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Contains No Mercury, Iron, Cantharides, Morphia, Opium or Cocaine This pill is purely vegetable, has been tested and prescribed by physicians and proven to be a most effective treatment for restoring vitality, no matter how originally impaired. Our remedies are the best of their kind, and contain only the best and purest ingredients that money can buy and science produce; therefore we cannot offer free samples.

Price, ONE DOLLAR Per Box No C. O. D. or Treatment Scheme by Sealed Mail PERSONAL

DEAR SIRS-I have used a bottle of your OPINIONS- Hypophosphites of Manganese for liver and kidney complaints in my own person and received much benefit, so I inclose five dollars and will ask you to send me as much as you can by express prepaid for that amount, until we can get it through the regular channels. I am confident it is just what I have been in search of for many years. I am prescribing your Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda, and am pleased with the preparation. Yours sincerely, Dr. T. J. WEST, Aztec, N. M.

I know of no remedy in the whole Materia Medica equal to your Specific Pill for Nervous Debility, Weakness, Catarrh of the Bladder, etc.-ADOLPH BEHRE, M. D., Professor of Organic Chemistry and Physiology, New York. SEND FOR FREE TREATMENT, SECURELY SEALED.

WINCHESTER & CO., Chemists

994 Beekman Building, New York (Est. 1858)


The Master Cure for


A Muller's Prescription Famous 100384

Used by Specialists and known since 1861 as the one good medicine for deep-seated and ap parently hopeless cases. A safe, speedy and satisfactory treatment. Don't waste time with com. pounds, cure-alls and liniments. Insist on having Muller's Famous Prescription and success. Cures Rheumatism and Gout any age or condition.

At Druggists, 75c. Bottle. Booklet mailed free.
WM. H. MULLER, 352 Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn, N. 1.

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If you do not, drop a postal card to



Clipping Bureau

and we will show you how Press Clippings can be used to your advantage.

Press Clippings are always interesting and profitable: they are indispensable to professional and business men alike.

Authors, artists, actors, singers and society leaders are supplied with reviews and criticisms. We collect obituary notices and bind them in scrapbooks.

Lawyers, bankers, brokers, financial institutes depend largely on quick information from the columns of the press; we supply them.

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REFERENCE-Northern National Bank, Toledo, Ohio.


HE following diseases are caused by acid in the blood and are cured by this ring, which takes from one day to two weeks, after the ring commences to work, according to disease and circumstances. The ring and the acid create an electrochemical action, removing the excess of acid, which cures the disease and will keep it cured.

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Bright's Diseases, Diabetes it is not a habit with children. Chorea St. Vitus's Dance, Chlorosis-green sickness-Painful and Excessive Monthly Periods. Uremia, Syncope, Epilepsy, Nervous Prostration, Nosebleed, Internal Hemorrhages, Rhinolith - a stony concretion formed in the nose- Adenoids, Polypus, Cataract, Goitre, Whooping Cough. Rheumatism-inflammatory, Gout, Lumbago, Articular, Sciatic, Muscular, Asthma, Headache, Neuralgia, Neutritis, Valvular Rheumatism of Heart, Rheumatic Fever, Rheumatic Paralysis-Brain, Hair, Eyes, Ears, Limbs, Pen, Operators, Typewriters. Dropsy, Obesity, Fatty Degeneration of Heart. Appendicitis-Inflammation of Bowels, Chronic Dysentery, Acidity of Stomach, which causes the worst kind of constipation-the other is caused by liver disease. Cancer-carcinoma, Cancerous Tumors, Congestion of Kidneys, Stone in Bladder, Prostatitis, Gravel, Gall-Stone, Calculi, Deposit on Teeth, White Spots on Nails, Psoriasis, Salt-rheum, Varicose Veins and Ulcers. Varicocele varicose veins in scrotum. Varicose Veins and Ulcers in Rectum often mistaken for piles and fissure. The after effects of Diphtheria, Scarlet, Typhoid and Malarial Fevers.

This ring is not a cure-all. The ring will not cure liver disease and none of the liver diseases.

The ring will not work-deposit on ring and finger-unless it is necessary, but when it is necessary, it will work every second day and night, if it is a good fit and is used and cleaned as directed.

