Essayists. British Essayists, viz.: the Tatler, Spectator, Guardian, Rambler, Adventurer, and Idler; with Drake's Essays, biographical, critical, and historical, illustrative of them and of the various periodical papers which, in imitation of the writings of Steele and Addison, have been published, to the commencement of 1809. 29 vols. small 8vo. fine paper, and proof plates. London, Sharpe, 1808–10. British Essayists. - The Mottos of the Spectator, Tatler, Guardian, and Freeholder, translated into English. 12mo. London, 1737. Bee (Papers in the) by O. Goldsmith. (Works, Vol. IV.) Gray's-Inn Journal, by Arthur Murphy. (Works, Vols. V. and VI.) Looker-on, by Roberts, Alex. Chalmers, Mrs. Opie, &c. 4 vols. 12mo. London, 1794. Lounger, by Henry Mackenzie, &c. 3 vols. 12mo. Edin. 1787. Lounger and Mirror (Papers by H. Mackenzie in the). (Works, Vols. V. to VII.) Microcosm, by Geo. Canning, J. and R. Smith, and J. Frere, whilst at Eton. 8vo. Windsor, 1788. Observer, by Richard Cumberland. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1787-91. Olla Podrida, by T. Munro, Bp. Horne, Kett, Graves, Pott, Mavor, and Francis Grose. 8vo. London, 1788. Projector. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1811. Ruminator, by Sir E. Bridges, R. P. Gillies, &c. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1813. World, by Moore, Chesterfield, Walpole, Jenyns, Hailes, Dodsley, Burgess, Warton, Ridley, &c. 4 vols. 12mo. London, 1782. Jouy (E.), l'Hermite de la Chaussée d'Antin; ou, observations sur les mœurs et les usages Français, au commencement du XIX siècle. (Œuvres, Vols. I. to V.) Jouy (E.), Guillaume, le Franc-parleur; ou, observations sur les mœurs et les usages Français, au commencement du XIX siècle. 2 vols. (Œuvres, Vols. VI. and VII.) Jouy (E.), l'Hermite de la Guiane. Jouy, (E.) l'Hermite en Provence. (Œuvres, Vols. VIII. IX. and X.) (Œuvres, Vols. XI. to XX.) Jouy et A. Jay, les Hermites en Prison; ou, consolations de Sainte Pelagie. (Œuvres, Vols. XXI. and XXII.) Jouy et A. Jay, les Hermites en Liberté. (Œuvres, Vols. XXIII. and XXIV.) Jouy et A. Jay, l'Hermite de Londres; ou, observations sur les mœurs et usages des Anglais au commencement du XIX siècle. (Œuvres, Vols. XXV. to XXVII.) Jouy et A. Jay, l'Hermite en Ecosse; ou, observations sur les mœurs, &c. des Ecossais au commencement du XIX siècle. (Œuvres, Vols. XXVIII. and XXIX.) Jouy et A. Jay, l'Hermite en Italie; ou, observations sur les mœurs, &c. des Italiens. (Œuvres, Vols. XXX. to ΧΧΧΙΙΙ.) Marivaux, le Spectateur François. (Œuvres, Vol. IX.) Marivaux, le Cabinet du Philosophe. (Œuvres, Vols. IX. and X.) Miscellanies. Aikin's (J.) Essays, literary and miscellaneous. 8vo. London, 1811. Bacon's (Lord) Essayes, Religious Meditations, Places of Persuasion and Dissuasion, of Colours good and evil. 16mo. (Works, Vol. I.) London, 1606. Beattie's (J.) Dissertations, moral and critical. 4to. London, 1783. Bibliothèque Portative des Ecrivains Français; ou, choix des meilleurs morceaux en prose, extraits par Moyant et De Lévizac. 4 vols. in 2, 8vo. London, 1803. Brydges' (Sir E.) Sylvan Wanderer; a series of moral, sentimental, and critical essays. 8vo. Lee Priory, 1813. Brydges' (Sir E.) Excerpta Tudoriana; or, extracts from Elizabethan literature. Royal 8vo. Lee Priory, 1814-18. Creech's (W.) Edinburgh Fugitive Pieces; with letters, containing a comparative view of the modes of living, arts, commerce, literature, manners, &c. of Edinburgh, at different periods. 8vo. Edin. 1815. [Collier (Jane)] on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting: with proper rules D'Israeli's (I.) Miscellanies; or, Literary Recreation. London, 1796. Drake's (N.) Gleaner; a series of periodical essays, selected and arranged from neglected works: with an introduction and notes. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1811. Erasmi (D.) Colloquia. 24mo. Lugd. Bat. Elzev. 1643. Erasmi (D.) Selecta Colloquiorum Fragmenta. Small 8vo. grand papier vélin. Paris, Barbou, 1784. Feyjoo's (F. B.) Essays or Discourses, translated by J. Brett. 4 vols. 8vo. selected from his works, and London, 1780. Fielding's (H.) Miscellaneous Essays. (Works, Vol. II.) Foster's (J.) Essays on Decision of Character, &c. