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Evelyn's (John) Diary from 1641 to 1705-6; and a selection of familiar letters. (Memoirs.)

Thoresby's (Ralph) Diary from 1677 to 1724; edited from the original MS. by Joseph Hunter. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1830.

Social Life in England and France from the Restoration of Charles II. to July 1830; by the editor of Madame du Deffand's Letters. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1831.


History and Life of King James II.

(Kennet, Vol. III.)

History of the Reign of James II. (Burnet's Own Times, Vol. III.) The Life of James II., collected out of memoirs writ of his own hand; together with the king's advice to his son, and his majesty's will. Published from the original Stuart MSS. by J. S. Clarke. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1816.

Extracts from the Life of James II. as written by himself. (Macpherson's original Papers.)

Fox's (C. J.) History of the early part of the reign of James II.; with an introductory chapter [edited by Lord Holland]. 4to. London,


Fox's (C. J.) History, &c. (Sir Geo. Rose's Observations on), with a narrative of the events which occurred in the enterprise of the Earl of Argyle in 1685, by Sir Patrick Hume. 4to. London, 1809. Heywood's (Samuel) Vindication of Mr. Fox's History of the early part of the reign of James II. 4to. London, 1811.

Memoires by Sir John Hinton, physician in ordinary to his Majestie's person, 1679 [of some memorable passages, wherein the Divine providence hath bin extended to a miraculous degree upon his majesty's person and affaires, wherein he was personally instrumentall). 8vo. London, Bensley, 1814.

Anglesey's (Arthur Earl of) State of the Government and Kingdom; with an answer to the "Memoirs of the Earl of Anglesey." 4to. London, 1694.

Memoirs of Arthur Earl of Anglesey, late Lord Privy-seal [by himself], published by Sir Peter Pett. 8vo. London, 1693.

Diary of the Earl of Clarendon from 1687 to 90; containing many minute particulars attending the Revolution. (Clarendon's Letters.) An exact Account of the Sickness and Death of the late King James II. as also the proceedings at St. Germains thereupon, 1701. (Somers's Tracts, Vol. XI.)


History and Life of King William and Queen Mary. (Kennet, Vol. III.) Burton's (W.) History of William and Mary, being an impartial account of the most remarkable passages and transactions in these Kingdoms, from their accession to 1693. (History of the House of Orange.) Mackintosh's (Sir James) History of the Revolution in 1688. 4to. London, 1832.

Boyer's (Abel) History of the Reign of William III. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1702.

Burnet's (Bp.) History of his own Time, from the Restoration to 1713; with the suppressed passages of the first volume, and notes by the Earls of Dartmouth and Hardwicke, and Speaker Onslow, hitherto unpublished. To which are added, the Cursory Remarks of Swift, and other observations; with life of the author, by Thomas Burnet. 6 vols. 8vo. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1823.

Correspondence of the Duke of Shrewsbury with King William. (Documentary History.)

Collection of State Tracts published on occasion of the Revolution, and during the reign of William III. 3 vols. folio. London, 1705. Cunningham's (Alex.) History of Great Britain, from the Revolution in 1688 to the accession of George I. Translated from the Latin MS. by William Thomson; with an account of the author [Edited by T. Hollingbery]. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1787.


De Foe's (Daniel) History of the Union between England and Scotland [including a general History of Unions in Great Britain]; with an appendix of original papers, and a life of the author [by Chalmers]; and J. L. Delolme on the Union of Scotland and England, and on the present state of Ireland. 4to. London, 1786–7.

Hamilton's (Charles) Transactions during the reign of Queen Anne, from the Union to the death of that princess. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1790. Swift's (Jonathan) Tracts Historical and Political during the reign of Queen Anne. (Works, Vols. III.-V. and XII.)

Swift's (J.) History of the four last years of Queen Anne. (Works, Vol. V.)

Wilson's (W.) Memoirs of the Life and Times of Daniel De Foe; containing an account of his writings, and his opinions upon a variety of important matters, civil and ecclesiastical. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830. King's (Will.) Political and Literary Anecdotes of his own Times. 8vo. London, 1818.

Life of John Duke of Marlborough. (Eng. Military Hist.)

