AP Success: English Literature and Composition

Peterson's, 2003 - 354 頁
The preferred test-prep series among AP students. More than 1 million high school juniors and seniors take one or more of the 33 Advanced Placement exams administered each year. Even the most motivated of these students require additional preparation beyond the traditional classroom environment and insist on working only with the most reputable test-prep guides on the bookshelves. The AP Success Series has all the qualities academic aces are looking for: comprehensive review of the 9 most competitive and popular subject areas, multiple full-length practice tests with detailed answer explanations, and RED ALERT study tips geared toward serious test takers. Nearly 215,000 individuals take this exam every year, making it one of the most popular exams in the AP battery. Students can step up their game in the competition by using this title's techniques for open-ended essay questions, a concise glossary of literary terms, and 4 full-length practice tests.
