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Couché, Galerie du Palais Royal, 117.
Councils, 26.

Couplet, Monarchiæ Sinicæ, 305.

Courtenay Genealogy, 335.

Coventry on Junius, 246.

Couveray, Histoire de ses Périls, 287.

Coventry New Cross, 214.

Coverdale's Bible, 4.

Covert's Travels in India, 150.

Cowley's Voyages, 132.

(A.) Works, 397.

Life, 397.

(J. L.) Solid Geometry, 102.
(Mrs.) Works, 391.

Cowper's Poems, 367.

(Illustrations of), 196.
Life, 319.

Private Correspondence, 403.
Coxe's Anecdotes of Musicians, 105.
Travels in Russia, &c. 136.
Switzerland, 137.
Russian Discoveries, 152.
Monmouthshire, 208.
Sir R. Walpole, 241.
H. Walpole, 242.
Memoirs of H. Pelham, 242.
Duke of Marlborough, 244.
Shrewsbury Correspondence, 250.
House of Austria, 277.
Bourbon Kings of Spain, 291.

Coxwell (Parish of Great), 195.
Crabb's English Synonymes, 353.
Crabbe's Works, 367.

(Illustrations of), 367.
Craig de Repub. Lacedæmon. 160.
Cramer's (J. A.) Ancient Greece, 179.


(J. J.) de Arâ ext. Templi Secundi,

(P.) Papillons Exotiques, 99.

Cranmer's Bible, 4.

on Unwritten Verityes, 40.
on the Sacrament, 40.
Life, 254.

Crantz's Unitas Fratrum, 65.
Greenland Mission, 65.
Greenland, 275.
Crashaw Poëmata, 361.

Steps to the Temple, 367.
Crassi Elogia Patritorum Venet. 293.
de Forma Reipub. Venetæ, 293.

Crausius de Succoth Benoth, 21.
Craven's Tour in Naples, 438.
Crawford's (T.) Edinburgh University,


Renfrew, 260.

House of Stewart, 334.

[blocks in formation]

Cresy's Antiquities of Rome, 171.
Crests (Heraldry of), 331.
Cretin, Poésies, 375.

Crevenna, Cat. de sa Bibliothèque, 346.
Crevier's Roman Emperors, 180.
Crichton (Life of the Admirable), 319.
Criminal Law, 74.
Critici Sacri, 11.
Criticism, 358.

Crœsius de Velando Capite Muliebris, 23.
Croft's (G.) Defence of the Church of
England, 53.

(J.) Excerpta Antiqua, 248.
(T.) Catalogue, 347.

Croker's (T. C.) South of Ireland, 269.
- Legends of the Lake, 270.
Fairy Legends, 270.

Croly's Salathiel, 384.

Cromarty's (Earl of) Gowry Conspiracies,


Cromek's Nithsdale and Galloway Song,

Cromwell's (O.) Campaigns, 236.

(Memoirs of), 237.

(Court and Kitchen of Elizabeth),


(O.) Memoirs of the Cromwells, 237.
(Memoirs of the House of), 335.
(T.) Colchester, 200.

Crophii Antiquitates Macedoniæ, 160.
Croppy (the), 382.
Crosthwaite's Maps of the Lakes, 130.
Crotch, the Musician (Account of), 105.
Croydon (Case of the Inhabitants of), 213.
Crowley's Chronicle, 224.

Croze (De la), Christianisme des Indes,


Cruden's Concordance, 16.
Cruise's (R. A.) New Zealand, 158.
- (W.) on Dignities, 72.
Laws of Real Property, 74.
Cruylii Faciei Var. Loc. Rom. 164.
Crusius de Nocte et Noct. Officiis, 168.
Cruttwell on English Translations of the
Scriptures, 10.

Concordance of Parallels, 16.
Cudworth Systema Intellectuale, 77.
Cullen (Life of W.), 319.

Culley's Agriculture of Northumberland,

Culloden Papers, 267.

Cullum's Hawksted and Hardwick, 212.
Cumberland Topography, 198.

Cumberland's (Bp.) Origines Gentium,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Theory of the Earth, 90.

sur les Ossemens Fossiles, 91.

Animal Kingdom, 96.
Fossil Mammalia, 96.

Histoire des Mammifères, 96.

Hist. Nat. des Poissons, 98.

