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Why You Should Drink Some Wine Every Day
With Your Meals. "There's a Reason."

F you want to keep in good health you should drink some good Wine. The simple reason is this: You have in Wine food elements and certain properties that you cannot get in any other beverage.

Just compare Wine with tea and coffee or with any of the so-called soft drinks, and you will see this is right. While tea, or coffee, or soft drinks are only good to stop thirst, they are neither a food nor a tonic, but Wine is both a food and a tonic. And this important fact should always be remembered: that Wine the juice of the grape-is a natural product of food value, affording both pleasure as a drink and benefit as a tonic.

Let us see what you are drinking when you drink a glass of light table wine. like claret. Well, you are drinking the purest of water distilled by summer's sunshine. You are drinking a very little alcohol that comes from the sugar in the grape. You are drinking a number of natural fruit acids, such as tartaric, malic, racemic, pectic and succinic acid. The acids of the grape are good for digestion; they prevent and cure dyspepsia; they drive out the noxious matters that clog the system and cause skin eruptions. Thus, the fruit acids are nature's own blood purifiers and good complexion makers. For proof, go to the grape district of France and Italy, where every man, woman and child drink wine every day of their lives, to see what fine complexions and good digestions they all have.

Moreover, the acids of wine neutralize in the blood the effete matters that impair the mind and organs of the body and make them sluggish. You are drinking in wine malic acid, the element that makes cider so healthful and refreshing. You are drinking in wine albuminous matters which are of course necessary food elements. You are drinking tannin, one of the most useful properties and good for the arteries, for the saying is, "a man is as old as his arteries." You are drinking in wine phosphorus and iron in the form in which they are available as the source of brain and nerve energy. Phosphorus and iron and other mineral salts, such as silicates, magnesium, chalk, etc., being held naturally in suspension in Wine are easily assimilated in the human body, which is not the case when such heavy mineral salts are put up in artificial tonics. If you drink some Wine with your food you will not need any medicinal compounds; if you are "run down" and need a stimulant, Wine is better than any patent medicine or any drug.

Now, it is a very good sign that the healthful habit of drinking some Wine at table with the daily meal is growing in this country. There is plenty of good, pure Wine made in the United States, and it is so cheap that almost every one can afford to drink a little Wine every day with their dinner.

"Get the habit" of taking some Wine with your meals, and you will feel better, think better, and be better.

Those who would like to know more about our good American Wines should send for the following valuable booklets: "The Food Value of Wines," by Prof. E. H. Twight; "The One Best Drink-Wine," by Louis James; "Temperance with Drinking Wine," by Rev. R. D. Sawyer; "How to Use Wines," by L. J. Vance. Free by writing to the

304 Broadway, New York

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Ideal Peppermint Laxative

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It is responsible for many serious diseases of the Stomach and Bowels. Don't wait until you are half dead from Constipation, Biliousness, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, etc. Clean the system out to-nightget a box of




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Chew up just one candy (it's peppermint and pleasant), and in the morning you will feel like living once more.

Partola stands without a competitor-it is the most marvelous LAXATIVE BLOOD PURIFIER known-it does its work gently, thoroughly, without pain or griping, simply causing a natural, easy bowel movement without nausea.

Take one every Saturday night, or once a week, and you will be an optimist the balance of your life.

Partola is entirely harmless. It is made from the purest and best materials and is guaranteed to do all that is claimed for it and more much more. Don't fail to try it and to-night-and rememberit is a laxative gentle smooth in action-NOT a Cathartic that tears and purges the system, leaving you weak and exhausted.

At all druggists, 25c., 50c. and $1.00. For Free Sample and 100-page book write Partola Company, 160 Second Avenue, New York City.


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Whenever you see an Engine Gang Plow with the levers pointing to the center of the platform it's a P. & O. Mogul. It is exclusive; no other plow is constructed in this way.

The Coming Universal System of Plowing

One of the leading farm papers, speaking of a recent well-known plowing contest, said: "Walking plows have apparently disappeared from the competing ranks. Their place has been more than filled by the huge plowing outfits drawn by tractors. A traction plowing contest, started at noon, held its own in point of audience even after a fast and close ball

game was started on the green. Sulky and gang were in evidence, but the sight of 1,500 earnest farmers studying the performance of a six-furrow (Mogul) traction outfit showed that interest in mechanical power is on the increase in every section." This is the condition wherever an engine gang plow is at work.

The Whole World an Open Market A few years ago the Engine Gang was unknown except in a limited area, and was used only on the big "Bonanza" farms. To-day the entire farming area of North America is an open market for them. Not one man in a hundred who needs an engine gang owns one. We make three styles from 3 to 12 bottoms. Send for our special catalog, "Traction Engine Plowing;" it will Help You to Decide Which One You Need THE P. & O. Mogul Engine Gang Plow is made in five sizes, with 5, 6. 8, 10 and 12 bottoms, small enough for the ordinary farm, and large enough for the most extensive fields. The Mogul is protected by patents covering its exclusive features, chief among them being the bunching of the levers to the center of the platform; the self-castoring gauge wheels; the break pins for stony ground; the method of regulating suction; the manner of lining up the bottoms, and others. All kinds of bottoms fit the one style of standards. The simplest and strongest engine plow made, and it is Backed By An Unqualified Guarantee.

Kansas City

We make a full line of Plows, Harrows, Planters
and Cultivators, described in a Catalog which we will
gladly send upon request. Agents everywhere.

St. Louis Omaha
Portland Dallas

Parlin & Orendorff Co., Canton, III.

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