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Catecheticæ Versiones Variæ; sive Catechismus communis Quadrilinguis, tam Prosa, quam Carmine; Hebraicè, Græcè, Latinè, et Anglicè; cum Præfatione G. S[andys]. 12mo. Lond. 1638.

Boone's (Charles) Book of Churches and Sects; or, the Opinions of all Denominations of Christians differing from the Church of England traced to their Source, by an Exposition of the various Translations and Interpretations of the Sacred Writings. 8vo. London, 1826.


SS. Patrum Apostolicorum, Barnabæ, Hermæ, Clementis, Ignatii, Polycarpi Opera genuina; unà cum Ignatii et Polycarpi Martyriis; Versionibus antiquis et recentioribus, variantibus lectionibus, selectisque variorum Notis illustrata. Accesserunt S. Ignatii Epistolæ, tum interpolatæ, tum suppositæ, curâ Ri. Russell. The 4 parts in 2 vols. royal 8vo, large and thick paper. Lond. 1746.

Reliquiæ Sacræ; sive Auctorum fere jam perditorum II. et III. Sæculi Fragmenta quæ supersunt. Accedunt Epistolæ Synodicæ et Canonicæ Nicæno Concilio antiquiores. Ad Cod. MSS. recensuit, Notisque illustravit M. J. Routh. 4 vols. 8vo. Oxопії, 1814-18.

Lactantii (C.) Firmiani Opera omnia, Notis var., variis lect. recensuit. J. L. Bünemann. 2 vols. 8vo. Lips. 1739.

Lactantii (C.) Opera omnia quæ exstant, studiis Soc. Bipontinæ. 8vo. Bipont. 1786.

Minutius Felix Octavius, ex iteratâ recensione Jo. Davisii, cum ejusd. Animadversionibus ac Notis integris D. Heraldi et N. Rigaltii, nec non selectis aliorum. Accedit Commodianus ævi Cyprianici Scriptor, cum Observat. antehac editis. 8vo, large paper. Cantabr. 1712.

Bryant (Jacob), the Sentiments of Philo-Judæus concerning the ΛΟΓΟΣ or Word of God; together with large Extracts from his Writings compared with the Scriptures, on many other Doctrines of the Christian Religion. 8vo. Cantabr. 1797.

Apologies of Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Minutius Felix, and Vincentius Lirensis, in defence of the Christian Religion, translated, with Notes, by W. Reeves. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1709.

Suiceri (J. C.) Thesaurus Ecclesiasticus, è Patribus Græcis, ordine alphabetico, exhibens quæcunque Phrases, Ritus, Dogmata, Hæreses, et hujusmodi alia huc spectant. 2 vols. folio. Amst. 1728.

Sculteti (Abr.) Medulla Theologia Patrum, qui à temporibus Apostolorum ad Concilium usque Nicenum floruerunt; methodo analyticâ et syntheticâ expressa, cum Præfatione D. Parei. 2 vols. 4to. Amberg. 1603-9.


Collected Works.

Adam's (Thos. of Wintringham) Collected Works. 5 vols. 8vo. London and York, 1771-86.

Arminius's (James) Works, translated from the Latin; to which are prefixed, the Life of the Author by C. Brandt, Extracts from his Letters, and an Account of the Synod of Dort, by James Nichols. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1822-25.

Barrington's (Shute, 1st Viscount) Theological Works, including the Miscellanea Sacra, the Essay on the Dispensations, and his Correspondence with Dr. Lardner; with a Life of the Author, and a brief Memoir of his Son, the late Lord Bishop of Durham, by Geo. Townsend. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1828.

Barrow's (Isaac) English Works, edited, with some Account of the Author, by Archbishop Tillotson. 3 vols. in 2, folio. London, 1722. Baxter's (Richard) Practical Works; with Life and Times of the Author by W. Orme. 23 vols. 8vo. London, 1827-31.

Berkely's (Bp. Geo.) Works; to which are added, an Account of his Life and several of his Letters. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1820.

Beveridge's (Bp. William) Works, with a Memoir of the Author, and a Critical Examination of his Writings, by T. H. Horne. 9 vols. 8vo.

Lond. 1824.

Bramhall's (Archbishop John) Works, edited, with Life, [by Bishop John Vesey]. Folio. Dublin, 1677.

Bullii (Geo.) Opera omnia Latinè, curâ et Annotat. J. E. Grabe. Folio. Lond. 1703.

Calvini (Joannis) Opera omnia. Editio ad fidem emend. Codicum recognita et Indicibus adornata. 9 vols. folio. Amstelodami, 1671. Cecil's (Richard) Works, edited, with Life, by Josiah Pratt. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1816.

Charnock's (Stephen) Works, edited by Edward Parsons. 9 vols. 8vo. London, 1815.

Chillingworth's (William) Works, [with Life by Birch, and Letters]. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1820.

Flavel's (John) Whole Works. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1820.

