Worcester's (Marq. of) Century of Inventions; with Historical and Explanatory Notes, and a Biographical Memoir by C. F. Partington. Small 8vo. London, 1825. Astronomy. Adams's (Geo.) Astronomical and Geographical Essays, containing the general Principles of Astronomy, the Use of the Globes, Planetarium, Tellurium, and Lunarium; enlarged by Wm. Jones. 8vo. London, 1803. Bode (J. E.), Représentation des Astres, sur XXXIV Planches, avec une Instruction sur la manière de s'en servir. 4to. Berlin, 1805. Delambre (J. B. J.), Tables Astronomiques. 4to. Paris, 1806. Ferguson's (James) Astronomy explained upon Sir I. Newton's Principles; with Notes and Supplementary Chapters by David Brewster. 2 vols. 8vo. with 4to. volume of illustrative Plates. Edinb. 1811. Long's (Roger) System of Astronomy. 2 vols. 4to. Camb. 1742. Maskelyne's (Nevil) Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, from 1765 to 1797. 3 vols. folio. London, 1776-1800. Maupertius (M. de) on the different Figures of Celestial Bodies; with a summary Exposition of the Cartesian and Newtonian Theories. (Keill's Examination of Burnet.) Place (le Comte la), Exposition du Système du Monde. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1813. Place (le Comte la), Traité de Mécanique Céleste. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1799-1805. [Recorde's (Rob.)] Castle of Knowledge, containing the Explication of the Sphere, bothe Celestiall and Materiall, and divers other things incident thereto. 4to. London, by Reg. Wolfe, 1556. Somerville's (Mary) Mechanism of the Heavens. 8vo. London, 1831. Theodosii Tripolensis Sphæræ. (Classics.) Vince's (James) Elements of Astronomy. 8vo. Cambridge, 1810. Wharton's (Geo.) Calendarium Carolinum ; or, a New Almanack after the old fashion, for the Year of Man's Creation 5612-Redemption 1663; to which is added, Gesta Britannorum, or a Chronology for 62 Years, from 1600 to 1663. Small 8vo. port. London, 1663. Optics and Perspective. Brewster's (David) Experiments on Light and Colours. (Treatise on Phil. Inst.) Newton's (Sir I.) Optics. (Opera, Vol. I.) Wood's (James) Elements of Optics. 8vo. Cambridge, 1811. Wood's (J. G.) Lectures on Perspective, illustrated with Plates and a Mechanical Apparatus. 4to. London, 1804. Le Clerc's Practical Geometry; or, an Introduction to Perspective, from the French; with Additions by C. Nattes. Plates by Pyne. 8vo. London, 1805. Music. Burney's (Charles) General History of Music, from the earliest ages to the present period; with a Dissertation on the Music of the Ancients. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1776-89. Hawkins' (Sir John) General History of the Science and Practice of Music. 5 vols. 4to. London, 1776. Montucla, Histoire de la Musique. (Hist. des Mathématiques, Vol. IV.) Busby's (Thomas) Complete Dictionary of Music. 12mo. Lond. 1806. Harris (James) on Music. (Works, Vol. I.) King's (M. P.) General Treatise on Music, particularly on Harmony and Thorough-Bass, and its application in composition. Folio. Lond. 1808. Zarlino (Gioseffo), Le Institutioni Harmoniche, nelle quale le materie appartenenti alla musica. Folio. Venet. 1558. Bonanni (Père), Description des Instrumens Harmoniques en tout genre; augmentée par l'Abbé Ceruti. Ital. et Franc. 4to. Roma, 1776. [Ritson (Jos.)] on the Songs, Music, and Instrumental Performance of the ancient English. (Ancient Songs.) Tytler (W.) on Scottish Music. (James the First's Remains.) Dissertation on Scottish Music. (Arnot's Edinburgh, App. No. VIII.) Gunn's (John) Historical Inquiry respecting the Performance on the Harp in the Highlands of Scotland, until discontinued about 1734. 4to. Edinburgh, 1807. Walter (Joseph C.) on the Music and Musical Instruments of Ireland. (Irish Bards.) [Coxe's (W.)] Anecdotes of Geo. F. Handel and John Christ. Smith; with select Pieces of Music composed by J. C. Smith, never before published. 