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[Six diagrams, purporting to show location of said lands.]


I, Don Carlos Trudeau, agrimensor rl., and particular of the province. of Lousiana, commissioner by the intendente-general, as director of the surveying and valuation of sales of Government lands situated between the eastern bank of the Comit River and the district of Mobile. I hereby certify that forty thousand arpents of land has been surveyed (with the measurement of the city of Paris) in favor of Dn. Tomas Power, said forty thousand arpents of land divided in five different portions, according to the plans anexed. Plan number 1, three thousand eight hundred fifty-five arpents, situated on the eastern bank of the river Tick fau and fronting on the river, bound on the rear by lands belonging to D. Daniel Spellers, and on the other two sides by the domains of H. M. The lines of bounderies are parallel, directed to the eastward of the compass, (the declination of the nedle being 8 degrees and 30 minuts to the N. E.,) and the front has a length of ninety arpents and sixteen perchas. Plan number 2, four thousand two hundred and ninety-three arpents, situated on the eastern bank and fronting the river Tickfau, at about half a mile with its confluence with the Blood River, bound on the N.E. with the same Blood River, and all other points by lands of H. M. domains. The boundery, lines are respectfully parallel, forming a rectangle square. The bounderies were fixed by the land-marks, trees and natural objects, as appears on the plan. Plan number 3, two thousand four hundred and thirty-six arpents, situated on the bank of the river Panchatula, and about three miles and a quarter from its junction with the Netalbary, bordering on the two sides with the lands of the H. M. domains. The limits are parallel, forming a rectangular figure, and placed with the necessary land-marks. Plan number 4, eight thousand seven hundred and twenty arpents, situated between the river Netalbary and Blood, bound on the northeast with the lands of Alexandre Bookter, S.E. by Blood River, and on the other two sides by lands of H. M. domains. The limiting lines are respectively parallels running in a direction north and south, east and west of the compass, and the nedle inclining eight de grees and 30 minuts to the N. E., with the base or common boundary with the lands of Alexandre Bookter, this last in a direction N. forty-seven degrees 40 minuts W; all of which appears in said plan number 4 with the land-marks natural and artificials. Plan number 5, twenty thousand seven hundred and twenty arpents, located on the eastern bank, and fronting Fickfau River at about eight miles distant to the W. of the lake Mourepas, bound on all sides by lands of H. M. domains. The sides are respectfully parallels to each other, with the direction towards the deep eastward of the compass, the nedle declaining 8° 30′ to N. E.; all of which is fully described in the plan number 5. These twenty thou sand seven hundred and twenty arpents reserved for the person (Thon) now occupying the same. It will be observed that on the upper limit, and on the spot of the laurel land-mark, the woods were cleared in order to show the terminus of this limit. Said forty thousand arpants, pur

chased by the applicant 'from the rl. ha. was order to be measured by writ of the intendente-general on the twenty-six of September last. In testimony whereof I signed the present, with the five descriptive plans annexed, on this 10th day of May, 1804. (Signed.)




[Connected plat of the location of the above-described lands.]


List of sales prepared to accompany the Plan No. 5, claim of Thomas Power.

[blocks in formation]

List of sales prepared to accompany the Plan No. 5, claim of Thomas Power-Continued.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

.15.. Nov. 27, 1854 16..

.20.. Mar. 30, 1859

.20.. Aug. 9, 184 21.. Oct. 10, 1857

.21.. Oct. 12, 1857 ..21.. Oct. 19, 1857

[blocks in formation]

28.. Oct. 20, 1858 .29.. Aug. 9, 1854 .33.. Sept. 6, 1858 33. Oct. 19, 1857 .34.. Oct. 27, 1858 34.. Oct. 19, 1857 .34.. Oct. - 1857 .34.. Sept. 6, 1838 .34.., Dec. 20, 1853 .34.. Feb. 23, 1876 .34.. Oct. 19, 1857 34.. Oct. 19, 1857

M. Brennen..

T. McGinnis

T. F. Kearney
S. N. Piscay

S. W..

S. E. fr. 1.

S. W. 1

G. Hickman.

J. McGinnis

H. Williamson

A. E. Packwood

M. Noland


H. Wellenhausen

M. Noland.

Th. Noland.

