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April 30-Bob Moha defeated Bill McKinnon, ten rounds, P. V., New York City. Dick Hyland defeated Matty Baldwin, ten rounds, R. D., Salt Lake City, Utah. May 1-Jack Britton defeated "Pal" Moore, twenty rounds, R. D., San Francisco, Cal. May 2-Bill Papke K. O. Bill Lettch, two rounds, New York City. May 3-Luther McCarty K. O. Carl Morris, six rounds, Springfield, Mo.

Jack Dillon, ten rounds, D., New York City.

Frank Klaus vs.

May 8-Eddie McGoorty K. O. Jimmy Howard, seven rounds, Indianapolis, Ind.
May 10-Jack White defeated Frankle Conley, twelve rounds, R. D., Los Angeles, Cal.
May 11-Ad. Wolgast vs. Wille Ritchie, four rounds, D., San Francisco, Cal.

May 14-Johnny Kilbane defeated Frankle. Burns, ten rounds, P. V., New York City. Mike Gibbons K. O. Paddy Lavin, eight rounds, Buffalo, N. Y.

May 21-Johnny Kilbane vs. Jimmy Walsh, twelve rounds, D., Boston, Mass. Charley White defeated Owen Moran, nine rounds, F., Syracuse, N. Y. Tony Ross defeated Frank Moran, ten rounds, R. D., Cleveland, Ohio. Ray Temple defeated Joe Mandot, eight rounds, R. D., Memphis,


May 22-Georges Carpentier defeated Wille Lewis, twenty rounds, R. D., Paris, France. "Young" Jack O'Brien vs. Knockout" Brown, six rounds, D., Philadelphia, Pa.

May 23-Luther McCarty K. O. Jack Reed, three rounds, Joplin, Mo. Harry Brewer defeated Ray Bronson, eight rounds, P. V., St. Louis, Mo.

May 27-Sam Langford K. O. "Porky" Flynn, fourteen rounds, Melbourne, Aus.

May 28-Eddle McGoorty defeated Bob Moha, ten rounds, P. V., New York City. Jack Dillon K. O. Hugo Kelly, three rounds, Indianapolis, Ind.

May 29 "Packey" McFarland defeated Ray Bronson, ten rounds, Indianapolis, Ind. June 1-Ad. Wolgast defeated "Young" Jack O'Brien, six rounds, P. V., Philadelphia, Pa. June 3-Eddie Murphy K. O. Martin Canole, eight rounds, Providence, R. I. Leach Cross defeated "Knockout" Brown, ten rounds, P. V., New York City. Jem Driscoll K. O. Jean Poesy, twelve rounds, London, Eng.

June 5-Frank Mantell defeated Dan Sullivan, twenty rounds. R. D., Sacramento, Cal.
June 7-Packey" McFarland K. O. Frank Brennen, four rounds, Muskegon, Mich.
June 8-Jack White defeated Harry Thomas, twenty rounds, R. D., Los Angeles, Cal.
June 15-Joe Jeanette defeated "Black Bill," six rounds, stopped, New York City.
June 19-Luther McCarty defeated Tim Logan, six rounds, P. V., Philadelphia, Pa.
June 21-Phil Brock K. O. Tommy Kilbane, six rounds, Cleveland, Ohio.
defeated Al Kaufmann, four rounds, R. D., San Francisco, Cal.

Charley Miller

June 24-Willie Ritchie defeated Joe Mandot, ten rounds, P. V., New Orleans, La. Frank Klaus, defeated Georges Carpentier, nineteen rounds, F., Dieppe, France.

June 25-Mike Gibbons defeated Joe Stein, ten rounds, P. V., New York City.
June 28-Al Palzer K. O. "Bombardier" Wells, three rounds, New York City.

June 29-Bill Papke defeated Marcel Moreau, fifteen rounds, stopped, Paris, France.


Bronson defeated Harry Brewer, ten rounds, P. V., Indianapolis, Ind.

July 1-Mike Gibbons K. O. Sid Burns, five rounds, New York City.

July 2-Johnny Coulon defeated Joe Wagner, ten rounds, P. V., New York City. Battling Nelson defeated Andy Bezenoh, ten rounds, P. V., Winnipeg, Can.

July 3-Packey" McFarion K. O. Ed. Randall, three rounds, Cincinnati, Ohio.

July 4-Jack Johnson defeated Jim Flynn, nine rounds, stopped, Las Vegas. N. M. Abe Attell defeated Eddie Marino, ten rounds, P. V., Tacoma, Wash. Frank Mantell vs. Johnny Thompson, twenty rounds, D., Sacramento, Cal. Joe Mandot defeated Ray Temple, elght rounds, R. D., Memphis, Tenn. Johnny Kilbane defeated Tommy Dixon, twelve rounds, P. V., Cleveland, Ohio. Eddie McGoorty defeated "Chicago" Brown, ten rounds, P. V., Benton Harbor, Mich. Ad. Wolgast K. O. Joe Rivers, fourteen rounds, Los Angeles, Cal.

