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means will enable us, to give a view of the second Exhibition of the American Academy of the Fine Arts, with an opinion on the merits of the pictures, taking the order of the Catalogue.

Fully impressed with the belief that the purer pleasures of which our nature is susceptible, are all heightened and refined by a knowledge of the Fine Arts, and that the cultivation of a taste for them, is a barrier against the ignoble and degrading propensities which beset us, we recommend to the public generally, and to the public authorities of our country, that they use every means in their power to encourage that attention to the art of Design which begins to show itself in our country, and to support the efforts of those individuals who have made the laudable attempt to raise the minds of their fellow-citizens, by a study of the beauties of nature.

No. 1. Portrait of a Gentleman.-ROMNEY. The first picture which presents itself is a fine specimen of portrait painting by Romney, at one time the rival of Sir Joshua Reynolds. This head, painted about fifty years ago, is a study for colouring and effect, and though there is not that magic sweetness which pervades some of the portraits of G. Stewart, yet, with perfect simplicity, all seems to have been done which the subject required.

No. 2. Portrait of Snellinks. VAN DYKE. It is very seldom that we can see, on this side of the Atlantic, a picture by Sir Antho-by Van Dyke. This is an undoubted original. Snellinks was himself a painter and a friend of Van Dyke's. There is an etching in this city by Van Dyke himself, of this head, but the person is continued to a half length, and the hands are very differently disposed of. The hands in the picture under consideration, do not appear to be of the same artist as the head. This invaluable head is much injured; apparently from bad varnish. It is in blisters, and the colour begins to peel off.

No. 3. The Virgin and St. Jerome.-Copied from CORREGIO's celebrated picture, by our celebrated countryman WEST, when a youth, studying in Italy.

ty, applied to the infant Don Phillip, who by an arbitrary decree, removed it to the Cathedral. In 1756, in consequence of a complaint made to the Infant, by an artist who had been refused the privilege of copying this great work, the prince sent his guard to remove it to his own palace, and next year, having founded an academy, he deposited it with the academicians. Parma possessed this treasure until the French conquests removed it to Paris. We presume that the conquest of France has removed it to Italy. Mr West made more than one copy of this picture, which is, in the original, of sufficient dimensions to give the figures as large as life; he has in his house at Newman-street, London, a more perfect copy than the one under consideration.

No. 4. Portraits of a Lady and Child WATSON.

A picture of merit. The child is peculiarly beautiful.

No. 5. A ship at sea, in a Gale of Wind. MORSE.

The young gentleman who composed this picture, is the son of the Rev. Jedediah Morse, the geographer. Mr. Morse has recently returned from England, where he has studied his art. This picture is striking in its effect, and boldly conceived and executed. The sky is beautiful; perhaps the water is too blue.

No. 6. Portrait of a Gentleman. RAEBURN.

Mr. Raeburn is an English R. A. though a Scotchman, and resident in Edinburgh. He is sometimes called the Scotch Reynolds, but from this specimen, we should not think him deserving the title, unless Scotland is very barren of portrait painters, and the title is conferred by comparison.

No. 7. Catile Piece.

No. 8. Cattle passing over a bridge.

No. 9. The Virgin and Child. CORREGIO. Here is a picture professing to be an original, by the great Antonio Allegri; parts of it are so fine as to incline us to admit the claim; particularly the angel, in the upper part of the composition,

No. 10. A loaded Horse, and Cattle. An admirable picture, master unknown to us.

No. 11. Cattle and Figures.

