Hatch and Raise Chickens Every Month of the Year "Now is the time" to wake up and get wise to the profits of Poultry Raising by electricity, with the "LO-GLO" Incubators and Hovers. No matter what your convictions or experiences are with the oldfashioned hatchers you owe it to yourself to investigate these new, perfected machines that are making good with amateurs and experts alike. You know what you have to pay for fresh eggs and chickens and ducks. You can easily and cheaply raise what you need in a small space if you have electric connection. LO-GLO Incubators and Hovers are positively automatic. No smell, no muss, no danger, no work or worry, attractive, compact, can be operated in any room. Incubators cost from $16.50 to $28.50. Hovers from $5.50 to $9.50. The only Incubator and Brooder sold on instalments. Send for Catalogue Standard Electric 132 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK CITY. Before They're Hatched" Is Justifiable If Your Incubators Are Equipped With Tycos THERMOMETERS When You Buy New Incubators Specify Those Furnished With "Tycos" Thermometers-They're Good Machines. One's working efficiency is greatest when the surrounding temperature is at 68° F. You would feel better and work better if the temperature of your Living Rooms, Schools, Offices, Churches, Factories (wherever people congregate) were regulated for 68° F. by "Tycos Thermometers. Send for The Temperature Book-Free. Full of interesting, valuable information on temperature subjects of everyday importance. Write for Any or All of These Booklets-Free: The Thermometer Book. TELL THE TRUTH The Barometer Book. Please mention World Almanac when writing. Taylor Instrument Companies World's Largest Makers of Thermometers for All Purposes. S. & M."Tycos" Barometers are stan- "Tycos" Governments. MARK ROCHESTER, N. Y. TAYLOR ETERS TELL THE TRUTH "Tycos" Safe Deposit Vaults OF The National Nassau Bank Cor. Nassau and Beekman Sts. NEW YORK Safes to rent from $5 to $250 per annum Packages, Trunks, Silverware, Etc., Stored Open from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Saturday, from 9 A. M. to 1.30 P. M. be changed for stronger grow weaker. If your eyes are affected in any way, they can be made strong and perfect again by restoring the normal circulation of blood. If you wear glasses you know that they must ones from time to time, showing that the eyes For twenty years The Ideal Sight Restorer has been restoring perfect sight to thousands, and making them absolutely independent of EyeGlasses-some of their visions were seriously affected, too. By a simple and gentle exercise, given over the closed lids for 5 minutes twice a day. the normal and healthy circulation of blood is induced. Nature is aided in correcting the trouble, and the eyes rapidly regain their original strength and perfection. To prove its efficiency to you personally we will be glad to have you try The Ideal Sight Restorer for 10 days before you decide to purchase. Write to-day for interesting booklet No. 137 on the Care of the Eyes, and particulars of 10 days' test to THE IDEAL CO., 134 West 65th St., N. Y. Canadian Office, 275 College St., Toronto, Ont. EVERY THIN WOMAN CAN HAVE A SUPERB FIGURE WITHOUT PAYING A PENNY Every woman wants a full, round bust, a symmetrical figure and shapely limbs. So no woman who reads this generous offer should, in fairness to herself, fail to respond to it. All you have to do is to write, saying: "Send me your free treatment and illustrated booklet." By return mail we will send you, without a penny of cost, a sufficient quantity of Dr. Whitney's Nerve and Flesh Builder to give you the additional flesh that will add immeasurably to your style and attractiveness. No matter whether your slimness is the result of sickness or inheritance, Dr. Whitney's Nerve and Flesh Builder will promptly build up and beautify your figure. It acts directly on the fat-producing cells and fills out the hollow places. It will enlarge your bust measurement from 2 to 6 inches. And being a purely vegetable compound it cannot possibly do you any harm. Instead it actually benefits the health. A special treatment can be obtained for developing the bust without enlarging other parts of the body. Do not delay. Write to THE C. L. JONES CO., 50 Friend Bldg., Elmira, N. Y. FRECKLES Don't Hide Them With a Veil; Remove Them With the New Drug An eminent skin specialist recently discovered a new drug, othine double strength-which is so uniformly successful in removing freckles and giving a clear, beautiful complexion, that it is sold by all leading druggists under an absolute guarantee to refund the money if it fails. Don't hide your freckles under a veil; get an ounce of othine and remove them. Even the first night's use will show a wonderful improvement, some of the lighter freckles vanishing entirely. It is absolutely harmless, and cannot injure the most tender skin. Be sure to ask your druggist for the double-strength othine; it is this that is sold on the money-back guarantee. Othine can be bought by the ounce from any druggist. Inventors' and Manufacturers' Legal Rights Protected PATENTS The Commissioner of Patents is reported to have said in an interview September, 1912, that—“a large percentage of the patents issued from this office are not good patents." This is not surprising under present conditions. Inventors should awake to the fact that their patent applications should be prepared by one who is both a trained Engineer and a skilled Patent Lawyer. The real value of a patent depends upon the expert preparation of the patent claims and the skilful prosecution in the Patent Office. If your invention is worth anything at all, do not risk it in the hands of a mere tyro or shyster merely because he may advertise no fee until patent is obtained or money refunded, etc., as a bait to the uninitiated. Under date of Aug. Industries are established upon patents prosecuted by me. 23, 1912, one client wrote me as follows: "Received your favor of the 17th, also copies of each of our patents, for which we beg to thank you. "We beg to advise you that we have just a few days ago reorganized the company, and increased our Capital Stock from $50,000.00 to $500,000.00, and that in a very short time we will probably be in a position to give you more business." Eugene C. Brown, Patent Lawyer (Member of the Bar United States Supreme Court. Formerly Examiner U. S. Patent Office Over Nine Years.) Patents, Trade Marks, Copyrights, Reports as to Patentability, Validity and Infringement. Patent Suits Conducted in All States. Address Suite 44, Victor Building, Washington, D. C. |