July 8-Jim Smith defeated Fred Storbeck, slx rounds, stopped, New York City. July 16-Joe Jeanette K. O. Jeff Madden, three rounds; Mickey McDonough, one round, New Bedford, Mass. July 17-"Bombardier" Wells K. O. Tom Kennedy, eight rounds, New York City. July 20-Joe Jeanette defeated Jim Johnson, six rounds, P. V., Philadelphia, Pa. July 31-"Gunboat" Smith K. O. Andy Morris, two rounds, New York City. August 3-Sam Langford defeated Sam McVey, twenty rounds, R. D., Sydney, Aus. Abe Attell vs. Tommy Murphy, twenty rounds, D., San Francisco, Cal. Jim

August 6-Porky" Flynn defeated Jim Barry, twelve rounds, R. D., Boston, Mass. Stewart defeated Luther McCarty, ten rounds, P. V., New York City.

August 8-Tommy Burns K. O. Joe Richards, six rounds, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
August 14-"Gunboat" Smith vs. "Porky" Flynn, ten rounds, D., New York City.
August 17-Harry Thomas defeated Frankle Conley, twenty rounds, R. D., San Francisco, Cal.
August 19-Jess Willard vs. Luther McCarty, ten rounds, draw, P. V., New York City. Jim
Savage defeated Tom Kennedy, seven rounds, stopped, New York City. Joe Jeanette K. O. Jeff
Madden, two rounds, New York City.

August 21-Leach Cross defeated Tommy O'Keefe, ten rounds, P. V., New York City.
August 27-Jack Britton K. O. Eddie Murphy, eleven rounds, Boston, Mass.

August 28-"Young" Brown defeated Tommy Murphy, ten rounds, P. V., New York City. George Kirkwood K. O. Tommy Houck, six rounds, New York City.

August 30-"Packey" McFarland defeated Joe Hirst, six rounds, P. V., Philadelphia, Pa. Matty McCurt defeated Harry Forbes, ten rounds, P. V., Racine, Wis. Al Williams K.O. Ed. Kennedy, one round San Francisco, Cal. Joe Jeanette K. O. Griff Jones, two rounds, New York City. September 2-Joe Mandot defeated Joe Rivers, twenty rounds, R. D., Vernon, Cal. Jim Flynn K. O. Charles Miller, fifteen rounds, San Francisco, Cal. Eddie McGoorty K. O. Dave Smith, two rounds, New York City. Battling Nelson vs. Steve Ketchel, fifteen rounds, P. V., St. Joseph, Mo. George (Knockout") Brown K. O. "Kid" Skelly, one round, Terre Haute, Ind. Benny Chavez defeated Monte Attell, twelve rounds, F., Trinidad, Col. Jeff Clark defeated Joe Jeanette, six rounds, P. V., Pittsburgh, Pa. Ray Bronson vs. Rube Ferns, ten rounds, D., Indianapolis, Ind. September 4-Johnny Kilbane defeated Johnny Dundee, ten rounds, P. V. New York City. September 7-Tommy O'Toole defeated Frankie Fleming, six rounds, P. V., Philadelphia, Pa. September 9-Frank Klaus defeated J. Moreau, four rounds, stopped, Vichy, France. Frankle Burns K. O. "One Round" Hogan, ten rounds, San Francisco, Cal. Joe Jeanette defeated Tony Ross, seven rounds, F., New York City. Tom McMahon vs. "Gunboat" Smith, ten rounds. P.V. New York City. George Kirkwood K. O. Frankle Fleming, two rounds, New York City. Hillard Lang defeated Ray Bronson, ten rounds, Winnipeg, Man.

September 10-Jimmy Duffy defeated Leach Cross, four rounds, F., New York City.
September 11-Frank Plcato vs. Frank Loughrey, twelve rounds, D., Boston, Mass.

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September 13-Harry Thomas defeated Abe Attell, ten rounds, P. V., New York City. Ferns vs. Art McGill, fifteen rounds, D., Tulsa, Okla.


September 14-Luther McCarty defeated Jimmy Barry, six rounds, P. V., Pittsburgh, Pa. Mike Gibbons K. 3. "Young" McCartney, 2 rounds, Philadelphia, Pa. Jim Sanders defeated Jack Sullivan, eighteen rounds, stopped, Sydney, Australia.

September 16-Eddie McGoorty vs. Johnny Thompson, ten rounds, D., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hughie Mehegan defeated Matt Wells, fourteen rounds, F., London, England. Louis De Ponthieu defeated Tommy O'Keefe, ten rounds, P. V., New York City. Jack Britton defeated "Young" Saylor, six rounds, F., Boston, Mass.

September 19-Johnny Kilbane defeated Eddie O'Keefe, ten rounds, P. V., New York City. September 21-"Gunboat" Smith defeated Al Kubiak, six rounds, P. V., Philadelphia, Pa. September 23-Eddie McGoorty K. O. Jack Harrison, one round, New York City.

September 25-Johnny Dundee defeated George Kirkwood, ten rounds, P. V., New York City. Bill Papke defeated Jack Denning, ten rounds, P. V., New York City.

September 28-Eddle McGoorty defeated Barney Williams, six rounds, P. V., Philadelphia, Pa. Luther McCarty K. O. Jack McFarland, two rounds, Pittsburgh, Pa.

September 30-"Gunboat" Smith K. O. Jim Savage, three rounds, New York City. October 1-Steve Ketchell defeated Tommy Kilbane, twelve rounds, R. D., Winnipeg, Ont. October 2-Knockout" Brown vs. Johnny Lore, ten rounds, D., New York City. October 4-Marcel Thomas defeated "Dixie Kid" twenty rounds, R. D., Paris, France. October 7-Jack Lester defeated Jack Howard, thirteen rounds, stopped, Sydney, Aus. Eddie McGoorty defeated Jack Denning, five rounds, stopped, New York City.

