Psalterium Davidicum è Lat. in Theotiscam Vet. Ling. versum, et Paraphrasi illustratum Notkero, curavit J. Schilterus. (Schilteri Thes. Vol. I.) Cantica Canticorum, Paraphrasis Lat. et Vet. Francica Willerami. Accedunt var. Lect. et Notæ var. necnon J. G. Schezii. (Schilteri Thes. Vol. I.) Evangeliorum Volumen, Vet. Franc. et Lat. Otfridi Weissenburgensis; Observationibus exornatum à J. G. Schezio. (Schilteri Thes. Vol. I.) Modern Versions. Biblia Sacra ex S. Castalionis postremâ recognitione, cum Annotationibus ejusdem et Historico Supplemento ab Esdrâ ad Machabæos, inde usque ad Christum, ex Josepho, folio. Basileæ, per P. Pernam, 1573. Biblia Sacra: Test. Vet. Latinè recens ex Hebræo facti, brevibusque Scholiis illustrati ab Im. Tremellio et F. Junio; accesserunt Libri Apocryphi Latinè redditi et Notis quibusdam aucti à F. Junio. Quibus etiam adjunximus Nov. Test. ex Sermone Syro ab eodem Tremellio, et ex Græco à T. Bezâ in Latinum versos, Notisque itidem illustratos; secundâ curâ F. Junii, 4to. Geneva, ap. J. Tornasium, 1590. New Testament, translated from the Latin in the year 1380 by J. Wicliff; edited by H. H. Baber, 4to. London, 1810. BIBLIA: the Bible; that is, the Holy Scriptures of the Olde and New Testament, faithfully and truly translated of Douche [German] and Latyn into Englysche [by Miles Coverdale], black letter, folio. [Zurich, prynted by Frischover, and fynished the fourthe day of October, in the yeare M.D.XXXV. The first complete English version: an exceedingly fine copy, and deficient only in the title, address to Henry VIII., the prologue, table of the bookes, and title to Apocrypha. The Bible, which is all the Holy Scripture; in which are contayned the Olde and Newe Testament, truly and purely translated into Englysh by Thomas Matthew [John Rogers], black letter, folio. [Abroad, at the expense of R. Grafton and E. Whitchurch], M.D.XXXVII. The second; being partly Tindal's and partly Coverdale's, with alterations. The Byble in English; that is to saye, the content of all the Holye Scripture, both of the Olde and Newe Testament, truly translated after the veryte of the Hebreu and Greke Textes, by the dylygente studye of dyverse excellent learned men, experte in the foresayde tonges, black letter, folio. [London, by R. Grafton and E. Whitchurch], M.D.XXXIX. The third; called Cranmer's Bible, on account of the preface and prologue written by him; and the Great Bible, on account of its increased size. The moste Sacred Bible, which is the Holy Scripture; conteyning the Old and New Testament, translated into English, and newly recognised with great diligence, after most faythful exemplars, by Rychard Taverner, black letter, folio. London, by John Byddell, for Tho. Barthlet, M.D.XXXIX. The fourth; by some said to be an entire new version, and by others a mere revisal or correction of Matthew's. The Byble; that is to say, all the Holy Scripture contained in the Olde and Newe Testament, faythfully set forth according to ye copy of Tho. Matthewe's Translacion; whereunto are added certain learned Prologes and Annotacions, for the better understanding of many hard places throughout the whole Byble; [by Edmund Becke,] black Letter. London, by Jhon Day, M.D.LI. The fifth; a correction of all the editions before it, agreeing principally with The Holie Bible; conteyning the Olde Testament and the Newe, folio, black letter. London, by R. Jugge, M.D.LXVIII. The sixth English version, made under the direction of Archbishop Parker, and commonly called the Bishops' Bible. The Bible and Holy Scriptures, conteyned in the Olde and New Testament; translated according to the Ebrue and Greeke, and conferred with the best translations in divers languages; with most profitable Annotations upon all the hard Places, and other things of great importance, 4to. Geneva, by Rouland Hall, M.D.LX. Holy Bible, conteyning the Olde Testament and the Newe; newly translated out of the originall tongues, and with former translations diligently compared and revised, by his Majestie's especiall commandement, black letter, folio. London, by R. Barker, M.DC.XI. The first edition of the present authorised version. Holy Bible, 2 vols. 4to, large paper. London, Baskett, 1767. Holy Bible: [carefully collated and corrected, with the addition of Marginal References, by R. Blayney.] "The Standard Edition," 4to. Oxford, 1769. The Holy Bible and Apocrypha [the latter containing the Third Book of Maccabees, from Becke's]; with Notes by Bishop Wilson; and various Renderings collected from other Translations, by Clement Cruttwell. 