4to. London, 1799. Barrington's (Daines) Account of a very remarkable young Musician [Mozart), and of Charles and Samuel Wesley, little Crotch, and the Earl of Mornington. (Miscellanies.) Purcell's (Henry) Orpheus Britannicus; a Collection of the choicest Songs for one, two, and three Voices; with Symphonies and a Thorough-Bass to each. Both parts in one vol. folio. London, 1706-11. Navigation and Naval Architecture. Charnock's (John) History of Marine Architecture, including a view of the Nautical Regulations and Naval History of all Nations, especially that of Great Britain, deduced to the present time. 3 vols. 4to. large paper. London, 1800-2. Clerk (John) on Naval Tactics, systematical and historical. 4to. Edin. P Falconer's (Wm.) Universal Dictionary of the Marine; being a copious Explanation of the Technical Terms and Phrases, modernised and much enlarged by W. Burney. 4to. London, 1815. Ralegh (Sir W.) on the Invention of Ships, the several Uses, Defects, and Supply of Shipping; the Strength and Defects of the Sea Forces of England, France, Spain, and Venice; with Observations on the Royal Navy and Sea Service. (Works, Vol. VIII.) Military Science. Æliani Tactica; -Arriani Ars Tactica; -Frontini Stratagematicon ;Vegetius de Re Militari; - Scriptores Veteres de Re Militari. (Classics.) Duncan's (W.) Discourse concerning the Roman Art of War. (Cæsar.) Folard (Le Chev. de), Commentaire sur Polybe, ou un Cours de Science Militaire; avec un Supplément, contenant les Nouvelles découvertes de la Guerre. (Polybius.) Grose's (Francis) Military Antiquities. (English Military History.) Meyrick's (Sam. Rush) Critical Inquiry into Ancient Armour, as it existed in Europe, but particularly in England, from the Norman Conquest to the reign of Charles II.; with a Glossary of Military Terms of the Middle Ages. 3 vols. imperial 4to. Lond. 1824. An original copy, coloured under the immediate inspection of the author. Muller's (John) Treatise; containing the elementary part of Fortification, regular and irregular. 8vo. Lond. 1807. CLASS IV.-ARTS. General Treatises. Roujoux (P. G. de), Essai d'une Histoire des Revolutions arrivées dans les Sciences et les Arts depuis les temps héroiques jusqu'à nos jours. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1811. Beckmann's (John) History of Inventions and Discoveries, translated by W. Johnston. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1814. Dutens (M. L.), Origine des Découvertes attribuées aux Modernes. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1812. Smith's (G.) Laboratory, or School of Arts; containing a large collection of valuable Secrets, Experiments, and manual Operations in Arts and Manufactures. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1799. Transactions of the Society instituted at London for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, from 1783 to the present time; with Index to first 25 vols. 29 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1783-1808. SECT. I. LIBERAL ARTS. Artificial Memory, Writing, and Printing. Grey's (Rich.) Memoria Technica; or, a new method of Artificial Me mory. 12mo. London, 1737. Ahmad bin Abubekr bin Washih's Ancient Alphabets and Hieroglyphic Characters explained. Translated from the Arabic by Jos. Hammer. 4to. London, 1806. : Champollion (le Jeune), Précis du Système Hieroglyphique des anciens Egyptiens; ou, Recherches sur les Elemens premiers de cette Ecriture Sacrée. Augmentée de la Lettre à M. Dacier relative à Alphabet des Hieroglyphes Phonétiques employés par les Egyptiens sur leurs Monumens de l'Epoque Grecque et de l'Epoque Romaine. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1829. Kircheri (Athanasii) Sphinx Mystagoga; sive, Diatribe Hieroglyphica. Folio. Amstelodami, 1676. Lenoir (Alex.), Nouvelle Explication des Hieroglyphes, ou des anciennes Allégories sacrées des Egyptiens. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1809–10. Beck's (Cave) Universal Character, by which all the Nations of the World may understand one another's conceptions, reading out of one common writing their own mother tongue. Small 8vo, front. London, 1657. Bridges' (Noah) Stenographie and Cryptographie; or, the Arts of Short and Secret Writing. Small 8vo. London, 1659. Morland's (Sir Samuel) New Method of Cryptography, or Secret Writing. Folio, port by Lombard. 