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strained every effort to get for their eager readers the facts of the terrible calamity. Wireless telegTM raphy slowly, laboriously, and well nigh miraculously flashed through the ocean air the names. often garbled, of the 705 survivors, but brought little else of news. That waited until the Cunarder Carpathia with its freight of rescued came to port four days afterward. THE WORLD was singularly favored by fortune. On board the Carpathia, bound out with his wife for a European vacation, was Carlos F. Hurd, a member of the staff of the ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, and therefore of THE WORLD. It fell to his lot to be a witness of the scenes of rescue and to help minister to the bereaved ones on the return to New York. He wrote the full vivid, graphic story of the wreck and rescue, and, coming up the bay, tossed the copy safely wrapped in a cigar box over the rail to WORLD men chasing alongside in a tug. His story was hurried to THE WORLD office, put in type, and before the shipwrecked passengers had left the Cunard pler the full dramatic story of the disaster and rescue was being read on the streets and in the homes of New York and being telegraphed to the papers of every city and town in the country.

THE WORLD on the earliest wireless report of the sea tragedy declared that it was due to speedmadness, demanded an investigation that would lead to laws compelling better wireless rules, adequate lifeboat provision for all passengers and the ship's company at sea, and new steamship lanes south of the ice region. Investigation that followed here and in England has already resulted in such new laws and regulations; without waiting for the compulsion of law the big lines refitted their steamships and even rebullt some on safer plans as dictated by the grim lessons of the disaster.


In May and June THE WORLD sent to the more important cities of the State a staff correspondent to get first hand knowledge of the conditions of factory life in New York State that were being investigated by the New York State Factory Investigating Commission. This commission had been at work several months zealously and without pay. Its chairman Is Senator Robert F. Wagner of New York, the members being Assembly men A. E. Smith, Hamilton, Jackson and Phillips, Miss Mary E. Dreler, Samuel Gompers, Robert E. Dowling and Simon Brentano. Abram I. Elkus. regent of the State University, is its counsel, and Dr. George M. Price is the director of investigation. THE WORLD staff correspondent found conditions similar to those it had uncovered. He found ample proof that women are employed in slaughter houses, and in steel and iron foundries; that many employés are underpaid; that they are usually treated with less consideration than the machines they operate; that women are doing the work of men because they can be hired cheaper: that children are working long hours under the law; that machines dangerous to life and limb are too often operated without efficient safeguards; that ventilation is often wholly inadequate; that sanitary conditions in many factories are abominable and lead to the breeding of disease; and that little precaution is taken to guard against fatalities by fire. THE WORLD correspondent found some factories in excellent condition, but, like the commission, found many "sore spots." THE WORLD printed pages of the reports of his investigation. Wherever a factory had been named in the testimony taken by the commission THE WORLD offered its owners an opportunity to make such refutation as they saw fit and to give its representative visual proof of any inaccuracies. The searchers for truth met with hearty co-operation from city officials and bitter opposition from manufacturers who resented interference. The investigation by the commission has already done great good. It has remedied conditions in certain factories, awakened the conscience of employers and caused the passage of laws which will be exceedingly helpful. Yet there remains much to be accomplished.


Two State laws remedying grave evils exposed by THE WORLD'S Investigations were put on the statute books in 1912. It has been made a misdemeanor for a druggist to have fraudulent drugs in his possession, no matter whether or not he offers them for sale. This drastic provision of the penal code was rendered necessary by the serious condition of affairs in city pharmacies exposed by THE WORLD in 1911, and corroborated by an investigation made by ex-Comptroller Herman A. Metz and others this year. Then, too, on April 15 went into effect the Brennan law prohibiting the storage of any food products for a period longer than ten months. The law was a direct result of THE WORLD'S agitation in the interest of pure food.

It is

THE WORLD has one fight always on hand that demands-and gets-eternal vigilance. against the persistent black smoke producers who, on the least relaxation of attention, polson the air of New York with rolling clouds of black, sooty bituminous coal smoke from the tall chimneys of factories, office buildings and apartment houses. It is cheaper. Simple automatic devices could be put in the furnaces and chimneys if the owners had public spirit. As they have not, it was necessary for THE WORLD to make a three-weeks' campaign in the Summer and to print the law, the names of the violators of that law, and the commissioners and inspectors responsible for letting them violate It before the nuisance was abated. THE WORLD expects to be obliged to do this again and again If the city is to be kept clean. It will do its part cheerfully. The law is plain.

