ePub 版

Vol. XXVIII.-Transcripts of Letters relative to Public Affairs from 1606-34. In Mr. H.'s hand, 1650. A folio of about 200 pages. Vol. XXIX.-A Collection of the Antiquities and other Proceedings in the Parliaments of England; with a Project for Fishing and Navigation: transcribed anno 1662 by J. Hopkinson. A folio of 224 pages.

Vol. XXX.- Collections on Ecclesiasticall Matters: Councils, Religious Houses, Spiritual Promotions; Abps. of Yorke, Jewells, Plates, &c. in the Cathedral, Colleges, Houses of Religion, and Churches in the City of Yorke, Order of Preaching in the Minster, Rentall of the Abp.'s Tenths, and Subsidies of the Clergy in the Diocese, Buildings, Manors, Sheriffs of the Citye, and Chauntreys in the Shire of York and their Founders; Fundatio Abathie de Stanlawe et Translatio ejusdem ad Whalley; Donationes Ecclesiarum de Rotshdale, Blackborne, and Whalley; State of the Benefices in Lancashire belonging to the Abp. of Canterburye; Founders of Religious Houses. A highly curious volume, in Mr. H.'s hand, and forming 440 pages.

Vol. XXXI. - Memorialls of Countrye (Public) Business for these Northern Counties, both military and civile, towards the latter end of Queene Elizabeth and King James's theire reignes. Collected and transcribed by J. H., 1674. A folio of nearly 300 pages.

Vol. XXXII, Greene Sleeves, or Leicester Commonwealth; transcripts of letters from the Council in the north, 1575, &c.: and the Muster-Roll of England and Wales, taken about this time, 1674, by J. H. A folio of about 400 pages.

Vol. XXXIII. - Letters relating to the late noble and auncient
Familye of the Lords Talbotts, Earles of Shrewsburie, of Sheffield
Castle, in the countie of Yorke, in the latter end of the reigne of
Q. Elizabeth, and the reigne of Kinge James; found at Sheffield
Castle in 1676, and transcribed out of the said originalls that
yeare and the yeare 1677, by J. H. of L.

Like volume XXI. the contents of this form no part of Lodge's illustrations.
It occupies more than 500 pages.

Vol. XXXIV. - A miscellaneous Collection, principally Poems of the time of Elizabeth and James I.; transcribed by Mr. H. A folio of more than 500 pages.

Vol. XXXV.-- A Catalogue of all the Sheriffes of Yorkshire, from 1155, with their severall coats of armes; by Mr. H. A thin folio volume.

Vol. XXXVI.- A Collection of Proceedings in the Sessions, by Indictement and Presentment of Bridges, Highways, Felonies, and other nuisances in the West Riding of Yorkshire, in the raignes of Queen Elizabeth, King James, and King Charles I.; with others of the same kind within the honor of Pontefract, collected out of ancient rolls of that honor, in the custody of Mr. Edward Ashton of Methley. J. H. A folio of nearly 500 pages.

Vol. XXXVII.-Assesses and Rates of the whole Countye of Yorke; with the Hundreds, or Wapentaikes, the names of the Castells, and the Nobilitye of the North Riding and East Riding, collected by J. H. of L. 1672. A folio of nearly 300 pages.

Vol. XXXVIII. -Transactions and Passages of Countrye (Public) Busines for this West Riding of the Countye of Yorke, in the latter end of the raigne of Elizabeth, beginning of Kinge James, and the late Kinge Charles: collected and gathered in the year of our Lord 1658, out of my father's old scattered papers, and some of my owne which were preserved and have comed to my hands since this late warr. J. H. With Peticions and their severall Answeares. This valuable volume occupies nearly 700 pages.

Vol. XXXIX.- Dutchy Busines in the County of Yorke; viz. Col

of Corte

lection of Suitors and Fines paid for respiting
for Pontefracte; Proceedings in the Honor Courte of P.;
Knights' Fees in the Honor of P.; Receivers and Feodarys Ac-
compts in the Honor for Reliefes, &c.; Knights' Fees in the
said Honor in the tyme of Edward II.; Survey of the whole
Dutchye in Yorkshire; Fines et Homagiis repretandi anno 19
Elizth Honores Pontefracti. With an alphabet (index). J. Hop-
kinson, 1659.

