Save, oh, save. From doubt, where all is double: Where wise men are not strong: Where comfort turns to trouble: Where just men suffer wrong: Where sorrow treads on joy: Where sweet things soonest cloy: Where faiths are built on dust: Where Love is half... De Cressy: A Tale - 第260页作者:Margaret Agnes Paull - 1857 - 306 页全本阅读 - 图书信息
 | Matthew Arnold - 1855 - 270 页
...enslave — Save, oh, save. From the ingrain'd fashion Of this earthly nature That mars thy creature. From grief, that is but passion From mirth, that is...complaining ; Thine old strength revealing, Save, oh, save. From doubt, where all is double : Where wise men are not strong : Where comfort turns to trouble :... | |
 | Matthew Arnold - 1856 - 348 页
...enslave — Save, oh, save. From the ingrain'd fashion Of this earthly nature That mars thy creature. From grief, that is but passion, From mirth that is...complaining ; Thine old strength revealing, Save, oh, save. From doubt, where all is double : Where wise men are not strong : Where comfort turns to trouble :... | |
 | Matthew Arnold - 1856 - 390 页
...From the ingrain' d fashion Of this earthly nature That mars thy creature. From grief, that is hut passion, From mirth that is but feigning ; From tears,...complaining ; Thine old strength revealing, Save, oh, save. From douht, where all is double : Where wise men are not strong : Where comfort turns to trouble :... | |
 | 1857 - 830 页
...Save, oh, save. * • * From the ingrain'd fashion Of this earthly nature, That mars thy creature. From grief, that is but passion; From mirth, that...complaining; Thine old strength revealing, Save, oh, save. From doubt, where all is double; Where wise men are not strong; Where comfort turns to trouble; Where... | |
 | Julia Cecilia Stretton - 1857 - 352 页 over." CHAPTER XII. " From the ingrained fashion Of this earthly nature That mars thy creature ; From grief, that is but passion ; From mirth, that...complaining ; Thine old Strength revealing. Save, oh, save." MATTHSW ARNOLD. • IT is sad to awake in the morning with eyes more heavy from grief than when they... | |
 | 1857 - 372 页
...enslave, — Save, O save ! From the ingrained fashion Of this earthly nature That mars thy creature, From grief that is but passion, From mirth that healing, From wild and weak complaining, Thine own strength revealing, Save ! O save ! From doubt where all is double, Where wise men are not strong,... | |
 | Stephen Greenleaf Bulfinch - 1861 - 364 页
...enslave, — Save, O save ! From the ingrained fashion Of this earthly nature That mars thy creature, From grief that is but passion, From mirth that healing, From wild and weak complaining, Thine own strength revealing, Save ! O save ! From doubt where all is double, Where wise men are not strong,... | |
 | Cecil Frances Alexander - 1865 - 342 页
...enslave — Save, O save. From the ingrain'd fashion Of this earthly nature That mars thy creature ; From grief that is but passion ; From mirth that is...complaining ; Thine old strength revealing, Save, O save. From doubt where all is double : Where wise men are not strong : Where comfort turns to trouble... | |
 | R. C. J. - 1866 - 304 页
...enslave— Save, oh, save. From the ingrain'd fashion Of this earthly nature That mars thy creature. From grief, that is but passion, From mirth, that...complaining ; Thine old strength revealing, Save, oh, save. From doubt, where all is double : Where wise men are not strong : Where comfort turns to trouble :... | |
 | Charles Dexter Cleveland - 1869 - 810 页
...enslave, — Save, oh, save I From the ingrain'd fashion Of this earthly nalvuce That mars thy creature ; From grief, that is but passion; From mirth, that...complaining; Thine old strength revealing, Save, oh, save ! From doubt, where all is double; Where wise men are not strong; Where comfort turns to trouble; Where... | |
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