October 8-Jimmy Clabby defeated "Knockout" Brennen, ten rounds, P. V., Buffalo, N. Y. October 9-Leo Houck defeated Eddle McGoorty, six rounds, P. V., Philadelphia, Pa. Grover Hayes defeated Jack Peade, twenty rounds, R. D., Sydney, Aus.

October 10-Sam Langford defeated Sam McVey, eleven rounds, Perth, West. Aus. October 11-Johnny Thompson defeated Art. Godfrey, eight rounds, Fond du Lac, Wis. "Packey" McFarland defeated Tommy Kilbane, seven rounds, R. D., Winnipeg, Man. "Pal" Moore vs. Johnny Dundee, ten rounds, D., P. V., New York City. Jack Britton defeated Leach Cross, ten rounds, P. V., New York City.

October 12-Luther McCarty defeated Al Kaufmann, two rounds, stopped, San Francisco, Cal. October 14-Johnny Kilbane defeated Eddie O'Keefe, twelve rounds, R. D., Cleveland, Ohio. Joe Mandot defeated Joe Sherman, eight rounds, R. D., Memphis, Tenn.

October 17-"Packey" McFarland defeated Kid Alberts, ten rounds, P. V., Cleveland, Ohio. October 18-"Kid" Williams defeated Johnny Coulon, ten rounds, P. V., New York City. October 19-Hock Keyes K. O. Leon Bernstein, elght rounds, Sydney, Australia. October 20-Tony Capont defeated Ray Marshall, four rounds, stopped, St. Joseph, Mo. October 21-“Digger" Stanley defeated Alec. Lafferty, twenty rounds, R. D., London, Eng. October 23-Bill Papke defeated Georges Carpentier, seventeen rounds, stopped, Paris, France. October 24-Jack Britton defeated Fred Duffy, ten rounds, P. V., New York City. October 26-Ad. Wolgast vs. Fred Daniels, six rounds, Draw, P. V., Quincy, Ill. October 30-Joe Jeanette defeated Jim Johnson, ten rounds, P. V., New York City. Bronson defeated Clarence English, eight rounds, P. V., St. Louis, Mo. Frank Moran defeated Ray Horn, ten rounds, R. D., Oakland, Cal.


November 4-Joe Mandot defeated Ad. Wolgast, ten rounds, betting decision, New Orleans, La. AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP BOUTS.

United States Amateur Athletic Union bouts, held at Boston, April 9. Semi-final and final bouts: Semi-final bouts, 105-pound class-James Lynch, Cambridge, defeated Douglas Carnegie, New York, three rounds; Patsy Green, Cambridge, defeated Barney Snyder, Roxbury, three rounds. Final bout-James Lynch, Cambridge, defeated Patsy Green, Cambridge, three rounds Semifinal, 115-pound class-Johnny Reagan, East Boston, defeated Jack Noonan, Dorchester, three rounds. Final-Tommy Reagan, East Boston, defeated George Pritchard, Forest III, three rounds. Semi-final, third bout, 125-pound class-John Cooper, Chelsea, defeated R. E. Williams, Belmont, three rounds. Fourth bout-Edward Desmond, Boston, defeated J. W. McDonald, Quincy, three rounds. Final bout-John Cooper, Chelsea, defeated Edward Desmond, Boston, three rounds. Semi-final, 135-pound class-Mike Sullivan, East Boston, defeated Joe White, East Boston, three rounds. 135-pound class-Al. Wambgans, New Orleans, defeated Harry Rex, New York, three rounds. Final-Al. Wambgans, New Orleans, defeated Mike Sullivan, East Boston, three rounds. 145-pound class, final-Charles Askins, Boston, defeated W. P. Widdicombe, Fort McKinley, Me., three rounds. Semi-final, 158-pound class-P. A. Lavalle, Somerville, defeated J. D. Rose, Cambridge, three rounds; Arthur Sheridan, New York, defeated Dan McDonald, Nova Scotia; Charles Haskins, Boston, defeated George T. Gamble, St. John, N. B., two rounds (disqualified). Final-A. Sheridan, New York, defeated B. A. Lavalle, Somerville, three rounds. Final heavyweight classJohn Silverlo Beverly, Mass., defeated Thomas Kelly, Roxbury, Mass. Quit after one round. English Amateur Champions for 1912, winners of final bouts of the thirty-second_amateur boxing tournament held at London, March 27: Bantam, W. W. Allen (holder); feather, G. R. Baker; Light, R. Marriott; middle, E. V. Chandler; heavy, R. Smith.

Cornell University championships, held at Ithaca, N. Y., March 27. Final bouts. 115-pound class C. L. Cook, '12, defeated P. M. Porter, '15, five rounds. 125-pound class-A. S. Kreider, 13, defeated A. J. Ashman, '13, four rounds. 135-pound class-E. A. Everitt, Jr. '14, defeated A. S. Kreider, '13, five rounds. 145-pound class-L. H. Delany, '12, defeated M. E. Brown, '12. four rounds. 158-pound class-L. H. Delany, '12, defeated Sidney Isaacs, 13, four rounds. 175pound class-J. L. Collins, '12, defeated Chandler Montgomery, '12, four rounds. Heavyweight class-J. L. Collins, '12, defeated G. M. Williamson, '14.

