[Knowler's (W.)] State Papers, Letters, and Dispatches of the Earl of Strafforde; with his life by Sir Geo. Radcliffe. 2 vols. folio. portraits. London, 1739. Correspondence of Sir Geo. Radcliffe. (Life by Whitaker.) Clarendon's (Edward, Earl of) State Papers, commencing from the year 1621; containing the materials from which his History of the Rebellion was composed, and the authorities on which the truth of his relation is founded. 3 vols. folio. Oxford, 1767-86. Collection of Letters written by King Charles I. and II., the Duke of Ormonde, the Secretaries of State, the Marquis of Clanricarde, and other great men during the troubles of Great Britain and Ireland. Folio. London, 1735. (Life of Ormonde, Vol. III.) Collection of Letters from original MSS. in the reigns of Charles I. and II., and James II.; in the possession of T. L. Parker, Esq. (Account of Browsholme Hall, Yorkshire.) Milton's (John) Letters of State, Latin and English, during the Commonwealth and the Protectorate. (Prose Works, 4to. Vol. II. 8vo. Vols. IV. and V.) Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Secretary to the Council of State, and to the two Cromwells; containing authentic memorials of the English affairs from 1638 to the restoration of Charles II.; with life of Mr. Thurloe, by J. Birch. 7 vols. folio. Lond. 1742. Nickolls's (John) Letters and Papers of State addressed to Oliver Cromwell, from 1649 to 59. Folio. London, 1743. Bulstrode's (Sir Rich.) Original Letters from the Earl of Arlington, envoy at Brussels from Charles II. 8vo. London, 1712. Jenkins' (Sir L.) Letters. (Life, Eng. Hist. Charles II.) Arlington's (Earl of) Letters to Sir W. Temple, Sir R. Fanshawe, the Earl of Sandwich, Earl of Sunderland, and Sir W. Godolphin, during their embassies 1664-1674; by Babington. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1715. Letters written by Sir W. Temple and other Ministers of State at home and abroad, from 1665 to 72: reviewed by Sir W. Temple, and published by Jonathan Swift. Works, Vols. I. and II.) Letters to the King, the Prince of Orange, &c. by Sir W. Temple. (Works, Vol. IV.) Macpherson's (James) Original Papers from 1688 to 1714; to which are prefixed, extracts from the life of James II. as written by himself. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1775. Prior's (M.) History of his Negotiations, 1690 to 1710. 8vo. Lond. 1740. Clarendon (Correspondence of H. Earl of) and of his brother Lawrence Hyde, Earl of Rochester; with the diary of the Earl of Clarendon from 1687 to 1690: edited from the original MSS. with notes by S. W. Singer. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1828. Cole's (Ch.) Memoirs of Affairs of State; containing letters written by ministers employed in foreign negotiations, treaties, memorials, &c. from 1697 to 1708. Folio. London, 1733. Private and Original Correspondence of Charles Talbot, Duke of Shrewsbury, with King William, the Leaders of the Whig Party, and other distinguished Statesmen; illustrated with narratives, historical and biographical: from the family papers in the possession of the Duchess of Buccleugh; by William Coxe. 4to. London, 1821. Rose's (Sir G. H.) Selection from the Papers of the Earls of Marchmont, illustrative of events from 1685 to 1750. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1831. Letters to and from Henrietta, Countess of Suffolk, and her second husband the Hon. Geo. Berkeley, from 1712 to 1767; with biographical, historical, and explanatory notes. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830. British and Foreign State Papers, 1828-9; compiled by the librarian and keeper of the papers in the Foreign Office. 8vo. Lond. 1831. Ecclesiastical History of England. Broughton's (Richard) Ecclesiastical Historie of Great Britaine during the first 400 years after the birth of Christ; whereby is manifestly declared a continuall succession of the true Catholike religion as at this day professed in the Roman Church. Folio. Douay, 1633. Usserii (Jacobi) Britannicarum Ecclesiarum Antiquitates. Folio. Londini, 1687. Stillingfleet's (Bp. Ed.) Origines Britannice; or, the Antiquities of the British Churches. (Works, Vol. III.) Bedæ (S. Venerabilis) Historia Ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum. 18mo. Coloniæ Agrippa, 1601. Bedæ (S. V.) Historia Ecclesiastici Gentis Anglorum [Sax. et Lat.] unà cum reliquis ejus operibus historicis; curâ et studio Jo. Smith. Folio. Cantabrigiæ, 1722. Bede's (S. V.) History of the Church of England; translated out of Latin into English by Thomas Stapleton: [with the differences betweene the primitive faithe of England continued almost these thousand yeres, and the late pretensed faith of Protestants, and the life of Bede written by Trithemius.] 