J. C. Dicterici φυλλοβολια, seu Sparsio Florum. J. N. Graberg Dissert. de Unctura Christi in Bethania facta. S. F. Bucheri Dissert. de Unctione in Bethania. R. Verwey Dissert. de Unctionibus. J. Spenceri Dissert. de Lege Tonsuram orbicularem prohibente. T. Bartholini Paralytici N. T. medico et philologico Commentario illustrati. Ejusdem de Morbis Biblicis, Miscellanea Medica. Vol. 31. T. Eberti Poetica Hebraica, Harmonica, Metrica, &c. J. Eberti Tetrasticha Hebræa in Textus Evangelicos, &c. R. Lowth de Sacra Poësi Hebræorum, Prælectiones Academicæ. R. Lowth Oratio Crewiana, in memoriam publicorum Benefactorum, Acad. Oxon. F. Gomari Davidis Lyra, seu nova Hebræa S. Scr. Ars Poetica, &c. Abbatis Fleury Exercitatio in Poësin universam, et Hebræorum potissimum. J. C. Schrammii Dissert. de Poësi Hebræorum in Cod. Sacro. J. C. Danhaueri Oratio Pentecostalis de Sacrosancta Spiritûs Sancti Poësi. A. Pfeifferi Diatribe de Poësi Heb. recognita. Ejusdem Manuductio nova et facilis ad Accentuationem, &c. P. Leyseri Dissert. de frustra quæsita Poësi in Codice Sacro Hebræo. J. Clerici Dissert. de Poësi Hebræorum. F. Hare, S. T. P. Psalmorum Liber, in versiculos metricè divisus. Vol. 32. Tractatus de Musica veterum Hebræorum. H. Horchii Dissert. de Igne sacro, et de Musica. J. A. Glæser Exercitatio philologica de Instrumentis Hebræorum Musicis נחילות et נגינות J. G. Dreschleri Dissert. de Cithara Davidica. J. Hasæi Disputatio de Inscriptione Psal. xxii. אילת השחר S. Van-Til Cantus Poëseos, &c. A. Kircheri Liber philologicus de Sono artificioso, sive Musica, &c. Ejusdem Liber diacriticus de Musurgia antiquo-moderna. J. Bartoloccii Tract. de Musicis Instrumentis Hebræorum. M. Mersennus de Musica, &c. J. Spenceri Usus Musicæ in Sacris celebrandis. Spenceri B. Lamy Dissert. de Levitis Cantoribus. J. J. Schudt Dissert. de Cantricibus Templi. A. Pfeifferii Specimen de Monialibus Vet. Test. J. H. Bocrisii Dissert. de Musica Hebræorum. A. Calmet Dissert. de Psalmis Graduum. A. Pfeifferii Specimen de Psalmis Graduum. J. Bartoloccii Excerpta de Voce M. J. Paschii de סלה philologica Enucleatio. A. Calmet de M. H. G. Reine de . M. H. J. Bytmeysteri Dissert. de סלה contra Gottlieb. Reine. C. A. Heumanni Programma de סלה Hebræorum Interjectione musica A. Pfeifferi Specimen de Voce vexata סלה P. J. Buretti Dissert. de veterum Symphonia. A. Calmet Dissert. de Musica, &c. Ejusdem Dissert. in Musica Instrumenta Hebræorum. F. Scachii Dissert. de Inauguratione Regum Israel. J. G. Abicht Dissert. de Lapsu Murorum Hierichuntinorum. J. Meursii F. de Tibiis Collectanea. Aldi M. Pauli, F. Aldi, N. Dissert. de Tibiis veterum, &c. F. A. Lampe Dissert. de Cymbalis veterum. J. Vossius de Instrumento Hydrauli, &c. J. Laurentii Collectio de Citharædis, Fistulis, et Tintinnabulis. J. D'Outrein de Instrumento מגרפה &c. A. Calmet Dissert. de למנצ. J. Spenceri Dissert. de Ritu saltandi et Ramorum Circumgestatione. J. A. M. Nagelii Dissert. de Ludis secularibus veterum Romanorum, in Ghemara Babylonica commemoratis. L. Cappelli Animadversiones in novam Davidis Lyram Francisci Gomari. Vol. 33. R. M. Maimonidis Constitutiones de Luctu, ab Ugolino ex Heb. Lat. J. A. Quenstedii Tractatus de Sepultura veterum. redd. M. Gejeri Liber de Hebræorum Luctu. J. Spenceri Ritus funebres et sepulchrales veterum Hebræorum. J. Nicolai Libri quatuor de Sepulchris Hebræorum. J. B. Carpzovii Disput. philol. de Sepultura Josephi Patriarchæ. H. Hulsii Disput. de Corpore, Velo, et Sepulchro Moysis. B. Dorffer Exercitatio philol. de Sepulchro Christi. J. J. Chiffletius de Linteis