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cise of those virtues, Moral, Divine and Social, which in the course of my researches, assisted by Thy Spirit and Revealed Will, I have discovered to be my Duties, towards Myself, towards Thee, and towards my Fellow Creatures.


1. With regard to Myself, may I, for the future, practise the great virtue of Temperance, and pre

for the practice

specting one's


1. Petitions serve my body chaste, as the Temple of of private Mo- the Holy Ghost. May I discipline my ral Duties, re- Passions and regulate my Affections aright, that so I may never be subjected to inordinate desires and violent commotions of Soul; but pass my time in Tranquillity, Sobriety, Frugality, and Industry.

And may I always remember, that my care is to reach beyond my body to my better part. Hence, may I strive, above all things, to improve the Divine faculties of Reason and Understanding; employing them, according to Thy design, as the means of searching and knowing the Truth, and conducting myself towards my true Happiness. And whatever acquisitions of knowlege, I may through Thy Aid attain, may I never be puffed up; but refer all to Thee, and in all my researches be self-diffident, from a sense of the extreme scantiness of the highest human attainments.

Yet, O my God! while in the pursuit of true knowledge, I abstain from sinful pride, on the one hand; may I also, on the other, abstain from a narrow despondent undervaluing of those powers which

Thou hast given me, even in their present impaired state. For though they are not the highest in the Scale of Being, neither are they the lowest; but are, indeed, noble, when considered in their proper place, and with regard to their proper end. There is something grand and august even in the present fallen state of human nature, which speaks its Almighty Author; and those must grovel beneath their native destination, without exerting their strength, or aspiring at any thing that is generous, elevated or greatly good, who have not a just sense of this grandeur-May I have a just sense of it, and reverencé my Nature! May I consider myself as Thy Image, and strive to act up to my dignity in the humble imitation of Thy Divine Perfections.

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To dispose me to do this, may I look deeply into myself, and frequently employ my thoughts at home. May I attentively listen to the still voice of a well informed conscience, which is Thy vicegerent within me. What it warns me not to do, may I ever sedulously fly from, however dear; and what it dictates to be done, may I ever resolutely achieve, however hard!

2. With regard to Thee, O my God! may I make it the chief aim of my life to discharge the Duties of Piety and grateful Praise. May I always for the practice acknowlege Thee to be, what Thou art, Duties respect the Sovereign Object of all Love; for

2. Petitions

of the Divine

ing God.

surely there is nothing that can satisfy the human Soul but Thee. When I stray from the Love of Thee, I find within myself a frightful Void, and Nothing of solid happiness to fill it up. All my powers are dissipated with false hopes and false fears; nor can I support the lingering torment of society with myself. But when I return to Thee, sighing and thirsting after Thy Divine Fellowship, my Soul is abundantly satisfied, and filled with inborn Tranquillity and Joy in the Holy Ghost. Nothing can disturb its Peace, while it feels Thy Presence, exults in Thy Favour; and, in all things,, quietly resigns to Thee, who art infinitely Wise to contrive, Good to incline Thee, and Powerful to execute what is best for me in the whole

O, then! may I always love and obey Thee, without the least murmuring or distrust; and consider whatever befals me now, as meant to discipline and prepare me for future happiness. May I bear every thing with Contentment, Fortitude and Equanimity; neither too much elated or dejected at any thing which this earthly scene can give or take away, since / I am not qualified to judge of the tendency of things in the whole.

Give me a lively Faith in Thy promises, and save me from all irreligion and profanation of Thy Holy Name; for Thou art the All-seeing Governor and tremendous Judge of the world, and wilt not hold them guiltless who profane or neglect the awful reverence of Thy glorious attributes-May I never neglect it, and never forget the worship and grateful praises which are due to Thee, both in private and public; for I can never be without a prompter!


All Thy works, with unceasing voice, echo forth Thy wondrous praises. The splendid Sun, with the unnumbered orbs of heaven, through the pathless

Void, repeat their unwearied circuits; that, to the uttermost bounds of the Universe, they may proclaim Thee the Source of the Justest order and unabating harmony. This Earth rolls round the various seasons of the year, that, in all her changes and appearances, she may speak Thee the original of all beauty; and every other creature that lives thereon, (Man, foolish man, excepted), seems to rejoice in its state and be happy, that it may pronounce Thee the Parent of all wisdom and goodness!

Shall I then, who am favoured above them all, with reason and voice articulate, mar the grand Chorus? Shall I be the only peevish string in the tuneful instrument?-Oh no!-save me, Thou Sovereign Power! Thou Universal Good! save me from such a perverse ungrateful conduct. Let not Me, Me alone, who am here so highly endowed, wander as if deaf, blind and dumb, in the midst of Thy applauding works; but may I walk forth with the morning Sun, and under the evening Sky, while my feeling Soul attends, and my consenting Heart beats unison, to the voice of Nature; for the same is Thy voice, sounding aloud in the ears of the wise.

Thus may I go on my way through life, corresponding with the general harmony, and praising Thee for all things-Praising Thee for my reasonable being, for my preservation; and above all for the light of Thy Gospel, and my Redemption through Christ Jesus. This is that astonishing plan, by which Thou hast reconciled Justice with Mercy; and while all Superior Beings, inhabiting wide through nature, make every sphere vocal in praises to Thee for this act of Love, let not me, for whom the wonderful work was wrought, be the only reasonable creature that is silent about it, and that perceives nothing grand or august in it. Sooner let me forget to breathe, than forget to extol Thee for it. May I mingle in frequent worship with the hosts of Heaven, and swell their universal Anthem, adoring its depth, adoring its sublimity, adoring its riches! Often may my raptured heart break forth to Thee in strains like these

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" Bless Jehovah, O my Soul, and all that is within me bless His Holy Name! Bless Jehovah, O my " Soul, and forget not all His benefits, who forgives " all thine inquities, and heals all thine infirmities; "who redeems thy life from destruction, and crowns " thee with loving kindness and tender mercies. " Forever bless Jehovah, O my Soul; His Name is "excellent in all the Earth; His glory is far above "the Heavens. He, only He, is worthy to be cele " brated with eternal praises!"

3. Petitions

3. With regard to others, teach me an unbounded Love and Benignity of heart. Save me from that meanest of all vices, a selfish unfeeling for the practice Soul, coiled up within its own narrow Duties respect- orb. May I consider myself as related to that universal republic of being, whose

of the Social

ing others.

common Parent Thou art; and, in a particular manner, feel for all my own species; weeping the lovely tear of sympathy with those that weep; and mingling the generous joys of congratulation with those that joy!

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