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[Molesworth's (Lord)) Account of Denmark as it was in 1692; - Асcount of Sweden in 1688, with several pieces relating thereto. 8vo. London, 1738.

Andrews' (John) History of the Revolutions of Denmark; with an Appendix of remarks on the laws and internal government. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1784.

Hellfried's (C. F.) Outlines of a Political Survey of the English Attack on Denmark in 1807; translated from the Danish. 8vo. London, 1809.

Randulphi (Env. N.) Tuba Danica; hoc est, de aureo Cornu in Cimbria invento. Small folio. Hauniæ, 1644.

Snorrii Sturlæ Filii Historia Regum Norvegiæ, Islandicè, Danicè, et Latinè. 5 vols. folio. Hauniæ, 1777-1818.

Sturlson's (Snorro) Anecdotes of Olave, the Black King of Man, and the Hebridean Princes of the Somerlad family; with XVIII. EuloIslandic and English, with notes by [Copenhagen], 1780. Small 8vo. Hauniæ, 1706.

gies on Haco, King of Norway. James Johnstone. Small 8vo.

Torfæi (Thor.) Groenlandia antiqua. Crantz's (David) History of Greenland; translated. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1767.

Ilands Landnambok; hoc est, Liber Originum Islandiæ, Is. et Lat.; lectionibus variantibus et indicibus illustratus J. Finnæus. 4to. Hauniæ, 1774.

Ionæ (Arng.) Crymogea; sive, Rerum Islandicarum Libri III. 4to. Hamburgi, 1610.

Rymbegla; sive, Rudimentum Computi ecclesiastici et Annales veterum Islandorum, Isl. et Lat.; lect. var., notis, et indice Steph. Biornonis. Addita sunt Talbyrdingus ejusdem, notis illustratus; - Oddi Astronomi Somnia;-et Jo. Arnæ et Finni Johannæi Horologia. 4to. Sumptibus illust. P. Fr. Suhm, Hauniæ, 1780.

"Ex donatione illust. Suhmii habet Wilhelmus Ernestus Christiani." Henderson on the History, Antiquities, &c. of Iceland. (Travels.) Landt's (Geo.) Description of the Feroe Islands, their climate and productions, the manners, &c. of the inhabitants. 8vo. London, 1810.

History of Sweden, including Lapland.

Scriptores Rerum Suecicarum medii ævi, edidit E. M. Fant. 3 vols. folio. Holmiæ et Upsaliæ, 1818.

History of Sweden. (Mod. Un. Hist. Vols. XXIX., XXX., and XXXVII.)

Archenholz, Histoire de Gustave Wasa; traduit de l'Allemande par Propiac. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1803.

Harte's (W.) History of the Life of Gustavus Adolphus, surnamed the Great. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1763.

Catteau-Calleville (J. P.), Histoire de Christine, Reine de Suède; avec un précis historique de la Suède depuis les anciens tems jusqu'à la mort de Gustave Adolphe. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1815.

Voltaire (M. de), Histoire de Charles XII, Roi de Suède, avec les remarques de M. de la Mottraye, et les réponses de M. de Voltaire. 2 vols. 12mo. Amst. 1733.

Vertot (l'Abbé), Histoire des Revolutions de Suède. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1722.

Leemius (Canutus) de Lapponibus Finmarchiæ, earumque Lingua, Vitâ, et Religione pristinâ, cum Notis J. E. Gunneri; et E. J. Jessen de Finnorum Lapponumque Norvegiæ Religione pagana. Dan. et Lat. 4to. plates. Kiopenhagé, 1767.

Scheffer's History of Lapland. (Travels.)

History of Russia.

Muscoviticarum Rerum Scriptores unum in corpus congesti, quibus et gentis historia continetur et regionum accurata descriptio. Folio. Francofurti, 1600.

Milton's (John) Brief History of Muscovia, and other less known countries lying eastward of Russia, towards Cathay. (Prose Works, 4to. Vol. I.; 8vo. Vol. IV.)

Karamsin, Histoire de l'Empire de Russie, traduit de Russe par St. Thomas et Jauffret. 11 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1820-26.

Lévesque (Pierre Charles), Histoire de Russie, jusqu'à la mort de l'Im-
pératrice Catherine II. 8 vols. 8vo. Hambourg, 1800.
History of Russia. (Mod. Un. Hist. Vols. XXXI. XXXII., XXXVII.)
History of Great Tartary and Asiatic Russia. (Mod. Univer. Hist.

Tooke's (Wm.) History of Russia, from the foundation of the monarchy to the accession of Catherine II. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1800.

Segur's (Count P.) History of Russia under Peter the Great. 8vo. London, 1829.

Whitworth's (Charles Lord) Account of Russia as it was in 1710. 8vo. Strawberry Hill, 1758.

