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Noble's (Mark) Memoirs of the House of Medici; illustrated with genealogical Tables. (Italian History.)

Memoirs of the Peers and Knights present at the Siege of Carlaverock Castle, A.D. 1300. (Hist. of the Siege.).

Lodge's (E.) Genealogy of the existing British Peerage; with brief sketches of the family histories of the nobility. 8vo. Lond. 1832. Collins' (Arthur) Historical Collections of the Noble Families of Cavendishe, Holles, Vere, Harley, and Ogle; with the lives of the most remarkable persons, and containing curious private memoirs not hitherto published. Folio, portraits by Vertue. London, 1752.

Watson's (John) Memoirs of the Ancient Earls of Warren and Surrey, and their descendants to the present time; for the purpose of proving the right of Sir Geo. Warren, of Paynton, to the title of Lord Warren. 2 vols. 4to. plates by Basire. Warrington, 1782.

Noble's (Mark) Memoirs of the Protectoral House of Cromwell, and also the families allied to or descended from them. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1788.

Namely, the Cromwells, Earls of Essex, and Lords Cromwell, the St. Johns, Neales, Barringtons, Mashams, Hampdens, Knightleys, Pyes, Trevors, Hobarts, Whalleys, Dunchs, Flemings, Palavicini, Ingoldsbys, Stewards, Whitstones, Jolin Jones, Valentine Wauton, the Sewsters, Lockharts, Disbrowes, Abp. Tillotson, Lord Deputy Ireton, Mrs. Bendysh, Fleetwoods, Claypooles, Earl Fauconberg, Robt. Rich, Russells, General Reynolds, Earl of Thomond, the Franklands, and Hewlings.

Dugdale's (Sir W.) Visitation of Yorkshire in 1665. (Manuscripts.) Hopkinson's (John) Pedigrees and Descents of Yorkshire and Lancashire Families. (Manuscripts.)

[Buchanan's (W.)] Brief Inquiry into the Genealogy and present state of ancient Scottish Sirnames. 4to. Glasy. 1723.

Genealogical Accounts of many Families in Scotland, communicated to Mr. Nesbit. (Heraldry, Vol. II.)

Clifford's Genealogy and Historical Memorials of the Family of Aston of Tixall. (Description of Tixall.)

Ker's (R.) Genealogy of the Bruce Family. (Hist. of Scotland.) [Carlisle's (N.)] Collections from the History of the ancient Family of Carlisle. 4to. Presentation copy. London, privately printed, 1822. [Buckler's (Benj.)] Stemmata Chicheleana; or, a Genealogical Account of the families derived from Thomas Chichele, of Higham Ferrars; all whose descendants are held to be entitled to Fellowships in AllSouls' College, Oxford, by virtue of their consanguinity to the founder; with the Supplement. 4to. Oxford, 1765-75.

Cleaveland's (Ezra) Genealogical History of the Noble and most Illustrious Family of Courtenay. Folio, uncut. Exeter, 1735.

Dobie's (J.) Examination of the Claim of John Lindsay Crawford to the Titles and Estates of Crawford and Lindsay. 4to. Edinburgh, privately printed, 1831.

Gordon's (Sir Robert, of Gordonstoune) Genealogical History of the
Earldom of Sutherland; with Continuation [by Gilbert Gordon, of
Sallagh] to 1651. [Edited by H. Weber]. Folio. Edin. 1813.
[Edmondson's (Jos.)] Historical and Genealogical Account of the Noble
Family of Greville, to the present time. 8vo. London, 1766.

Selden's (Jo.) Argument concerning the Baronies of Grey and Ruthen. (Works, Vol. III.)

Wynne's (Sir John) History of the Gwedir Family. (Barrington's Miscellanies.)

Howard's (Charles, Xth Duke of Norfolk) Historical Anecdotes of some

of the Howard Family. 8vo. London, 1769.

Bell's (Henry Nugent) Huntingdon Peerage; comprising the evidence and proceedings connected with the recent restoration of the earldom, and the report of the attorney-general on that occasion: to which is prefixed, a genealogical and biographical history of the House of Hastings, including a Memoir of the present earl. 4to. Lond. 1820.

Laciesms' Nobility [a Genealogical Detail of the Earls of Lincoln]; with MS. additions by Thos. Wilson of Leeds, forming 18 pages. (Ferne's Blazon of Gentrie.)

Genealogy of the Mackenzies preceding the year 1661, written in 1669, by a person of quality. 4to. Edin. privately printed, 1829.

Maitland's (Sir R.) History of the House of Seton; with continuation by Viscount Kingston. 4to. ports. and view of Seton chapel. Glasgow, privately printed, 1829.

