How She Stopped True Cases Never Self-Cured-Dr. Wishes to tell you FREE all If you have Piles, or the itching, burning irritation which is their sure warning, let us send you Dr. Van Vleck's 3fold Absorption Remedy for rectal troubles at once. It is а dreadful mistake to allow this malignant disease to make unhindered progress, for it may lead to the deadly torture fistula and cancer. No matter of at Her Husband's Drinking By all Means Write to Her case and Learn how She did it.' For over 20 years James Anderson of 241 Elm Ave., Hillburn, N. Y., was His very hard drinker. seemed a hopeless one, but 10 years ago his wife in their own little home gave him a simple remedy which much to her delight stopped his drinking entirely. To make sure that the remedy was responsible for this happy result she also tried it on her brother what stage your case, send this coupon to-day. The Remedy will be sent you by return post. Then after using, if you are satisfied with the prompt relief and comfort it brings you, as it has done for many thousands of others, send us One Dollar. costs you nothing. We take your word. We have thousands of letters from people all neighbors. It was successful in every over the world case. None of them has touched a who write us that drop of intoxicating liquor since. they have been cured, even after V plan. everything else, including expen Vleck's must be a and several of her She now wishes everyone who has 30 and 40 years drunkenness in their homes to try of pain, after this simple remedy, for she feels sure that it will do as much for others as sive and painful it has for her. It can be given seoperations, had "There's Relief in Every failed. You can cretly if desired, and without cost see that Dr. Van she will gladly and willingly tell you Package." successful remedy to be sold on this ap- what it is. All you have to do is to So write to-day-now-to Dr. write her a letter asking her how she Vleck Co.. WA13 Majestic Bldg., Jackson, Mich. Send us no money-just cured her husband of drinking. and she will reply by return mail in a sealed envelope. As she has nothing to sell do not send her money. Simply send a letter with all confidence to Mrs. Margaret Anderson at the address given above, taking care to write your name and full address plainly. the coupon. FREE $1 COUPON Good for $1 Package of Dr. Van Vleck's Complete 3-Fold Treatment to be sent Free on Approval, as explained above to Name Mail this coupon to-day to Dr. Van Vleck Co., WA13 Majestic Bldg., Jackson, Mich. Return post will bring the $1 Package on Trial. (We earnestly advise every one of our readers who wishes to cure a dear one of drunkenness to write to this lady to-day. Her offer is a sincere one.) 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Its results are better than you would obtain from a twoweeks' vacation on a farm. Ever FOR MEN.-Nerve force gone? are what your nerves are, nothing else. If you feel all run-down from overwork or other causes, if you suffer from insomnia, "caved-in" feeling, brain fag. extreme nervousness, peevishness, gloominess, worry, cloudy brain, loss of ambition, energy and vitality, loss of weight and digestion, constipation. headaches. neuralgia, or the debilitating effects of tobacco or drink, send for the free trial package of Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers. FOR WOMEN.-If you suffer from nervOus breakdown. extreme nervousness, "blue" spells, desire to cry, worry, neuralgia, back pains, loss of weight or appetite, sleeplessness, headaches, and constipation, and are all out-of-sorts, Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers will make you feel that there is more to life than you ever realized before. Send to-day for the free trial package. No more need of dieting, diversion, travel, tiresome exercises, dangerous drugs, electricity, massage, or anything else Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers do the work for each and all, give you nerve-force and make you love to live. A 50c. trial package of this great discovery will prove that they do the work. They are guaranteed-every wafer. Send your name and address to-day for the free 50c. trial package of Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers, to F. J. Kellogg Co., 1240 Hoff Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers Make You Feel master' Block, Battle Creek, Michigan, in Quit Drinking I Will Take Any Case of Catarrh, No Curing Catarrh has been my business for years, and during this time over one million people have come to me from all over the land for treatment and advice. My method is original. I cure the disease by first curing the cause. Thus my combined treatment cures where all else fails. I can demonstrate to you in just a few days' time that my method is quick, sure and complete, because it rids the system of the poisonous germs that cause catarrh. Send your name and address at once to C. E. Gauss, and he will send you the treatment referred to. Fill out the coupon below. Golden Remedy Did It Costs Nothing to Try Golden Remedy Is Odorless and TastelessAny Lady Can Give It Secretly at Home in Tea, Coffee or Food If you have a husband, son, brother, father or friend who is a victim of liquor all you have to do is to send your name and address on the coupon below. You may be thankful as long as you live that you did it. Free Trial Package Coupon Dr. J. W. Haines Company, 3228 Glenn Bldg.. Cincinnati, Ohio. Please send me, absolutely free, by return mail, in plain wrapper, so that no one can know what it contains, a trial package of Golden Remedy to prove that what you claim for it is true in every respect. |