3 vols. 4to. Bath, 1785. The Holy Bible [with Tables of the Marginal Readings and Parallel Passages from the edition of 1611, prefixed], 2 vols. 4to. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1807. The Holy Bible [the latest standard Edition, 4to.] London, Eyre and Strahan [Woodfall], 1813. Holy Bible of the Old and New Testament, with Apocrypha; embellished with Engravings from Pictures and Designs of the most eminent English Artists. Published by Thomas Macklin, 8 vols. large folio; a subscription copy bound in morocco, with joints, by Staggemeir. London, Bensley, 1800-16. Newe Testament, both Latine and Englyshe, ech correspondent to the other, after the Vulgar Texte, communely called St. Jerom's. Faythfully translated by Johan Hollybushe [Miles Coverdale], 4to, black letter. Southwarke, by J. Nicolson, M.D.XXXVIII. The Old Covenant, commonly called the Old Testament, translated from the Septuagint; the New Covenant, translated from the Greek. By Charles Thomson, 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1808. The only English translation of the LXX. The Old and New Testaments, faithfully translated out of the authenticall Latin; diligently conferred with the Hebrew, Greeke, and other editions in divers languages; with Arguments, Annotations, Tables, &c. By the English College of Douay, 3 vols. 4to. Douay, by L. Kellam, 1609-10; Rheims, by John Fogny, 1582. Book of Job, literally translated from the original Hebrew, and restored to its natural arrangement; with Notes critical and illustrative, and an Introductory Dissertation on its Scene, Scope, Language, Author, and Object, by John Mason Good, 8vo. London, 1812. The Book of Job, translated from the Hebrew by Elizabeth Smith; with a Preface and Annotations, by F. Randolph, 8vo. London, 1810. The Book of Psalms, translated from the Hebrew; with Notes explanatory and critical, by Sam. Horsley, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1816. The Psalms of David, translated into divers and sundry kindes of Verse; begun by Sir Philip Sidney, and finished by the Countess of Pembroke, his sister. Printed from the original MS. small 8vo. Lond. 1823. The Book of Proverbs; an attempt towards an improved Translation from the original Hebrew; with Notes critical and explanatory, and a preliminary Dissertation, by Geo. Holden, 8vo. London, 1819. The Book of Ecclesiastes; an attempt to illustrate by a Paraphrase, in which the expressions of the Hebrew Author are interwoven; with a Commentary by John Holden, 8vo. London, 1822. The Song of Songs; or, Sacred Idyls, translated from the original Hebrew; with Notes critical and explanatory, by J. M. Good, 8vo. London, 1803. Isaiah: a new Translation; with a preliminary Dissertation, and Notes critical, philological, and explanatory, by Robt. Lowth, 2 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1822. Jeremiah and Lamentations: a new Translation; with Notes critical, philological, and explanatory, by B. Blayney, 8vo. Edinb. 1810. Ezekiel: an Attempt towards an improved Version, a Metrical Arrangement, and an Explanation, by Archb. Newcome, 4to. Dublin, 1788. Daniel: an improved Version attempted; with Notes, critical, historical, and explanatory, by Thomas Wintle, 4to. London, 1807. XII. Minor Prophets: an Attempt towards an improved Version, a Metrical Arrangement, and an Explanation, by Archb. Newcome, 8vo. Pontefract, 1809. Hosea: translated from the Hebrew; with Notes explanatory and critical. (Horsley's " Bibl. Criticism," Vols III. and IV.) Zechariah: a new Translation; with Notes critical, philological, and explanatory, by B. Blayney, 4to. London, 1797. Four Gospels, translated from the Greek; with preliminary Dissertations, and Notes critical and explanatory, by Geo. Campbell, 4 vols. 8vo. Aberdeen, 1814. The Apostolical Epistles, a New Literal Translation from the original Greek, with a Commentary and Notes; to which is added, a History of the Life of the Apostle Paul, by John Macknight, 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1816. The Apocalypse; or, Revelation of Saint John, translated, with Notes critical and explanatory; to which is prefixed, a Dissertation on the Divine Origin of the book; by J. C. Woodhouse, 8vo. Lond. 1806. Bible in Welsh [translated by Bishops Morgan, Davis, &c.], black letter, folio. London, by C. and R. Barker, 1588. Bible in Irish, [translated by King and Daniel; edited by Bishop W. Bedell, and printed at the expense of the Hon. Robt. Boyle,] 4to. London, 1681-85. Bible in Irish, 12mo. London, 1690. Bible in the Manks Language [translated by Bishops Wilson and Hildesley], 4to. Whitehaven, 1775. Bible in Gaelic [translated by Drs. James and John Stewart and Dr. Smith, and revised by a Committee of the General Assembly], 4to. Duneidin, 1826. Biblia Bohemica [from the Originals, by A. Nicolai, J. Capito, and other Reformers, at the expense of the Baron Zerotinus], 4to. [In Castello Kralitz], 1579-93. Biblia Belgica [from the Hebrew and Greek, by J. Bogermann, W. Baudart, G. Bucer, A. Waleæus, &c., by order of the Synod of Dort], 8vo. Leyden [1638]. La Sainte Bible, revue, et conférée sur les Textes Hébreux et Grecs par les Pasteurs et Docteurs de l'Eglise de Genève, 4to. Genève, 1588. La même, avec un Index par Lieux-communs, 8vo, ruled red lines, a very fine copy in old morocco. Amstelod. 