Cyrilli Confessio Fidei, 32.
Glossarium, 351.

Dacre (MS. Correspondence of Lord), 431.
Dalbe, Carte de Naples, &c. 130.
Dallas's Maroons, 311.

Dallaway's (J.) Anecdotes of the Arts in

England, 109.

Sussex, 213.
Constantinople, 300.
Progress of Heraldry, 330.

Dalrymple's (A.) English Songs, 365.
(D.) Memorials and Letters, 249.
Preservation of Charles II. 238.
Annals of Scotland, 263.
Scottish Tracts, 267.

(Sir J.) on Feudal Property, 74.
Dalyell's Monastic Antiquities, 258.
Ancient State of Scotland, 263.
Fragments of Scottish History, 267.
Scottish Poems, 373.

Damadeni (Abbatis) Es Rediv. Canusio-
rum, 295.

Damas sur l'Affaire de Varennes, 286.
Damascenus de Moribus Græc. 161.
Dameto's Balearick Isles, 292.

Damiens (Procès fait à R. F.), 285.
Dammii Lexicon Græcum, 351.

Dampier's Voyages, 132.

Dampmartin sur la Révolution Franc.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Atlas, 130.

(Notice des Ouvrages de), 344.
Danzii Baptismus Proselyt. Jud. 21.
de Re Militari Hebr. 22.
D'Arblay's (Mrs.) Novels, 381, 2, and 5.
Darnley (Memoirs of Henry Lord), 264.
(the Testament, &c. of Lord), 264.

Darrell's Dover Castle, 203.
Dart's Canterbury Cathedral, 202.
Westminster Abbey, 207.
Daru, Histoire de Bretagne, 290.
Histoire de Venise, 298.
Darwin's Temple of Nature, 77 and 367.

Botanic Garden, 94.
Zoonomia, 101.
Phytologia, 124.

(Memoirs of), 319.

Dassovii Imagines Hebr. Rerum, 18.
de Ritibus Mezuzæ, 20.
Vidua Hebræa, 23.

Dates (l'Art de Vérifier les), 159.
Daubeny's Vindiciæ Eccles. Anglicanæ, 28.

Sermons, 56.

Daubuz on the Revelations, 14.
Daudin, Hist. des Reptiles, 88.
Daulby's Cat. of Rembrandt's Works, 120.
Davenant on the Colossians, 13.
Davies's (C. P.) Derbyshire, 198.

(E.) Druidical Mythology, 67.
Celtic Researches, 257.
Ancient British Poems, 374.
(G.) Devizes, 215.
(J.) Durham Cathedral, 199.

(Sir J.) Causes why Ireland was

never subdued, 272.

Nosce Teipsum, 363.
(S.) Sermons, 56.
(T.) Agriculture of Wilts, 125.
Life of Garrick, 390.

Dramatic Miscellanies, 392.

(W.) Agriculture of N. Wales, 125.

Davila, Guerre Civile de Francia, 282.
Davison's (F.) Poetical Rhapsody, 367.

(J.) on Prophecy, 15.
Davy's Consolations in Travel, 40.
Chemical Philosophy, 87.

Agricultural Chemistry, 87.
Salmonia, 128.
(Life of), 319.

Dawbeny's Oliver Cromwell, 237.
Dawes's Sermons, 56.

Dawson on the Logos, 53.

De Brosses sur le Gouvernement des Ro-

mains, 81.

De Bure, Bibliographie Instructive, 342.
Decker's Gull's Horn-book, 406.

De Courcy's Sermons, 56.

Dee's Arte of Navigation, 85.
(de Vita Jo.), 212.
Deering's Nottingham, 209.

Deffand's Letters to Walpole, 403.
De Foe's History of the Union, 241.

Memoirs, 241.
Novels, 382.
Life, 382.

D'Egly, Hist. des Rois des Siciles, 299.
Dehon's [misprinted Debon] Sermons,


Dekker's London's Entertainment to
James I. 232.

De la Beche's Geology, 90.

De la Fond, Dict. des Merveilles, 88.
Delambre, Tables Astronomiques, 104.
Delandine, Dict. Historique, 311.
MSS. du Bib. de Lyon, 346.
Deleuze, Musée d'Histoire Naturelle, 88.
Della Casa, Prose e Rime, 397.
Dellon's Inquisition at Goa, 65.
De Loire on Spectres, 79.
De Luc's Geological Travels, 90.
Demetrius Phalerius, 408.
Demez, Histoire Belgique, 278.
Demontiosius de Sculpturâ, 162.
Demosthenis Orationes, 414.
translated, 414.
Dempsteri Kalendarium Rom. 165.
Denham's (D.) Travels in Africa, 144.