The original of this picture is considered as one of the most perfect in the world. It is unrivalled for the charms of grace, colour- No 12. Landscape and Sheep. OMEGANK. ing and just disposition of light and shadow. This is one of the most precious pictures Antonio Allegri, called Corregio from the of the exhibition. The finish is exquisite, yet place of his birth, composed it in 1253 for the touch is free. The colouring is the Briseis, the widow of Ottaviano Bergonzi, a warm tints of nature. The drawing is faultParmesan gentleman, Briseis presented it to less, and the aerial perspective enchanting. the monastery of St. Anthony of Parma. In The eye proceeds with unceasing delight, 1749, the king of Portugal offered the mon- from the sheep and herbage of the foreastery 460.000 livres, French, for the picture, 'ground, to the cow, the goat, the sheep, and and the bargain was likely to be concluded, the shepherd, of the middle distance; and when the magistrates of Parma, considering rests, with unabating pleasure on the water, that the loss would be irreparable to their ci- the trees, and the sky. Hours must be spent

in viewing this little picture, or a just estimate of its value cannot be formed. No. 13. Rural scene by fire-light. A pleasing picture. No. 14. The young bird. Burnett, by KREMMEL.

Copied after

Burnet has succeeded in imitating the manner of Wilkie, and the expressions of nature. We have seen a print, engraved by Burnet himself from his painting.

No. 15. Inside of a Gothic Cathedral. PETER NEEF.

The museum of France possesses several of the pictures of this celebrated master, the subjects similar to this, but no one superior to the painting under consideration. It is an inestimable treasure for any collection, and will delight the connoisseur, while it surprises the common observer. The effect both of linear and aerial perspective, are here perfect. The figures are equally beautiful. It was not unusual for Teniers to paint the figures for Neef. This eminent artist was born at Anvels in 1570.

No. 16. The jews' harp. kie, by KREMMEL.

Copy after Wil

A very beautiful companion to Burnet's young bird.

No. 17. Cottage scene by candle-light.
A striking picture.

No. 18. Sheep. OMEGANK.

So says the catalogue. The difference between this and No. 12, is too apparent to need particular notice: yet it is a beautiful picture. W. [To be continued.]

Phillip Trajetta, Esq. is preparing for the press, Solos, Duettos, Terzettos, and Chorussus, sung at the sacred exercises of the Conservatorio, some of which are to have an Italian translation of the English words to which they are set.

In preparation, an Introduction to Singing, by Uri K. Hill, in which a parallel between the prevalent solmization of this conntry and the Italian solfeggi, will be exemplified so as to render the superiority of the Italian system easily understood by those who have learnt to sing in the common way. E.




British and Foreign Bible Society. LORD Teignmouth, President of the Society, has received letters from Prince Alexander Galitzin, President of the Russian Bible Society, gratefully acknowledging the donation of 20001. from the British Bible Society, towards printing the Bible in the Lettish, Esthonian, and Turkish languages.

Mr. Pinkerton has already discovered some of the books of the Holy Scriptures in manuscript, in the Turkish language, written with Greek characters. Auxiliary Societies are extensively forming under the patronage of the Parent Society at St. Petersburg.

Count Rosenblad, President of the Swedish Bible Society, in their behalf, has gratefully acknowledged the receipt of 5001. from the British Bible Society.

His Lordship has also received, from the Crown Prince of Denmark, a very flattering expression of the interest he personally feels in the welfare of the Society, and of his thanks for the present of some editions of the Holy Scriptures printed under its auspices.


According to a work upon the property of the Clergy and Monks of Spain, which was published by a Deputy of the Cortes, their annual revenues amount to no less than 50 millions of dollars.

It is said Ferdinand has prohibited the use of Torture in the Inquisition.

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licia, 80,000, in Constantinople, 80 or 90,000, in Salonica, 12,000, in Aleppo, 5,000, Rome, 1000, Leghorn, 15,000, Bohemia, 46,000, Moravia, 27,000.


Hayti.-A Sunday school has been established at Cape Henry, by a Mr. Gulliver, under the patronage of his Majesty.


American Bible Society.