Sepulcralibus Christi, &c. J. C. Rosteusch Dissert. de Sepulcris Calce notatis. Z. Grapii Dissert. de Percussione Sepulcrali. M. F. Beckii Monumenta antiqua Judaica. J. H. Hottingeri Cippi Hebraici. M. H. Reinhardi Dissert. de Sacco et Cinere. J. T. Garmanni Dissert. de Pane Lugentium. J. C. Wichmanshausen Dissert. de Laceratione Vestium. C. Ikenii Dissert, de Funere, Sepultura, et Luctu. H. Ugolini Dissert. de veterum Funere et Præficis. Wolfii Epitaphia Judaica, Heb. et Lat. passim collecta et edita. Vol. 34. Index I. Auctorum. Index II. Locorum S. Scripturæ. Index III. Dictionum Hebraicarum. Index IV. Rerum et Verborum, Godwyn's (Thos.) Moses and Aaron: Civil and Ecclesiastical Rites of the ancient Hebrews, observed and opined for the clearing of many obscure Texts, 4to. London, 1685. Jennings' (David) Jewish Antiquities; or, a Course of Lectures on Godwin's Moses and Aaron; to which is annexed, a Dissertation on the Hebrew Language [edited by P. Furneaux], 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1808. Lightfoot's (John) Prospect of the Temple, especially as it stood in the Days of our Saviour. (Works, Vol. IX.) Fleury's (Claude) Manners of the Ancient Israelites; containing an Account of their peculiar Customs, Ceremonies, Laws, Polity, Religion, Sects, Arts, and Trades, translated. [Enlarged by Dr. Adam Clarke], 8vo. London, 1809. Lowman's (Moses) Rational of the Ritual of the Hebrew Worship, in which the wise Designs and Usefulness of that Ritual are explained, 8vo. London, 1748. Lightfoot (John) on the Temple Service, as it stood in the Days of our Saviour. (Works, Vol. IX.) Lowman (Moses) on the Civil Government of the Hebrews; in which the true Design and Nature of their Government are explained, 8vo. London, 1816. Michaelis's (Sir John D.) Commentaries on the Laws of Moses, translated by Alex. Smith, 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1814. Selden (Jo.) de Synedris et Præfecturis Juridicis veterum Ebræorum. (Opera, Vol. I.) Selden (Jo.) de Successionibus in Bona Defunctorum; et de Successionibus in Pontificatum Ebræorum. (Opera, Vol. II.) Wells's (Edward) Historical Geography of the Old and New Testaments, 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1819. Bocharti (Sam.) Geographia Sacra. (Opera, Vol. I.) Lightfoot (John) Chorographic Pieces, viz. of the memorable Places in the Land of Israel, whereof mention is made in the Evangelists. Fragmenta Terræ Sanctæ ; Animadversiones in Tabulas Chorog. Terræ Sanctæ. (Works, Vol. X.) Bochart (Sam.) de Animalibus, Avibus, Serpentibus, Insectis, &c. Sacræ Scripturæ. (Opera, Vols. II. and III.) E Brown's (Sir T.) Observations on several Plants mentioned in Scripture, and on the Fishes eaten by our Saviour after his Resurrection. (Works.) Scheuchzer (J. J.), Physique Sacrée; ou, Histoire Naturelle de la Bible, traduit du Latin, 8 vols. folio. Amst. 1732-37. Gray's (Bishop Robt.) Connexion between the Sacred Writings and the Literature of Jewish and Heathen Authors, particularly that of the classical ages, illustrated, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1819. Shuckford's (Sam.) Sacred and Profane History of the World connected, from the creation of the world to the death of Joshua, 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1808. Russell's (Mich.) Connexion of Sacred and Profane History, from the death of Joshua to the decline of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1827-32. Prideaux's (Humph.) Old and New Testament connected in the History of the Jews and neighbouring nations to the time