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On the Study and Use of History and Historical Atlases.
Lucianus quo modo Historia conscribenda sit. (Opera.)
Cassagne (l'Abbé), Discours sur l'Art Historique. (Salluste.)

Bigland (John) on the Study and Use of Ancient and Modern History.

8vo. London, 1808.

Du Fresnoy's (Langlet) Short Way of Studying History. (Chronology.) Introduction to the Study of History. (Hearne's Ductor Historicus.)

Le Sage [Las Cases], Atlas historique, généalogique, et chronologique; nouvelle édition, très augmentée, et continuée jusqu'à la mort de Napoléon. Large folio. Bruxelles, 1829.


Sacred Geography - see Biblical Antiquities.

Dionysii Alexandrini Orbis Descriptio; -Pomponius Mela de Situ Orbis; -Strabonis Geographia. (Classics.)

D'Anville's (J. B. B.) Compendium of Ancient Geography, translated from the French; illustrated with Maps, and one of ancient Britain from Horsley: Prolegomena and Notes by the Translator. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1810.

Rennel's (James) Geographical System of Herodotus examined and explained, by a Comparison with those of other ancient Authors, and with modern Geography. 4to. London, 1800.

Rennel's (J.) Illustrations, chiefly geographical, of the History of the Expedition of Cyrus, and the Retreat of the Ten Thousand Greeks. 4to. with folio volume of Maps. London, 1816.

Kinneir's (J. M.) Remarks on the Marches of Alexander, and the Retreat of the Ten Thousand Greeks. (Travels in Asia Minor.)

Gell's (W.) Itinerary of Greece, with a Commentary on Pausanias and Strabo. (Travels in Greece.)

Jovii (P.) Descriptiones quotquot extant Regionum atque Locorum. Small 8vo. Basilea, 1571.

Maltebrun's Universal Geography; or, a Description of all parts of the World, according to the great natural divisions of the Globe: accompanied with analytical, synoptical, and elementary Tables. 10 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1822-32.

Myers' (Thomas) New and Comprehensive System of modern Geography, mathematical, physical, political, and commercial. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1822.


Martinière (B. de la), Le Grand Dictionnaire géographique, historique, et

critique. 6 vols. folio. Paris, 1768.

The Edinburgh Gazetteer, or Geographical Dictionary; containing a Description of the various Countries, Kingdoms, &c. of the World. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1827.

Tuckey's (J. H.) Maritime Geography and Statistics; or, a Description of the Ocean and its Coasts, maritime Commerce, Navigation, &c. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1815.


Scripture Atlas; a series of Maps to illustrate the Old and New Testament. 4to. London, 1812.

D'Anville's Atlas and Geography of the Ancients. Folio. Lond. 1815. Faden's (Wm.) General Atlas. Folio. London, 1802.

Pinkerton's (John) General Atlas. Folio. London, 1815.

The British Atlas; comprising a complete set of County Maps of England and Wales, a general Map of navigable Rivers and Canals, and Plans of Cities and Principal towns. Folio. London, 1810.

Carey's (John) English Atlas; being a set of County Maps from actual Surveys. 4to. London, 1787.

Crosthwaite's (P.) Maps of the Lakes of Cumberland and Westmorland. Royal 8vo. Keswick, 1809.

County Atlas of Scotland. Large folio. Edin. Thomson, 1821, &c. Dalbe (Bacler), Carte Générale des Royaumes de Naples, Sicile, et Sardaigne, ainsi que des Isles de Malte et de Goze. Large folio. Paris,


Chauchard's (Capt.) General Map of the Empire of Germany, Holland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the Grisons, Italy, Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia. Folio. London, 1800.

Arrowsmith's (A.) Atlas to Alcedo's Dictionary of America and the West Indies; collated from all the most recent Authorities, and composed chiefly from scarce and original Documents for that Work. Folio. London, 1816.

Voyages and Travels, including Foreign Topography. Introductory Works.

Hall's (Bp. Jos.) Quo vadis? a just Censure of Travel. (Works.) Howell's (James) Instructions for Forreine Travel; shewing by what cours, and in what compasse of time, one may take an exact survey of the Kingdomes and States of Christendome, and arrive to the practicall knowledge of the languages to good purpose. Small 12mo, front. by Hollar, and port. of Charles II. by Gaywood. Lond. 1642. Evelyn's (John) Navigation and Commerce, their Origin and Progress. (Miscel. Works.)

Locke's (John) History of Navigation, from its original to this time (1702); with a Catalogue and Character of most Books of Voyages and Travels. (Works, Vol. X.)