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1806. Franklin's (Benj.) Miscellanies. (Works, Vol. V.) Goldsmith's (O.) Essays. (Works, Vol. IV.) Johnson's (S.) Miscellaneous Pieces. (Works, Vol. II.) Jouy (E.), Mélanges; ou, variétés littéraires, philosophiques, et des beaux arts. (Œuvres, Vols. XXXVII. to XXXIX.) Knox's (V.) Essays, moral and literary. (Works, Vols. I. and II.) Knox's (V.) Winter Evenings; or, lucubrations on life and letters. (Works, Vols. II. and III.) Knox's (V.) Elegant Extracts, in prose. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1790. Marottes à Vendre; ou, triboulet tabletier. 12mo. on coloured paper. Miscellanies, in prose and verse, by Pope, Arbuthnot, and Gay, collected by Swift and Pope. Miseries of Human Life. (Swift's Works, Vol. XIII.) 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1807. North Georgia Gazette; or, Winter Chronicle, written by the officers on board the ships employed for the discovery of the north-west passage. 4to. London, 1821. Prose e Verse per onorare la memoria di Livia Doria Caraffa, principessa del S. R. Imp. e della Rocella; di alcuni renomati autori. 4to. [Privately printed) nella Reale Stamperia di Parma, 1784. Racine (J.), Œuvres diverses en prose. (Œuvres, Vol. IV.) Southey's (R.) Essays, moral and political. 2 vols. small 8vo. London, 1832. Suard (J. B. A.), Mélanges de Littérature [les deux séries]. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1806, Swan's (John) Speculum Mundi; or, a glasse representing the face of the world: whereunto is added, a discourse on the creation. 4to, front. by Marshall. Cambridge, 1635. Swift's (J.) Essays, periodical and miscellaneous. (Works, Vols. VIII. and IX.) Talbot's (Cath.) Essays and Dialogues. (Works.) Temple's (Sir W.) Essays. (Works, Vol. III.) Urquhart's (Sir T.) Tracts [edited by G. P.] 12mo. Edinb. 1774. Walpole's (H.) Fugitive Pieces, in prose. (Orford's Works, Vol. I.) Wolfii (Jo.) Lectionum Memorabilium et Reconditarum Centenarii XVI. 2 vols. folio. Lavinga, 1600. Wortley's (F.) Characters and Elegies. 4to. Printed 1646. A duplicate from the king's library, with the autographs of W. Cole and Keepsake (the), for 1828, &c. Royal 8vo. large paper, proofs. London, 1828, &c. Landscape Annual, for 1830, &c. edited by T. Roscoe. Royal 8vo. large paper, proofs. Lond. 1830, &c. Literary Souvenir for 1825, &c., edited by Alaric Watts. 8vo. large paper, proofs. Lond. 1825, &c. Picturesque Annual for 1832, &c. edited by L. Ritchie. Royal 8vo. large paper, proofs. London, 1832, &c. Archaica; a reprint of scarce old English prose tracts: with prefaces, critical and biographical, by Sir E. Brydges. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1815. Bibliographical Miscellanies; a selection of curious pieces in prose and verse [edited by P. Bliss]. 4to. Oxford, privately printed, 1803. Miscellanea Antiqua Anglicana. (Misc. English Antiquities.) Harleian Miscellany; a collection of scarce and curious pamphlets and tracts, selected from the library of E. Harley, second Earl of Oxford; interspersed with historical, political, and critical annotations by W. Oldys, and edited, with some additional notes, by T. Park. 10 vols. 4to. Lond. 1808-13. Somers's Tracts; a collection of scarce and valuable tracts on the most interesting and entertaining subjects, but chiefly such as relate to the history and constitution of these kingdoms [to the reign of Geo. I.], selected from the Royal, Cotton, Sion, and other public and private libraries, particularly from that of the late Lord Somers: edited by Sir W. Scott. 13 vols. 4to. London, 1809-15. AUCTORES CLASSICI. Dibdin's (T. F.) Introduction to the Classics. (Bibliography.) Rhetores Selecti: Demetrius Phalerius, Tiberius Rhetor, Anonymus Sophista, Severus Alexandrinus, Gr. et Lat. [edidit, notis illustravit Th. Gale]. 8vo. large paper. Oxonii, 1676. Gnomici Poëtæ Græci, ad opt. exemp. emendavit R. F. P. Brunck. 8vo. large paper. Argent. 