4to. Antwerpe, by John Laet, 1565. Inett's (John) Origines Anglicanæ ; or, a history of the English church, [continuing Stillingfleet's Origines] from the first planting of the Christian religion amongst the English Saxons, till the Norman Conquest. Folio. Lond. 1704. Harpsfeldii (Nicolai) Historia Anglicana Ecclesiastica, à primis gentis susceptæ fidei incunabulis ad nostra fere tempora deducta. Adjectâ brevi narratione de divortio Henrici VIII. regis ab uxore Catherinâ et ab Ecclesia Catholicâ Romanâ dissensione; scripta ab Ed. Campiano: nunc primum in lucem producta studio et operâ Ri. Gibboni. Folio. Duacсі, 1622. This contains the "Historia Wicleffiana ejusdem auctoris," and Catalogus Southey's (R.) Vindiciæ Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ : Letters to Charles White's (Joseph Blanco) Practical and Internal Evidence against Fox's (John) Acts and Monuments of Matters most special and memorable happening in the Church; with an universal history of the same, from the primitive age to these later times of ours. Black letter. Port. by Glover. 3 vols. folio. Lond. 1641. Fuller's (Thos.) Church History of Britain until the year 1648; History of the University of Cambridge; History of Waltham Abbey. Folio. London, 1655. Collier's (Jeremy) Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain, chiefly of England, from the first planting of Christianity to the end of the reign of King Charles II.; with a brief account of the affairs of religion in Ireland. Collected from the best ancient historians. 2 vols. folio. London, 1708-14. [Gibson's (Thos.)] Breve Cronycle of the Bysshope of Rome's Blessynge, and of his Prelates' benefyciall and charitable Rewardes, from the tyme of Kynge Heralde unto this day. Small 8vo. Black letter. London, by John Daye, Both Wood and his editor, Dr. Bliss, cite this, but acknowledge never having seen it. Bedæ (Ven.) Martyrologium (Hist. Ecc. à Smith). [Capgravii (Johannis)] Nova Legenda Anglie [Sanctorum]. Folio, black letter. Impr. Londini, in domo Wynandi de Worde, M.CCCCC.XVI. [Porter's (Hierome)] Flowers of the Saincts of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Vol. I. January to June, all published. 4to. Doway, 1632. Metrical Life of St. Robert, of Knaresborough [edited by H. Drury]. 4to. Privately printed, 1824. Sprotti (Tho.) Chronica [Archiepisc. Cantuariensis] è Cod. MS. in Bib. D. Ed. Dering Baronetti, descripsit ediditque T. Hearne. 8vo. Oxonii, 1719. [Parker (Matth.)] de Antiquitate Britannicæ Ecclesiæ, et Privilegiis Ecclesiæ Cantuariensis, cum Archiepiscopo ejusdem. Folio. [Lambeth, by John Day], 1572; - Ejusdem Catalogus Cancellariorum, Procancellariorum, Procuratorum, ac eorum qui in Academia Cantabrigiensi ad gradum Doctoratûs aspiraverunt ab 1500 ad 1571;— Indulta Regum ad Acad. Cantabr.; - Episcopi ex Acad. Cantabr. ab 1500 ad 1571; - De Scholarum Collegiorumque in Acad. Cantabr. Patronis atque Fundatoribus Scholarum Pub. extructio; Hospitiorum, Aularum, &c. situs ac mutatio. Folio. [Lambeth, by John Day, 1572.] Together in one volume; the Sykes copy, with the portrait of Abp. Parker by Berg or Hogenberg; and one of those in which all the titles, arms, initials, &c. are illuminated, as mentioned by the Abp. in his letter to Lord Burleigh, given in Strype. It differs, however, from the copies described by Strype and Dibdin, possessing neither the arms of the colleges, nor the cut of Queen Elizabeth on the reverses of the title to "Catal. Cancelleriæ," and plate "Variæ Scholarum;" but, in addition, containing, as a continuation of the Abp.'s life, an account of Elizabeth's progress into Kent in 1573, occupying six pages inserted between pp. 18 and 19, and "Hospitiarum, aularum, &c. situs ac mutatio," nine leaves, paged 31 to 47. Godwini (Fr.) de Præsulibus Angliæ Commentarius, omnium episcoporum necnon et cardinalium ejusdem gentis, nomina, tempora, seriem, atque actiones maximè memorabiles. Ad præsens usque sæculum continuavit Gul. Richardson. Folio. Cantab. 1743. This copy belonged to Mr. Allan, of Darlington, and is illustrated by him with MS. notes, portraits, arms, seals, and views. Edmeri (Fratris) Angli de Vita D. Anselmi Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis libri duo, nunquam antehac editi. Small 8vo. Antverpiæ, excud. J. Grævius, 1551. The Life, or the Ecclesiastical History of St. Thomas à Becket [culled out of the most authentic and best authors, by A. B.] 8vo. Coloniæ, 1639. Stapletoni (Thos.) Tres Thomæ, seu res geste S. Thomæ Apostoli, S. Thomæ Archiep. Cantuariensis, et Thomæ Mori Angliæ Cancellarii. Small 8vo. port. of Stapleton inserted. Col. Agrip. 1612. Whitaker's (John) Life of St. Neot, the eldest of all the brothers of King Alfred. 