Stevenson's (W.) Historical Sketch of the Progress of Discovery and Navigation and Commerce, from the earliest Records to the beginning of the XIXth Century; including a Catalogue of Voyages and Travels. (Kerr's Coll. of Voyages, Vol. XVIII.)

Richarderie (B. de la), Bibliothèque Universale des Voyages. 6 vols. 8vo, papier vélin. Paris, 1808.

Navigation of the Ancients.

Vincent's (W.) Voyage of Nearchus from the Indus to the Euphrates, collected from Arrian and illustrated; containing an Account of the first Navigation attempted by Europeans in the Indian Ocean ;Periplus of the Erythrean Sea, containing an Account of the Navigations of the Ancients from the Sea of Suez to the Coast of Zanguebar, and from the Gulf of Elana, in the Red Sea, to the Island of Ceylon ; Voyage of Nearchus, the Periplus, Part III., and part of Arrian's History, Gr. and Eng. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1807; and Oxford, 1809.

Ancient Voyages. (Purchas, Vol. I.)

Oetheres' Voyage to the Northern Seas, translated; and the Geography of the IXth Century illustrated. (Barrington's Miscellanies.)

Collections of Voyages.

Ramusio (Geo. Bat.) Raccolta delle Navigationi e Viagi. 3 vols. folio. In Venetia, appresso i Giunti, 1559, 1583, and 1556.

Hakluyt (R.), The principal Navigations, Voyages, Discoveries, and Traffiques of the English Nation, made by sea, or over land, to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the Earth; with Supplement [containing a Selection of early Voyages and Travels, published separately by Hakluyt. Edited by R. H. Evans]. 5 vols. imperial 4to, large paper. London, 1809-12.

Hakluytus Posthumus; or, Purchas his Pilgrimes: containing a History of the World, in Sea Voyages and Land Travells, by Englishmen and others. Some left written by Mr. Hakluyt at his death, more since added. His also perused and perfected; all examined, abbreviated, illustrated with Notes, enlarged with Discourses, adorned with Pictures, and expressed in Mapps. By Samuel Purchas. With Relations of the World. 5 vols. folio, sc. front. London, 1625-6.

Kerr's (Robert) General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, arranged in systematic order. 18 vols. 8vo. Edin. 1811-24.

Thevenot (Melch.), Relations de divers Voyages curieux, qui n'ont point été publiés, et qu'on a traduites ou tirées des originaux des Voyageurs de toutes les Nations. 4 vols. folio. Paris, 1672.

Shipwrecks and Disasters at Sea; or, Historical Narratives of the most noted Calamities and Providential Deliverances that have resulted from Maritime Enterprise; with a Sketch of the various Expedients for preserving the Lives of Mariners. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1812.

Voyages round the World.

Burney's (Capt. James) Chronological History of the Discoveries in the South Sea from 1579-1723; including a History of the Buccaneers of America. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1803.

Circumnavigations of the Globe.

(Purchas's Pilgrimes, Vol. I.)

Dampier's (W.) Collection of Voyages [round the World, viz. those of Dampier, Lionel Wafer, W. Funnel, Cowley, Sharp, Wood, and Roberts]. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1729.

Hawkesworth's (John) Account of the Voyages undertaken for making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere, and successively performed by Commodore Byron, Capt. Wallis, Capt. Carteret, and Capt. Cook [first Voyage] accompanied by Sir Joseph Banks. 3 vols. London, 1773.-Cook's (Capt.) Voyage towards the South Pole, 1772-5, in which is included Capt. Furneaux's Narrative of his Proceedings during the separation of the ships. 2 vols. London, 1777.-Captains Cook, Clarke, and Gore's Voyage to the Pacific, in 1776-80, to determine the position and extent of the West Side of North America, and the practicability of a Northern Passage to Europe. By Captains James Cook and J. King. With an Introduction by Bp. Douglas; and a Narrative of the Death of Capt. Cook, by David Samuel. 3 vols. Lond. 1784-86.-8 vols. 4to, and Atlas of Plates, large folio. V. Y.

All bound from uncut copies, with very early impressions of the plates. Vancouver's (Geo.) Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and round the World, principally to ascertain the existence of any navigable communication between the North Pacific and the Atlantic. 3 vols. 4to. Atlas in folio. London, 1798.

Sparrman's (Andrew) Voyage round the World, (Southern Africa.) Kotzebue's (Otto Von) Voyage of Discovery into the South Sea and Beering's Straits, for the purpose of exploring a North-east Passage, undertaken in the years 1815-1818. [Translated by H. E. Lloyd.] 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1821.

