Sydney Biddulph (Memoirs of Miss), (by Mrs. Sheridan]. 5 vols. 12mo. London, 1796. Tales of a Traveller, [by Washington Irving]. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824. Tale of a Tub, by Jonathan Swift. (Works, Vol. X.) Tales of the Wars of our Times. 2 vols. crown 8vo. London, 1829. Tales round a Winter Hearth, by Jane and Anna Maria Porter. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1826. To-day in Ireland. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1825. Tom Jones (History of). (Fielding's Works, Vols. VI. and VII.) Tremaine; or, the Man of Refinement, by Ward. 3 vols. crown 8vo. London, 1831. Tristram Shandy (Life and Opinions of). (Sterne's Works, Vols. I. IV.) Valerius; a Roman story, [by J. C. Lockhart]. 3 vols. 12mo. Edinb. 1821. Vicar of Wakefield. (Goldsmith's Works, Vol. I.) Vivian Grey. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1826-7. Voyage (New) round the World. (Defoe's Novels, Vols. X. and XI.) Wanderer; or, Female Difficulties, by Charlotte Burney [Mad. D'Arblay]. 5 vols. 12mo. London, 1814. Waverley Novels, with historical introductions and notes by Sir W. Scott. 48 vols. small 8vo. Edinburgh, 1829. Waverley Novels. Letters to Richard Heber, Esq., containing critical remarks on the series of novels beginning with "Waverley," and an attempt to ascertain their author. 8vo. London, 1821. Yesterday in Ireland. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1829. Zeluco, or various views of Human Nature taken from life and manners; by John Moore. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1780. French Novels. Beroalde (Sieur de), Aventures de Floride. 2 vols. 12mo. Tours, par Mettayer, 1593. [Bodin de Boismontier (Madlle. Suzanne)], Mémoires Historiques de la Comtesse de Marienberg. 2 vols. in one. Small 8vo. Amsterdam [Paris], 1751. Cottin (Madame), Mathilde; ou, Mémoires tirés de l'Histoire des Croisades. 4 vols. 12mo. Londres, 1809. Cottin (M.), Elisabeth; ou, les Exilés de Sibérie. 12mo. Lond. 1803. Florian (J. P. de), Numa Pompilius, second Roi de Rome. 2 vols. 18mo. Paris, Didot, 1786. Florian (J. P. de), Gonzalve de Cordoue; ou, Grenade reconquise. 3 vols. 18mo. Paris, 1810. Florian (J. P. de), Galatée, Roman pastoral, imité de Cervantes. 18mo. Paris, Didot, 1785. [Force (Mad. de Caumont de la), les Fées; Contes des Contes; Nouveaux Contes Fées; Contes moins Contes que des autres; Contes de M. Perrault, avec des moralitéz. 4 vols. small 8vo. Paris, 1724-5. Force (Madlle. de la), Histoire secrète de Bourgogne [publiée, avec des notices sur les personnages de l'histoire secrète, par De la Borde]. 3 vols. 12mo. Pap. d'Hollande. Paris, Didot, 1782. Gaudence de Lucques (Mémoires de), enrichis des remarques de M. by Richard Hurst. 12mo. London, 1639. Jouy (E.), Cécile; ou, les Passions. (Œuvres, Vols. XXXIV. VI.) Le Sage, Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane, ornée de figures. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1795. Le Sage's Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane, translated by Benj. H. Malkin. Illustrated with engravings from pictures by Smirke. 4 vols. 4to. large paper, proofs. London, 1809. Marguerite de Valois, Reine de Navarre, Contes et Nouvelles, mis en beau langage, et accommodé au goût de ce tems. 2 vols. 18mo. Haye, 1777. Marivaux (M. de), les Effets surprenants de la Sympathie; ou, les Aventures de **. (Œuvres, Vols. V. and VI.) Marivaux (M. de), la Vie de Marianne; ou, les Aventures de Madame la Comtesse de ****. (Œuvres, Vols. VI. and VII.) Marivaux (M. de), le Paysan Parvenu; ou, les Mémoires de M. ***. (Œuvres, Vol. VIII.) Marivaux (M. de), le Don Quichotte Modèrne. (Œuvres, Vol. XI.) Marmontel (M.), les Incas; ou, la Destruction de l'Empire du Pérou. 2 vols. 12mo. Amst. 1777. Marmontel (M.), Contes Moraux. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1803. Marmontel (M.), Nouveaux Contes Moraux. 