Vol. XL. The auncient Rates of the West Riding of the Countye
of Yorke, agreed upon by the Justices of Peace there in anno
XLIV to Regine Elizabethe. Jo. Hopkinson, 1684. A 4to. of
about 100 pages.

Vol. XLI.-Hopkinson's (J.) Collection of the Pedigrees and Descents of the Yorkshire and Lancashire Gentry, with additions by Rich. Thornton and Ralph Thoresby of Leedes, Esqrs.; with a catalogue of the antient Gentry of Lancashire, collected by Capt. Booth of Stockport. A folio volume, in the almost typographical hand of Mr. Thomas Wilson of Leeds, with his own additions; and occupying upwards of 500 pages.

A Selection of Letters, Papers, &c. transcribed from the Hopkinson MSS. for Dr. Richardson, who has prefixed the contents in his own hand. A small and thick 4to. volume.

A Collection of the Pedigrees and Descents of severall of the Gentrye of the West Riding of the county of Yorke; Auncient Rates of the West Riding, &c. (a copy of Vol. XL. above); on Sirnames, &c. Apparently in Dr. Richardson's hand, and probably extracted from several of the preceding MSS. A 4to. volume.

An Account of all the Charters, Patents, and Escheat-Rolls, in the Archives of the Tower of London; collected by John Burton, M.D. 1746; with compleat indexes of persons and places. Transcribed by T. Wilson, M.DCC.XLVII.

"I herewith send your copy of Dr. Burton's MS. The numbers are the same with those writ upon the original charters, &c. The copy is valuable upon many respects to such as delight in antiquities." -Mr. Wilson's Letter to Dr. Richardson, Dec. 1747. This forms a folio volume of 151 pages, and includes those documents only which relate to the diocese of York. It never was published, being evidently compiled by Dr. Burton with a view to his History of York. Mr. Wilson is alluded to by Dr. Whitaker, in his History of Leeds, as annotating a copy of Thoresby's Ducatus Leodensis, then in the possession of Sir M. M. Sykes.

Liber Judicaris; or, Doomsday Book for the County of York, [beautifully] transcribed by Thomas Wilson of Leedes, 1747: with notes extracted from copies in the hands of Dr. Brooke, in Field Head, and Mr. Franks of Pontefract, in 1745. Folio.

"But your copy of Domesday is the principal flower you are yet master of, and I am persuaded you think so. I beg you will keep it to yourself, and not

suffer it to be lent out of your hands so long that it may again be transcribed,
for in it I rectified several mistakes, that I discovered in my own copy; and
I can justly say it is the best copy of that noble record.
I believe
there are not half a dozen copies of it in the world." - Mr. Wilson's Letter to
Dr. Richardson, Dec. 1747. Mr. Wilson collated this with every copy he
could obtain access to.

Adversaria, in MS. by Thomas Wilson, of Leeds; containing, Collectiones ad Historiam famosissimi Cœnobii Glastoniensi concinnandum; of St. Dunstan; Writers of the Life of Thomas à Becket; Life of Thomas à Becket; of the Time of the Coming in of the Saxons, and of their Conquests in Britain; de Studiis Britannicis; Chronological Series of the British Kings before the Roman Invasion; Index Memorabilium Britanniæ ante Cæsarem; Saxon Annals; Orders and Rules to be practised by the Monks and Nuns of England, translated out of Saxon and Latin; Greek Vocabulary; Saxon and English Dictionary. Folio.

Richardson Correspondence; consisting of the original autograph Letters on Botanical and other Scientific Subjects, addressed to Dr. R. Richardson and R. Richardson, Esq. of Bierley Hall, by Her. Boerhaave, Dr. Bedford, J. Blackstone, Prof. Bobart, Dr. W. Chambers, J. J. Dillenius, the Earl of Derby, Dr. Drake, John Fothergill, R. Foulkes, R. Frewen, J. F. Gronovius, Thomas Hearne, Hugh Jones, Mr. Knowlton, Charles Leigh, Ed. Lhuyd, Mr. La Trobe, Peter Miller, Lord Petre, James Petiver, Mr. Rauthmell, Dr. Sherard, Prof. Sutherland, Sir H. Sloane, R. Thoresby, Van Swieten, F. Willoughby, &c. &c. from 1691 to 1775. In 13 vols. folio.

A[nstis] (J.) de Baroniis, MS. Collections on this subject, by the Historian of the Order of the Garter. A 4to. volume of 70 pages.

