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ǎb dō'měn, the part of the body à ôr'tȧ, the great artery from the

below the diaphragm.

å dŭl'tēr āte, to make impure.

ǎl í měn'tȧ ry canal, the food canal. ǎm'bush, a lying in wait.

ăn õph'e lẽş, mosquitoes that carry malaria.

ăn tí těx'n, a substance which neutralizes the action of a toxin or poison.


är'chi těct, one who plans buildings. är'ter y, one of the vessels or tubes which carry the blood from the heart.

ǎt'rophy, wasting away from lack of nourishment.

au'r cle, a division of the heart receiving blood from the body.

bȧ çillus, a microbe which is the côr'tex, the layer of gray matter

[blocks in formation]

çĕr'ê brům, the upper and larger ĕpider'mis, the outer layer of skin. ex pěc'tō rāte, to spit.

division of the brain. ehyle, the contents of the small

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

lymph, a colorless fluid in animal peristǎl'tic, contracting in suc


lým phǎt'ic, a vessel which con

veys lymph.

měm'brane, a thin, soft tissue in

the form of a sheet or layer covering parts of the body. mi'crōbe, a creature so small that

it can be seen only through a microscope. mi'cro scope, an instrument for examining objects too small for the naked eye. mus'cle, a tissue in animal bodies

whose contraction causes motion. mus'cu lar, having well-developed muscles; strong.

cessive circles.

phǎg'o cyte, white blood corpuscle. pig'ment, coloring matter.

plăş'må, the liquid part of the blood.

plē bē'ian, pertaining to the com-
mon people.
plex'us, a network.

Pō'nä pe, one of the Caroline

prō'te id, a substance from which
living tissue is formed.
pulse, the beating of the heart as

felt in the arteries.

py lō'rus, the opening through which the contents of the stomach pass into the intestine.

reg I měn'tals, military clothing. rhythmic, sounds occurring regularly, as accents in poetry or music.

rick'ěts, a disease of children, in which they are weak in the joints.

rō'tāte, to revolve; to move round

a center.

sa'ke, a Japanese fermented liquor

made from rice.

săli çуl'ic, the name of an acid. săl'í vă ry, pertaining to saliva. sär cô lem'må, the covering of sep

arate muscle fibers. sphyg'mo graph, an instrument used in determining the strength

of the heartbeat.

spu'tům, that which is spit or raised

from the lungs. stěgbylä, a mosquito that carries yellow fever. stim'ü lant, that which excites. stóm'ach, part of the digestive canal.

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sým mět'ric al, well proportioned in its parts.

syr'Inge, an instrument like a pump, drawing in and ejecting liquids. tăd'põle, the young of a frog. těn'don, a bundle of fibers which

joins a muscle to a bone. těnse'lỹ, tightly; rigidly.

toxin, poison produced in the system.

trå ehō'må, a disease of the eyes. tu ber cle, a small mass of diseased matter.

tú bēr cû lō'sis, a disease caused by

the tubercle bacillus.

vein, a vessel which receives blood from the capillaries and returns it to the heart. věn'tri cle, a division of the heart receiving blood from the auricle. vēr'tė brå, one of the joints of the spine.

villus (plural villi), a minute elevation on the lining of the small intestine.

[blocks in formation]


Abdomen, effect of lacing on, 198, 199.
how walls of, may be strengthened,


injury from weight of skirts on, 204.
Adams, Dr., 298.

Air sacs, where located, III.

relation of, to lungs, III.
relation of, to capillaries, 112.
when inactive, 114.

Alcohol, effect of, on circulation, 98–101.

adulteration of, 136–139.
examination of, 136, 138.

materials used in adulteration of,

why adulterated, 137.
effect of, on health, 140.

in homemade drinks, 140-142.
in patent medicines, 142, 143.
effect of, on the liver, 190-192.
effect of, on kidneys, 193, 194.
prohibition of, by Okushiri island-
ers, 206-209.

posters against use of, 211.

French attitude in regard to, 211.
protection against, in the United

States, 213-217.
law against, in Japan, 213.
fight against, by Canada, 217.
tests of, by university students,

tests of, by Swedish soldiers, 249.
legislation against, by railroad cor-
porations, 251, 252.
monster pledge against use of, 252,
use of, by doctors, 302.

Alcohol, power of, to weaken phago-
cytes, 298-304.

American army, refusal of candidates
for, 56.

Anderson, Dr., 145.

Anopheles, a mosquito, 239.

Anti-alcohol legislation, 212.

Antitoxin, use of, in diphtheria, and in
hydrophobia, 244, 245.

Aorta, 70.

Arctic travel and alcohol, 58.
Arteries, nature of blood flow from,
when ruptured, 69.

constricted by bandage, 72.
union of, with veins, 78.

Athletic leagues, object of, 53.
Athletics, for New York boys, 52.
Auricle, 74.

Australians, trained eyesight of, 281.

Baltimore, reference to, 127.
Beer, how made, 141.

effect of, on kidneys, 194.

expense of, to the consumer, 210.
Bile, where manufactured, 189.

work of, 189.

Blood, circulation of, as understood by
Harvey, 69, 70.

amount of, in human body, 70, 80.
pure and impure, 75.

rate of circulation of, 76.

movement of, through capillaries,


supply of, controlled by exercise,
83, 84.

to secure drop of, 85.

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