1635. La Sainte Bible, nouvelle traduction, conforme à la Vulgaire du Sexte V, [par Jacques Corbin], et approuvée par l'Université de Poictiers, 8 vols. 16mo, old morocco. Paris, 1643. "Coll. per H. Drury è libris Comitis Mac Carthy, venditis apud Parisios, 1817." Pseaumes nouvellement mis en Vers Français, enrichis de Figures, gravées par L. Chevron, 8vo. Le Nouveau Testament, traduit en Français sur le Vulgate, avec les Différences du Grec [par De Sacy, Arnauld, Nicole, &c.], 2 vols. 12mo, in morocco by Pardeloup. Mons [Leyde par Elzev.], 1667. Biblia Germanica, das ist die gantze heilige Schrift, aufs neu zugericht D. Mart. Luther, black letter, 2 vols. folio. Wittemberg, gedruckt durch A. Lufft, M.D.XLI. The latest revised edition by the Reformer himself, and that on which his greatest care was bestowed. Bible, Swiss-German [translated by Leo Juda, and revised, by order of the Helvetian magistrates, by J. Hottinger, J. Müller, J. C. Suicer, J. H. Otius, J. H. Heidegger, &c.], 2 vols. 4to. Zurich, 1665–7. Biblia Hungarica, [translated from the originals by C. Caroli] 4to. Wysolyin, 1589. Biblia tradotta in Lingua Italiana, e commentata da Giov. Diodati, con l'Aggiunta de' S. Salmi messi en rime per lo medesimo, folio. Geneva, 1641. Biblia Polonica, [translated by the Calvinists] 8vo. Berlin, 1813. Biblia Hispanica, que es, los sacros Libros del Vieio y Nuevo Testamento [transladada por Cassiodoro de Reyna], revista y conferida con los Textos Hebreos y Griegos, y con diversas Translaciones, por Cyprian de Valera, folio. En Amsterdam, 1602. New Testament in Sungskrit, translated from the original Greek by the Missionaries, 4to. Serampore, 1808. Four Gospels, and the Acts of the Apostles, translated into the Malayan Language [by J. Marshall, and edited by T. Hyde], 4to. Oxonii, 1677. New Testament, translated into the Indian Language [by J. Elliot], 4to. Cambridge [New England], 1661. Harmonies and Histories of the Bible. Harmonia Evangelica in Ling. Theotiscam antiquiss. Tatiano Syro [cum Vers. Lat.] ad duo MSS. et curas J. Schilteri posthumas studiosè recensita, subjectis Notulis. Accedit Fragmentum aliud Theotiscum quo Christi cum Samaritana Muliere Colloquium rhythmo vet. exhibetur. (Schilteri Thesaurus, Vol. II.) Harmony and Chronicle of the Old Testament; by J. Lightfoot. (Works, Vol. II.) Harmony, Chronicle, and Order of the New Testament, by J. Lightfoot. (Works, Vol. III.) Harmony of the IV. Evangelists among themselves, and with the Old Testament. (Works, Vols. IV. and V.) The Old and New Testament, arranged in Historical and Chronological order; with copious Notes, by George Townsend, 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1821-5. Harmony of the Four Gospels; with a Paraphrase and Notes by J. Macknight, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1809. Harmony of the IV. Gospels, by Philip Doddridge. (Family Expositor, Vol. I.) Harmony of the Four Gospels in Chinese, by the Jesuit Missionaries; with forty-eight large Cuts illustrative of our Saviour's Life, small folio. See First Report of Bible Society, Butler's Confessions of Faith, p. 151. [China, printed -] Reconciler (The) of the Bible enlarged; wherein above 3000 seeming Contradictions throughout the Old and New Testament are fully and plainly reconciled, by J. T. and T [homas] M [an], folio. Lond. 1662. Fuller's (Thos.) Pisgah Sight of Palestine and the Confines thereof; with the Historie of the Old and New Testament acted thereon, front. plate of arms, &c. London, 1650. Wesley's (Sam.) History of the Bible, in Verse; and adorned with 330 Sculptures by J. Sturt, 3 vols. small 8vo, a fine copy, old morocco. London, 1701-16. Stackhouse's (Thos.) History of the Holy Bible; with Answers to Infidel Objections; Dissertations on the most remarkable Passages, and a Connexion of the Profane with the Sacred Writings; with Additions and Corrections by Bishop Geo. Gleig, 3 vols. 4to. London, 1817. |