Rulhière (M. de), Histoire, ou Anecdotes sur la Révolution de Russie en l'an 1762. 8vo. Paris, 1797.

MS. "Note du lecteur. Une personne principale de Russie, dont la famille a joué un grand rôle dans cette révolution, assure, qu'excepté le fait du détrônement et de la mort violente de Pierre III, il n'y a dans l'histoire composée par M. de Rulhière que faussetés, erreurs, et alterations de circonstances." The margins are filled with MS. remarks in the same hand.

Tooke's (W.) History of the Russian Empire during the reign of Catherine II., and to the close of the present century. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1799.

Potemkin (Memoirs of Prince), comprehending Anecdotes of Catherine II. and of the Russian Court. 8vo. London, 1812.

Porter's (Sir R. K.) Narrative of the Campaigns in Russia in 1812. 4to. London, 1813.

Labaume's (Eugene) Circumstantial Narrative of the Campaign in Russia under Napoleon in 1812. 8vo. London, 1814.

Segur's (Philip de) History of the Expedition to Russia, undertaken by

the Emperor Napoleon in the year 1812.

Heber's (Bp. Reg.) History of the Cossacks.

2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1825.

(Life, Vol. I.)

Wilson's (Sir Robert) Remarks on the Character and Composition of the Russian Army, and a Sketch of the Russian Campaign in Poland in 1806-7. 4to. London, 1810.

History of Poland.

Dluglossi (Jo.) seu Longini Historiæ Polonicæ Libri XII.; accedunt liber XIII. et alii libri rarissimi, cum præfatione et continuatione Got. Krause. 4 vols. in 2, folio. Francof. 1711.

Saliguac (P. J. de la) Histoire Générale de Pologne. 6 vols. 12mo.
Paris, 1750.

History of Poland. (Mod. Univ. Hist. Vols. XXX., XXXI., XXXVII.)
Letters Patent for the Election of John III. King of Poland, May 22,
1674. (Milton's Prose Works, 4to. Vol. II.; 8vo. Vol. IV.)
Coyer (l'Abbé), Histoire de J. Sobieski, Roi de Pologne. 3 vols. 12mo.
Paris, 1761.

Rulhière, Histoire de l'Anarchie de Pologne et des Démembrements de cette République; avec la suite par Ferrand. 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1819-20.

Oginski, Mémoires sur la Pologne et les Polonois depuis 1788 jusqu'à la fin de 1815. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1826.

History of Germany.

Tacitus de Situ, Moribus, et Populis Germanorum. (Classics.)
Schoettgenii (Ch.) et Kreisigii Diplomataria, et Scriptores Historiæ
Germaniæ medii ævi. 3 vols. folio. Altenberg. 1753-60.
Struvii (B. G.) Corpus Historiæ Germanice; præmittitur C. G. Buderi
Bibliotheca Scriptorum rerum Germanicarum. 2 vols. 4to. Jena,


Krantzii (Alberti) Rerum Germanicarum Historici: de Saxonicæ Gentis vetustâ origine, longinquis expeditionibus susceptis, et bellis domi pro libertate diù fortiterque gestis; cum præfatione Nic. Cisneri. Folio. Franc. 1621.

History of Germany and of the German Empire. (Mod. Univ. Hist. Vols. XVII., XXV., XXVI., XXVII., XXXII., and XXXVII.) Butler's (Charles) History of the Geographical and Political Revolutions of the Empire of Germany. (General History of Europe.)

Coxe's (Wm.) History of the House of Austria, from the foundation of the monarchy by Rhodolph, 1218, to the death of Leopold the Second, 1792. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1807.

Ascham's (Roger) Report and Discourse of the Affairs and State of Germany, and the Emperor Charles his court, during certain years while the said Roger was there. (Works.)

Robertson's (William) History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V., with a view of the progress of society in Europe to the 16th century. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1813.

Schiller (Fr.), Histoire de la Guerre de Trente Ans, traduit de l'Allemande [par M. Chaufeux]. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1803.

The Invasions of Germanie; with all the civill and bloody warres therein, since the first beginning of them in 1618, and continued to this present yeare 1638. With the pictures of the commanders on both sides. Small 8vo. London, 1638.

A true and brief Relation of the bloudy Battle fought foure dayes and foure nights together betweene Duke Bernard von Wimeren, victour, and the Imperial Generalls, who were utterly overthroune. Small 8vo. London, 1638.

Eugene of Savoy (Memoirs of Prince), written by himself, translated from the French. 8vo. Lond. 1811.

Retzow, Mémoires Historiques sur la Guerre de Sept Ans. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1803.

Staël (Mad. de), de l'Allemagne. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1813.

History of the Archduchy of Austria. (Mod. Univ. Hist. Vol. XXXII.) Pray (Geo.) Historia Regum Hungariæ, cum notitiis præviis ad cognoscendum veterem regni statum pertinentibus. 3 vols. 8vo. Budæ, 1801.