Urquhart's (Sir T.) Pedigree and Descent of the Family of Urquharts to 1652. 12mo. Edin. 1774.

Anderson's (James) Genealogical History of the House of Yvery, in its different branches of Yvery, Luvel, Percival, and Gournay. 2 vols. royal 8vo. London, privately printed, 1742.

Gambrivii (H. C.) Genealogia Ranzoviana, ad annum 1585. 4to. Antverpia, 1585.



History of Literature.

Mancy (A. Jarry de), Atlas Historique et Chronologique des Littératures anciennes et modernes, des Sciences et des Beaux Arts, d'après la Méthode de l'Atlas du Comte de Las Casas. Large folio. Paris,


Schoell (F.), Histoire Abrégée de la Littérature Grecque et Romaine jusqu'au VIme siècle; avec une appendix de l'influence de la littérature des peuples de l'Orient sur celles de Grecs et Romains; par Fred. Schlegel. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1813-15.

Matter (Jacques), Essai Historique sur l'Ecole d'Alexandrie, et coupd'œil comparatif sur la littérature Grecque, depuis le temps d'Alexandre le Grand jusqu'à celui d'Alexandre Sévère. 2 vols. 8vo. Strasbourg, 1820.

Berrington's (Joseph) Literary History of the Middle Ages; comprehending the state of learning from the close of the reign of Augustus to its revival in the 15th century. 4to. London, 1814.

[Millot (l'Abbé)], Histoire Littéraire des Troubadours; contenant leurs vies, les extraits de leurs pièces, et plusieurs particularités sur les mœurs, les usages, et l'histoire du XII et XIII siècles [sur les MSS. de M. St. Palaye]. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1774.

Literary History of the Troubadours; containing their lives, extracts from their works, and many particulars relative to the customs, morals, and history of the 12th and 13th centuries; collected and abridged by Mrs. Dobson from Saint Pelaye. 8vo. London, 1779.

Introduction to the Literary History of the 14th and 15th centuries. 8vo. London, 1798.

D'Israeli's (I.) Curiosities of Literature; consisting of anecdotes, characters, sketches, and observations, literary and historical. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1807-17.

D'Israeli's (I.) Second Series of Curiosities of Literature; consisting of researches in literary, biographical, and political history; of critical and philosophical inquiries, and of secret history. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1823.

D'Israeli's (I.) Literary Character illustrated by the History of Men of Genius. 8vo. London, 1818.

[Irailh (l'Abbé)], Querelles Littéraires, ou mémoires pour servir à l'histoire des révolutions de la République des Lettres, depuis Homère jusqu'à nos jours. 4 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1761.

D'Israeli's (I.) Quarrels of Authors; or, some memoirs for our literary history, including specimens of controversy to the reign of Elizabeth. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1814.

Rousseau (Narrative of what passed relative to the Quarrel of David Hume and J. J.), as far as Mr. Walpole was concerned in it. (Orford's Memoirs, Vol. IV.)

Proceedings on the Trial of Rob. Faulder, bookseller, for publishing a Libel on John Williams, alias Anthony Pasquin, Esq. (Gifford's


D'Israeli's (I.) Calamities of Authors, including some inquiry into their moral and literary character. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1812. Turner (S.) on Anglo-Saxon Literature. (Anglo-Saxon Hist.)

Walpole's (Horace) Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scotland, and Ireland; with a list of their works: enlarged and continued to the present time, by Thomas Park. 5 vols. 8vo. large paper. London, 1806. (Orford's Works, Vol. I.)

Nichols's (John) Literary Anecdotes of the 18th Century; comprising biographical memoirs of William Bowyer and many of his learned friends; an incidental view of the progress and advancement of literature in this kingdom during the last century; and biographical anecdotes of a considerable number of eminent writers and ingenious artists. 9 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1812-15.

The indexes are contained in Vols. VII. and XI.

Nichols's (J.) Illustrations of the Literary History of the 18th century; consisting of authentic memoirs and original letters of eminent persons; and intended as a sequel to the Literary Anecdotes. Vols. I. to VI. 8vo. London, 1817-31.

[Beloe (Wm.)], the Sexagenarian; or, recollections of a literary life. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1817.

Brydges' (Sir E.) Desultoria; or, comments of a South Briton on books and men. Crown 8vo. Lee Priory, 1816.

Coleridge's (T. S.) Biographia Literaria; or, biographical sketches of my literary life and opinions. 2 vols in one, 8vo. London, 1817. [Pegge's (F.)] Anonymiana; or, ten centuries of observations on various authors and subjects. 8vo. London, 1809.

