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1319: inf. wyrke, 1287; work, 663; 2 sg. wyrkkes, 1063; pret. 2 sg. wroztez, 720; pret. 3 sg. wrozt, 5, 205, 280, 1319, 1699; wroth, 821; pret. 3 pl. wrozt, 725; imper. sg. wyrk, 311; pp. wrozt, 171, 318, 348, 1381, 1455. OE. wyrcan.

wyrle, v. tr., whirl: ?pret. 3 sg.

wyrle, 475. ON. hvirfla. wyse, adj., wise, 1555, 1560; as n., 1319, 1741 wys, 1592. OE. wis. wyse, n., manner, way, only in phrase, (up) on wyse,

268, 271, 327, 696, 1063, 1171, 1187, 1432: pl. -s, 1805, wyse, 1728. OE. wise.

wyse, v. tr., send, 453; instruct, 1564: 3 sg. wysses, 1564; pret. 3 sg. 453. OE. wisian, wissian. wyst(e), see wyt, v. wyt, n., wisdom, 348;


senses, 1422, 1701; mind, 515; meaning, 1630: wytte, 1630; pl. wyttez, 515. OE. wit. wyt, pret. pres., know, perceive, understand: inf. 1052, 1319, 1567, 1630; 2 sg. wost, 875; pres. subj. 3 sg. wyt; pret. 3 sg. wyst, 152, 1699, 1770; 3 pl. wyste. OE. witan-wiste.

wyte, v. tr., blame: inf. 76. OE. witan.

wyter, adv., clearly, 1552. ON. vitr, wise.

wyter, v. tr., inform: pp. 1587. wyterly, adv., clearly, surely, 171, 1.567.

wyth, prep., in company with, along

with, 86, 118, 124, etc.; together with, 58, 339, 468, etc.; against, for, 56; denoting means, 19, III, 112, etc.; manner, 10, 43, 71, 139, etc.; agent, 90, 91, 1142, 1495;

cause, 516; with various verbs and nouns denoting combination, agreement, etc., 137, 327, 337, etc.; at (temporal), 213, 671; in phrases: wyth yor leve, 94; with sy3t, 192; with þat, 671: with, 19, 43, 118, 121, etc. (in less than one-third of the cases). OE. wið.

wythal, adv., in addition, 636. wyberly, adv., fiercely, 198. Cf. OE. wider, against.

wythhalde, v. tr., withhold: inf. 740.

wythinne, adv.: 20, 305, *312, 434, 593, 883, 969, 1182, 1184, 1193, 1195, 1385, 1391, 1465. Prep.: 284, 431, 1048, 1069, 1566, 1607; of time, 1779, 1786: withinne, 284, 1465. OE. wiðinnan.

wytles, adj., distracted, 1585. OE. witlēas.

wythouten, adv., without, 20, 313,

1205, 1487. Prep. 252, 350, 417, 556, 660, 712, 931, 1105, 1122: wythoute, 1205, 1487, 1725; withouten, 417. OE. wiðutan.


ydropike, adj., dropsical, 1096. OF. ydropike.

yze, n., eye, 133, 583, 768: pl. -n,

576, 588, 792, 978, 1005, 1222, 1695. OE. eage, ēge.

Ynde, prop. n., India: 1231, 1772. OF. Inde.

ynde, n., deep blue, 1411. OF. inde.

yor, poss. pron., your: 94, 618, 620, 801, etc. OE. ĕower. yorself, see self. yow, see bou.

yowself, see self.

yre, n., ire, 775, 1240, 1503. OF. ire. ybe, n., wave: pl. *yþez, 430. OE. ўр.


zark, v. tr., prepare, make ready, 652; set up, 1708; grant, 758: I sg. 3ark, 758; pp. *652, 1708. OE. gearcian.

3arm, n., outcry, 971. Cf. ON. jarmr.

zat, see get.

zate, n., gate, entrance, 796: pl. -s,

785, 854, 884, 1188, 1263; -z, 837, 938, 941. OE. geat, gæt.

3ederly, adv., entirely, 463. Cf. OE. *geædre.

3e, adv., yea, yes, 347. OE. gea. ze, see bou.

zede, see go.

zeze, v. intr., cry: pret. 3 pl. 846.

Cf. ON. geyja.

gelde, v. tr., give, 665; restore, 1708; inf. pp. 30lden, 1708. OE. gieldan, geldan.

gellyng, vbl. n., yelling, 971. OE. giellan, gellan.

зelpe, v. intr., boast: pret. 3 pl.