1666. Smith's (W.) Introduction to Common Decyphering. (History of Nevis.) Johnson's (J.) Typographia; or, the Printer's Instructor. 2 vols. 8vo, large paper. London, 1824. Savage's (Wm.) Practical Hints on Decorative Printing; with Illustrations engraved on wood, and printed in colours at the Type Press. 4to. London, 1822. SECT. II. FINE ARTS. Histories and General Treatises. Winkelmann (Jean-Joach.), Histoire de l'Art chez les Anciens; traduite de l'Allemande, avec des Notes historiques et critiques de différens Auteurs [et Mémoires sur la Vie et Ouvrages de l'Auteur, par Huber, et revue par Jansen]. 3 vols. in two, 4to. Paris, 1801-3. See also "Monumens de l'Antiquité." Seroux d'Agincourt (J. B. L. C.), Histoire de l'Art par les Monumens, depuis sa décadence au IV Siècle, jusqu'à son renouvellement au XVI (pour servir de suite à l'Histoire de l'Art chez les Anciens). 4 vols. folio. Paris, 1823. Hume (D.) on the Rise and Progress of the Arts. (Essays, Vol. I.) Hoare's (Prince) Epochs of the Arts; including Hints on the Use and Progress of Painting and Sculpture in Great Britain. 8vo. London, 1813. Alberti (L. B.) de Picturâ. (Vitruvius à de Laet.) Junius (Fr.) de Picturâ Veterum. Accedit Catalogus adhuc ineditus Architectorum, Mechanichorum, sed præcipuè Pictorum, Statuariorum, Cælatorum, Tornatorum, aliorumque Artificum et Operum quæ fecerunt [curâ et studio J. G. Grævii]. Folio. Rotterdami, 1694. Turnbull (Geo.) on Ancient Painting; containing Observations on the Rise, Progress, and Decline of that Art amongst the Greeks and Romans; its Connexion with Poetry and Philosophy; and the Use that may be made of it in Education. Illustrated with 50 pieces of ancient Painting, engraved from Drawings by Camillo Paderni. Folio, large paper. London, 1740. D'Hancarville, Recherches sur l'Origine et Progrès des Arts dans la Grèce. (Antiquities.) Winkelmann's Reflections on the Painting and Sculpture of the Greeks; with Instructions for the Connoisseur, and an Essay on Grace in Works of Art; translated by Henry Fuseli. 8vo. London, 1765. Spence's (Joseph) Polymetis; or, an Inquiry concerning the Agreement between the Works of the Roman Poets and the Remains of ancient Artists, being an attempt to illustrate them mutually from one another. Folio. London, 1747. Vasari (Georgio), Vite de' piu Eccelenti Pittori, Scultori, ed Architetti; illustrate con Note. 17 vols. 8vo. Milano, 1807-11. Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini; containing a variety of information regarding the Arts of the 16th Century. (Biography.) Barry's (James) Works; viz. Correspondence; Lectures at the Royal Academy; Observations of different Works of Art in Italy and France; Inquiry into the Causes which have obstructed the Progress of the Fine Arts in London; with some Account of the Life and Writings of the Author. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1809. Notizia d' Opere di Disegno, nella prima metà del secolo XVI esistenti in Padova, Cremona, Milano, Pavia, Bergamo, Crema, e Venezia; scritta da un Anomino di quel tempo, pubblicata ed illustrata da D. J. Morelli. 8vo. Bassano, 1800. Richardson's (John), Account of some of the Statues, Bas-reliefs, Drawings, and Pictures in Italy, &c.; with Critical Remarks on their Productions. 8vo. London, 1722. Lenoir (Alex.), Recueil de Gravures, pour servir à l'Histoire des Arts en France, prouvée par les Monumens. Folio. Paris, 1811. [Chaussard], le Pausanias Français; Etat des Arts du Dessin en France à l'ouverture du XIX siècle. Royal 8vo. Paris, 1806. Reynolds' (Sir Joshua) Journey to Flanders and Holland in 1781 [containing accounts of the Specimens of Painting, &c.]. (Works, Vol. II.) Vertue's (Geo.) Anecdotes of Painting in England; with some Account of the principal Artists, and Incidental Notes on other Arts, digested and published from the Author's original MSS., by Horace Walpole; with considerable Additions by the Rev. James Dallaway. 5 vols. royal 8vo, large paper, proofs. London, 1826. |