New York State championships, held at New York City, May 1. The finals follow: 105pound class-P. Kline, Glencoe A. C., defeated J. Larsen, Irish-American A. C., in three rounds on points. 115-pound class--A. Alexander, unattached, knocked out J. Conifrey, Union Settlement. A. Č., in two rounds. 125-pound class-I. Zuckerman, Educational Alllance, knocked out W. Smith, Bronx Church House, in two rounds. 135-pound class-H. Braun, New Polo A. C., knocked out J. Gallagher, New West Side A. C., in three rounds. 145-pound class-Robert Knox, Knights of St. Anthony, outpointed John Fitzhenry, Avonia A. C., in three rounds. 158-pound class-J. Terrence, Trinity A. C., outpointed T. Xarhakls, Greek-American A. C., in three rounds. Heavyweight class-A. Reich, Irish-American A. C., knocked out W. Sorrenson, Trinity A. C., in two rounds.

Metropolitan Association A. A. U. Championships, held March 21 and 23. Results In final bouts of each class: 105-pound class-Ernest Kothe, St. Bartholomew's A. C., defeated Matt Donovan, Paulist A. C., in three rounds. Judge's decision. 115-pound class-A. Vitelle, St. Bartholomew's A. C., defeated J. Conlfrey, Union Settlement A. C., in three rounds. Referee's decision after judges disagreed. 125-pound class-Herbert Atkins, unattached, defeated James Nugent, Paulist A. C., in three rounds. Judge's decision. 135-pound class-Harry O. Rex, Hollywood Inn, defeated Henry Braun, New Polo A.A., in three rounds. Judges' decision. 145-pound class-John


Fitzhenry, Avonia A. C., defeated Charles T. Henry, Trinity A.C., in one round. Bout stopped by referee. 158-pound class-Arthur Sheridan, Trinity A. C., defeated William Barrett, Harlem by M. C. A., in two rounds. Bout stopped by referee. Heavyweight class-W. Spengler, Union Settlement A. C., defeated Arthur Sheridan, Trinity A. C., in three rounds. Judges' decision.

Central Association, A. A. U. Championships, held at Cleveland, Ohio, April 11 and 13. Results In final bouts of each class: 105-pound class-Henry Goodale defeated Buddy Ayers, runner-up, In three rounds. 125-pound class-George Ficks defeated Al San! in three rounds. 135-pound classBruno Lang defeated William Friedlander in four rounds. 145-pound class-Jack Hetzner defeated Barney Smith in three rounds. Heavyweights-Sam Cook defeated Paul Kruss in three rounds.



January 2, at Chicago, Ill.-Yusseff Mahmout defeated Samson in two straight falls. Time14m. 478. and 7m. 20s. January 4, at Battle Creek, Mich.-John Billiter defeated Henry Wirth, Chicago. Wirth was disqualified for using the strangle hold. January 4, at Baltimore, Md. Americus (Gus Schoenleln) defeated P. Samson in two straight falls. Time-108. and 23m. Dr. B. F. Roller, Seattle, defeated "Shad" Link, of Baltimore, in straight falls. Time-23m. and 13m.

January 5, at Boston, Mass.-G. Ralcevich defeated I. Romanoff in two straight falls. Time18m. and 8m. January 16. at Minneapolis, Minn.-S. Zbyszko defeated Henry Ordemann in two straight falls. Time-25m. 258. and 483.

January 22, at Boston, Mass.-S. Zbyszko defeated Karla, the Hindoo, in two straight falls. Time-19m. 588. and 20m. 30s.

January 22, at Omaha, Neb.-Jesse Westergaard defeated Henry Ordemann in two straight falls, January 22, at Chicago, Ill.-Yusseff Mahmout won a handicap match, in which he agreed to pin Frank Erler and Frank Dalkus in 30m. Time-15m. 54s. and 9m. 55s., respectively.

January 31, at Baltimore, Md. Americus (Gus Schoenlein) defeated Hjalmar Lundin in two straight falls. Time-29m. and 19m.

February 5, at Boston, Mass.-Yusseff Mahmout defeated "Cyclone" Burns in two straight falls. Time--41m. 19s. and 14m. 10s. Dr. Roller, Seattle, defeated Nogert, the Boer, In two straight falls. Time-3in. 5s. and 26m. 35s.

February 8, at Knoxville, Tenn.-S. Zbyszko defeated Dr. Roller, Seattle, In straight falls. Time-1h. 20s. and 7m.

February 9, at Utica, N. Y.-Glovanni Ralcevich defeated Oslef Grodofskl in two straight falls. Time-11m. and 6m.

February 12, at New York City-S. Zbyszko defeated Glovanni Ralcevich in one fall. Time -54m. 52s. Raicevich quit, owing to an injury to his knee.

February 14, at Baltimore, Md.-Americus (Gus Schoenlein) defeated I. Romanoff in two straight falls. Time-25m. 21s. and 23m. 358. S. Zbyszko defeated Schmidt in two straight falls. Time-25m. and 11m. Dr. Roller defeated Hjalmar Lundin in one fall. Time-15m. Lundin quit, claiming injury to his knee.