4 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1801. Martial d'Auvergne, dit de Paris, les Arrêts d'Amours, avec l'Amant rendu Cordelier à l'observance d'Amours: accompagnéz des commentaires juridiques et joyeux de Bénoist de Cour. Revue, corrigée, et augmentée de plusieurs arrêts, de notes, et d'un glossaire des anciens termes [par Lenglet du Fresnoy]. 12mo. Amst. 1731. Montesquieu (Baron de), le Temple de Gnide, Céphise et l'Amour, et Arsace et Isménie. 18mo. Paris, Didot, 1795. Small 8vo. Rabelais (Fr.), Œuvres; contenant cinq livres de la vie, faicts, et dicts héroïques de Gargantua et de son fils Pantagruel. Imprimés sur les premières éditions, 1626. Ramsay (M. A.), les Voyages de Cyrus; avec un discours sur la mythologie. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1727. Scarron (Paul), le Roman Comique; ornée de figures par Le Barbier. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1796. Staël Holstein (Mad. de), Corinne, ou l'Italie. 3 vols. 12mo. Londres, 1809. [Utterson's (Mrs.)] Tales of the Dead, principally from the French. 8vo. London, 1813. Italian Novels. Libro di Novelle et di bel parlar gentile; nel qual si contengono cente novelle altra volta mandate fuori da Carlo Gualteruzzi da Fano; di nuovo ricorrette, con aggiunta di quattro altre nel fine, et con una dichiarazione d'alcune delle voci più antiche [di Vincenzo Borghini]. 4to. In Fiorenza, nella stamp. de i Giunti, 1582. Novelle Scelte rarissime, stampate a spese di XL. amatori [cont. Lionora di Bardi ed Hippolyto Buondelmonte; le amorose novelle di Giust. Nelli; Gianfiore e Filomena; novelle tre dell' ingratitudine, dell' avarizia, e dell' eloquenza, creduto di M. Marco di Mantova, S. W. Singer editore]. 8vo. Londra, 1814. The Italian Novelists; selected from the most approved authors in that language, from the earliest period down to the close of the 18th century: arranged in an historical and chronological series. Translated from the original Italian, accompanied with notes, critical and biographical, by Thomas Roscoe. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1825. Arnalt and Lucinda (the pretie and wittie Historie of), [Italian and English]; with certaine rules and dialogues, set foorth for the learner of the Italian tong; by Claudius Holliband. Small 8vo. London, by Thos. Purfoote, 1575. Bandello (Mat.), Novelle. 9 vols. 8vo. large paper. London [Livorno], 1791-3. Boccacio (Giovanni), Il Decamerone, nuovamente corretti et con diligenza stampato. 4to. In Firenze, per li heredi di Phil. di Giunta, 1527; [Ed. contrafatto Venezia, 1739.] Boccacio (G.), Il Decamerone, nuovamente alla sua vera lezione ridotto da M. Lod. Dolce, con annotazioni, tavoli, &c. Small 8vo. Venegia, Giolito, 1552. Boccacio (Istoria del Decamerone di), da Dom. Mu. Manni, 4to. Firenze, 1742. Boccacio. Salviati (Leonardo), Avvertimenti della Lingua sopra il Decamerone. 2 vols. in one. 4to. In Napoli, 1712. Boccacio, le Nymphal Fiessolan, trad. de Tuscan par Ant. Guercin du Crest. 16mo. Lyon, G. Collier, 1556. Done (Ant. Fr.), La Zucca. Small 8vo. In Venegia, per F. Marcolini, 1551. This work contains the original of the Portrait which usually passes for Caxton's. Erasto (i Compassionevoli Avvertimenti di), opera dotta e morale, di Græco ridotta in volgare. Small 8vo. In Venegia, per C. di Trino, 1563. Erasto. History of Prince Erastus, son to the Emperour Dioclesian, and the VII. Wise Masters of Rome; written originally in Italian, then translated into French, and now rendered into English by F. Kirkman. Small 8vo. London, 1674. Giovanni Fiorentino, il Pecorone, nel quale si contengono cinquante novelle antiche. 2 vols. 8vo. Milano, 1804. Grazzini (A. F.), detto il Lasca, Novelle. 8vo. London [Livorno], 1756. Sacchetti (F.), Novelle [con prefazione, &c. P. Umberti]. 2 vols. 8vo. Firenze [Napoli], 1724. Sansovino (F.), Cento Novelle, scelte da' più nobili scrittori della lingua volgare. 4to. Venegia, 1610. Spanish Novels. Historia VII. Infantum de Lara. (Vænius, under Engraving, ante, p. 120.) Cervantes, Don Quixote de la Mancha; corregida, con el prologo, por la Real Academia Espanola [la vida del autor y análisis del Obra]. 