of Christ; with Life of the Author, 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1821. Lightfoot's (John) Erubhin; or, Miscellanies, Christian and Judaical. (Works, Vol. IV.) Calmet's Miscellaneous Illustrations of the Manners, &c. of the Jews. (Fragments, see Dictionary.) Harmer's (Thomas) Observations on various Passages of Scripture, from relations incidentally mentioned in Voyages and Travels; with Notes by Adam Clarke, 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1808. Burder's (Samuel) Oriental Customs; or, an Illustration of the Sacred Scriptures, by an explanatory application of the Customs and Manners of the Eastern Nations, and especially the Jews, therein alluded to. Collected from the most eminent Travellers and Critics, 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1827. SECT. III.—COUNCILS. [Salmon] Traité de l'Etude des Conciles et de leurs Collections, avec un Catalogue des principaux Auteurs, 4to. Paris, 1724. Fabricii Bibliotheca Græca, Lib. VI. quibus enarrantur Collectiones Canonum veteris Ecclesiæ et Conciliorum, tam universalium quam particularium, nec non de Epistolis ac Decretis Pontificum Rom. Notitia traditur. Accedit Synodicum vetus à Jo. Pappio, curante G. C. Harles. (Vol. XII.) Beveregii Pandectæ Canonum SS. Apostolorum et Conciliorum, ab Ecclesia Græca receptorum, nec non Canonicarum SS. Patrum Epistolarum; cum Scholiis antiquorum, Gr. et Lat. et Notis, 2 vols. folio. Oxonii, 1672. Grier's (Ri.) Epitome of the General Councils of the Church, to the conclusion of the Council of Trent in 1563, 8vo. Dublin, 1828. Lenfant (J.), Histoire du Concile de Pise, et de ce qui s'est passé de plus mémorable depuis ce Concile jusqu'au Concile de Constance, 2 vols. in one, 4to. Utrecht, 1731. Lenfant (J.), Histoire du Concile de Constance, 2 vols. in one, 4to. Amsterdam, 1727. Lenfant (J.), Histoire de la Guerre des Hussites et du Concile de Basle, 2 vols. in one, 4to. Amsterdam, 1731. Sarpi (Fra Paoli), Histoire du Concile de Trent, traduit en Français, avec des Remarques par P. F. Le Courayer, 3 vols. 4to. Amsterdam, 1751. Justelli (Ch.) Codex Canonum Ecclesiæ Africanæ ex MSS. Gr. et Lat. Notis illustravit, 8vo. Lutet. Par. 1614. Pithœi Canones Ecclesiæ Romanæ. (Corpus Juris Canonici.) Burriel (Andrea) Præfatio Historico-critica in veram et genuinam Collectionem Vet. Canonum Ecclesiæ Hispanicæ à Divo Isidoro, cum var. lect. ornatam; possidet C. de la Serna Santander, 8vo. Brux. 1800. (Catalogue Santander.) Wilkins (D.) Concilia Magnæ Britanniæ et Hiberniæ ad A.D. 1717; accesserunt Constitutiones et alia ad Historiam Eccles. Ang. spectantia, 4 vols. folio. Londini, 1737. Professionum Antiquorum Angliæ Episcoporum Formulæ de Canonum Obedientia Archiep. Cant. præstanda, è Coll. MSS. T. Smithi. (Textus Roffensis.) Heineccius (J. G.) de Colloquiis Religiosis, 4to, 1719. Opera, Vol. IV.) (Melancthonis Reformatio Legum Ecclesiasticarum, ex Auth. primum Henrici VIII. inchoata, deinde per Edouardum VI. provecta, atque nunc ad pleniorem ipsarum Reformationem in lucem edita, 4to. Londini, 1640. Constitutiones Ecclesiæ Anglicane. (Wilkins' Concilia, Vol. IV.) Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiastical, and the XXXIX. Articles of the Church of England. (Homilies.) Clergyman's Assistant; or, a Collection of Acts of Parliament, Forms and Ordinances, relative to the Duties and Rights of Parochial Clergy: to which are prefixed, the Articles of Religion, the Constitutions and Canons of the Church of England, 8vo. Oxford, 1807. Canons of the Church of Scotland, drawn up by the Provincial Councils held at Perth, A.D. 1242 and 1269. (Hailes's Scottish Tracts.) Dalrymple's (Sir D.) Historical Memorials concerning the Provincial Councils of the Scottish Clergy to the Era of the Reformation. (Hailes's Scottish Tracts.) SECT. IV. CHURCH DISCIPLINE AND GOVERNMENT, AND ON TOLERATION. Dominis (Antonio de) de Republica Ecclesiastica, 3 vols. folio. Lond. 1617-20, and Francof. 