February 15. at Washington, D. C.-Americus (Gus Schoenlein) defeated John Perell in straight falls. Time-22m. and 14m. February 17, at Omaha, Neb.-Yusseff Mahmout defeated Jess Westergaard in straight falls. Time-36m. and 15m.

February 19, at Boston, Mass.-S. Zbyszko defeated Henry Ordemann in two straight falls. Time-46 m. 108. and 16m. 45s. Dr. Roller defeated Karla, the Iindoo, in straight falls. Time30m. 26s. and 10m. 40s.

February 20, at Washington, D. C.-Americus (Gus Schoenlein) defeated "Yankee" Rogers, of Buffalo, in two straight falls. Time-25m. 10s. and 10m. 35s. Dr. Roller defeated "Shad" Link, of Baltimore, in two straight falls.

February 22, at Battle Creek, Mich.-Chris Jordan defeated Otto Suter, of Cleveland, in one fall. Time -25m. Suter's knee was dislocated.

February 22, at St. Paul, Minn.-Walter Miller defeated Charles Gustafson, of Winnipeg, in straight falls. Time-24m. 10s. and 14m. 4s.

March 1, at Chicago, Ill.-Yusseff Mahmout defeated Jess Pedersen in straight falls. Time -23m. 45s. and 8m. 10s.

March 1, at Baltimore, Md. Americus (Gus Schoenleln) lost handicap match to "Cyclone" Burns, whom he falled to throw in 30m.

March 2, at Chicago, Ill.-Yusseff Mahmout defeated Joe Geshtowt, winning in 7m. 50s. and 5m. 14s. March 3, at St. Louis, Mo.-John Billlter, of Toledo, defeated Max Luttberg, of Cincinnati, in two straight falls. Time-51m. and 7m. TimeMarch 11, at Boston, Mass.-"Cyclone" Burns defeated Jack McPhee In straight falls. Time -20m. 45s. and 19m. 14s. Dr. Roller defeated Roos in straight falls. Time-10s. and 3m. 55s. Americas (Gus Schoenlein) defeated Van Thrajen in 18m. 25s.

March 9, at Chicago, Ill.-Frank Gotch defeated Ivan Romanoff in two straight falls. 10m. 289. and 10m. 20s.

March 13, at Minneapolis, Minn. Henry Ordemann won a handicap match from Frank Gotch, who agreed to throw Ordemann in 20m. but falled to get a fall.

March 15, at Brooklyn, N. Y.-Dr. Roller and Karla, the Hindoo, tled. Neither man gained a fall in 30m., the bout limit.

March 17, at San Francisco, Cal.-8. Zbyszko falled to throw Willam Demetral twice in 1h. 15m. Secured one fall in 50m. 128.

March 18, at Minneapolis, Minn.-S. Zbyszko defeated "Yankee" Rogers in two straight falls. Time-15m. and 4m.

March 18, at Knoxville, Tenn.-Jess Westergaard was awarded decision in a catch-as-catchcan match, with Dr. Roller (the latter being unable to continue the bout due to Injury), of 40m. March 22, at Cleveland, Ohio--Joe Smejkel defeated Gustafson, of Norway, and Emil Lellon, of Belgium, winning two falls from each. Total time--29m. 30s.

March 25, at Boston, Mass.-Dr. Roller defeated Samson in one fall. Time-30m. 34s. Samson dislocated his shoulder and could not continue.

March 27, at Washington, D. C.-Americus (Gus Schoenlein) defeated John Perell in two straight falls. Time-22m. and 10m.

March 30, at Portland, Ore.-Fred Beell defeated John Berg in 1h. 10m. without a fall. Berg was injured; bout was stopped by police.

April 4, at St. Paul, Minn.-Dr. Roller defeated Theodore Peters in two straight falls. -lb. 15m. and 17m.


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April 9, at Kansas City, Mo.-S. Zbyszko defeated Ernest Koch in straight falls. 37m. 36s. and 12m. 508.

April 17, at Boston, Mass.-Dr. Roller defeated Pat O'Nell in two straight falls.



No time

April 18, at Baltimore, Md.-Americus (Gus Schoenlein) defeated Dr. Roller in two straight falls. Time- -40m. and 15m.

April 18, at Detroit, Mich.-S. Zbyszko defeated I. Romanoff in two straight falls. Time31m. 7s. and 7m. 4s.

May 4, at Montreal, Que.-Dr. Roller defeated R. Cazeaux in two straight falls.

33m. and 22m.

TimeJune 1, at Dallas, Tex.-Yusseff Houssano defeated Dr. Roller in two straight falls. Time -1h. 7m. and 16m.

June 2, at Hancock, Mich.-Alex. Jarvinen, of Helsingfors, Finland, defeated Leo Pardello, in two straight falls. Time-20m. and 8m.

June 14, at Baltimore, Md.-Frank Gotch defeated Americus (Gus Schoenlein) in two straight falls. Time 1h. 2m. 10s. and 34s.

July 4, at Chicago, Ill.-Frank Gotch defeated Joe Smejkel in two straight falls. Time7m. 20s. and 4m. 55s.

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July 5, at Cleveland, Ohlo-Henry Gehring defeated Robert Berry in straight falls. No time taken. August 22d, at Kansas City, Mo.-Frank Gotch defeated Jess Westergaard in two straight falls. Time-21 m. 26s. and 9m. 20s.