Hall's (Bp. Joseph) Works; with Life and Sufferings by himself, arranged and revised by Joseph Pratt. 10 vols. 8vo. London, 1808. Hall's (Robert) Entire Works; with Memoir of his Life by Sir James Mackintosh; and a critical Estimate of his Writings by O. Gregory. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831.

Horberry's (Matthew) Works. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1828.

Hopkins' (Ezek.) Works, collected, with a Life of the Author, by Joseph Pratt. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1809.

Jackson's (Thomas) Works; with his Life by Edward Vaughan. 3 vols. folio. London, 1673.

See Jones's Life of Bishop Horne,

Jewell's (Bp. John) Workes; [with Life of the Author, and Prefatory Dedication to K. James, by Bishop Overall,]. Black letter, 2 vols. folio. Lond. 1611.

"This book was bought at the parish of St. Giles's in the Field's charges, anno 1613; it cost 20s.; Mr. Thomas Tuke being curate, and John Lorchin and John Bruer churchwardens." - MS. Note.

Jones's (William, of Nayland) Theological Works; with an Account of his Life and Writings, by W. Stevens. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1810. Lake's (Bp. Arthur) Works; with Life of the Author. Folio, port. by Payne. Lond. 1629.

Lardner's (Nathaniel) Works; with Life by A. Kippis. 5 vols. 4to. Lond. 1815.

Leighton's (Abp. Robt.) Whole Works; with Memoir of the Author by Robt. Jerment. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1820.

Lightfoot's (John) Whole Works; edited by J. R. Pitman. 13 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1825.

Lutheri (Mart.) Opera; cum Præfatione Nic. Amsdorfii. 4 vols. folio.
Jenæ, excud. Christ. Rhodius, 1556-70.

Mede's (Joseph) Works; with Life by J. Worthington. Folio. Lond. 1677.
Melancthonis (Phil.) Opera omnia [collegit, &c. Caspar Peucerum].
4 vols. folio. Wittebergæ, excud. J. Crato, 1562-3.
Newton's (Bp. Thos.) Works, with some Account of his Life, and
Anecdotes of several of his Friends, written by himself. 6 vols. 8vo.
London, 1777.

Reynolds's (Bp. Edward) Whole Works, with his Funeral Sermon by
Rively, and a Memoir of his Life by Alexander Chalmers; edited by
J. R. Pitman. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1826.

Scott's (John) Works. 6 vols. 8vo. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1826.
Scott's (Thomas) Theological Works. 5 vols. 8vo. Buckingham, 1805.
Secker's (Abp. Thos.) Works; with a Review of his Life and Cha-
racter by Bishop Porteus. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1811.
Oxford, 1812, &c.

Sherlock's (Bp. Thos.) Works. 5 vols. 8vo.
Stillingfleet's (Bp.) Works, with his Life and Character. 6 vols. folio.

London, 1710.

Taylor's (Bp. Jeremy) Whole Works; with Life of the Author, and critical Examination of his Writings, by Bishop Reginald Heber. 15 vols. 8vo. London, 1822.

Tillotson's (Abp.) Works, edited with Life by J. Birch. 3 vols. folio. London, 1752.

Townson's (Thos.) Works; with an Account of the Author, &c. by

Ralph Churton. London, 1810.

Tyndall (W.), John Frith, and Robt. Barnes's (three worthy Martyrs and principal Teachers of the Churche of Englande) Whole Workes, collected and compiled in one tome [with their several Lives by John Foxe]. Black letter, folio. At London by John Daye, M.D.LXXIII.

Warburton's (Bp. W.) Works; with Life by Bishop Hurd. 12 vols. 8vo. London, 1811.

Wilson's (Bp. Thomas) Works; with Life, and History of the Isle of Man, by C. Cruttwell. 8 vols. 8vo. Bath, 1817-22.

Waterland's (Daniel) Works, now first collected and arranged; to which is prefixed, a Review of the Author's Life and Writings by Bishop W. Van Mildert. 10 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1824.

Zuinglii (Huldrici) Opera omnia, cum Præfatione apologeticâ R. Gualtheri. 4 vols. folio. Tiguri, 1581.

Separate Works.

Fathers (The) of the English Church; or, a Selection from the Writings of the Reformers and early Protestant Divines; with Memorials of their Lives and Writings. [By Legh Richmond.] 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1807-12.

Addison (Jos.) on the Christian Religion. (Works, 8vo. Vol. VI. 4to. Vol. IV.)

Adams's (Thos.) Private Thoughts on Religion. (Works, Vol. II.)
Allix's (Peter) Judgement of the Ancient Jewish Church against the
Unitarians, in the Controversy upon the Holy Trinity and the
Divinity of our Saviour. 8vo.
Oxford, 1821. (Works, Vol. II.)
(Works, Vols. I. and XI.)
(Works, Vol. VII.)