Another fight against slothful injustice which THE WORLD has kept up has been to improve conditions in the naturalization bureau of the Supreme Court. County Clerk William F. Schneider bore this witness in a lecture before the Naturalization Ald League: "The changes which I have brought about are due entirely to the publication In the NEW YORK WORLD of a series of articles entitled 'The Bread Line.' TO THE WORLD more than to any other agency must be attributed the credit for the success I have had in putting a stop to abuses and also the immense increase in the number of our naturalized citizens during the last two years."


The public school children of the greater city enjoyed for the seventh year the keen interest and aid of THE WORLD. One hundred and fifty-seven schools held field day meets in 1912 under the auspices of the SUNDAY WORLD and the star athletes of these schools, graded for age, size and weight, made up the list of fifteen hundred contestants for THE WORLD'S silver and bronze medals and bronze pins at the concluding field and track games at Curtis High School athletic field, Staten Island, on October 12. In the preliminary meets 54,000 boys competed. In the seven years of SUNDAY WORLD field days, 928 separate school athletic meets have been held, with 235,000 contestants; 23,000 SUNDAY WORLD medals have been won, and 1,000 banners have been presented by THE WORLD as class trophies.

Still unsatisfied with this success, THE WORLD extended its efforts to cover also the vacation playgrounds recently established by the Board of Education. When the Summer months were over Dr. Edward W. Stitt, District Superintendent of Schools, and Superintendent of the vacation playgrounds and recreation centres, wrote to THE WORLD thanking it for "Its most generous support" and saying that the success was remarkable, the aggregate attendance having been approximately 5,600,000. He added:

To provide healthful recreation and amusement for this vast army of children has been no small task, and in co-operating with this department in seeking to establish a definite alm to this work THE WORLD has rendered a valuable public service. The medals so generously donated by THE WORLD have enabled us to carry on baseball contests in all the boroughs and to provide suitable prizes for the winners. This has served to create among the different playgrounds a spirited and

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healthful rivalry. In also publishing the news of the various meets of the playgrounds THE WORLD has been a powerful factor in bringing the work of the playgrounds to the attention of the public." Hundreds of SUNDAY WORLD bronze medals and pins were also awarded among the four thousand children enrolled in the School Garden Clubs as prizes for field work and for growing seeds in boxes at home and in schools.

In August and September the SUNDAY WORLD also gave thousands of Individual drinking cups to the school children of New York-"one of the very best things that any newspaper has ever done," declared a district superintendent.


Public confidence in the accuracy of THE WORLD'S news columns was shown strikingly by a little incident in April. A conference was on in Philadelphia between a committee representing the United Mine Workers of America and another of the operators in the anthracite coal regions to arrange a scale. The mine workers, after the final conference, telegraphed to all their local organIzations: "See article in NEW YORK WORLD this morning (April 13). Be gulded by that in dealing with the men."

Then, too, Warren B. Stone, grand chief of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, chose THE WORLD as the best medium for placing his exclusive statement of wage-Increase demands of his great organization before the bar of Publle Opinion. In like manner THE WORLD has presented the side of the Industrial Workers of the World in an authorized page Interview with William D. Haywood. The year 1913 will see another of THE WORLD'S ten political planks of 1883 an accomplished fact after a thirty years' fight. The amendment to the Constitution which will permit a tax on Incomes has been adopted by thirty-four States; four States have rejected it and of the ten whose Legislatures have not yet acted it is certain that two will join their sister States to make the necessary three-fourths vote. Another plece of public service was a poll of Senators, Congressmen, Governors and public men of the country which disclosed a large majority in favor of one Presidential term without re-election.

The American athletes who formed the winning Olymple team at Stockholm thanked THE WORLD for placing its columns at the disposal of their committee to assist in raising the large sum of money needed to pay their expenses to and at the games.