September 18th, at Montreal-Young Paradis defeated Eugene Tremblay, two out of three falls at catch weights. Time-32 m. 48.; 7m. 16s. and 4m. 27s. Constant Le Marin defeated Emile Maupas in two straight falls, same date and place.

November 1st, at Providence, R. I.-Cyclone Burns defeated Swede Marlow in two straight falls. Time-24 m. 5s. and 12 m. 31s.


Amateur Athletic Union National Championships held at Newark, N. J., April 13. Results: 105-pound class-G. Taylor, National Turn Verein, threw C. Benson, Swedish-American A. C., New York, with body hold." Time-3 m. 55s. 115-pound class--W. Strobach, unattached, given decision over S. Litowitz, Educational Alliance, New York. Time-18m. 125-pound class-Gus Bauer, National Turn Verein, Newark, threw V. V. Vosen, Bronx Church House, New York, with three-quarter Nelson. Time-7m. 45s. 135-pound class-El! Hallkman, Educational Alliance, threw A. C. Anderson, Norweglan Turn Society, with body hold. Time-5m. 30s. Heavyweight class-Ellel Kaino, Finnish-American A. C., New York, threw E. W. Payne, Franklin A. Č., New York, with a cross-bar hold. Time-2m. 158-pound class-J. W. Smith, New York A. C., given referee's decision over John Krug, National Turn Verein. Time-12m. 145-pound class-Gus Peterson, Harlem Y. M. C. A., received referee's decision over Paavo Jaatenen. Time-15m. Metropolitan Association Championships, held at New York City, March 29. Results: 115pound class-L. Ruggiero, Grace A. C., defeated L. Eflikidis, Bridgeport Y. M. C. A., with a catch hold. Time-1m. 168. 105-pound class-G. Taylor, National Turn Verein, defeated C. Benson, Swedish-American A. C., with a half-Nelson hold. Time-3m. 5s. 125-pound class-G. Bauer, National Turn Verein, defeated W. Strobach, unattached, with a three-quarter Nelson. Time6m. 32s. 135-pound class--A. C. Anderson, Norwegian Turn Society, defeated S. Fleisher, Educational Alliance, with rolling fall. Time-1m. 5s. 145-pound class-G. Peterson, Harlem Y. M. C. A., defeated J. Shogland, Norwegian-American A. C., with a half-Nelson and orotch hold. Time-4m. 50s. 158-pound class-J. Krug, National Turn Verein, defeated W. Smith, New York A. C. Referee's disqualification. Time-6m. Heavyweight class-E. Kalno, Finnish-American A. C., defeated E. W. Payne, Franklin A. C., with head lock. Time-14m. 408.

Pacific Association Championships, held at San Francisco, Cal., March 23. Results: Featherweight-Carl Davis, O. C., defeated C. Grutter, Y. M. C. A. Time-248. Special weight-R. Lee, U. C., defeated Juvenall, Y. M. C. A. Time-3m. 28s. Lightweight-E. Helno defeated J. Buckley. Time-6m. 38s. Welterweight-E. Rogers defeated E. Baraty. Time-5m. 428. Middleweight-C. Ricks defeated D. Zeh. Time-3m. 32s. Light heavyweight-C. Theophelos defeated 1. Dern. Time-4m. 208. Heavyweight-R. Thompson defeated O. Walfisch. Time-2m. 8s. COLLECE WRESTLING. DUAL MEETS.

February 3, at Bethlehem, Pa.-Lehigh defeated Pennsylvania 4 bouts to 1.
February 9, at New York City-Pennsylvania defeated Columbla 4 to 3.
February 10, at Annapolis, Md.-Naval Academy defeated Princeton 4 to 3.
February 13, at Princeton, N. J.-Princeton defeated Lehigh 4 to 3.

February 16, at Ithaca, N. Y.-Cornell defeated Penn State 5 to 2. At Philadelphia, Pa.Pennsylvania and Princeton tied, 3% each.

February 17, at Annapolis, Md.-Naval Academy defeated Lehigh 6 to 1.
February 19, at New Haven, Ct.-Yale defeated Harvard 7 to 0.

February 23 at Philadelphia, Pa.-Cornell defeated Pennsylvania 5 to 2.

February 24, at State College, Pa.-Penn State College defeated Yale 6 to 1. At Princeton, N. J.-Princeton defeated Columbla 3% to 2%. At Annapolis, Md.-Cornell defeated Naval Academy 4 to 3.

March 2, at Princeton, N. J.-Princeton defeated Pennsylvania 4 to 3. At Ithaca, N. Y.Cornell defeated Columbia 6 to 1. At State College, Pa.-State College defeated Lehigh 5% to 14. At Annapolis, Md.--Naval Academy defeated Yale 6 to 1.

March 8, at New York City-Yale and Columbia tied, 31⁄2 each. At Ithaca, N. Y.-Cornell defeated Lehigh 5 to 2.