Beechey's (Capt. F. W.) Narrative of a Voyage to the Pacific and Behring's Straits, to co-operate with the Polar Expeditions, in 1825-8. 2 parts in one vol. 4to. London, 1831.

Dillon's (P.) Narrative and Successful Result of a Voyage in the South Seas, to ascertain the actual fate of La Perouse's Expedition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1829.

Travels in various Quarters of the World.

Mandeville's (Sir John) Travels. (Manuscripts.)

Ibn Batuta's Travels [in Barbary, Egypt, Syria, Arabia, Persia, Tartary, Hindustan, and Spain, A.D. 1324-53]; translated from the Arabic, with Notes by Samuel Lee. 4to. Lond. 1829.

[Lavender (Thos.)] the Travels of Foure Englishmen and a Preacher into Africa and Asia. Begunne in the Yeere of Jubile 1600; and by some of them finished the yeere 1611, the others not yet returned. Black letter, 4to. Lond. 1612.

The names of the travellers are "Master W. Biddulph (preacher to the companie of English merchants at Aleppo), Jeffrie Kirbie, Edward Abbot, John Elkin, and Jasper Tyon."

Coryat's (Thomas) Crudities: Travels in France, Savoy, Italy, Rhætia, Switzerland, &c.; to which are now added, his Letters from India, and Extracts relating to him, from various Authors. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1776.

Herbert's (Thos.) Travels into Afrique and the Greater Asia, particularly the Persian Monarchie, begunne 1626. Folio. Lond. 1634.

Sandys' (George) Travels, containing an History of the Turkish Empire, of Greece, of Egypt, of the Holy Land, and of Italy. Folio. London, 1673.

Valle (Pietro della), Viagi descritti da lui medesimo in 54 Lettere, da diversi luoghi, all' erudito, &c. M. Schipiano, cioè, la Turchia, la Persia, et l'India, col Ritorno in patria. 4 vols. 18mo. In Venetia, 1667. Thevenot's (M. de) Travels in the Levant, viz. into Turkey, Persia, and the East Indies. Folio. London, 1687.

Thevenot (Jean), Voyage en Europe, Asie, et Afrique. 5 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1729.

Pococke's (Richard) Description of the East and some other countries [Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Mesopotamia, Greece, the Archipelago, &c.] 3 vols. folio. Lond. 1763-5.

Sandwich's (Earl of) Voyage performed round the Mediterranean, in 1738-39. Written by himself. To which are prefixed, Memoirs of the Author's Life by John Cooke. 4to. London, 1807.

Forbes's (J.) Oriental Memoirs, including Observations on parts of Africa and South America; and a Narrative of Occurrences in four Indian Voyages. (India.)

Olivier's (G. A.) Travels in the Ottoman Empire, Egypt, and Persia, undertaken by order of the French Republic, translated. 2 vols. 8vo. and Atlas in 4to. London, 1801.

Wittman's (Wm.) Travels in Turkey, Asia Minor, Syria, and across the Desert into Egypt, in 1799, 1800, and 1801. 4to. London, 1803. Valentia's (Lord Viscount) Voyages and Travels in India, Ceylon, the Red Sea, Abyssinia, and Egypt, in 1802-6. 3 vols. 4to. large paper. London, 1809.

Valentia.-XXIV. Views taken in St. Helena, the Cape of Good Hope, India, Ceylon, Abyssinia, and Egypt, by Henry Salt [with Descriptions in 4to.]. The plates highly coloured in imitation of the original drawings. Large folio. London, 1809.

Ali Bey's [Domingo Badiah y Leblich] Travels in Morocco, Tripoli, Cyprus, Egypt, Arabia, Syria, and Turkey, between the years 1803 and 1807. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1816.

Abu Taleb Khan's (Mirza) Travels in Asia, Africa, and Europe, translated by Charles Stewart. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1810.

Clarke's (E. D.) Travels in various countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa. 6 vols. 4to. London, 1810-19.

Galt's (John) Voyages and Travels, containing Observations on Gibraltar, Sardinia, Sicily, Malta, Serigo, and Turkey. 4to. London, 1812.

Blaquiere's (E.) Letters from the Mediterranean, containing a Civil and Political Account of Sicily, Tripoly, Tunis, and Malta; with Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, and Observations illustrative of the present state of those countries. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1813.

Keatinge's (Colonel) Travels in Europe and Africa, comprising a Journey through France, Spain, and Portugal, to Morocco; with a particular account of that empire. 4to. London, 1816.

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