Timon of Athens. Coriolanus. Julius Ceasar. Antony and Cleopatra

J. Nichols, 1811





第 255 頁 - Why should that name be sounded more than yours ? Write them together, yours is as fair a name; Sound them, it doth become the mouth as well; Weigh them, it is as heavy; conjure with 'em, Brutus will start a spirit as soon as Caesar.
第 304 頁 - Which all the while ran blood, great Caesar fell. O, what a fall was there, my countrymen! Then I, and you, and all of us fell down, Whilst bloody treason flourish'd over us. O, now you weep ; and, I perceive, you feel The dint of pity : these are gracious drops.
第 300 頁 - Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears ; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. The evil that men do, lives after them ; The good is oft interred with their bones ; So let it be with Caesar.
第 257 頁 - So soon as that spare Cassius. He reads much; He is a great observer, and he looks Quite through the deeds of men; he loves no plays, As thou dost, Antony; he hears no music; Seldom he smiles, and smiles in such a sort As if he mock'd himself, and scorn'd his spirit That could be mov'd to smile at any thing. Such men as he be never at heart's ease Whiles they behold a greater than themselves, And therefore are they very dangerous.
第 337 頁 - This was the noblest Roman of them all : All the conspirators, save only he, Did that they did in envy of great Caesar; He, only, in a general honest thought And common good to all, made one of them. His life was gentle ; and the elements So mix'd in him, that Nature might stand up, And say to all the world,
第 476 頁 - To excuse their after wrath: husband, I come: Now to that name my courage prove my title! I am fire, and air; my other elements I give to baser life.
第 378 頁 - Never ; he will not : Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale Her infinite variety. Other women cloy The appetites they feed ; but she makes hungry, Where most she satisfies : for vilest things Become themselves in her ; that the holy priests Bless her when she is riggish.
第 304 頁 - What private griefs they have, alas, I know not, That made them do it ; — they are wise and honourable, And will, no doubt, with reasons answer you. I come not, friends, to steal away your hearts : I am no orator, as Brutus is ; But, as you know me all, a plain blunt man, That love my friend ; and that they know full well That gave me public leave to speak of him : For I have neither wit...
第 300 頁 - Yet Brutus says he was ambitious ; And Brutus is an honourable man. You all did see that on the Lupercal I thrice presented him a kingly crown, Which he did thrice refuse. Was this ambition ? Yet Brutus says, he was ambitious ; And, sure, he is an honourable man.
第 452 頁 - Eros ! — I come, my queen : — Eros ! — Stay for me ; Where souls do couch on flowers, we'll hand in hand, And with our sprightly port make the ghosts gaze : Dido and her ^Eneas shall want troops, And all the haunt be ours.