March 12, at Philadelphia, Pa.-Penn State College defeated Pennsylvania 5 to 2. March 15, at New Haven, Ct.-Yale defeated Princeton 4 to 1; two draws. INTERCOLLEGIATE CHAMPIONSHIPS. Intercollegiate Championships held at Columbia University, New York City, March 23. Score by points: Cornell, 27; Princeton, 16; Pennsylvania, 13 and Columbia, 9. Results by bouts: 112-pound class-T. I. S. Boak, Cornell, beat N. D. Hyman, Columbia, with a scissors and barNelson hold. Time-12m. 45s. A. K. Retcher, Pennsylvania, won third place. 125-pound classJ. D. Matchat, Cornell, beat E. L. Gardner, Columbia, on points. Time-17m. F. F. Dickinson. Pennsylvania, won third place. 135-pound class-H. H. Ormond, Princeton, beat A. W. Caruthers, Columbla, bar and head lock. Time-24m. 548. F. R. Lewis, Cornell, third. 145-pound classJ. H. Frantz, Princeton, beat S. Mellon, Pennsylvania, with a chancery hold. Time-3m. 288. A. Coors. Cornell, third. 158-pound class-R. D. Shaw, Cornell, beat A. T. Ormond, Princeton, on points. Time-17 m. T. E. Bisbee, Pennsylvania, third. 175-pound class-S. Bame, Cornell, beat R. Young, Pennsylvania, with a bar hold. Time--6m. 568. W. J. Logan, Jr., Princeton, third. Heavyweight class-J. L. Collins, Cornell, beat J. M. Holsworth, Columbia, on points, Time-15m. A. Hogg, Pennsylvania, third.


Results since formation of Intercollegiate Wrestling Association in 1905: April 7, 1905, at University of Pennsylvania. Score: (First place in each class counting one point.) Yale, 5; Columbla, 1; Princeton, ; University of Pennsylvania, 0. April 7, 1906, at Columbia. Score: (First place in each class counting two points; second place one point.) Yale, 7; Columbla, 5; University of Pennsylvania, 5; Princeton, 4. March 21, 1907, at Princeton. Score: (First place in each class counting three points; second place one point.) Yale, 11; Columbia, 7; Princeton, 7: University of Pennsylvania, 3. March 20, 1908, at University of Pennsylvania. Score: (Same as in 1907.) Yale, 12; University of Pennsylvania, 8; Cornell, 4; Princeton, 4; Columbia, 0. March 19, 1909, at Yale. Score: (Same as in 1907.) Yale, 13; Princeton, 8; Cornell, 6; University of Pennsylvania, 1; Columbla, 0. March 19, 1910, at University of Pennsylvania. Score: (Same as in 1907.) Cornell, 11; Princeton, 7; Columbia, 5; University of Pennsylvania, 5. March 25, 1911, at Princeton. Score: (First place in each class counting 4 points, second place 2 points and third place 1 point.) Princeton, 15; Columbia, 11; University of Pennsylvania, 11; Cornell, 7. March 22, 1912, at Columbia. Score: (Method of scoring the same as in 1911, with an additional point to be added for each fall secured.) Cornell, 27; Princeton, 16; University of Pennsylvania, 13; Columbia, 9.


UNITED STATES Open, played at Buffalo, N. Y., August 1-2, was won by Jack McDermott, 294, with Tom McNamara 296, second, and Alex Smith and M. J. Brady tied at 299 for third. Previous winners: 1911, at Wheaton, Ill. After a triple tie between J. J. McDermott, M. J. Brady and George O. Simpson at 307, J. J. McDermott won in the play-off, with Brady second and Simpson third. 1910, at Philadelphia, Pa., Alex. Smith, 298. 1909, at Englewood, N. J., George Sargent. 290. 1908, at Myopia, Fred McLeod, 322. 1907, at Philadelphia Cricket, Alexander Ross, 302. 1906, at Onwentsia, Alex. Smith, 295. 1905, at Myopla, W. Anderson, 314. 1904, at Glen View, W. Anderson, 303. 1903, at Baltusrol, W. Anderson, 307. 1902, at Garden City, L. Auchterlonie, 307. 1901, at Myopla, W. Anderson, 331. 1900, at Chicago, H. H. Vardon, 313.

United States Amateur Championship, played at Wheaton, Ill.-J. Travers defeated Charles Evans, Jr., 7 up and 6 to play. Previous winners: 1911, at Rye, N. Y., H. H. Hilton, amateur champion of England, defeated F. Herreshoff, 1 up in 37 holes. 1910, at Brookline, Mass., W. C. Fownes, Jr., defeated W. K. Wood, 4 up and 3 to play. 1909, at Wheaton, Ill., R. A. Gardner beat H. Chandler Egan, 4 up and 2 to play. 1908, at Garden City, J. D. Travers beat Max Behr, 8 up and 7 to play. 1907, at Euclid, J. D. Travers beat A. Graham, 6 up and 5 to play. 1906, E. M. Byers beat G. S. Lyon, 2 up. 1905, at Wheaton, H. Chandler Egan beat D. E. Sawyer, 6 up and 5 to play. Other winners: 1904, H. Chandler Egan; 1903, W. J. Travis; 1902, L. N. James; 1901 and 1900, W. J. Travis.

United States Woman's Amateur Championship, played at Essex Country Club, Manchester, Mass., October 1-5. Final round-Miss M. Curtis defeated Mrs. R. H. Barlow 3 up and 2 to play. Previous winners: 1911, at Westchester County, N. Y., Miss M. Curtis. 1910, at Chicago, Ill., Miss Dorothy Campbell, Hamilton, Ont. 1909, at Philadelphia, Miss Dorothy Campbell. 1908, at Washington, Miss Kate C. Harley. 1907, at Midlothian, Miss Margaret Curtis. 1906, at Brae Burn, Miss Harriet Curtis. 1905, at Morris County, Miss Pauline Mackay. 1904, at Merion, C. C., Miss G. Bishop. 1903, at Wheaton, Miss B. Anthony. 1902-01, at Brookline and Baltusrol, Miss G. Hecker. 1900, at Shinnecock, Miss F. C. Griscom. STATE AND SECTIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS.