The Opinions of Sarah Duchess-Dowager of Marlborough; published from the original MSS. [by David Dalrymple, Lord Hailes]. Small 8vo. Privately printed, 1788.


Burnet (Bishop), A Memorial offered to the Princess Sophia, Electress of Hanover, containing a delineation of the constitution and policy of England, with anecdotes concerning remarkable persons of that time. To which are added, letters from Burnet and Leibnitz, edited by J. G. H. Feder. 8vo. London, 1815.

Annals of the Reign of King George I. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1716-21. History of the Rebellion in 1715. (Scottish History.)

Coxe's (Wm.) Memoirs of the Administration of Sir Robert Walpole; with original correspondence. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1798. Walpole's (Hor.) Reminiscences of the Court of George I. (Works, Vol. IV.)


Walpole's (Horace) Reminiscences of the Court of George II. (Works, Vol. IV.)

Walpole's (H.) Memoirs of the last Ten years of the Reign of George II. from the Original MS. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1822.

Walpole's (H.) Account of his own Conduct, relative to places he held under Government, and towards Ministers. (Works, Vol. II.) Walpole (Memoirs of Horatio) connected with a History of his Times from 1678 to 1757; by William Coxe. 4to. London, 1802. Doddington's (G. B.) Diary from March 8, 1749, to February 6, 1761; edited, with an appendix of curious papers, by H. P. Wyndham. 8vo. London, 1785.

Waldegrave's (James Earl) Memoirs, from 1754 to 58. 4to. London, 1821.

Lyttleton (Geo. Lord) upon the present state of our Affairs both at home

and abroad. (Misc. Works.)

Chesterfield (Memoirs of the Life of Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of) tending to illustrate the civil, literary, and political history of his own time, by Maty. (Works, Vol. I.)

History of the Rebellion in the year 1745. (Scottish History.)


Bisset's (Robert) History of the Reign of George III.; to which is prefixed a view of the progressive improvement of England in prosperity and strength, to the accession of his majesty, and completed to his death. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1820.

Chatham's (Earl of) Anecdotes of his Life, and of the principal events of his time, with his speeches in Parliament, from 1736 to 1778. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1792.

Coxe's (W.) Memoirs of the Administration of the Right Hon. Henry Pelham, collected from the family papers and other authentic documents. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1829.

Wraxall's (Sir N. W.) Historical Memoirs of his own Time, from 1772 to 1784. 2 vols. 8vo. The first and suppressed edition. London, 1815.

Wraxall's (Sir N. W.) Answer to the Calumnious Misrepresentations of the "Quarterly Review," the "British Critic," and the " Edinburgh Review," contained in their Observations on the Historical Memoirs. 8vo. London, 1815.

Pitt (William), History of his Political Life, including an account of the Times in which he lived, by John Gifford [John Richard Green]. 3 vols. 4to. largest paper. London, 1809.

Pitt's (W.), Memoirs, by Bp. Geo. Tomline. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1821. Junius's Letters. (Parliamentary History.)


Naval and Military History of Great Britain.

Beatson's (Robt.) Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, from 1727 to 1783. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1804.

Ralegh (Sir W.), the Strength and Defects of the Sea Forces of England, France, Spain, and Venice; with Observations on the Royal Navy and Sea Service. (Works, Vol. VIII.)

Pine's (John) Tapestry Hangings of the House of Lords, representing the several engagements between the English and Spanish fleets, in the ever-memorable year 1588; with the portraits of the lord high admiral and other noble commanders, &c. &c., and an historical account of the day's action. Folio. Lond. 1739.

Ralegh's (Sir W.) Relation of the Cadiz Action, in the year 1596. (Works, Vol. VIII.)

Charnock's (John) Biographia Navalis; or, Memoirs of the Officers of the Navy of Great Britain, from the year 1600. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1794-98.

Campbell's (John) Lives of the British Admirals; containing also a new and accurate Naval History, from the earliest periods. Continued to the year 1779 by Dr. Berkenhout, and revised, corrected, and brought down to the present time, by Henry Redhead Yorke; with Lives of the most eminent naval commanders, by Will. Stevenson. 8 vols. 8vo. large paper. Lond. 1812-17.

