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" Meanwhile, Opinion gilds with varying rays Those painted clouds that beautify our days; Each want of happiness by Hope supplied, And each vacuity of s-ense by Pride... "
De Cressy: A Tale. By the Author of "Still Waters". - 第212页
作者:Margaret Agnes Paull - 1857 - 306 页
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The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope, 第 1 卷

Alexander Pope - 1807 - 474 页
...sleeps, and life's poor play is o'er. Meanwhile opinion gilds with varying rays Those painted clouds that beautify our days; Each want of happiness by hope supplied, And each vacuity of sense by pride : These build as fast as knowledge can destroy; In folly's cup still langhs the bubble joy ; One prospect...
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The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope: In Four Volumes. Collated with the ...

Alexander Pope, Thomas Park - 1808 - 328 页
...sleeps, and life's poor play is o'er. Meanwhile, opinion gilds with varying rays Those painted clouds that beautify our days , Each want of happiness by hope supplied, And each vacuity of sense by pride : These build as fast as knowledge can destroy fu folly's cup still laughs the bubble joy ; One prospect...
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The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope, Esq: To which is Prefixed the Life of ...

Alexander Pope - 1808 - 702 页
...life's poor play is o'er. Meanwhile opinion gilds with varying rays Those painted clonds that beantify our days : Each want of happiness by hope supplied, And each vacuity of sense by pride : These build as fast as knowledge can destroy; In folly's cup still langhs the bubble joy; One prospect...
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La Belle Assemblée, 第 5 卷

1808 - 408 页
...o'er. Meanwhile opinion gilds with varying rays Those painted cloud» that beautify oar days; liach want of happiness by hope supplied, And each vacuity of sense by pride : I'liese build as fust as knowledge ean destroy ; In folly's cup still lauglis the bubble joy : One...
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The Reader: Containing I. The Art of Delivery ... a Selection of Lessons in ...

Abner Alden - 1814 - 224 页
...sleeps, and life's poor play is o'er. II. Meanwhile opinion gilds with varying rays Those painted clouds that beautify our days ; Each want of happiness, by...hope supplied, And each vacuity of sense, by pride : These build as fast as knowledge can destroy : In folly's cup still laughs the bubble joy : One prospect...
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Castles in the air; or, Whims of my aunt, by the authoress of 'Dunethvin'.

Castles - 1818 - 810 页
...through, nor quits in when we .lie, Meanwhile Opinion gilds with varying rays Those painted clouds that beautify our days: Each want of happiness by Hope supplied, And each vacuity of sense by Pride: These build as fast as knowledge can destroy; In Folly's cup still laughs the bubble joy : One prospect...
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Lessons in Elocution, Or, A Selection of Pieces in Prose and Verse: For the ...

William Scott - 1820 - 398 页
...and life's poor play is o'er. Meanwhile opinion gilds, with varying rays, , ' Those painted clouds that beautify our days; Each want of happiness by hope supplied, And each vacuity of sense by pride. These build as fast as knowledge can destroy : In folly's cup still laughs thu bubble, joy .One prospect...
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An Essay on Man: In Four Epistles to H. St. John Lord Bolinbroke. To which ...

Alexander Pope - 1820 - 80 页
...sleeps-, and life's poor play is o'er. Meanwhile opinion gilds with varying rayg Those painted clouds that beautify our days: Each want of happiness by hope supplied, And each vacuity of sense by pride: These build as fast as knowledge can destroy; In folly's clip still laughs the bubble, joy: One prospect...
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The Edinburgh Magazine and Literary Miscellany, 第 89 卷

1822 - 880 页
...Bible ; to Lord Byron we quote Pope : Meanwhile opinion gilds, with varying rays, Those pointed clouds that beautify our days; Each want of happiness by hope supplied, And each vacuity of sense by pride : These build as fast as knowledge can destroy ; In Folly's cup still laughs the bubble joy. Sardanapalus,...
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The British Poets: Including Translations ...

1822 - 284 页
...sleeps, and life's poor play is o'er. Meanwhile, Opinion gilds with varying rays Those painted clouds that beautify our days; Each want of happiness by Hope supplied, And each vacuity of s-ense by Pride : These build as fast as Knowledge can destroy; In folly's cup still laughs the bubble joy; One prospect...
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