In December, 1911, THE WORLD announced that it had given $10,000 for a series of free orchestra concerts in the auditoriums of the city's schools, under the personal direction of Prof. Henry T. Fleck, head of the Department of Music of the Normal College. Sixty-one successful concerts were given and at some the attendance reached 5,000. The total attendance was 125,000. When Mme. Frances Alda sang in the Normal College auditorium 2,000 people were turned away unable to gain admission. The New York City Orchestra, numbering sixty pleces, added much. The orchestral were conducted by Prof. Fleck, Prof. Cornelius Rubner, of Columbia University; Prof. Samuel A. Baldwin, of the City College; Leo Schultz, 'cellist of the Philharmonie Society, and Frank Damrosch, head of the Musical Institute of Art. Among the soloists were Mme. Schumann-Heink, contralto; Mme. Jomelli, Mme. Alda, Mme. Chalia, sopranos; Miss Dagmar Rubner, planist; Signor Alessandroni, baritone; Albert Spalding, violinist; Arthur Friedhelm, Albert von Doenhoff, planists; Mile. Borschneck, Signor Prati, Edmund Thiele, Mme. Carrie Bridewell, Claud Cunningham, Edith Goold, Edward Dethier, Carrie Hirschman, Harriet Barkley, Virginia Root, Marion Van Duyn, Elsle Epstein, S. Freeman, H. Hepner, Hector Orpheus, M. Rosenzweig, Vivian Holt, S. Mirtz, Mme. Saltzberg, Miss Raphael, L. S. Samolloff, Henrietta Bach and Angelo Secchi. These concerts provided for by THE WORLD were absolutely free and were primarily for the benefit of the musichungry publle which cannot afford to pay the prices asked at the Metropolitan Opera or Carnegie Hall. The last concert was given on March 17 in the auditorium of Public School No. 95 in West Houston Street. At its close Borough President George McAneny said: "In behalf of the city I recognize what has been done for the city by this series of THE WORLD's popular concerts. It has been a distinct public service, characteristic alike in conception and in execution of the public spirit and genius of that great publisher and splendid citizen, Joseph Pulitzer." Prof. Fleck said: "The purpose of the serles may fairly be considered to have been accomplished. It was to give the city authorities an object lesson in the need for just such popular performances of good music. Thanks to THE WORLD, it realized the importance of the subject, and with its usual public spirit rose to meet the people's need, making it possible for me to carry out my ideas.'


Joseph Pulitzer's plans for a School of Journalism for the endowment of which he gave $1,000,000 supplemented by another $1,000,000 by his will, have been put in operation by President Butler and the trustees of Columbla University. Alded by the keen interest and experienced judgment of the Advisory Board an efficient teaching staff of twenty-four was selected in the Spring and Dr. Talcott Williams, long editor of the PHILADELPHIA PRESS, was placed at Its head as Dean, a choice worthy of the high ideals of the foundation. The cornerstone of the stately building which is to be its home at the corner of Broadway and 116th Street was laid by Mrs. Kate Davis Pulitzer, widow of Mr. Pulitzer, on July 2 with simple ceremony. Inquiries flowed in during the Summer and September saw 100 students enrolled, representing twenty-one countries and states, including China and New Zealand. Nine of these are women. The school was formally opened on September 30 with exercises in Earl Hall when Dean Williams spoke of the ideals of its founder, and set forth the wide scope of the work for the year.


THE EVENING WORLD, with pardonable pride, reviewed on October 10-Its twenty-fifth anniversary-its more notable journalistic accomplishments during those years. While the news of the world at large is never slighted and is always accurately and fairly presented." It said, "THE EVENING WORLD is essentially a newspaper of New York for New Yorkers and visitors within our gates." Reasserting its principles set forth in Its first editorial utterance on October 10, 1887, it continued: "For twenty-five years the people of New York have piled proof upon proof of esteem and friendliness for the newspaper thus given Into their keeping. During the first three months of its existence the average daily clrculation of THE EVENING WORLD was 74,000. To-day that circulation exceeds 400,000. Its readers number a millton and a half. To-day, therefore, this newspaper asks no more than proudly to renew Its pledge made a quarter of a century ago to the public that has so generously trusted it. The great brain which for twenty-four years directed Its policy and enterprise, whose ideals from the first moment Inspired and shaped its course, is forever withdrawn. But THE EVENING WORLD dedicates Itself anew to the sacred duty of carrying fearlessly and tirelessly forward the task from which its founder never turned or faltered-to watch over and further the happiness and well-being of the people to whom by right of solemn declaration and herole sacrifice the Institutions and liberties of this city and country shall from all time descend."



THE following statement has been prepared for THE WORLD ALMANAC:

Esperanto is an artificial language Invented by the Russian Dr. L. L. Zamenhof, of Warsaw, Poland. It has only one object in view, namely, to serve as an International auxiliary language; It is not in the least Intended to replace the national languages. The first book in the new language was published in 1887. The Esperanto words are mostly of Latin, but to some extent also of Anglo-German origin, so that at the first glance Esperanto has the familiar appearance of a Roman language.

