: May I consider each individual in this world as having his infirmities and wants; and let this dispose me tenderly to bear with all, and be ever ready to alleviate the burdens of my fellow-exiles, in our common journey to the land of promise. May it be ever present in my thoughts, how many, more deserving than me, mourn around in "deep retired distress," and drink the bitter draught of misery, while I abound and am glad; and may this consideration induce me to do good and communicate to the utmost of my power, lest in the day of final retribution they should be comforted, while I am doomed to sorrow in my turn. But, when I have done all in my power to relieve others, let me not think that I have acquitted myself of all my duty towards them. May I also assist them with my advice, and intercede for them in my prayers, that thou wouldst grant them resignation and patience, till, (consistent with the just purposes of Thy moral government), Thou shalt be pleased to put an end to their troubles. May it be the chief triumph of my Soul to see the world holy as well as happy; and especially to see the Society, to which I more immediately belong, a holy and happy one; established upon the everlasting foundations of Truth, Righteousness and Peace. For this cause, having first warmed my own heart with Thy Love, and satisfied myself of Thy eternal goodness, as I trust I have done, and that the impression thereof shall never wear away, may my benevolence prompt me to lead as many of my fellow creatures, as I can, to the same temper; striving to make Thee more adored, and them more in love with one another. But may no misguided zeal, or difference of sentiment, induce me to the least breach of Charity, much less to the persecution of others; especially those who profess the same general Faith, and with whom I should live as with brethren, heirs of the same common Salvation. In general, save me, O my God, from all Violence, Cruelty, Hard-heartedness, Slander, Covetousness, Deceit, Infidelity, Moroseness, Disobedience, and every unsocial disposition. May the sovereign Love of Justice, my Country, and Mankind, regulate all my Social Conduct, and inspire me with all noble sentiments and heroic virtues. Let me give every man his due, and do to him, as I wish to be done to by others. To my inferiors, let me be condescending, affable and kind; to my equals, respectful, mild and engaging; to my superiors, submissive, dutiful and obedient; to my enemies, forbearing, placable and forgiving; to my friends, affectionate, sincere and faithful; and, in a word, to all mankind, humane, just and amiably courteous, from that inward sweetness and benignity of Soul, which are the elder-born of Charity. And now, my God! grant for Christ's sake, that I at least may spend my time in the faithful discharge of all these my duties, and whatever else may be so. And having thus done all the Good in my power, throughout the whole course of my continuance in this world; having endeavoured to improve my better part in all virtuous habits and useful knowlege in this life, to capacitate myself for happiness in the next, may I calmly and decently take my departure from this present stage; nor let me, when I have endeavoured to act up to my character in every former scene, flag under the last. Let me rather, O God! confront the king of terrors with Christian resolution, in the hopes of being placed with the Righteous at Thy Son's Right-hand, in that terrible Day, when He shall come in all His glory to judge the world; and in the hopes of returning with Him through the gates of the New Jerusalem, amidst the shouts and congratulations of all the hosts of heaven, with them to celebrate the praises of the Godhead in that endless state of unmixed Joy, which is to be the consummation of virtue and happiness! That this may be my blessed state, I beg through the merits and mediation of the same Jesus Christ, who has taught me to aid my imperfect Petitions, by saying: Our Father, &c. |