Pennant (the Literary Life of Thomas), by himself. 4to. London, 1793. Spence's (Joseph) Anecdotes, Observations, and Characters, of Books and Men, collected from the conversation of Mr. Pope and other eminent persons of his time; with notes and life of the author by S. W. Singer. 8vo. London, 1820.

Polwhele's (R.) Traditions and Recollections, domestic, clerical, and literary; in which are included, letters of Charles II., Cromwell, Fairfax, Edgecumbe, Macaulay, Wolcot, Opie, Whitaker, Gibbon, Buller, and other distinguished characters. 2 vols. 8vo. London,


Biographical Dictionary of Living Authors of Great Britain and Ireland; comprising literary memoirs and anecdotes of their lives, and a chronological register of their publications. 8vo. London, 1816.

Irving (D.) on the Literary History of Scotland. (Lives of Scottish Poets.)

Leyden (J.) on Early Scottish Literature. (Complaint of Scotland.) Literary History of Scotland during the 16th and 17th centuries. (M'Crie's Lives of Knox and Melville.)

Tytler's (J. F.) Sketches of the Progress of Literature and general Improvement in Scotland during the greater part of the 18th century. (Life of Lord Kaimes.)

Memoirs of William Smellie [the compiler of the first edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica]; containing his literary correspondence. (Biography.)

Sismonde (J. D. L.) de Sismondi de la Littérature du Midi de l'Europe. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1,813.

Sismonde de Sismondi on the Literature of the South of Europe, translated, with notes, by T. Roscoe. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1823.

[Sade (l'Abbé)], les Trois Siècles de la Littérature Française, ou tableau de l'esprit de nos écrivains depuis François I jusqu'à 1773. 5 vols. 12mo. Amst. 1774.

Genlis (Memoirs of the Countess de), illustrative of the [Literary] History of the 18th and 19th centuries; written by herself, and translated. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1825.

Grimm (le Baron de) et Diderot, Mémoires Historiques, Littéraires, et Anecdotiques, tirées de la correspondance philosophique et critique addressée au Duc de Saxe-Gotha. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1813.

Genlis (Mad. de), de l'Influence des Femmes sur la Littérature Française; ou, précis de l'histoire des femmes Françaises le plus célèbres. 8vo. Paris, 1811.

Hobhouse's (John) Essay on Italian Literature. (Illustrations of Byron.) Tiraboschi (Girolamo), Storia della Litteratura Italiana all' anno 1700, con Indice. 9 vols. in 13, 4to. Modena, 1787-94.

Guinguené (P. L.), Histoire Littéraire d'Italie. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1811-13.

Twiss's (R.) Account of Spanish and Portuguese Literature, and a Catalogue of the books which describe those countries. (Travels in Spain.) Bouterwek (M.), Histoire de la Littérature Espagnole. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1812.

Loève-Veimars (A.), Résumé de l'Histoire de la Littérature Allemande. 12mo. Paris, 1824.

Kohlii (J. P.) Introductio in Historiam et Rem Litterariam Slavonum. Small 8vo. Altone, 1729.

[Du Bois (J. B.)], Essai sur l'Histoire Littéraire de Pologne. 8vo. Berlin, 1778.

Harris's (James) Account of Literature in Russia. (Works, Vol. II.)
Jones (Sir W.) sur la Littérature Orientale. (Works, Vol. V.)
Littérature Orientale. (D'Herbelot, Bib. Orient.)

Toderini (Giamb.) Litteratura Turchescha. 3 vols. 8vo. Venet. 1787.

History of Writing and Diplomatics.

Astle's (Thos.) Origin and Progress of Writing, as well hieroglyphical as elementary; also some account of the origin and progress of Printing. 4to. London, 1803.

Montfaucon (Bern. de) Palæographia Græca, sive de ortu et progressu literarum Græcarum, et de variis omnium sæculorum scriptionis Græcæ generibus; itemque de abbrevationibus et de notis variarum artium ac disciplinarum. Folio. Parisiis, 1708.

Waltheri (J. L.) Lexicon Diplomaticum, cum præfatione J. D. Koeleri. 2 vols. in one, folio. Gottinga, 1745.

Autographs of Royal, Noble, Learned, and Remarkable Personages conspicuous in English history, from the reign of Richard II. to that of Charles II., including some illustrious foreigners. Engraved under the direction of C. J. Smith, and accompanied by biographical memoirs, &c. by J. G. Nichols. Imp. 4to. London, 1829.

Peignot (Gab.), Essai sur l'Histoire du Parchemin et du Vélin. 8vo. Paris, 1812.

History of Literary and Philosophical Societies, Literary
Journals, &c.

For History of British Universities, see Topography.

Birch's (Th.) History of the Royal Society of London for improving of Natural Knowledge. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1756-7.

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