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Taylor (Bishop Jer.) on the Liberty of Prophesying; with its just Limits and Temper. (Works, Vol. VII. and VIII.)

Taylor (Bishop Jer.), of the Sacred Order and Offices of Episcopacy. (Works, Vol. VII.)

Thuanus's [De Thou] Preface or Dedication of his History to Henry IV., translated by Collinson. (Life.)

[Travers (Walter)], a Full and Plaine Declaration of Ecclesiasticall Discipline, owt off the Word of God, and off the Declininge off the Churche off England, from the same [translated, reviewed, and perfected, with a Preface, by Cartwright,] 4to, black letter. Imprinted M.D.LXXIII.

This is printed in type similar to Coverdale's Bible, and therefore likely to have been executed at Zurich or Marlborough. It was carefully suppressed by Archbishop Parker.

Warburton's (Bishop) Alliance between Church and State. (Works, Vol. VII.)

Witherspoon's (John) Ecclesiastical Characteristics; or, the Arcana of Church Policy. (Works, Vol. VI.)

Steuart's (Walter, of Pardovan) Collections and Observations concerning the Worship, Discipline, and Government of the Church of Scotland, 8vo. Edin. 1770.


Taylor's (Bishop Jer.) Apology for authorised and set Forms of Liturgy, against the Pretence of the Spirit. (Works, Vol. VII.)

Brett's (Thos.) Collection of the principal Liturgies of the Christian Church on the Celebration of the holy Eucharist; with a Dissertation shewing their usefulness, authority, &c. 8vo. London, 1720.

Renaudotii (Eus.) Collectio Liturgiarum Orientalium, 2 vols. 4to. Parisiis, 1715-16.

Goar's (Jac.) Euchologion, sive Rituale Græc. Gr. et Lat. Par. 1647. Liturgia Armena, Arm. et Ital., per cura del P.Gabriele Avedichian, 8vo. Venezia, 1826.

Liturgia Armena, 32mo. [Venet.], 1793.

Missale SS. Patrum Latinorum, J. Pamelio digesta, 2 vols. 4to. Coloniæ, 1610.

Missale Romanum: an illuminated MS. on vellum, of the fifteenth century, executed in France; the borders of each page are grotesquely and humorously ornamented, the Gospels and various Offices having illustrative miniatures very beautifully executed, the initial letters, &c. are also illuminated: 4to, in excellent condition, and bound in velvet.

Missale Romanum, ex decreto S. Conc. Tridentini restitutum, Pii V. Pont. Max. jussu editum et Clementis VIII. primum, nunc denuo Urbani VIII. auctoritate recognitum: in quo Missæ propriæ de Sanctis ad longum positæ sunt ad majorem celebrantium commoditatem, folio. Coloniæ, 1700.

Missæ Defunctorum, juxta usum Ecclesiæ Romanæ, cum Ordine et Canone extensæ, folio. Antverpiæ, 1684.

Pontificale Romanum, Clementis VIII. primum, nunc denuo Urbani VIII. auctoritate recognitum; ac demum, ad plurium usum, in commodiorem formam redactum, 8vo. Coloniæ, 1682.

Rituale Romanum, Pauli V. Pont. Max. jussu editum, 4to. Antverp. Plantin, 1625.

Breviarium Romanum, ex decreto S. Concilii Tridentini restitutum, Pii V. Pont. Max. jussu editum, et Clementis VIII. auctoritate recognitum; additis aliquot Officiis Sanctorum ex Præcepto Pauli V., Gregorii XV., et Urbani VIII., 8vo. Colon. 1628.

Missale mixtum, secundum Regulam B. Isidori, dictum Mozarabes, Præfatione, Notis, et Appendice, ab Alex. Lesleo, 4to. Romæ, 1755. Palmer's (W.) Origines Liturgicæ; or, Antiquities of the English Ritual; and a Dissertation on Primitive Liturgies, 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1832. The Primer, set furth by the King's Majestie and his Clergy, to be taught, lerned, and red, black letter, small 8vo. (Reprint.) London, by R. Grafton, 1546.

The Booke of Common Praier and Administracion of the Sacramentes and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Churche, after the Use of the Churche of Englande, folio, black letter. London, in officina R. Graftoni, mense Martii, M.D.XLIX.

The "First Book of Edward VI."

The Booke of Common Praier, &c., [or second of Edward VI.] black letter, folio. London, R. Grafton, M.D.LII.

This differs from the preceding in the omission of the oil in baptism, unction for the sick, prayers for the dead, &c. &c.

The Primer, in Englishe and Latine, set out all along after the use of Sarum; with many godlie and devoute Praiers, black letter, 4to. London, by J. Kingston and H. Sutton, 1557.

The Booke of Common Prayer, and Administracion of the Sacramentes, &c., [revised, with alterations and additions, under the direction of Archbishop Parker], folio, black letter. Londini, in officina R. Jugge et J. Cawood, 1559.