The great success of Esperanto, which is now known and studied all over the world, is chiefly due to the facliity with which it may be mastered. The pronunciation is strictly phonetic, making the study of spelling unnecessary. The grammar does not admit of any exceptions to the rules, and is so logical and simple that it may be learned completely in a few hours by any person who is fam:llar with the grammar of his mother tongue. The vocabulary consists of about 2,500 root words, a large majority of which is known to anyone whose language contains a great number of Latin roots-for instance, English.

In spite of this small number of root words Esperanto has been made rich in words and expressions by the adoption of certain affixes and certain methods of word combination. By these simple and easy means a considerable vocabulary may be obtained. Esperanto is a well-sounding language when spoken. Esperanto is now used for all civilized purposes by many hundreds of thousands of persons in all civilized countries. It made its appearance in the United States in an organized form in 1905, when the first society for its study was formed in Boston, and this was followed soon afterward by societies In New York and Philadelphia. It is now promoted by a large and flourishing national association, the "Esperanto Association of North America."

Esperanto has a large literature, over a hundred periodicals, including a number in the United States, being published and a large and powerful "Universal Esperanto Association" maintains a regular system of consulates all over the world, to facilitate the transaction of all kinds of legitimate business for its members by means of the common tongue.

International congresses of Esperantists have been held at Boulogne, Geneva, Cambridge, Dresden, Barcelona, Washington, and Antwerp. The last was attended by delegates representing the Esperantists of forty different nations and languages.

The Esperantists of America have established in Washington an office from which may be obtained without charge, any desired information of the movement. AddressEsperanto Office,' Washington, D. C.

The Principal Languages of the World.

THERE are said to be 3,424 spoken languages or dialects in the world, distributed as follows: America, 1,624; Asia, 937; Europe, 587; Africa, 276.

The English language is spoken by more than 150,000,000 of people. German by more than 120,000,000 of people.


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by more than 55,000,000 of people.

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The English language contains approximately 600,000 words, Of this total nearly one-half consists of scientific terminology seldom met outside of text-books and of archaic, obsolescent or obsolete terms.

Various estimates of the sources of English words have been made at different times. On the basis of the Lord's Prayer, George Hickes calculated that nine-tenths of our words were of Saxon origin, Sharon Turner's estimate was that the Norman were to the Saxon as 4 to 6. Trench computed 60 per cent, Saxon; 30 per cent. Latin, including those received through French; 5 per cent. Greek, and 5 per cent, other sources. Prof. W. W. Skeat in the recently published fourth edition of his Dictionary, which contains approximately 20,000 words, shows the following sources:

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As regards the number of words in the principal other languages no estimate of any practical value has been made in recent years, but existing dictionaries show the following facts;

The vocabulary of the New Standard Dictionary of the English Language aggregates approximately 450,000 words.

The German word-book (Kürschner's Universal-Konversations-Lexikon) contains not more than 300,000 words, including personal names.

Grimmis Dictionary of the German Language contains approximately 150,000 words; Littre's Dictionary of the French Language, 210,000 words; Dahl's Dictionary of the Russian Language, 140,000 words; Carlos de Ochoa's Dictionary of the Spanish Language, 120,000 words; Petrocchi's Dictionary of the Italian Language, 140,000 words. This table was prepared by Dr. Frank H. Vizetelly, Managing Editor of the Standard Dictionary.



Negro Disfranchisement.

Negro Disfranchisement.

THE total number of Afro-American males of voting age in the United States in 1910 was 2,459,327, or 9.1 per cent. Many of these voters in the Southern Democratic States are practically disfranchised and debarred from voting. The law prescribes the qualifications of all voters, without regard to race, color or previous condition; but the conditions are so hard that few colored voters can meet the tests required of them and, technically at least, required of all men. No man can vote who has not been registered, and no man can be registered who does not possess either an educational or property qualification, the registration officers being the judges of the educational qualification of voters, and the tax books determining the property requirement. ELECTION LAWS OF SOUTHERN STATES.