This is unnoticed by Moule, and has never been published. Sharpe's (Abp. John) Historical Account of the Silver and the Gold Coins of England, Scotland, and Ireland. In folio, with tables of the Coins in 4to.

Accompanying this is a transcript of Mr. Thoresby's copy, similar to that published in Nichols's Topog. Brit. vol. vi., with the chronology of the coins from the Earl of Pembroke's MS. enlarged by Thoresby:-a short sketch of the Abp.'s Life, in the handwriting of Mr. T. Wilson: - a letter from Mr. Bartlet, returning this MS. to Dr. Richardson, and some notes on it: -a memorandum by John Bedford of Hartburn, on a collation of a copy of this MS. in possession of a grandson of Dr. Sharpe:- and 11 plates of coins. On collating this with the printed copy, besides frequent verbal differences, the latter is deficient in pp. 82 to 85, and all after p. 98.


Benson's (R.) Sketches of Corsica. 8vo. London, 1825.
Botta (C.), Continuazione de Guicciardini Storia d' Italia dal 1534 sino

al 1814. 14 vols. 8vo. Parigi, 1832.

Brockedon's (W.) Illustrations of the Passes of the Alps, by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany. 2 vols. royal 4to. India proofs. London, 1828-9.

Craven's (Hon. R. Keppel) Tour through the Southern Provinces of the Kingdom of Naples; to which is subjoined, a sketch of the immediate circumstances attending the late Revolution. 4to. London, 1821.

Earle's (A.) Narrative of a Nine Months' Residence in New Zealand. 8vo. London, 1832.

Fountain's Abbey (Eight Views of), intended to illustrate the architectural and picturesque Scenery of that celebrated Ruin; from original drawings by J. Metcalf and J. W. Carmichael: with a historical and architectural description, by T. Sopwith. Folio. Newcastle-uponTyne,

Gent (Life of T.), Printer at York, written by himself. 8vo. London, 1832.

Gentoo Laws (Code of), or Ordinations of the Pundits; from a Persian translation made from the original Shanscrit, by N. B. Halhed. 8vo. London, 1781.

Gilly's (W. S.) Memoir of Felix Neff, Pastor of the High Alps. 8vo. London, 1832.

[Irving's (Washington)] Alhambra. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1832. Kennedy's (Vans) Researches into the Nature and Affinity of Ancient and Hindu Mythology. 4to. London, 1831.

Latrobe's (C. J.) Pedestrian; a Summer's Ramble in the Tyrol and adjacent Provinces in 1830. 8vo. London, 1832.

Lesson (R. P.), Histoire Naturelle des Colibris, suivie d'un Supplément à l'histoire des Oiseaux Mouches. Royal 8vo. Paris, 1832.

Lesson (R. P.), Histoire Naturelle des Trochilidées. Royal 8vo. Paris, 1833.

Mahon's (Lord) History of the War of the Succession in Spain. 8vo. London, 1832.

Newcastle.-His Majestie's passing through the Scots Armie; as also his entertainment by General Lesly: together with the manner of the Scots marching out of Newcastle. Related by the best intelligence. Printed 1641. 8vo. Newcastle, privately reprinted 1820.

Newcastle.-Wm. Lithgow's experimentall and exact Relation upon that famous and renowned Siege of Newcastle. Edinb. 1645. 8vo. Newcastle, privately reprinted 1820.

Newcastle.--A particular Relation of the Taking of Newcastle. London, 1644. 8vo. Newcastle, privately reprinted 1825. Pavia (La Certosa di). Large folio. Milano, 1825. Rammohun Roy's (Rajah) Translation of several principal Books, Passages, and Texts of the Veds, &c. 8vo. London, 1832. Rantzovii (H.) Epigrammatum Historicus Liber. 4to. Antverpia, 1581. Selby's (P. J.) Illustrations of British Ornithology. 2 vols. 8vo, and plates in 2 vols. folio. Edinburgh, 1825, &c.

Smyth's (W. H.) Sketch of the Present State of the Island of Sardinia. 8vo. London, 1828.

Spanish Novelists; a series of National Tales, translated from the originals, with biographical and critical notices, by T. Roscoe. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1832.

Shurreef (J.) Qanoon-e-Islam; or, the Customs of the Moosulmans of India, translated by G. A. Herklots. 8vo. London, 1832.

[White's (Blanco)] Doblado's Letters from Spain. 8vo. London, 1822.

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