Book of Common Prayer, &c. [revised in consequence of the Hampton Court Conference], folio, black letter. London, 1605.

Book of Common Prayer, &c. [revised by Archbishop Laud], for the Use of the Church of Scotland; with the Psalms translated by K. James, folio. Edin. R. Young, 1637.

Book of Common Prayer, &c. [revised by royal commission, the standdard of the present editions, and usually termed the "Sealed Book,"] black letter. Lond. 1662.

Book of Common Prayer, 24mo. Edin. J. Watson, 1717.

Book of Common Prayer, engraved and illustrated on silver plates by Sturt, a large copy, bound in velvet, with silver corners and clasps, 8vo.

Lond. 1717.

Book of Common Prayer, with Notes explanatory, practical, and historical, selected by Richard Mant, 4to. Oxford, 1820.

L'Estrange's (Ham) Alliance of Divine Offices; exhibiting all the Liturgies of the Church of England, as also of the Scotch Service-Book [Laud's], with their respective variations, folio. Lond. 1690.

Liturgia Eccles. Anglicana in Ling. Græcam translat. 12mo. Londini, 1818.

The Forme of Prayers and Administration of the Sacramentes, according to the Church of Scotland [a reprint of that adopted by Knox], small 8vo. Aberdene, by E. Raban, 1633.

Reformed Liturgy, by Richard Baxter. (Works, Vol. XV.)

The Directory for the Publique Worship of God throughout the Three Kingdoms; together with the Ordinance of Parliament for taking away the Book of Common Prayer, 4to. Lond. 1644.

Downes' (Sam.) Lives of the Compilers of the Liturgy, with an Historical Account of its several Revisors, 8vo. Lond. 1722.

Index Evangeliorum Dominicalium et Festorum apud Veteres AngloSaxones; Calendarium Alemannicum ex Cod. MS. Sæc. XIII. (Schilteri Thes. Vol. I.)

Melancthonis (P.) Annotationes in Evangelia, quæ usitato more Diebus Dominicis et Festis proponuntur. (Opera, Vol. III.)

Biddulph's (T.) Practical Essays on the Morning and Evening Services, and on the Collects of the Church of England, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822.

Hole's (Matthew) Practical Discourses on all the Parts and Offices of the Liturgy, 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1716, &c.

Reading's (W.) CXVI. Sermons on the Lessons, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1728. Rogers (Tho.) on the Morning Prayer and Litany. (Sermons.)

Shepherd's (John) Critical and Practical Elucidation of the Book of Common Prayer, according to the use of the United Church of England and Ireland, [edited, with Memoir of the Author, by Eliza Shepherd], 2 vols. 8vo; one of twelve copies printed on coloured paper. Lond. 1817.

Wheatley's (Charles) Illustration of the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England, 8vo. Lond. 1741.

Nelson's (Robt.) Companion for the Fasts and Festivals of the Church, 8vo. Lond. 1805.

Beveridge (Bishop W.) on the Necessity and Advantage of Public Prayer

and frequent Communion. (Works, Vol. I.)

Beveridge's (Bishop W.) Defence of the Old Singing Psalms. (Works, Vol. I.)

Heber's (Regd.) Hymns, written and adapted for the Weekly Church Service throughout the Year, 8vo. Lond. 1827.

Mason's (W.) Essays, historical and critical, on English Church Music. (Works, Vol. III.

Latrobe's (J. A.) Music of the Church considered in its various branches, congregational and choral; an historical and practical Treatise for the general reader, 8vo. Lond. 1831.



Catechismus Romanus, ex decreto Concilii Tridentini et Pii V. Pont. Max. editus, studio et industria A. F. Leodii, 8vo. Antverpiæ, 1606.

Bellarmini (Roberti, Cardinalis) Doctrina Christiana, ex Italico idiomate in Arabicum translata per V. Scialac et G. Sionitam, ad Fidei propagationem et orientalium Christianorum commodum, Arab. et Lat. 8vo. Rom. 1613.

Ορθοδοξος, &c., hoc est Orthodoxa Confessio Catholicæ atque Apostolicæ Ecclesiæ Orientalis, cum interp. Latinâ et versione Germanica: præmissa est Historia hujus Catechismi à D. C. G. Hofmann, 8vo. Wratslaviæ, 1751.

Cyrilli Patriarchæ Constant. Confessio Christianæ Fidei, Gr. et Lat. 4to. Geneva, 1633.

Corpus et Syntagma Confessionum Fidei, quæ in diversis Regnis et Nationibus Ecclesiarum nomine fuerunt authentice editæ, edidit G. Laurentio, 4to. Geneva, 1654.

Confessions of Faith of the Waldenses, Albigenses, &c. (Leger, Hist. des

Confessions of Faith of the Bohemians. (Hist. du Concile de Bâle.)
Lutheri Confessio Fidei. (Opera.)

Propositiones Theologicæ M. Lutheri et P. Melancthonis, continentes summam Doctrinæ Christianæ, scriptæ et disputatæ Wittebergæ, inde usque ab anno 1516, cum Præfat. Melancthonis. (Melancthonis Opera, Vol. IV.)