James's (Wm.) Naval History of Great Britain, from the Declaration of War by France, in February 1793, to the accession of George IV. in January 1820; new edition, with considerable additions and improvements, including diagrams of all the principal actions. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1826.

Ralfe's (J.) Naval Chronology of Great Britain; or, an Historical Account of the Naval and Maritime Events, from 1803 to the end of 1816. 3 vols. imp. 8vo. The Duke of York's copy, plates carefully coloured. Lond. 1820.

Nelson, (Life of Horatio, Viscount) from his Lordship's Manuscripts; edited by J. S. Clarke and J. M'Arthur. 2 vols. imp. 4to. large paper, proof impressions of the plates. London, 1809.

Collingwood's (G. L. N.) Selection from the Public and Private Correspondence of Vice-Admiral Lord Collingwood, interspersed with Memoirs of his Life. 8vo. London, 1829.

Salamé's (Abrah.) Narrative of the Expedition to Algiers in the year 1816, under the command of Admiral Lord Viscount Exmouth. 8vo.

London, 1819.

Grose's (Fr.) Military Antiquities; or, a History of the English Army, from the Conquest to the present time. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1801. [Cotton's (Sir Robert)] Warrs with Forreign Princes dangerous to our Commonwealth; or, Reasons for Forreign Wars answered; with a list of all the confederates from Henry I.'s reign to the end of Queen Elizabeth's; proving that the Kings of England alwaies preferred unjust peace before the justest warre. Small 8vo. port. of Sir W. Raleigh inserted. London, 1657.

This contains curious particulars of the expenses of the various wars, the mode of levying them, &c.

The Field of Mars; or, an Account of the Military and Naval Engagements of Great Britain and her Allies, from the 9th century to the peace of 1801. 2 vols. 4to. 1801.

Vere's (Sir Francis) Commentaries, being diverse pieces of service wherein he had command; written by himself, and published by W. Dillingham. Folio, with all the portraits, by Faithorne, and maps. Cambridge, 1657.

Discipline of the Army under William Marquis of Newcastle in 1643, and Muster Roll of England and Wales, 1674. (Manuscripts.) Military History of the Prince Eugene of Savoy and John Duke of Marlborough, including a particular description of the several battles, &c., in which these generals commanded; collected from the best authors: with Supplement, containing a succinct account of the remarkable events which happened in the late war wherein neither of these generals had any share. Illustrated with plates by Du Bosc. 2 vols. folio. London, 1735-7.

Coxe's (Wm.) Memoirs of John Duke of Marlborough: with his Original
Correspondence, collected from the family records at Blenheim, and
other authentic sources.
Illustrated with portraits, maps, and mili-

tary plans. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1818-19.

Wilson's (R. T.) History of the British Expedition to Egypt. 4to. Lond. 1803.

Anderson's (Æneas) Journal of the Forces on a Secret Expedition under Lieut.-Gen. Pigot, in 1800, till their arrival in Minorca, and continued through the subsequent transactions of the army under Sir R. Abercromby in the Mediterranean and Egypt. 4to. London, 1802.

Moore's (James) Narrative of the Campaign of the British Army in Spain, commanded by Sir John Moore, authenticated by official papers and original letters. 4to. London, 1809.

Southey's (Robt.) History of the Peninsular War. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1823-32.

Napier's (Col. W. F. P.) History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France, from 1807 to 14. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1828–31. Londonderry's (Lieut.-Gen. W. Vane Stewart, Marquess) Narrative of the War in Germany and France. 4to. London, 1830.

The Battle of Waterloo; containing the series of accounts published by authority, British and foreign: with circumstantial details relative to the battle; by a Near Observer. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1817. [Scott (Walter)], Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk. (Misc. Works, Vol. V.) Pasley's (C. W.) Essay on the Military Policy and Institutions of the British Empire. 8vo. London, 1813.

Political and Parliamentary History of England.

Prynne's (Will.) Exact Chronological Vindication and Historical Demonstration of our British, Roman, Saxon, Danish, Norman, English Kings' Supreme Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, in and over all spiritual or religious affairs, causes, persons, &c. as well as temporal, within their dominions, from the original planting of Christianity to the death of King Henry III. 2 vols. (Vol. II. only) folio. London, 1665, 66.

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