1784. Poëtæ Græci Principes Heroici Carminis: Homerus, Hesiodus, Orphæus, Callimachus, Aratus, Nicander, Theocritus, Moschus, Bion, Dionysius, Coluthus, Tryphiodorus, Musæus, Theognis, Pythagoras, fragmenta aliorum: studio notis illust. Hen. Stephani. Folio. Excud. H. Stephanus, 1566. Miscellanea Græcorum aliquot Scriptorum Carmina, cum versione Lat. et notis [collect. Mich. Maittaire.] 4to. Londini, 1722. Analecta Græcorum Veterum Poëtarum, editore R. Fr. Ph. Brunck. 3 vols. 8vo. Argentorati, 1776. Ανθολογια Florilegium diversorum Epigrammatum, Græcè. 8vo. interleaved with Latin translations from eminent authors, in a very neat old hand. Venetiis, ap. Aldi Filios, 1550. Collections from the Greek Anthology, and from the pastoral, elegiac, and dramatic Poets of Greece, by Robert Bland, and others. 8vo. Lond. 1813. Scriptores Veteres de Re Militari: Vegetius, Frontinus, Ælianus, Modestus, Polybius, Æneus; incerti auctoris de re militari opusculum; cum comment. God. Stewechii et F. Modii. 2 vols. in one, 8vo. Vesaliæ Clivorum, 1670. Γεωπονικά de Re Rusticâ Selectorum, Libri XX. Græcè [Cassiano Basso collectore] J. A. Brassicani operâ in lucem edita; item Aristolelis de Plantis, libri II. Græcè. 8vo. Editio princeps. Basiliæ [1539]. Scriptores de Re Rusticâ, per Pet. Victorum ad vet. exemp. suæ integritati restituti. 4 vols. 8vo. Parisiis, R. Stephanus, 1543. Scriptores Rei Rusticæ Veteres Latini: Cato, Varro, Columella, Palladius, Vegetius, Gargalius Martialis, &c.; è recens. J. M. Gesneri, cum ejusd. præfatione et lexico rei rustice, studio Soc. Bipont. 4 vols. 8vo. Biponti, 1787-8. Geoponicorum, sive de Re Rusticâ libri XX., Cassiano Basso Scholastico collectore, antea Constantino adscripta Gr. et Lat.: prolegomena, notulas, et indices adjecit P. Needham. 8vo. Cantab. 1704. Scriptores Rei Rusticæ Vet.-- Ursini (F.) Notæ ad Catonem, Varronem, et Columellam de Re Rusticâ, et in Bucolica et Georgica Virgilii. 8vo. Romæ, ap. G. Ferrarium, 1587. Rei Accipitrariæ Scriptores, nunc primùm editi; accessit Κυνοσόφιον, liber de curâ canum, Gr. et Lat. [edidit Nicolaus Regaltius]. 3 vols. in one. 4to. Lutetiæ, 1612. Historiæ Romanæ Scriptores; Suetonius, Sextus Aurelius, Eutropius, Ælius Spartianus, &c. [cum indice rerum et annotationibus J. B. Egnatii.] 2 vols. 8vo. Venet. in æd. Aldi et A. Soceri, M.D.XIX.XXI. Historiæ Romanæ Scriptores; Trebellius Pollio, F. Vospiscus, S. Aurelius Victor, P. Lætus, J. B. Egnatius. 8vo. Parisiis, ex off. R. Stephani, 1544. Historiæ Romanæ Scriptores Minores; Sex. Aur. Victor, Sex. Rufus, Eutropius, Messala Corvinus: studio Soc. Bipont. 8vo. Biponti, 1789. Historiæ Augustæ Scriptores VI.; Ælius Spartianus, Julius Capitolinus, Ælius Lampridius, Vulcatius Gallicanus, Trebellius Pollio, Flavius Vospiscus: studio Societatis Bipontinæ. 2 vols. 8vo. Bipont. 1787. Baker's (Henry) Medulla Poëtarum Romanorum; or, the most beautiful and instructive passages of the Roman poets, disposed under proper heads, with translations. 2 vols. royal 8vo. large paper. London, 1737. Opera et Fragmenta Veterum Poëtarum Latinorum profanorum et ecclesiasticorum [curante Mich. Maittaire]. 2 vols. folio. Lond. 1713. Poëtæ Latini Minores, sive Gratius Faliscus, M. Aurelius Olympius, T. Calpurnius Siculus, Claudius Rutilius, Q. Serenus Samonicus, Q. Rhemnius, et Sulpiciæ Satyra: cum notis var. curante P. Burmanno. 2 vols. 4to. Leida, 1731. Scriptores Erotici Græci: Achilles Tatius, Heliodorus, Longus, et Xenophon. Gr. et Lat.; edente C. G. Mitscherlich. 4 vols. 8vo. Biponti, 1792-4. Achilles Tatius. (Erotici Script.) Æliani Varia Historia, Gr. ad MSS. cod. nunc primùm recognita; cum versione J. Vulteii: ad Græcam auctoris contextum emendata et perpetuo commentario J. Perizonii. 2 vols. in one, 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1701. Ælianus (Scr. de Re Milit.) Eneus Poliorceticus. (Scr. de Re Milit.) Æschinis Orationes. (Demosthenes.) Æschyli Tragœdiæ, cum scholiis, P. Victorii curâ et diligentiâ, Græcè. 4to. Parisiis, H. Stephanus, 1557. Æschyli Tragœdiæ, Gr. et. Lat. recensuit, varietate lectionis et commentario perpetuo illustravit C. G. Schutz. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxonii, 1810. Æschylus' Tragedies, translated, with notes, by R. Potter. 8vo. London, 1819. |