Price $2.00; Gold-covered $4.00. By Mail or will send by Express. Collect on Delivery, if you wish to pay charges. Send paper size of finger. Agents wanted at places not taken. Send for additional information. The $2.00 ring is sold on a three-weeks' guarantee; ring can be returned and money will be refunded i not satisfactory. Not for sale by jewelers or druggists. Any person who uses our name or copies from our advertising is fraudulently trying to do business on the reputation of this ring and will be prosecuted.

This ring is not for sale by wholesale houses or any person advertising cheap rings and can only be obtained from us and our authorized agents.

PEOPLE WHO ARE SUBJECT TO RHEUMATIC, KIDNEY AND ALL ACID DISEASES HAVE EXPERIMENTED FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS AND SPENT MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, TAKING AND APPLYING REMEDIES. The time will certainly come when intelligent people will not submit to be experimented with, to see if a medicine can be made to cure acid diseases.

Any reputable physician will advise you that a permanent cure in that manner is impossible, as the acid is liable to accumulate again at any time, after you quit using the best remedies or any other treatment. That acid in the blood caused a limited number of diseases has always been admitted, but the knowledge of the fact that an excess of acid is the cause of so many diseases of hitherto unknown pathology has been a revelation to the medical profession.

By the use of the Electro-Chemical Ring the best results are obtained by an electro-chemical action, as it acts directly on the acid; reducing the intensity and quantity, until there is no surplus, when the ring will quit working, and will work only when it is necessary to keep the acid reduced.



220 15th Street


Please mention WORLD ALMANAC when writing.


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LINCOLN We are making a positively


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For advertising purposes we are giving away a limited number of scholarships this year in each state. On this free scholarship offer we give you a $100 certificate of tuition absolutely FREE. This tuition entitles you to our three years' complete course of instructions. You get everything on this great offer just as though you paid the actual money.

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Yes, send at once for our big new catalog which explains the wonderful advantages of taking this course. Learn how you can get a free scholarship in this great Law School. Remember, a $100 certificate of tuition entitles you to our complete three years' course ABSOLUTELY FREE. This is a most wonderful opportunity for the ambitious man. Write at once. Your name and address on a post card will bring you our catalog and full particulars all free. No obligations on you whatever.

Dept. Manhattan Bldg.

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Get Rid of Elastic Bands, Springs and Leg-Straps. Such Harness Has Forced Thousands to Undergo

Dangerous Operations.

Trusses like those shown above-the belt and leg-strap, elastic and spring contraptions sold by drug stores, surgical supply houses and many selfstyled "Hernia Specialists"-make life miserable for everybody who wears them.

And-even when drawn so tight you can scarcely stand to keep them onthey do no good whatever.

Instead, they often do immense harm -they squeeze the rupture, often causing strangulation-dig into the pelvic bone in front-press against the sensitive spinal column at the back.

The Plain Truth Is This. Rupture-as explained in our free book -can't be relieved or cured-can't even be kept from growing worse-unless constantly held in place. Just as a broken bone can't "knit" unless the parts are held securely together.

And-just as a bandage or splint is the only way a broken bone can be held -the right kind of a truss is the only thing in the world that can keep a rupture from coming out.

What a difference it will make when you get that kind of truss.

And you can get exactly that kind of truss-without risking a cent of your


It's the famous Cluthe Truss or Cluthe Automatic Massager.



than a truss-far more than merely a device for holding the rupture in place.

So different from everything else for rupture that it has received 18 separate patents.

Thousands say it is as comfortable as their clothing.

No belt, elastic belt or springs around your waist, and no leg-straps. Self-regulating, selfadjusting. It is held in position by suctioncan't shift or slip-the only truss in existence that is honestly guaranteed to hold your rupture every minute of the day.

Sent on 60 Days' Trial to Prove It.

this truss will keep your rupture from coming out. when you are working and at all other timesthat it will put an end to the trouble you've heretofore had with your rupture-that it will improve your condition. If the trial we allow you doesn't prove it, then the truss won't cost you a cent.

