
ing qualities in mental maladies we find on record in the medical histories of Stork, Schmalz, Barton.

Ipecacuan, known as a vomitive, produces a very calming effect in many species of Ileus.

Nux Vomica causes headache, dizziness, stupor, delirium, confused language, agitation, anxiety, convulsions, vomiting, diarrhoea.

The medical virtues of this remedy, in similar affections, are noticed by many ancient and modern physicians.

Arnica Montana; excites headache, anxiousness, dizziness, cold extremities, palpitation of the heart, pain in the chest, dispnoe, dry cough, blood spitting. Cures therefore similar cases induced by some other circumstance.

Radix Pimpinella increases the secretion of mucous in the throat, and proves to be a very beneficial reme. dy in angina serosa.

The leaves of the sabina tree are used often, with the intention of procuring abortus, and also checks some species of methorragia, given in very minute doses.

Large doses of Bark, cort. Peruvian, causes headache, dizziness, cardialgy, now obstructions, then diarrhea,

anxiety, fainting, coufusion of mind, profuse perspiration, jaundice, dropsie, extreme debility, etc. This remedy, administered in homoeopathic doses, removes similar affections.

Acdium Sulphuricum is a most efficacious remedy against acidity, heart burning.

Acidum Nitricum, and Acidum Muriaticum, corrode the gums, cause salivation. We use them therefore, successfully in scorbut, aphtae, and angina gangrenosa.

Burns may be soothed momentarily by cooling applications, yet a better effect is derived by enveloping the parts in raw cotton, which itself engenders heat.

Experience has taught us, that a frozen limb, in order to re-animate life, has to be rubbed with ice or snow. Why not with warm water? Probably this experiment has been made; and not having succeeded, the homœopathic treatment was suggested, and lo! it was good. The homocopathic principle is, in this respect, universal. Its power is shown not only in directing us to the means of restoring the healthy equilibrium of the body, but also to those which are applicable to cases of mental affliction. It is not by mirth and pleasure that grief is to be assuaged. The feelings of those who are a prey to mental affliction, would be outraged even by the sugges tion of such a remedy.

An opposite course must be pursued. It is by mingling our tears with theirs; by associating other images of sorrow with those which press upon them, by adopting the language of the poet,

"O let me join

Grief to thy grief and echo sighs to thine."

The immortal Shakspeare shows great art in the funeral oration pronounced by Antony over the mangled body of Cæsar.

He first endeavors (proceeding according to the law of similarity) to excite grief in the hearers by dwelling upon the deplorable loss of so great a man. This passion interesting them in Cæsar's fate, could not fail to produce a lively sense of the treachery and cruelty of the conspirator, -an infallible method to inflame the resentment of the people beyond all bounds. Had Antony endeavored to excite his audience to vengeance without paving the way by raising their grief, his speech would not have made the same impression.

It is unnecessary that we should enter at greater length into illustrations of the applicability of this law to the ordinary occurences of life, and to the exploration of remedies which are popular, although their application have not risen from scientific inductions.

We may now set down as an axiom, that

One irritation may be subdued by another; but to have

this effect, it must be proportioned to the strength of the system.

The system in diseases, possesses a quick susceptibility of homogeneous irritation; that is to say, when the system is affected in a particular way, it is exceedingly easy to be more affected by remedies that would produce a similar effect on healthy persons. Experienced men have always observed, that a disease is quicker affected by one remedy than it is by another. Such remedies have been called specifics, possessing a wonderful efficacy, and noted for certuries for the cure of certain diseases. It has always been difficult to explain the cause of this peculiar action. Hahnemann first lifted the veil, and proved, by experiment, that even those few specifics which chance has brought to light, are governed by the law of resomblance, and owe their celebrity thereto. The maxim is, similia similibus, like cures like. Bark or quinine in intermittent fevers; mercury, in syphilis; sulphur, in cutaneous diseases, are of this kind.

The greater the affinity or relation a remedy bears to a disease, the smaller the quantity is that must be adminis tered.

Daily experience ratifies the truth of this maxim, whilst a small quantity of bark or quinine might be effectual in suppressing the fever paroxysm: a very large quantity would do injury, producing often (what the homoeopathic physician calls China symptoms) swelling of the legs,

rightsweats, diarrhoea, extreme debility, cardialgy, etc.* In like manner, mercury, in small quantities, cures siphylis, but in large quantities aggravates the disease, leaving in the rear a mercurial disease. Sulphur, in minute doses, is a specific in many cutaneous diseases, but generally increases the malady when taken in large quantities.

We now proceed to the consideration of another of the axioms in reference to the effects of medicines, which is as follows:

Every substance acting upon the human economy, every medicine, produces a change, more or less notable, on the vital principle; and for a period of either a longer or shorter duration, creates a modification of health. This change is called the primitive effect. The greatest share of this primitive effect must be ascribed to the action of the medicine: but there is a tendency in our system to oppose, energetically, this foreign influence or impression. The results of this opposition, exercised by our natural habits, and the automatic force of the body, bears the name of secondary effect, or reaction, during the positive.

*On my arrival in the city of Louisville, a gentleman intrusted himself to my care, labouring under nightsweats, diarrhoea, extreme debility, dyspepsie emaciation. I told him his disease proceeded from the abuse of quinine. He appeared to be doubtful. However, a few antidotes, counteracting these China symptoms, cured him in about ten days. As soon as the third day, diarrhoea and nightsweats ceased.


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