Muliebri, 23. -de Instr מגרפה &c. 24. Douza de Itinere Constantinopolit. 160. 235. Frederick I. 278. See Ellis. Downes' Lives of the Compilers of the Liturgy, 31. Doway (the) Bible, 6. Drake's (F.) Yorkshire, 216. (Life of Sir F.), 314, 319. sics, 358. Shakespeare and his Times, 394. Gleaner, 406. (Capt. P.) Memoirs, 319. Dramatic Poetry, 389. Drant's Sermons, 56. Drawings, 116. Dubois' People of India, 305. sur la Littérature de Pologne, 339. Ducæ Historia Byzantina, 181. St. Catherine's, 207. Duchesne Hist. Anglicanæ Scriptores à Hist. Normannorum, 289. Numismata Constantinop. 182. (R. F.) de Charondæ Effigie, 162. 110. (J.) Chronological Tables, 159. on Imbanking, 123. Troubles in England, 236. (Life of), 320. Baronage, 333. Letters, 403. Visitation of Yorke, 432. Du Halde's China, 305. Du Hamel du Monceau, Arbres Frui- tiers, 95. Duke (on the Title of), 332. Dulcinius de Bononia, 294. Dumourier (Mémoires du Général), 286. (W.) Roman Art of War, 106. Archiep. Hospitals of Canterbury, 203. Dunkin's Bullington and Ploughley, 209. (W.) Confessions of Faith, &c. of Dunsford's Tiverton, 199. Edwards's (G.) Suppl. to Orford's Works' 399. (J.) on Redemption, 40. on Religious Affections, 40. on Freedom of the Will, 40. (T.) Canons of Criticism, 393. Ehret's Jessamines, 93. Eikon Basilike et Iconoclastes, 235. (Memoir of), 194. Elizabeth, 230. Progress through London, 230. Queen of Bohemia, 233. Elliot's American New Testament, 8. (W.) Hawaii, &c. 157. Polynesian Researches, 157. Elmham (Tho. de) Vita Henrici V. 228. Elmswell (History of), 212. Elsley on the Gospels and Acts, 13. Elyensis Anon. Historia, 221. Elzeviers (Notice des), 342. (W.) Mechanics, 103. Emmii Vetus Grecia, 160. Aug. Reginæ Encom. 220 and 289. Encyclopædia Britannica, 76. England (Church of) Canons and Consti- |