The following are sections of some of the election laws of the South: Alabama-1st. Those who can read and write any article of the Constitution of the United States in the English language, and who are physically unable to work; and those who can read and write any article of the Constitution of the United States in the English language and who have worked and who have been regularly engaged in some lawful employment, business or occupation, trade or calling for the greater part of the twelve months next preceding the time they offer to register, and those who are unable to read and write, if such inability is due solely to physical disability; or,

2d. The owner in good faith in his own right, or the husband of a woman who is the owner in good faith in her own right, of forty acres of land situated in this State upon which they reside; or the owner in good faith in his own right or the husband of any woman who is the owner in good faith in her own right of any real estate situate in the State assessed for taxation at the value of three hundred dollars or more, or the owner in good faith in his own right or the husband of any woman who is the owner in good faith of her own right of personal property in this State assessed at taxation at three hundred dollars or more; provided, that the taxes due upon such real estate or personal property for the year next preceding the year for which he offers to register shall have been paid unless the assessment shall have been legally contested and is undetermined.

Georgia-1st. Elections by the people shall be by ballot, and only those persons shall be allowed to vote who have first been registered in accordance with the requirements of law.

"Par. 2. Every male citizen of the State who is a citizen of the United States. twenty-one years old cr upward, not laboring under any of the disabilities named in this article, and possessing the qualifications provided by it, shall be an elector and entitled to register and vote at any election by the people; provided, that no soldier. sailor or marine in the military or naval service of the United States shall acquire the rights of an elector by reason of being stationed on duty in this State.

"Par. 3. To entitle a person to register and vote at any election by the people he shall have resided in the State one year next preceding the election, and in the County in which he offers to vote six months next preceding the election. and shall have paid all taxes which may have been required of him since the adoption of the Constitution of Georgia of 1877, that he may have had an opportunity of paying agreeably to law. Such payment must have been made at least six months prior to the election at which he offers to vote, except when such elections are held within six months from the expiration of the time fixed by law for the payment of such


"Par. 4. Every male citizen of this State shall be entitled to register as an elector and to vote at all elections of said State who is not disqualified under the provisions of section 2 of article 2 of this Constitution, and who possesses the qualifications prescribed in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this section, or who will possess them at the date of election occurring next after his registration, and who, in addition thereto, comes within either of the classes provided for in the five following subdivisions of this paragraph.

"1. All persons who have honorably served in the land or naval forces of the United States in the Revolutionary war, or the war of 1812, or in the war with Mexico, or in any war with the Indians, or in the war between the States, or in the war with Spain, or who honorably served in the land or naval forces of the Confederate States, of the State of Georgia in the war between the States, or, 2. All persons lawfully descended from those embraced in the sub-division next above, or, "3. All persons who are of good character, and understand the duties and obligations of citizenship under a republican form of government, or,

4. All persons who can correctly read in the English language any paragraph of the Constitution of the United States or of this State, and correctly write the same in the English language when read to him by any one of the registrars, and all persons who, solely because of physical disability, are unable to comply with the above requirements, but who can understand and give reasonable interpretation of any paragraph of the Constitution of the United States or of this State that may be read to them by one of the registrars, or, "5. Any person who is the owner in good faith in his own right of at least forty acres of land situated in this State, upon which he resides, or is the owner in good faith in his own right of property situated in this State and assessed for taxation at the value of five hundred dollars."

"Par. 5. The right to register under sub-divisions 1 and 2 of paragraph 4 shall continue only until January 1, 1915. But the registrars shall prepare a roster of all persons who register under sub-divisions 1 and 2 of paragraph 4, and shall return the same to the Clerk's office of the Superior Court of their counties, and the Clerks of the Superior Court shall send copies of the same to the Secretary of State, and it shall be the duty of these officers to record and permanently preserve these rosters. Any person who has been once registered under either of the sub-divisions 1 or 2 of paragraph 4 shall thereafter be permitted to vote, provided he meets the requirements of paragraphs 2 and 3 of this section.

Par. 6. Any person to whom the right of registration is denied by the registrars

on the ground that he lacks the qualifications set forth in the five sub-divisions of paragraph 4 shall have the right to take an appeal, and any citizen may enter an appeal from the decision of the registrars allowing any person to register under said sub-divisions. All appeals must be filed in writing with the registrars within ten days from the date of the decision complained of and shall be returned by the registrars to the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court to be tried as other appeals. "Par. 7. Pending an appeal and until the final decision of the case, the judgment of the registrars shall remain in full force.