History of Hungary. (Mod. Univ. Hist. Vols. XXXII. and XXXVII.) History of Bohemia. (Mod. Univ. Hist. Vol. XXXII.)

Benger's (Miss) Memoirs of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia; including sketches of the state of society in Holland and Germany in the 17th century. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1825.

Gibbon's (E.) Antiquities of the House of Brunswick. (Misc. Works, Vol. II.)

History of Prussia. (Mod. Univ. Hist. Vol. XXXI.)

[Mirabeau (M. le Comte)], Histoire secrette de la Cour de Berlin; ou, correspondance d'un voyageur François, depuis le 5me Juillet, 1786, jusqu'au 19me Janvier, 1787. Avec l'essai sur la secte des Illuminés [par M. le Marquis de Luchet]. 3 vols. in one, 8vo. Paris (Alençon), 1789.

Thebault's (Dieud.) Original Anecdotes of Frederick II. King of Prussia, and of his Family, his Court, his Ministers, his Academies, and his Literary Friends. Translated from the French. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1805.

Segur's (L. P.) History of the principal Events of the Reign of Frederick II. King of Prussia. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1807.

Dover's (Lord) Life of Frederick II. King of Prussia. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1831.

Wraxall's (N. W.) Memoirs of the Courts of Berlin, Dresden, Warsaw, and Vienna, in 1777, 78, and 79. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1800.

History of the Electorates Palatine of Saxony, Hanover, Brandenberg, and of the Duchy of Mecklenberg. (Mod. Univ. Hist. Vols. XXXII. and XXXIII.)

History of the Low Countries.

Grotii (Hugonis) Annales et Historia de Rebus Belgicis. Folio. Amst. 1657.

Démez, Histoire Générale de la Belgique, depuis la Conquête de César. 7 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1807.

Grimestone's (Ed.) General History of the Netherlands to 1608, [translated from J. F. Petit's Chronique d'Hollande, and continued]. Folio. London, 1609.

History of the Austrian, French, and United Netherlands, and of the Republic of Holland. (Mod. Univ. Hist. Vols. XXXVII. XXXVIII.) Lothian's (Wm.) History of the United Provinces of the Netherlands, from the death of Philip II. to the truce made with Albert and Isabella. 8vo. Dublin, 1780.

Strade (Fam.) de Bello Belgico, ab 1555 ad 1589, Decades duæ. 2 vols. folio. Editio princeps. Roma, 1640-47.

Dondini (Guil.) Historia de Rebus in Gallia gestis ab Alex. Farnesio Parmæ Duce III. Folio. Roma, 1673.

Gallucii (Aug.) de Bello Belgico, ab anno 1593 ad annum 1609, Partes duæ. 2 vols. folio. Roma, 1671.

Vere's (Sir Francis) Commentaries; being diverse pieces of service wherein he had command in the Low Countries, and containing a continuation of the Siege of Ostend. Published by W. Dillingham. Folio. Cambr. 1657.

Burton's (W.) History of the House of Orange; or, a Relation of the Achievements of his Majesty's renowned predecessors, and likewise of his own heroic actions till the late Revolution (1688). 4to. London, 1814.

A Justification or Cleering of the Prince of Orendge agaynst the false Sclaunders wherewith his Ilwillers goe about to charge him wrongfully; translated out of French by Ar. Goldyng. Small 8vo. black letter. London, by John Day, 1575.

[Howell's (James)] Brief Character of the Low Countries under the States; being three weeks' observations of the vices and virtues of the inhabitants. Small 12mo. Lond. 1659.

Temple's (Sir W.) Observations upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands. (Works, Vol. I.)

Bonaparte's (Louis, ex-King of Holland) Historical Documents, and Reflections on the Government of Holland from 1806 to 1813. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1820.

History of France.

Le Long (J.), Bibliothèque Historique de la France, contenant le catalogue des ouvrages imprimés et manuscrits qui traitent de l'histoire de ce royaume; avec des notes critiques et historiques. Considérablement augmentée [par F. de Fontette, L. T. et A. P. Hérissant, Rondet, Camus, B. de la Bruyère, Coquereau, &c.] 5 vols. folio, the Le Tellier copy. Paris, 1768-78.

History of the Ancient State and History of Gaul. (An. Univ. Hist. Vol. XVI.)

History of France. (Mod. Un. Hist. Vols. XIX. XXI., and XXXVII.) Gilles (Nicole), les Chroniques et Annales de France, depuis la Destruction de Troye jusqu'au Roy Louis IX, par Denis Sauvage. 2 vols. in one, folio. Paris, 1566.

Belle-Forest (Fr. de), les Grandes Annales et Histoire Générale de France, dès la Venue des Francs en Gaule jusqu'au Règne du Roy Henri III. 2 vols. folio. Paris, 1579.

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