1628. Barrow (Isaac) on the Pope's Supremacy, and on the Unity of the Church. (Works, Vol. I.) Clarendon's (Edward Hyde, Earl of) Religion and Policy, and the Countenance and Assistance each should give to the other; with a Survey of the Papal Power and Jurisdiction in the Dominions of other Princes, 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1811. Bramball's (Abp.) Vindications of the Church of England against Catholics and Presbyterians. (Works.) Daubeny's (Charles) Vindiciæ Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ, in which the false Reasonings, Misrepresentations, &c. of the True Churchman, ascertained by J. Overton, are pointed out, 8vo. Bath, 1803. Hall's (Bishop Joseph) Apology against the Brownists; - Episcopacy by Divine Right asserted; - Remonstrance for Liturgy and Episcopacy, with Defence against Smectymnus, and Answer; - Apostolic Institution of Imposition of Hands. (Works, Vol. IX.) Hooker's (Richard) Works, containing Ecclesiastical Polity, and other Treatises, with Life by Isaac Walton, 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1807. Jones's (W., of Nayland) Essay on the Church, and State of the Argument between Churchmen and Dissenters. (Works, Vol. V.) Locke's (John) Four Letters on Toleration. (Works, Vol. VI.) Melancthonis Defensio Conjugii Sacerdotum, missa ad Regem Angliæ. (Opera, Vol. II.) Milton's (John) Treatise of Civil Power in Ecclesiastical Causes; shewing that it is not lawful for any Power on earth to compel in matters of Religion. (Prose Works, 4to, Vol. I.; 8vo, Vol. III.) Milton's (John) Considerations touching the likeliest means to remove Hirelings out of the Church. (Prose Works, 4to, Vol. I.; 8vo, Vol. III.) Milton (John), of Reformation touching Church Discipline in England. (Prose Works, Vol. I. 4to and 8vo.) Milton (John), of Prelatical Episcopacy, and whether it may be deduced from Apostolical Times; -Reason of Church Government, urged against Prelacy. (Prose Works, Vol. I. 4to and 8vo.) Milton's (John) Animadversions upon the Remonstrant's Defence against Smectymnus;-an Apology for Smectymnus. (Prose Works, Vol. I. 4to and 8vo.) Potter (John) on Church Government; wherein the Rights of the Church and the Supremacy of Christian Princes are vindicated and adjusted. London, 1724. [Rawlinson (Th.)?] Vindication of the King's Sovereign Rights; together with a Justification of his royal exercises thereof in all causes and over all persons ecclesiastical. (Antiquities of Salisbury Cathedral.) Stillingfleet's (Bishop E.) Ecclesiastical Cases relating to the Duties and Rights of the Clergy and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction. (Works, Vol. III.) Stillingfleet's (Bishop E.) Irenicum: a Weapon Salve for the Churche's Wounds; or the divine right of particular Forms of Church Government examined. (Works, Vol. II.) Stillingfleet's (Bishop E.) Power of Excommunication. (Works, Vol. II.) Stillingfleet's (Bishop E.) Unreasonableness of Separation from the Communion of the Church of England. (Works, Vol. II., and end of Vol. III.) Swift's (Jonathan) Tracts in support of the Church Establishment, and on the Test Act. (Works, Vol. VIII.) |