We'll give you 60 days' trial to prove that

How It Strengthens and Heals. In addition to holding the rupture the Cluthe Truss or Cluthe Automatic Massager is constantly giving a strengthening massage to the weak ruptured parts.

All automatically-the massage goes on all day long, all without any attention whatever from you. This massage--which strengthens just as exercise strengthens a weak arm-is so remarkably beneficial-that nearly all feel better and strongerget immediate relief-after trying this truss. Get World's Greatest Rupture Book.

Don't go on letting your rupture get worsedon't spend a cent on account of your rupture until you get our book of advice-which two cents for a stamp or a penny for a postal-will bring you.

This remarkable bookcloth-bound, 96 pages, 21 separate articles, and 19 photographic pictures took us over 40 years of day-after-day experience to find out all the facts we've put in it.

It explains the dangers of operations and why they don't always cure to stay cured. Tells why for the protection of the public-drug stores should not be allowed to sell trusses. Explains why belt, spring and elastic trusses can do no good. Exposes the humbug "methods,' "systems," "appliances," "plasters,"


And tells all about the C' the Truss-just how it holds-how it gives the curing massage-how it is water-proof-how it ends constant expense-how you can get it on 60 days' trial-thus giving you plenty of time to make sure of its wonderful holding and healing powers-and gives names and addresses of over 5,000 people who have tried it and want you to know about it.

Write for it to-day-don't put it off-this book may be the means of adding many years to your life and of restoring you to full strength and usefulness.

Just use the coupon, or simply say in a letter In writing us or postal, "Send me the Book," please give our box number as below

125 East 23rd St., NEW YORK CITY

Send me your Free Book on The Cure of




We have so much faith in the Cluthe Truss-we have seen it work wonders for so many others-that we want to make one especially for your case and let you try it at our risk.

The World.


April 10, 1847 + October 29, 1911.



WHEN Joseph Pulitzer, by the fire and force of brain and conscience, forged in THE WORLD a mighty weapon for the people fighting against privilege, he said on that 10th of May in 1883: "Performance is better than promise. Exuberant assurances are cheap. I make none. I simply refer the publle to the new WORLD Itself. Truly democratic-dedicated to the cause of the people rather than that of purse potentates * that will expose all fraud and sham-fight all public evils and abuses-that will serve and battle for the people with earnest sincerity."

At his death on October 29, 1911, the press of this nation and of all Europe, journalists, pub llelsts, educators and statesmen, Individually bore eager witness that he and THE WORLD had kept the faith. By their united testimony the newspapers of the nation were better, stronger, more Independent, more successful because of his example, his inspiration and his life work.

The entrance of THE WORLD into national politics under its new owner was in the campaign of 1884, which, after a generation, restored the Democratic party to power. Twenty years later President Cleveland paid this tribute to its work: "I recall not less vividly how brillantly and sturdily THE WORLD then fought for Democracy; and in this, the first of its great party fights under present ownership, it was here, there and everywhere in the field, showering deadly blows on the enemy. It was steadfast in zeal and untiring in effort until the battle was won; and it was Won against such odds and by so slight a margin as to reasonably lead to the bellef that no contributing ald could have been safely spared. At any rate, the contest was so close that it may be said without reservation that if it had lacked the forceful and potent advocacy of Democracy at that time by THE NEW YORK WORLD the result might have been reversed."

Joseph Pulitzer is dead but THE WORLD he gulded for twenty-eight years fights on. It has proved itself no less forceful and potent as an advocate of Democracy in a victorious national campaign no less notable and vital.

It exposed to a doubting nation and for two years it has led the warring against Colonel Roosevelt's ambitions; it has led the fighting against the false doctrines the ex-President brought forth in his long campaign; it has led the nation-wide protest against President Taft's approval of the Payne-Aldrich Tariff bill and his vetoes of tariff reform bills in violation of party election pledges that had promised "revision of the tariff downward," and it has continued with untiring vigor its long, unending Aght against bosses and against a vicious campaign contribution corruption system.

Before the campaign of 1908 THE WORLD, on January 6 of that year, when Woodrow Wilson was still President of Princeton University, editorially presented him to the Democratic party as "an available candidate" "qualified in every respect for the great office of President of the United States." The editorial continued: "Who would more surely command the undivided support of

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