Bacon's (Lord) Meditationes Sacræ.
Bacon's (Lord) Theological Tracts.
Balguy's (Thos.) Divine Benevolence

asserted, and vindicated from the

Objections of Sceptics. 12mo. London, 1803.

Barnes's (Robert) Supplication unto the most gracious Prince King
Henry VIII.;-His Articles condemned by Popishe Byshops; -Whole
Disputation betweene the Byshops and Hym on the Doctrines and
Discipline of the Church. (Works.)

Bartas's (Du) Divine Weekes and Workes. (Poetry.)
Bates's (Ely) Christian Politics. 8vo. London, 1806.

Baxter's (Richard) Christian Directory; or a Sum of Christian Theology. (Works, Vols. II.-VI.)

Baxter's (R.) Treatise on Conversion, and Call to the Unconverted. (Works, Vol. VII.)

Baxter's (R.) Sound Conversion; - Directions for weak or disturbed Christians; and Character of a sound Christian. (Works, Vol. VIII.) Baxter's (R.) Method for a settled Peace of Conscience. (Works, Vol. IX.)

Baxter's (R.) Saint or a Brute; -the One Thing necessary;-and Cain and Abel Malignity. (Works, Vol. X.)

Baxter (R.) on Self-Denial, and Obedient Patience. (Works, Vol. XI.) Baxter's (R.) Life of Faith. (Works, Vol. XII.)

Baxter's (R.) Divine Life; or, the Knowledge of God;-and Divine Appointment of the Lord's Day. (Works, Vol. XIII.)

Baxter's (R.) Gildas Salvianus; or, Reformed Pastor, shewing the Nature of the Pastoral Office. (Works, Vol. XIV.)

Baxter's (R.) Confirmation and Restauration the necessary Means of Reformation and Reconciliation. (Works, Vol. XIV.)

Baxter's (R.) Knowledge and Love compared; Counsel to all Young Men; a Moral Prognostication of what is expected in the Church of Christendome. (Works, Vol. XV.)

Baxter's (R.) Mischiefs of Self-Ignorance; True Catholic and Catholic Church described; Catholic Unity, or the only way to bring us all of one Religion. (Works, Vol. XVI.)

Baxter's (R.) Dying Thoughts, and Mother's Catechism. (Works, Vol. XVIII.)

Baxter's (R.) Catechising of Families, and Poor Man's Family-Book. (Works, Vol. XIX.)

Baxter's (R.) Unreasonableness of Infidelity, and Reasons of the Christian Religion. (Works, Vols. XX. and XXI.)

Baxter's (R.) Saint's Everlasting Rest. (Works, Vols. XXII. & XXIII.) Bennet's (Benj.) Christian Oratory; or, the Devotions of the Closet displayed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1811.

Bentley on Free-Thinking. (Randolph's Enchirid. Vol. II.)

Berkeley's (Bp.) Alciphron; or, the Minute Philosopher, containing an Apology for the Christian Religion against Free-Thinkers. (Works.)

Beveridge's (Bp. W.) Private Thoughts upon Religion. (Works, Vol. I.)

Biddulph (Thos.) on the Divine Influence or Operation of the Holy Spirit. 8vo. Bristol, 1824.)

A Profitable and Necessarye Doctryne, with certayne Homelies adioyned therunto, set forthe by the Reuerende Father in God, Edmonde [Bonner] Byshop of London, for the Instruction and Enformation of the People beynge within his diocese, and of his cure and charge. Black letter, 4to. A remarkably fine copy. Imprinted at London by Ihon Cawodde [1555].

"Prepared," says Strype, "by the study of his chaplains, John Harpesfield and Henry Pendleton."

Boyle (Hon. Robert) on Some Motives to the Love of God. (Works, Vol. I.)

Boyle (Hon. R.) on the Excellency of Theology compared with Natural
Philosophy. (Works, Vol. IV.)

Boyle (Hon. R.) on the Reconcilableness of Reason and Religion, and
on the Possibility of the Resurrection. (Works, Vol. IV.)
Boyle's (Hon. R.) Dissuasive from Swearing. (Works, Vol. V.)
Boyle's (Hon. R.) Christian Virtuosa. (Works, Vols. V. and VI.)
Boyle (Hon. R.) on the Final Causes of Natural Things. (Works,
Vol. V.)

Bramhall's (Archbishop) Controversies about the Sabbath clearly stated. (Works.)

Bridges' (Charles) Christian Ministry; with an Inquiry into the Causes of its Inefficiency, with an especial reference to the Ministry of the Establishment. 12mo. London, 1830.

[Brightwell's (Richarde)] Pistle to the Christen Reader; -the Revelation of Antichrist;-Antithesis, wherein are compared togeder Christes Actes and oure Holye Father the Popes. Black letter, small 8vo. At Malborow, in the lande of Hesse, by me Hans Lust, the XII day of Julye, 1529.

With Tyndall's Parable of the Wicked Mammon.

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