(Sir J.) Poems, 367.
(J. F.) St. Dunstan's Church, 207.

Denina, Revoluzione d' Italia, 298.

Istoria d' Italia Occidentale, 298.
Denis Supplementum Annalium Typog.


[blocks in formation]

Dibdin's (T. F.) Typographical Anti-
quities, 341.

Library Companion, 342.
Bibliomania, 342.
Bibliographical Decameron, 342.
Bibliographical Tour, 342.

Bibliophobia, 342.

Introduction to the Classics, 344.

Bibliotheca Spenceriana, 346.

Diceto (R. de) Historia, 221.
Dickson's Agriculture, 123.
Dicterici Sparsio Florum, 24.
Dictionaries of the Bible, 16.
Diderot (Mémoires de), 338.
Dietzschus de Cultu Molochi, 21.
Digges' Compleat Ambassador, 249.
Dilettante Society's Specimens of Sculp-
ture, 172.
Dillon's Voyage, 132.
Dillwyn's (L. W.) Botanist's Guide, 93.
Catalogue of Shells, 100.

Diodati, Biblia Italiana, 7.

Diodorus Siculus de Urbe Catanæ, 297.

Bib. Historica, 414, 415.
translated, 415.

Diogenes Laertius de Vitis, &c. Philo-
sophorum, 415.

translated, 415.

[blocks in formation]

Dodsworth's Monasticon Angl. 186.
Dodwell's (E.) Views in Greece, 142.
Tour in Greece, 143.

(H.) de Parma Equestri, 172.
Doederlin de Candelabris Jud. 18.
Doglioni de Civit. Belluni, 296.
D'Ohsson, l'Empire Ottoman, 299.
Doletus de Re Navali, 163.

Comment. Linguæ Latinæ, 352.
Domerham (A. de) de Rebus Glastoni-
ensibus, 211.
Domesday Book, 187.

for Yorkshire, in MS. 436.

Domestic Economy, 126.
Domingue (Hist. de l'Ile de St.), 311.
Dominis (A. de) de Repub. Eccles. 27.
Donatus de Tragedia et Comedia, 161.
Roma Vetus ac Recens, 164.
Vet. Inscriptiones, 176.
Dondini de Rebus in Gallia, 279.
Done, la Zucca, 387.
Donius de utrâque Pænulâ, 165.

de Salubritate Agri Rom. 167.

Donne (Life of Dr. J.), 313.
Donovan's British Birds, 97.

British Fishes, 98.
British Insects, 99.
Indian Insects, 99.
Chinese Insects, 99.
Insects of New Holland, &c. 99.

British Shells, 101.

South Wales, &c. 257.

Doppet (Mém. du Général), 288.
Dorffer de Sepulchro Christi, 25.
Dorien de Cherubinis, 18.
Dorsetshire Topography, 199.
Dort (Account of the Synod of), 63.
Douce [misprinted Dance], 362.
Douce's Illust. of Shakespeare, 393.
Douglas (Ja.) on the Advancement of So-
ciety, 81.


Nænia Britannica, 192.
(Jo.) on the Miracles, 40.
(R.) Agriculture of Roxburgh and

Selkirkshire, 125.

(Sir R.) Scottish Peerage, 334.
Scottish Baronage, 334.

(T. S. N.) on the Greeks, 142.

D'Outrein de Velando Capite Muliebri,


-de Instr מגרפה &c. 24.

Douza de Itinere Constantinopolit. 160.
Dover's (Lord) Character of Clarendon,


Frederick I. 278.

See Ellis.

Downes' Lives of the Compilers of the

Liturgy, 31.

Doway (the) Bible, 6.

Drake's (F.) Yorkshire, 216.

(Life of Sir F.), 314, 319.
(N.) Illustrations of the British Clas-

sics, 358.

Shakespeare and his Times, 394.
Literary Hours, 406.

Gleaner, 406.

(Capt. P.) Memoirs, 319.

Dramatic Poetry, 389.

Drant's Sermons, 56.

Drawings, 116.