The first Anniversary meeting of the American Bible Society was held at WashingtonHall, in the City of New-York, on Thursday the 8th of May. General Matthew Clarkson, the Senior Vice-President, present, presided. Letters were received, apologizing for nonattendance, from the Hon. Elias Boudinot, the venerable President of the Society, from the Hon. John Jay, His Excellency Governor Smith, of Connecticut, Judge Washington, of the Supreme Court of the United States. Judge Tillghman, of Pennsylvania, Judge Thompson of New-York, and the Vice President of the United States, the Hon. Daniel D. Tompkins. The first annual report of the Society was read by the Secretary, the Rev. Dr. Romeyn. We have no room for an outline of this interesting paper, which was ordered to be printed. It presents on the vhole a very encouraging picture of the rogress and prospects of the Institution. The Managers acknowledge, among other liberal aids, a donation of five hundred pounds sterling from the British and Foreign Bible Society, together with their various translations of the Bible, and the offer of the loan of their stereotype plates.

Some very interesting and eloquent addresses were delivered on this occasion; and a very salutary impression was produced on the minds of a numerous and respectable auditory, by the exercises and performances of the day.

The following societies have become aux laries to the American Bible Society; viz. The Hampden, B. S. (Mass.) The Lynchburg, B. S. (Va.) The Auxiliary Female Bible Society of the County of St. Lawrence, (N. Y) The Seneca County B. S. (N. Y.) The B. S. of Cumberland County, (Pa.) The Bible Society of Berkely County, (Va.)


ART 10.

Oh hide thy beams, thou radiant source of light, Pour not on me the dazzling flood of day;

Dart not thy splendours on my wilder'd sight, Nor mock my misery with thy envious ray.

My early hopes were, as thy dawning, bright, My youthful visions, as thy colours, gay;

The winged hours that wafted new delight, On noiseless pinions sped unheard away.

No lingering moment mark'd time's rapid flight, Nor caution watch'd the storm that ambush'd lay, Till o'er my head it burst with furious sway, Shrouded the smiling scene in sudden night;

The Female Bible Society of Geneva, (N. Y.) The whole number of Societies Auxiliary to this Institution is ninety-five.

A Society has been organized in the State of New Hampshire, under the name of the Rockingham Charitable Society, for the purpose of educating Candidates for the Ministry, instructing heathen youth, and sup porting foreign and domestic missions. Its first meeting was held in the beginning of May, at Exeter.

The first annual report of the N. Y. Female Union Society for the promotion of Sabbath Schools, affords gratifying evidence of their attention to the improvement of the condition of the poor, as well in the economy of life as the concerns of religion.

From the annual report of the Female Association of the City of New-York, it ap pears that the number of Scholars admitted during the year was 249, and 108 were dis charged. There are at present under the care of the Association 508.

The N. Y. Female Auxiliary Bible Society held its Anniversary meeting on the 25th of April. It appears from the statement of the Treasurer that the receipts for the last year amounted to $1561. The Society has paid over to the American Bible Society, $1350.

The Auxiliary Female Bible Society in the County of St. Lawrence, N. Y. has published an address to the inhabitants of that County.

From the Report of the Committee of the Synod of Geneva, N. Y. it appears there is an increased attention to religion in that vicinity.

Three Sunday Schools have been simultaneously established in Richmond, (Va.) by the Methodists, Baptists, and Presbyterians."

A Sunday school has been lately estab lished at North Hampton, (Mass.) with about 100 pupils.

The General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States of America assembled in the City of New-York on the 21st of May. It is said to have been more generally attended than any other convocation, of the same denomination, in this country. A sermon was preached before them at Trinity Church, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Griswold, of the Eastern diocess. POETRY.

Dash'd from my lips the tasted cup of bliss,
And whelmed me in despair's profound abyss.

10th Ode, Book 2d.

Embark'd on Life's tempestuous stream,
Though smooth its surface now may seem,
Beware the storms that lower;
Adown the current gently glide,
Nor rashly tempt the turbid tide,
Nor hug the shelving shore.
Let calm contentment gild your lot,
Nor palace crave, nor court the cot,


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Monday Evening, April 21.
Belle Stratagem.-Tekeli.