4 vols. 4to. En Madrid, 1780. Cervantes' Don Quixote de la Mancha, translated from the original Spanish by Charles Jarvis; [with life of Cervantes, translated from the Spanish MS. of Don Greg. Mayans y Siscar by Ozell; supplement to the translator's preface on the origin of chivalric romances, by Bp. Warburton; and an advertisement concerning the prints by Vandergucht; by J. Oldfield.] 2 vols. 4to. London, 1742. Cervantes' Don Quixote, translated by Mary Smirke; with life of the author, and illustrated with engravings from pictures by R. Smirke. 4 vols. 4to. Large paper, India proofs. London, 1818. Cervantes. The Life and Exploits of Don Quixote; containing his fourth sally, and fifth part of his adventures; by F. Alonso de Avellaneda. 3 vols. 12mo. Swaffham, 1805. Fiori (Giov. de), Amorosa Historia di Isabella et Aurelio; di lingua Castigliana in Italico idioma tradotta da M. Lelio Alatiphilo. Small 8vo. Venegia, Gregori, 1526. (See also ante, p. 381.) Lamarca (Fr. Loubayssin de), Historia Tragicomica de Don Henrique de Castro. 8vo. Paris, 1617. [Mendoza (Diego de)], The pleasant History of Lazarillo de Tormes; wherein is contained his marvellous deeds and life, and strange adventures: with the pursuit of the historie, gathered out of the ancient chronicles of Toledo, by Jean de Luna. Done into English and set forth by David Rowland. 2 vols. small 8vo. London, 1639. German and Northern Novels. German Novelists: Tales selected from ancient and modern authors in that language, from the earliest period down to the close of the 18th century; translated from the originals, with critical and biographical notices, by Thomas Roscoe. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1826. Popular Tales and Romances of Northern Nations. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1823. Oriental Romances. Arabian Nights, translated [from the French of Galland) by Edward Foster; with engravings from pictures by R. Smirke. 5 vols. 4to. Large paper, India proofs. London, 1802. Arabian Nights' Entertainments (Remarks upon the); in which the origin of Sinbad's Voyages, and other oriental fictions, is particularly considered, by R. Hole. 8vo. London, 1793. Antar (Life and Adventures of), a celebrated Bedowen; translated from the original Arabic by T. Hamilton. 4 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1819. An Arabian Tale (the History of the Caliph Vathek], from an unpublished MS. [by William Beckford]; with notes, critical and explanatory [by Dr. Stephen Henley]. 8vo. first edition, large paper; printed only for presents. London, 1786. See Nichols's Anecdotes, vol. ix. p. 674, for a letter of Dr. Henley's to Bahar-danush; or, Garden of Knowledge: translated from the Persian of Einaut-Oollah, by Jonathan Scott. 3 vols. small 8vo. Shrewsbury, 1799. Hatim Tai (Adventures of), a Romance; translated from the Persian by Duncan Forbes. 4to. London, 1830. Fortunate Union (the), a Romance; translated from the Chinese original, with notes and illustrations, by J. F. Davis. 2 vols. in one, 8vo. London, 1829. Dramatic Poetry. Treatises on Dramatic Poetry, &c. Schlegel's (Aug. Will.) Course of Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature; translated by John Black. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1815. Adams' (Geo.) Defence of Tragic Poetry; an historical account of its rise and progress, and a comparison of the ancient tragedians with each other. (Translation of Sophocles, Vol. I.) Barrington (Daines) on the Ancient Tragedies. (Miscellanies.) Walpole's (H.) Thoughts on Tragedy and Comedy. (Orford's Works, Ignoramus, Comedia, scriptore Georgio Ruggle; nunc denuò edita, cum notis historicis et criticis: quibus præponitur vita autoris et glossarium [Anglicè], accurante J. S. Hawkins. 8vo. Londini, 1787. English Drama. HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH THEATRE AND DRAMA Scott's (Sir W.) Essay on the Drama. (Prose Works, Vol. VI.) Hawkins's (Thos.) Origin of the English Drama illustrated, in its various species--mystery, morality, tragedy, and comedy-by specimens from our earliest writers; with notes. 3 vols. 12mo. Oxford, 1773. |