The Plays of William Shakspeare, 第 2 卷F. C. and J. Rivington, 1823 |
第 1 到 5 筆結果,共 80 筆
第 8 頁
... thee , captain ; And though that nature with a beauteous wall Doth oft close in pollution , yet of thee I will believe , thou hast a mind that suits With this thy fair and outward character . I pray thee , and I'll pay thee bounteously ...
... thee , captain ; And though that nature with a beauteous wall Doth oft close in pollution , yet of thee I will believe , thou hast a mind that suits With this thy fair and outward character . I pray thee , and I'll pay thee bounteously ...
第 14 頁
... Thou know'st no less but all ; I have unclasp'd To thee the book even of my secret soul : Therefore , good youth ... art a man : Diana's lip Is not more smooth , and rubious ; thy small pipe Is as the maiden's organ , shrill , and ...
... Thou know'st no less but all ; I have unclasp'd To thee the book even of my secret soul : Therefore , good youth ... art a man : Diana's lip Is not more smooth , and rubious ; thy small pipe Is as the maiden's organ , shrill , and ...
第 15 頁
... thou hast been , or I will not open my lips , so wide as a bristle may enter , in way of thy excuse : my lady will hang thee for thy absence . Clo . Let her hang me : he , that is well hanged in this world , needs to fear no colours ...
... thou hast been , or I will not open my lips , so wide as a bristle may enter , in way of thy excuse : my lady will hang thee for thy absence . Clo . Let her hang me : he , that is well hanged in this world , needs to fear no colours ...
第 18 頁
... Thou hast spoke for us , madonna , as if thy eldest son should be a fool : whose skull Jove cram with brains , for here he comes , one of thy kin , has a most weak pia mater.1 Enter Sir TOBY BELCH . Oli . By mine honour , half drunk ...
... Thou hast spoke for us , madonna , as if thy eldest son should be a fool : whose skull Jove cram with brains , for here he comes , one of thy kin , has a most weak pia mater.1 Enter Sir TOBY BELCH . Oli . By mine honour , half drunk ...
第 24 頁
... thou art ; Thy tongue , thy face , thy limbs , actions , and spirit , Do give thee five - fold blazon : - Not too fast : - soft ! soft ! Unless the master were the man . - How now ? Even so quickly may one catch the plague ? Methinks ...
... thou art ; Thy tongue , thy face , thy limbs , actions , and spirit , Do give thee five - fold blazon : - Not too fast : - soft ! soft ! Unless the master were the man . - How now ? Even so quickly may one catch the plague ? Methinks ...
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Bawd Beat Beatrice Benedick better Biron Bora BORACHIO Boyet brother Claud Claudio Cost Costard cousin dear death Demetrius Dogb dost thou doth Duke Enter Escal Exeunt Exit eyes fair fairy father favour fear fool friar gentle gentleman give grace hand hath hear heart heaven Helena Hermia Hero Hippolyta hither honour Illyria Isab Kath King lady leiger Leon Leonato look lord Angelo Lucio Lysander madam maid MALONE Malvolio Marry master Master constable means mistress moon Moth musick never night Oberon pardon Pedro PHILOSTRATE play Pompey pray prince Prov Provost Puck Pyramus Quin Re-enter SCENE Shakspeare signior Sir ANDREW Sir ANDREW AGUE-CHEEK sir Toby soul speak STEEVENS swear sweet tell thank thee there's Theseus thing Thisby thou art thou hast Titania to-morrow tongue troth true What's word