[blocks in formation]

Dubois' People of India, 305.

sur la Littérature de Pologne, 339.

Ducæ Historia Byzantina, 181.
Ducange. See Dufresne.
Ducarel's Norman Antiquities, 140.

St. Catherine's, 207.
Lambeth Palace, 213.
Croydon, 213.

Duchesne Hist. Anglicanæ Scriptores à
Maseres, 220.

Hist. Normannorum, 289.
Dudo de Ducum Norm. Moribus, &c. 289.
Duels (Tracts on), 331, 433.
Duff's Mahrattas, 304.
Dufresne (C.) Glossarium, 352.

Numismata Constantinop. 182.
Historia Byzantina, 182.

(R. F.) de Charondæ Effigie, 162.
Du Fresnoy's (C. A.) Art of Painting,


(J.) Chronological Tables, 159.
Dugdale's (Sir W.) Origines Juridicales,

on Imbanking, 123.
Monasticon Anglicanum, 186.
Monasticon, by Stevens, 186.
St. Paul's, 206.
Warwickshire, 214.

Troubles in England, 236.

(Life of), 320.

Baronage, 333.

Letters, 403.

Visitation of Yorke, 432.

Du Halde's China, 305.

Du Hamel du Monceau, Arbres Frui-

tiers, 95.

Duke (on the Title of), 332.
Dukeri Comi Urbis Historia, 293.

Dulcinius de Bononia, 294.

Dumourier (Mémoires du Général), 286.
-'s Portugal, 292.
Duncan's (J. M.) America, 153.

(W.) Roman Art of War, 106.
Duncomb's Agriculture of Hereford, 124.
Reculver and Hearne, 203.

Archiep. Hospitals of Canterbury,


Dunkin's Bullington and Ploughley, 209.
Dunlop's (J.) History of Fiction, 379.

(W.) Confessions of Faith, &c. of
the Church of Scotland, 33.

Dunsford's Tiverton, 199.
Dunstable Chronicle, 195.
Dunton's (J.) Life and Errors, 320.
Duperron, Oupnek-hat, 67.
Du Piles's Art of Painting, 110.

[blocks in formation]

Edwards's (G.) Suppl. to Orford's Works'


(J.) on Redemption, 40.

on Religious Affections, 40.

on Freedom of the Will, 40.
on Original Sin, 41.

(T.) Canons of Criticism, 393.
Effigies Virorum et Mulierum illustr. 160.
Egede Grammatica Groenlandica, 357.
Diction. Groenlandicum, 357.
Eggelingii Mysteria Cereris, &c. 161.
Egypt (Travels in), 146.
Egyptian History, 307.
Language, 349.

Ehret's Jessamines, 93.

Eikon Basilike et Iconoclastes, 235.
Einaut-Oollah's Bahur Danush, 389.
Eisenschid de Ponderibus, &c. 22.

[blocks in formation]

(Memoir of), 194.

Elizabeth, 230.

Progress through London, 230.
Progresses, 230.

Queen of Bohemia, 233.

Elliot's American New Testament, 8.
Ellis's (G.) Early English Poets, 363.
English Metrical Romances, 363.
(G. A.) Character of Clarendon, 235.
Iron Mask, 285.
(H.) China, 151.
North-west Passage, 152.
Original Letters, 248.
(J.) History of Zoophytes, 95.
Corallines, 101.

(W.) Hawaii, &c. 157.

Polynesian Researches, 157.

Elmham (Tho. de) Vita Henrici V. 228.

Elmswell (History of), 212.
Elphinstone's Caubal, 304.
Afghauns, 304.

Elsley on the Gospels and Acts, 13.
Elstob (Memoirs of Mr. and Miss), 203.
(E.) Saxon Grammar, 352.

Elyensis Anon. Historia, 221.
(Thomæ) Historia, 221.

Elzeviers (Notice des), 342.
Emblems, 402.
Emerson's (J.) Modern Greece, 300.

(W.) Mechanics, 103.

Emmii Vetus Grecia, 160.

Aug. Reginæ Encom. 220 and 289.

Encyclopædia Britannica, 76.
Enderbie's Cambria, 257.
Enfield's Hist. of Philosophy, 76.
Enghien (Mém. sur le Duc d'), 288.
Engineering (Civil), 123.

England (Church of) Canons and Consti-
tutions, 27.

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