Melancthonis (P.) Catechesis; Confessio Doctrinæ Saxonicarum Ecclesiarum exhiberetur Synodo Tridentinæ 1551; Ennaratio Symboli Niceni. (Opera, Vol. I.)

Confessio Augustana. (Melancthonis Opera.)
Articuli Smalcaldensis. (Lutheri Opera.)

Repetitio Augustanæ Confessionis, sive Confessio Doctrinæ Sax. Ecc.
Melancthonis Opera.)

Formularies of Faith, set forth by the King's Authority during the reign of Henry VIII., 8vo. Oxford, 1824.

Catechisma Brevis, Christianæ Disciplinæ summam continens, authoritate regia [Edwardi VI.] commendatus; adjuncti sunt Articuli Synodi Londinensis, anno 1552, small 8vo. Londini, ap. R. Wolfium, 1553.

A Shorte Catechisme, conteyninge the Summe of Christian Learninge set forth by King Edward VI. (Randolph's Enchirid. Vol. I.)

Noelli (Alex.) Catechismus, sive Prima Institutio Disciplinaque Pietatis Christianæ. (Randolph's Enchirid. Vol. I.)

Articles of the Church of England. (Gibson's Codex and Clergyman's Assistant.)

Waterland's Critical History of the Athanasian Creed. (Works, Vol. IV.) Barrow's (Isaac) Exposition of the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and the Decalogue; to which is added, the Doctrine of the Sacraments. (Works, Vol. I.)

Beveridge's (Bishop) Exposition of the XXXIX. Articles of the Church of England. (Works, Vol. IX.)

Beveridge's (Bishop W.) Church Catechism explained. (Works, Vol. I.) [Collins's (A.)] Historical and Critical Essay on the XXXIX. Articles of the Church of England, 8vo. London, 1724.

Nares' (Edward) Discourses on the Three Creeds, and on the Homage offered to our Saviour, as expressed in the Evangelical Writings. 8vo. London, 1819.

Jackson's (Thos.) Commentaries on the Creed. (Works, Vol. I.)

Leighton's (Abp. R.) Exposition of the Creed, Lord's Prayer, and the

X. Commandments. (Works, Vol. III.)

Lightfoot's (John) Exposition of Three Articles in the Apostles' Creed. (Works, Vol. VI.)

Pearson's (Bp. John) Exposition of the Creed, with Index. Folio; with a few MS. Notes, port. London, 1741.

Secker's (Abp.) Lectures on the Church Catechism.
Vol. VI.)


Articles of Religion agreed upon by the Archbishops and Bishops and the rest of the Clergy in Ireland, in the Convocation held in Dublin in 1615, for the avoiding of diversities of opinions, and the establishing of consent touching true religion, [by Archbishop James Usher, and in force till 1634]. 4to. London, 1628.

Dunlop's (W.) Collection of Confessions of Faith, Catechisms, Books of Discipline, &c. of public authority in the Church of Scotland; together with the Acts of Assembly. 2 vols. 8vo. Edin. 1719-22. Confession of Faith; together with the Larger and Lesser Catechisms, composed by the Assembly of Divines. 4to. London, 1658.

Declaration of the Faith and Order owned and practised in the Congregational Churches in England, agreed upon and assented to by their Elders and Managers, in their Meeting at the Savoy, Oct. 12, 1658. 8vo. Reprinted, London, 1729.

Belgicarum Ecclesiarum Doctrina et Ordo; hoc est Confessio, Catechesis, Liturgia, Canones Ecclesiastici, Gr. et Lat. interpretibus F. Sylburgio et J. Revio. 8vo. Haerderwici, 1637.

Confessio sive Declaratio Sententiæ Pastorum, qui in Fœderato Belgio Remonstratenses vocantur, super præcipuos Articulos Religionis Christianæ. 4to. Haerderwici, 1622.

La Discipline Ecclésiastique des Eglises Réformées de France, avec les Observations des Synodes Nationaux sur tous les Articles; à quoi l'on a joint la conformité de la dite Discipline avec celle des anciens Chrétiens, et à la Discipline du Synode de Dordrect. 4to. Amst. 1610.

Catechesis Racoviensis, seu Liber Socinianorum primarius, ad fidem editionis anno MDCIX. recensuit, Socinianam vero impietatem in hoc libro traditam à recentioribus assutam accuratè profligavit G. L. Oederus. 8vo. Francof. 1739.

Confession of the Unitarians. (Lardner on the Logos, Works, Vol. V.) Barclay's (Robert) Apology for the True Christian Divinity; being an Explanation and Vindication of the Principles and Doctrines of the Persons called Quakers. 4to. Birmingham, Baskerville, 1765.

Oratio Dominica in diversas omnium fere Gentium Linguas versa, et propriis cujusque Linguæ characteribus expressa, editore Jo. Chamberlaynii. 4to. Amstelodami, 1715.


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