It is a character remarkably adapted to her.
Mrs. Baldwin in the Maiden Miss Mortland,

WE enjoyed a rich treat in the perform showed her usual discernment.

ances of this evening. The Belle Stratagem is legitimate comedy; such as we should be glad to see reinstated in possession of the stage. The managers are mistaken if they think that melo dramas, and horseman ship, and rope-dancing, have more charms for a New-York audience than real, old-fashioned, racy humour. If they would oftener bring up the genuine comedy of better days, we believe there is still taste enough extant to relish its wit, though not wit enough left to imitate its style.

The play was admirably supported. Mr. Simpson's Doricourt was very spirited;--Mr. Robertson was true to Sir George Touchwood; and Flutter lost none of his levity or nonchalence in the hands of Mr. Hilson. Mr. Carpender played unusually well in Saville, as did Mr. Darley in Courtall. Mr. Barnes was excellent in Hardy, and even Mr. Anderson unbent in Villiers.

Miss Johnson's Letitia Hardy was superior to any performance of hers we have yet witnessed. In her affected rusticity she was irresistibly ludicrous. The other female parts were extremely well sustained. In short we have not often seen a more unique representation than was given of this piece. The only thing we regretted was the tedious interlocutions among the dramatis persona, after the denouement of the plot; these should be omitted.

Wednesday Evening, April 23. To Marry or Not to Marry. My Grand


We were very well pleased on the whole, this evening. Mr. Pritchard's Sir Oliver Mortland was coldly correct. Mr. Simpson's Willowear was truly diverting. Mr. Robertson did very well in Lavensforth, where the incident of the scene happened to justify his tragic tone; but there were occasions when his dignified drawl became absolute burlesque.

Miss Johnson was fascinating in Hester,

The amusing afterpiece of My Grandmother, gave to Miss Johnson, as the heroine, a scope to her vivacity. Mr. Hilson's Dickey Gossip was no unimportant character. He was, deservedly, encored in his song. We like to see an audience occasionally give some indication of the relish with which they take what is set before them. It is a pity that they do not sometimes give more audible intimations of their dissatisfaction. The glorious privilege of hissing should never be resigned by an enlightened auditory, and this testimony of disapprobation should be extended to the scene and sentiment where they deserve it, as well as to the acting. We wish we could hear it oftener exercised in the New-York theatre. A decided expression of public opinion always produces salutary effects.

Friday Evening, April 25. Castle Spectre.-The Weathercock. This absurd play is one of Monk Ghost Lewis's extravagant conceits. The introduction of a sheeted spectre, though bad enough in all conscience, is not, however, the most disgusting feature in the piece. The impertinences of Father Philip are tedious and provoking, beyond measure; and the German sentimentality of Hassan and his African comrades, is equally preposterous and detestable. In England, where they have little intercourse with blacks, such stuff may pass for genuine; but it will not go down moral and intellectual character, to recogin this country. We know too well their nize any resemblance, either in the language or the principles imputed to them in this drama. We do not think so well of them in one respect, nor so ill in another, as Mr. Lewis appears to do. Indeed, there seems to be a general ignorance in Great Britain of the real character of negroes. We have no objection to the Prince Regent's closetting Prince Saunders, if he have a mind to it; on the contrary we shall rejoice, should any benefit accrue to his oppress

we are told that Mrs. Barnes's tones are naturally melodious,-she certainly has musical powers; what then can induce her to adopt such an unfortunate inflexion on the stage. We beg and beseech of her, for we honour her talents, and acknowledge her beauty, not to disfigure all her charms by so unpardonable a blemish.

ed brethren, from the zeal and eloquence of this sable preacher; we honour the spirit with which their violated rights have been vindicated by Mr. Wilberforce and other parliamentary champions, but we cannot consent that a popular novelist* should woo a British maid to the arms of an Ethiop, or if we are not permitted to interfere on such an occasion, we at least, will not allow, without the expression of our indignation, a British Reviewert to treat that natural repugnance with which every correct mind revolts even from social contact with this loathsome race, as a prejudice peculiar to Americans, and a taint contracted from them. Been should be pronounced bin, not the contemplation of slavery.