G. Hilman.



[blocks in formation]

J. A. Malounay

N. W.

Th. Roun

[blocks in formation]

of N. W. & N. W. of S. W. 1

[blocks in formation]

J. M. Wilson..

E. of S. E.

J. M. Savage..

W. fr. of E.

& S. E. of N. E.

3. Jan. 10, 1859 3.. Oct. 19, 1857 3.. May 17, 1838 3.. Selected 4. May 17, 1858 4. Aug. 25, 1858 4.. Mar. 30, 1859 9. May 17, 1858 9. Oct. 18. 1858 9.. Oct. 9, 1858 .10.. Oct. 3, 1857 ..10.. Aug. 19, 1858 .10. Aug. 19, 1858 .10.. Sept. 15, 1858 ..15.. Aug. 2, 1858 .15.. Aug. 2, 1858 15. Aug. 2, 1858 .16..

.22.. Sept. 1, 1858 22. Aug. 1, 1854 April 25, 1853

[blocks in formation]

List of sales prepared to accompany the Plan No. 5, claim of Thomas Power-Continued.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


New Orleans, February 28th, 1870.

I certify the foregoing list of sales to be a true extract from the tract-books now on file in this office.

[blocks in formation]

Don Vicente Sebasto. Pintado, capitan de caballeria de milicias y segunda agrimensor de esta provincia, &c. :

Certifico, que han sido medidos y lindados, á favor de Don Juan Lind, ouze terrenos conponiendo siento treinte y dos mil y veinte arpanes planos, medidos á percha lineal de la ciudad de Paris, de diez y ocho pies de la misma ciudad, contando cien perchas planas por arpanes, segun costumbre agraria de esta provincia, y conforme á los onze planos que anteceden, cuyas situacion y numero de arpanes planos de cada terreno de por sí es como sigue.

Plano No 1.-Tres mil quatrocientos y quatro arpanes, en la margen occidental del rio Santa Helena ó Comit, á veinte y una millas y tercia cortas, al sur de la línea de límites entre estos dominios de S. M. (que Dios gue) y los Estados Unidos de America, lindando por la parte septentrional con tierras de Don Juan de Lassize, por la meridional con dhas. del interresado (terreno No 2), por la occidental con las de Armando Duplantier, y por la oriental confina y se termina en el anted rio Comit.

Plano No 2.-Dos mil quatrocientos y treinta arpenes, en la misma margen occidental del rio Comit, á veinte y tres millas y media al sur de la anteda línea de límites, lindando por la parte arctica con tierras del interesado (terreno No 1), por la antarctica con otras de Don Armando Duplantiere, por el poniente con otras del mismo interesado (terreno No 3), y por el levante conforme con el anted° rio Santa Helena ó Amit.

Plano No 3.—Tres mil setecientos y ochenta arpenes planos, en la margen oriental del arroyo Santa Rosalia, vugarement llamado Sandy Creek, y á la misma distancia de la línea de límites que el antecedente, lindado por la parte del norte con tierras del citado Armando Duplantiere, por la del sur con otras del mismo- -Duplantiere y Don Christoval de Armas, por la del este con el terreno No 2 del interresado, y por la del ceste se termina en el citado arroyo Sandy Creek.

Plano No 4.—Trescientos y doz arpenes planos, en la margen occident del referido arroyo de Santa Rosalia 6 Sandy Creek, a nueve mas y quarta de su confluencia con el Comit, lindando por la parte boreal con tierras ocupadas por Patricio Forbes, por la austral con el terreno de doce mil ciento y ocho arpanes de Don Carlos Ramos, por la occidental con tierras valdias, y por la oriental se termina en el anted° arroyo Sandy Creek.

Plano No 5.-Un mil treinte y cinco arpenes, en la margen occidental del Rio Santa Helena ó Amit, a treinte y dos millas al sur de la línea de límites divisoria ó paralela de treinte y uno grados, lindando por la parte de arriba con tierras ocupadas por Don Edvardo Ross, por la de abaxo con otras ocupadas por Nehemias Power, por el fondo con tierras

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