"Par. 8. No person shall be allowed to participate in a primary of any political party or convention of any political party in the State who is not a qualified voter." Louisiana-Section 3. He (the voter) shall be able to read and write, and shall demonstrate his ability to do so when he applies for registration, by making, under oath administered by the registration officer or his deputy, written application therefor, in the English language or his mother tongue, which application shall contain the essential facts necessary to show that he is entitled to register and vote, and shall be entirely written, dated and signed by him, in the presence of the registration officer or his deputy, without assistance or suggestion from any person or memorandum whatever, except the form of application hereinafter set forth.

"Section 5. No male person who was on January 1st, 1867, or at any date prior thereto, entitled to vote under the Constitution or statutes of any State of the United States, wherein he then resided, and no son or grandson of any such person not less than twenty-one years of age at the date of the adoption of this Constitution, and no male person of foreign birth, who was naturalized prior to the first day of January, 1885, shall be denied the right to register and vote in this State by reason of his failure to possess the educational or property qualifications prescribed by this Constitution; provided, he shall have resided in this State for five years next preceding the date at which he shall apply for registration, and shall have registered in accordance with the terms of this article prior to September 1st, 1898, and no person shall be entitled to register under this section after that date."

Mississippi-Section 244. On and after the first day of January, 1892, every elector shall, in addition to the foregoing qualifications, be able to read any section of the Constitution of this State; or he shall be able to understand the same when read to him, or to give a reasonable interpretation thereof."

North Carolina Art. VI Sec. 4. Every person presenting himself for registration shall be able to read and write any section of the Constitution in the English language, and shall show to the satisfaction of the registrar his ability to read and write any such section when he applies for registration, and before he is registered: provided, however, that no male person who was, on January first, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, or any time prior thereto. entitled to vote under the laws of any State in the United States where he then resided, and no lineal descendant of such person shall be denied the right to register and vote at any election in this State by reason of his failure to possess the educational qualifications aforesaid: Provided, that it shall be made to appear to the registrar that he or his ancestor was entitled to vote prior to January first, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, in any State in the United States, as prescribed by article six, section four, of the Constitution, and such person, if otherwise qualified, shall be registered, and no registrar shall have the right to inquire whether such person can read or write."

South Carolina-Section 174. Every male citizen of this State and of the United States, twenty-one years of age and upward, not laboring under disabilities named in the Constitution of 1895 of this State, and who shall have been a resident of the State for two years, in the county one year, in the polling precinct in which the elector offers to vote four months before any election, and shall have paid six months before any election any poll tax then due and payable, and who can read and write any section of the said Constitution submitted to him by the registration officers. or can show that he owns and has paid all taxes collectible due the previous year on property in the State assessed at $300 or more and who shall apply for registration, shall be registered."

Virginia-Sec. 20. After the first day of January, nineteen hundred and four, every male citizen of the United States, having the qualifications of age and residence required in Section Eighteen, shall be entitled to register, provided:

"First. That he has personally paid to the proper officer all State poll taxes as sessed or assessable against him, under this or the former Constitution. for the three years next preceding that in which he offers to register; or, if he come of age at such time that no poll tax shall have been assessable against him for the year preceding the year in which he offers to register, has paid one dollar and fifty cents, in satisfaction of the first year's poll tax assessable against him; or.

"Second. That, unless physically unable, he makes application to register in his own handwriting, without aid, suggestion or memorandum, in the presence of the registration officers, stating therein his name, age, date and place of birth. residence and occupation at the time and for the two years next preceding, and whether he has previously voted, and, if so, the State, county, and precinct in which he voted last. and.

Third. That he answer on oath any and all questions affecting his qualifications as an elector, submitted to him by the officers of registration, which questions, and his answers thereto, shall be reduced in writing, certified by the said officers, and preserved as a part of their official records.

"Sec. 21. Any person registered under either of the last two sections, shall have the right to vote for members of the General Assembly and all officers elective by the people, subject to the following conditions:

That he, unless exempted by Section Twenty-one, shall, as a prerequisite to the Tight to vote after the first day of January, nineteen hundred and four, personally pay, at least six months prior to the election, all State poll taxes assessed or as. sessable against him, under this Constitution, during the three years next preceding that in which he offers to vote; provided that, if he register after the first day of January, nineteen hundred and four, he shall, unless physically unable, prepare and deposit his ballot, without aid, on such printed form as the law may prescribe: but any voter registered prior to that date may be aided in preparation of his ballot by such officer of election as he himself may designate."

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