But, to return from a digression into which we were, in a manner, forced-Miss Johnson satisfied us in Angela that she is not less qualified to execute the high wrought scenes of tragedy, than to sport in playful badinage. Evelina was played by her mother, Mrs. Johnson; and we are persuaded that there are not two other performers in this country, who could have given such wonderful interest to their mysterious interview. Mr. Simpson, as Osmond, showed a discrimination which he does not often exercise, and powers which we hardly thought he possessed. Mr. Robertson made a most dismal Reginald. He considerably retarded the progress of the play by his measured pauses and unmeaning emphasis. His lingering utterance strongly reminded one of poor Dominie Sampson's' 'pro-dig-i-ous.'

In the afterpiece, Miss Johnson was in her element in Variella, and received the enthusiastic applauses of the audience. Mr. Simpson played Tristram Fickle moderately well. We should like to see Mr. Hilson attempt this part. Mr. Baldwin's Briefwit was extremely well done.

The house was crowded this evening, the entertainments being for the benefit of Miss


Saturday Evening, April 26. Who wants a Guinea?- The Woodman's Hut. This is a very indifferent play, but was well acted, to a thin house. Notwithstanding the poverty of the plot, there are some amusing characters in the piece. Mr. Hilson, in Solomon Gundy, Mr. Simpson, in Sir Larry Me Murragh, Mr. Barnes, in Andrew Bung, and Mr. Baldwin, in Jonathan Oldskirts, played with great truth and spirit. Mrs. Baldwin's Mrs. Glastonbury was very

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As we happen to have leisure now, we will note some of those false pronunciations, which we have observed at different times, in the differect performers,-they are not all attributable to all, but we shall leave it to the parties concerned to appropriate

bean,-possess, pozzess, not po sess, topic, topic, not to-pic; rather, should not be called rarther, nor after, arfter, nor pa-rents, parents, nor leap, lep, &c. Some of them need to be reminded that when u is under the accent, the d or t preceding never coalesces with it-we should not then hear tshutor, enjure juke, jupe, &c. Mr. Hilson has a very improper way of pronouncing drove, and bosom. Miss Johnson is inaccurate în her pronunciation of oblige, any and many.

We shall say no more on this subject, in this number: but shall note, minutely, in future numbers, every violation of orthoepy, as very many fashionable people adopt the pronunciation of the stage. How little our performers are to be trusted on this point, may be estimated from the fact, that Mr. Simpson is the only one in the whole corps that we have heard speak the word possess, correctly.

Monday Evening, April 28. Blue Devils.-Broken Sword.-Sprigs of


The Broken Sword, is a new melo-drama, by Dimond. It is very much superior to the generality of productions of this kind. The plot is interesting and well managed,-the musical accompaniments are enlivening, and there are some tolerable songs interspersed, the scenery is rich and imposing. The following is the outline of the story, as sketched by the Editor of the Evening Post.

The scene is laid in Italy, and in the Pyrenean mountains. The rising of the curtain discovers Estevan in the habit of a galley slave, seeking shelter from his pursuers, and having passed four days without food. It appears that he had escaped from the galleys, to which he had been sentenced for life, on a false accusation of having murdered count Luneda, to whom he had been valet. The second scene shows several doWe have had occasion once before to no-mestics in a chateau, preparing to celebrate tice Mrs. Barnes's Amelia, in 'The Woodman's Hut.' It is, as far as acting is concern ed, entitled to applause, but her voice!-it absolutely grieved us, this evening; now * See Miss Edgworth's Belinda.


See the Review of Silliman's Travels in the Quarterly Review, for Nov. 1816.

an anniversary, and during this scene the tale is related, in detail, of the murder and robbery of the count in the mountains, by some villain unknown, and the escape of Myrtillo, his son, who was with him; and who was struck dumb by terror. A letter is received

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