30lped, 846. OE. gielpan, gelpan. zeme, v. tr., guard, rule over: 3 sg.

-s, 1493; pret. 3 sg. 464, 1242. OE. gieman, gēman.

gender, adv., yonder, 1617. OE. geon + suffix -der; cf. Goth. jaindre.

zepe, adj., alert, prompt, bold, 881; as n. 3ep, 796. OE. gēap, gēp. 3eply, adv., quickly, soon, 665, 1708. OE. geaplice.

zer, n., year: 494, 1286; pl. -ez, 426, 526; 3er, 1192; 3ere, 1453. OE. gear, gēr.

zerne', v. tr., desire: 2 sg. -z, 758; pp. 66. OE. giernan, gernan. gerne, v. intr., run: pret. 3 sg.

30rnen, 881. OE. geiernan. zestande, part. adj., frothing, 846. Cf. OE. gist, yeast.

zet, adv., yet, hitherto, 197, 815, 867, 1312; w. future, 517, 648; still, 847, 984, 1021, 1049, 1158; further, besides, 1232, 1525, 1803; even, even now, 754, 758; w. comparatives, 50, 96, 97; nevertheless, 120, 230, 450, 664, etc. OE. (14 times): 3ette, 867. giet, gēt. zete, see get. zif, see if.

zis, adv., yes, truly, 1113. OE. gise. zisterday, n., yesterday, as gen., 463.

OE. gistrandæg.

30kke, n., yoke: pl. -z, 66. OE.


30lden, see zelde. 30lped, see gelpe.

30merly, adj., lamentable, 971. OE. geomerlic.

zon, adj., yon, 751, 772. OE. geon. zonde, adj., yon, 721. Cf. OE. geond, adv.

gonge, adj., young, 783, 881; 3ong, 842. OE. geong.

30re-whyle, adv., a short time ago, 842. OE. geara + hwil. zornen, see gerne2.


*Zedechyas, prop. n., Zedekiah, 1169. Lat. Sedecias.


This bibliography is select, containing only the more important works on each subject.


Early English Alliterative Poems, in the West-Midland Dialect of the Fourteenth Century. Edited by Richard Morris (Early English Text Society, Vol. 1). London, 1864; revised edition, 1869. Cited as M. Selections from Purity, comprising lines 235-544, 947-72, 1009-51, in Morris's Specimens of Early English. Oxford, 1867, and in Morris and Skeat's Specimens of Early English, Part II, Oxford, 1872, revised 1884, 1894.

[blocks in formation]

I. GOLLANCZ, edition of Pearl (see below under VIII), pp. xxviii-xxx. Paraphrases of Purity, lines 361-70, 381-3, 414-24, 551-6, 1110-32. JESSIE L. WESTON, Romance, Vision, and Satire, pp. 153-70. Boston, 1912. Poetic rendering of lines 1357-1812 (Belshazzar's Feast).


MORRIS, Preface to Early English Alliterative Poems (see above under I).
M. TRAUTMANN, Über Verfasser und Entstehungszeit einiger Alliter-
ierender Gedichte des Altenglischen. Halle, 1876. Also published
with sub-title Habilitationsschrift, by which name it is often cited.
M. TRAUTMANN, Der Dichter Huchown und seine Werke (Anglia
I. 109-49).

TEN BRINK (see below under VII).

M. C. THOMAS, Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight. A Comparison with the French Perceval, preceded by an Investigation of the Author's Other Works. Zürich, 1883.

KNIGGE (see below under V), pp. 1-10.

HENRY BRADLEY, Academy, Jan. 14, 1888.

J. B. HENNEMAN, Untersuchungen über das Mittelenglische Gedicht 'Wars of Alexander,' pp. 30-5. Berlin, 1889.

GOLLANCZ, Introduction to edition of Pearl (see below under VIII).
G. NEILSON, 'Huchown of the Awle Ryale,' the Alliterative Poet. A
Historical Criticism of Fourteenth Century Poems ascribed to Sir
Hew of Eglintoun. Glasgow, 1902.

J. T. T. BROWN, Huchown of the Awle Ryale and his Poems, examined in the Light of Recent Criticism. Glasgow, 1902.

C. F. BROWN, The Author of the Pearl, considered in the Light of Theological Opinions (Publications of the Modern Language Association 19. 146-8).

C. G. OSGOOD, Introduction to edition of Pearl (see below under VIII). C. REICKE, Untersuchungen über den Stil der Mittelenglischen Alliterierenden Gedichte Morte Arthure, The Destruction of Troy, The Wars of Alexander, The Siege of Jerusalem, Sir Gawayn and the Green Knight: ein Beitrag zur Lösung der Huchown-Frage. Königsberg i. Pr., 1906.