Women's Eastern Golf Championship-Mrs. R. H. Barlow won with a score of 261 for 54 holes. Women's Championship of Boston-Mrs. G. W. Roope defeated Mrs. E. C. Wheeler, Jr., 2 up. Metropolitan Women's Championship, played at Englewood, N. J., May 24-Mrs. Victor M. Earle defeated Miss Marlon Hollins, 6 up and 4 to play. Metropolitan Amateur Championship, played at Baltusrol, May 25-J. D. Travers defeated O. Kirkby, 9 up and 8 to play. Metropolitan Open Championship-McNamara won with 293. G. Nicholls second, 297. Metropolitan Junior Champlonship-Won by S. Connelly with a score of 74. P. Carter second, with 76. Vermont Champlonship-F. A. Martin defeated H. K. Kerr, 6-5. Connecticut Championship-C. G. Waldo, Jr., defeated F. R. Cooley, 7 up and 6 to play. Hudson River Championship-Gilman P. Tiffany defeated H. B. Wood, 3 up and 2 to play. Massachusetts Amateur Championship-Heinrich Schmidt defeated Francis Ouimet, 2 up. Massachusetts Open Championship-A. Ross won with 295; A. Campbell 301, second. North and South Amateur Championship, played at Pinehurst, N. C.-Walter J. Travis defeated H. J. Topping 6 up and 5 to play. Women Mrs. J. R. Price defeated Miss K. Van Ostrand, 4 up and 3 to play. Professional-T. L. McNamara defeated Charles Evans Jr., 144 to 148. New Jersey Championship-0. Kirkby defeated J. D. Travers, 1 up. Rhode Island Championship-H. Kenworthy defeated D. Fairchild 4 up and 2 to play. Western New York State Championship-W. J. Travis defeated H. Lee, 4 up and 3 to play. Central New York Championship-J. G. McDowell defeated W. H. Neville, 5 up and 4 to play. Philadelphia Open Championship-G. Nicholls defeated J. J. McDermott. 71 to 75 strokes. Philadelphia Amateur Championship-H. B. McFarland defeated G. A. Crump, 7 up and 5 to play. Women's Champlonship -Mrs. R. H. Barlow defeated Mrs. C. Fox, 2 up and I to play. Western Pennsylvania Championship-E. M. Byers defeated W. C. Fownes, 2 up, 36 holes. Open Champlonship-D. Robertson, 154 strokes.

Western Amateur Championships, played at Denver, Col.-Charles Evans defeated W. K. Wood, 1 up. Women, played at Hinsdale, Ill.-Miss Caroline Painter defeated Miss Ruth Chisholm, 1 up. Open, played at Flossmoor, Ill.-Mac Donald Smith won with a score of 299 for 72 holes Iowa Championship-William Sheehan defeated J. W. Hubbell, 3 up and 2 to play. Wisconsin Championship-Ned Allis defeated Gordon Yule, 9 up and 8 to play. Wisconsin Professional Championship-D. Wilson, 78 strokes. Women's Championship--Mrs. E. R. Whitcomb defeated Mrs. H. Landauer, 4 up and 3 to play. Trans-Mississipp! Championship-Harry Legg defeated W. D. Middleton, 6 up and 5 to play. Nebraska Championship-S. Reynolds defeated J. W. Redick, 8 up and 7 to play. California Championship, Women's-Miss E. Cheseborough defeated Mrs. L. M. Kennett, 4 up and 3 to play. Championship Pacific Northwest-R. M. Hincks defeated J. S. Arbuckle, 2 up. Championship of Northern California-C. D. Whyte defeated D. P. Fredericks, 3 up and 2 to play. Women's Championship-Mrs. H. H. Sherwood defeated Miss A. Warner, 1 up in 20 holes. Oregon Championship-R. McCall defeated J. J. Morrow, 1 up in 36 holes. Women's-Mrs. W. G. Shinner defeated Mrs. E. T. Freeman, 2 up and 1 to play. Chicago Men's Championship-R. S. Scott defeated G. R. West, 1 up in 36 holes. Chicago Women's Championship Miss C. Painter defeated Miss R. Leyman, 5 up and 4 to play. Kansas Championship-P. K. Talbot defeated P. Hyde, 4 up and 3 to play. Kansas Professional-Won by J. Burke. Michigan Champlonship-J. D. Standish Jr., defeated H. B. Lee, 3 up and 2 to play. Central Illinois Championship-N. Dixon defeated W. H. Sinnock, 4 up and 3 to play. Indlana Championship-W. H. Diddel defeated R. Resener, 4 up and 3 to play. Minnesota-H. G. Legg defeated L. N. Johnson, 4 up and 3 to play.

Southern Amateur Championship, played at Chattanooga, Tenn., June 8.-W. P. Stewart defeated Nelson Whitney, 1 up. Women's Championship, played at Nashville, Tenn.-Mrs. Frank

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