8vo. London, 1809. Bedæ Vita Sancti Cuthberti, Episc. Landisfernii. (Hist. Ecc. à Smith.) St. Cuthbert's Legend, with the antiquities of the church of Durham, by B. R. Small 8vo. London, 1663. Symonis Monachi Dunhelmensis Libellus de exordio atque procursu Dunhelmensis Ecclesiæ: cui præmittitur T. Rud disquisitio, in quâ probatur non Turgotum sed Symonem fuisse verum hujus libelli auctorem: è Cod. MS. perantiquo in Bib. Episc. Dunhelm. descripsit ediditque T. Bedford. 8vo. large paper. Londini, 1732. Matthæi Paris Vitæ XXIII. Abbatum S. Albani. (Historia Ang.) Le Neve's (John) Fasti Ecclesiæ Anglicane: a regular succession of all the Dignitaries in each Cathedral, Collegiate Church, or Chapel, in England and Wales, to this present year. Folio. London, 1716. Lewis (John) and Sam. Pegge's Account of the suffragan Bishops in England. (Nichols's Bib. Top. Vol. VI. No. 28.) Godwyni (F.) Catalogus, hactenus ineditus, Episc. Bathensium et Wellensium, Humphredi que Humphreys Comment. de Decanis Bangor et Asaphiensibus. (Hearne's Thos. of Otterbourne.) Cassan's (S. H.) Lives of the Bishops of Bath and Wells to the present period. 8vo. Frome, 1829. Cassan's (S. H.) Lives of the Bishops of Winchester to the present time. 2 vols. 8vo. Frome, 1827. Lewis's (John) History of the Life and Sufferings of John Wicliffe; with additions. 8vo. portrait. Oxford, 1820. Baber's (H.) Memoirs of the Life, Opinions, and Writings of John Wicliffe. (Wicliffe's New Testament.) Lewis's (J.) Life of Bp. R. Pecock, being a sequel to the Life of Wicliffe. 8vo. Oxford, 1820. Joannis Whethamstedii Narratio de Processu contra Reg. Peacockum. (Walter de Hemingford, Hearne.) Bale's (Jo.) Brefe Chronycle concernynge the Examynacyon and Death of Syr Johan Oldecastell, the Lord Cobham. [Edited by John Blackbourne.] Royal 8vo. Reprint, Lond. 1729. Knight's (S.) Life of Dr. John Colet, Dean of St. Paul's in the reigns of Henry VII. and VIII. With an Appendix, containing his Convocation Sermon in 1511, with translation, several of his epistles, and some account of the masters and more eminent scholars of St. Paul's School. 8vo. London, 1724. Knight's (S.) Life of Erasmus. (Biography.) [Dodd's (Chas.)] Church History of England, from 1500 to 1688, chiefly with regard to Catholicks; particularly the Lives of the most eminent Cardinals, Bishops, inferior Clergy, and Laymen, who have distinguished themselves. To which is prefixed, a general history of ecclesiastical affairs under the British, Saxon, and Norman periods. 3 vols. folio. Brussels, [Lond.] 1737-42. Dodd (C.) Certamen utriusque Ecclesiæ; or, a List of all the eminent Writers of Controversy, Catholics and Protestants, since the Reformation. With an historical idea of the politic attempts of both parties in every reign in order to support their respective interests. 4to. 1724. (Somers's Tracts, Vol. XIII.) Dodd. Constable's ( ) Specimens of Amendments for Dodd's Church History. 12mo. London, 1741. Dodd's (C.) Apology for the Church History. 8vo. London, 1742. Carwithin's (J. B. S.) History of the Church of England to the restoration of church and monarchy in 1660. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Burnet's (Bp. G.) History of the Reformation of the Church of England. 7 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1829. Soames's (Henry) History of the Reformation of the Church of England. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826-8. Strype's (John) Ecclesiastical Memorials, relating chiefly to religion, and the reformation of it, under King Henry VIII., King Edward VI., and Queen Mary. 6 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1822. Strype's (J.) Annals of the Reformation, and of the establishment of Religion, and other various occurrences in the Church of England, during Queen Elizabeth's reign. 4 vols. in 7, 8vo. Oxford, 1824. Richmond's (L.) Memorials of the Fathers of the English Church. (Miscel. Divinity.) Lives of Tyndal, Fryth, and Barnes. (Tyndal, &c.'s Works.) Ward's (Thos.) England's Reformation, from the time of Henry VIII. to the end of Oates's Plot; a poem, with large marginal notes. 8vo. London, 1716. Strype's (J.) Life and Memorials of Abp. Cranmer. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1812. Todd's (Henry John) Life of Abp. Cranmer. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831. Todd's (Henry John) Vindication of the Character of Abp. Cranmer, and therewith the Reformation in England, against the allegations of Dr. Lingard, Dr. Milner, and Charles Butler. (Cranmer on the Sacrament. Ridley's (Gloucester) Life of Bp. N. Ridley, shewing the plan and progress of the Reformation. 4to. London, 1763. Baily's (Thos.) Life and Death of John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester; comprising the highest and hidden transactions of church and state in the reign of Henry VIII. 12mo. London, printed 1655. |