H. N. MACCRACKEN, Concerning Huchown (Publications of the Modern Language Association 25. 507-34).

H. BATESON, Introduction to edition of Patience (see below under VIII). J. E. WELLS' Manual of the Writings of Middle English 1050-1400, New Haven, 1916, should be consulted for further bibliography of the Huchown question and of the separate alliterative poems.


C. F. BROWN, Note on the Dependence of 'Cleanness' on the 'Book of Mandeville' (Publications of the Modern Language Association 19. 149-53).

O. F. EMERSON, A Parallel between the Middle English Poem Patience and an Early Latin Poem attributed to Tertullian (Publications of the Modern Language Association 10. 242-8).

O. F. EMERSON, A Note on the M. E. 'Cleanness' (Modern Language Review 10. 373-5).

S. B. LILJEGREN, Has the Poet of 'Patience' read 'De Jona'? (Englische Studien 48. 337-41).


F. ROSENTHAL, Die Alliterierende Englische Langzeile im 14. Jahrhundert (Anglia 1. 414-59).

J. SCHIPPER, Englische Metrik 1. 195-212. Bonn, 1881.

J. FUHRMANN, Die Alliterierenden Sprachformelm in Morris' Early English Alliterative Poems und in Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight. Hamburg, 1886.

K. LUICK, Die Englische Stabreimzeile im XIV., XV., und XVI. Jahrhundert (Anglia 11. 392-443, 553-618; esp. 572-85).

Max Kaluza, Strophische Gliederung in der Mittelenglischen rein Alliterirenden Dichtung (Englische Studien 16. 169-80).

J. LAWRENCE, Chapters on Alliterative Verse, pp. 89-99. London, 1893. M. TRAUTMANN, Zur Kenntniss und Geschichte der Mittelenglischen Stabzeile (Anglia 18. 83-100).

B. KUHNKE, Die alliterierenden Langzeile in der Mittelenglischen Romanze Sir Gawayn and the Green Knight (Studien zum Germanischen Alliterationsvers, Vol. 4). Berlin, 1900. Reviewed by Fischer, Anglia Beiblatt 12. 65-76, and Luick, ibid. pp. 33 ff.

J. FISCHER, Die Stabende Langzeile in den Werken des Gawaindichters (Bonner Beiträge zur Anglistik 11. 1-64). Bonn, 1901. Reviewed by Luick, Anglia Beiblatt 12. 33-49. Compare further Fischer and Mennicken, Zur Mittelenglischen Stabzeile (a reply to Luick), pp. 139-54 of Bonner Beiträge II.

M. DEUTSCH BEIN, Zur Entwicklung des Englischen Alliterationsverses. Halle, 1902.

K. LUICK, in Paul's Grundriss der Germanischen Philologie, 2d ed., 2. 2. 160-8. Strassburg, 1905.

J. THOMAS, Die Alliterierende Langzeile des Gawayn-Dichters. Coburg, 1908.

K. SCHUMACHER, Studien über den Stabreim in der Mittelenglischen Alliterationsdichtung (Bonner Studien zur Englischen Philologie, Vol. 11). Bonn, 1914.


MORRIS, Preface to Early English Alliterative Poems (see above under I), pp. xxi-xl.

F. SCHWAHN, Die Conjugation in Sir Gawayn and the Green Knight und den Sogenannten Early English Alliterative Poems. Strassburg, 1884. W. FICK, Zum Mittelenglischen Gedicht von der Perle: eine Lautuntersuchung. Kiel, 1885.

F. KNIGGE, Die Sprache des Dichters von Sir Gawain and the Green
Knight, der Sogenannten Early English Alliterative Poems, und De
Erkenwalde. Marburg, 1885.

J. FISCHER, Die Stabende Langzeile (see above under V), pp. 48-61.
M. KULLNICK, Studien über den Wortschatz in Sir Gawayne and the Grene
Kny3t. Berlin, 1902.

K. SCHMITTBETZ, Das Adjektiv in 'Sir Gawayn and the Grene Knyзt' (Anglia 32. 1-60, 163-89, 359-83).

H. BATESON, Introduction to Patience (see below under VIII), pp. xxxii-vii.

H. BATESON, The Text of Cleanness (Modern Language Review 13. 377-86). I. Gollancz, The Text of Cleanness (ibid. 14. 152-62).

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