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Any member of the Senate may ask any question of any Territorial Officer relating to his respective Department by reducing such questions to writing, over his signature, and reading the same before the Senate, and furnishing the Officer with a copy of such written question. Any officer so questioned shall reply to such question upon the following day, unless the Senate shall grant him a definite extension of time for replying.


The Rules of Parliamentary practice as laid down by Cushing, and as interpreted and practiced in the Senate of the United States, where not inconsistent with these Rules, shall govern the Senate.


Such type-writers as may from time to time be required shall be appointed by the President. Such compensation shall be paid to the type-writer as the Committee on Accounts and President of the Senate shall from time to time determine.










Wednesday, February 15, 1911.

The Members of the Senate of the Territory of Hawaii met in regular session at 10 o'clock in the forenoon with Senator George C. Hewitt as temporary President.

After prayer by the Rev. D. W. K. White, the Chair called upon Mr. John H. Wise to act as temporary Clerk.

Senator Kaleiopu moved that a Special Committee of three on Credentials be appointed; seconded by Senator Robinson and carried.

The Chair appointed Senators Fairchild, Kalama and Baker.

At 10:04 A. M. Senator Knudsen moved that a recess be taken subject to the call of the Chair; seconded by Senator Robinson and carried.

At 10:15 A. M. the Senate reconvened, Senator Fairchild for the Special Committee on Credentials reporting as follows:


Honolulu, T. H., February 15, 1911.

Hon. George C. Hewitt,
Temporary, President,


Senate of the Legislature of 1911.

Your Committee on Credentials begs leave to report that it has examined the Certificates of Election of the members of this Senate as follows:

A. The holdovers whose terms respectively will expire in 1912 are:

From the 1st District:
From the 2nd District:

From the 3rd District:

From the 4th District:

David K. Baker, John T. Brown;

S. E. Kalama, William T. Robinson;
H. T. Moore, Edward W. Quinn;
George H. Fairchild;

B. Newly elected, whose terms will expire in 1914 are:

From the 1st District:

From the 2nd District:

From the 3rd District:

George C. Hewitt, R. H. Makekau;
Philip Pali;

Cecil Brown, Albert F. Judd, A. S.

Kaleiopu, C. F. Chillingworth;

From the 4th District: Eric A. Knudsen.

Your Committee therefore recommends that the Senate proceed with its permanent organization with the following membership, who are hereby recommended to take the oath of office, namely:

From the 1st District: David K. Baker, John T. Brown;
George C. Hewitt, R. H. Makekau;

From the 2nd District: S. E. Kalama, Wm. T. Robinson,
Philip Pali;

From the 3rd District:

Cecil Brown, Charles F. Chilling

worth, Albert F. Judd, A. S. Kaleiopu, H. T. Moore, Edward W. Quinn;

[blocks in formation]

Senator C. Brown moved that the report of the Committee be adopted; seconded by Senator Pali and carried.

Senator Kaleiopu moved that the Committee on Credentials

wait upon the Chief Justice and request him to administer the oath of office to the members; seconded by Senator Pali and carried.

The Chief Justice, appearing after a short recess, the Senate reconvened at 10:24 o'clock and the members were duly sworn in.

Senator Knudsen moved that the Rules of the Session of 1909 be adopted as the temporary rules of the present session; seconded by Senator Kaleiopu and carried.

Senator C. Brown moved that the Senate proceed with the election of its permanent officers; seconded by Senator Baker and carried.

Senator C. Brown nominated Senator Charles F. Chillingworth for President of the Senate; seconded by Senator Baker. Senator Fairchild nominated Senator Knudsen; seconded by Senator Kalama;

The nominations being closed upon motion by Senator Baker, seconded by Senator Kaleiopu, the Chair appointed Senators Fairchild and C. Brown as tellers and the Senate proceeded to ballot with the following result:

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whereupon the Chair declared that a majority of all the members. elected would be required to elect the President.

Upon Senator Fairchild appealing from the ruling of the Chair, the motion that the Chair be sustained was put and lost on a vote of 9 to 4.

Upon motion by Senator Chillingworth, seconded by Senator Baker, the election of Senator Knudsen as President of the Senate was made unanimous.

After being escorted to the Chair by Senators C. Brown and Kalama, President Knudsen was presented by Senator Judd with a gavel, the gift of ex-president of the Senate W. O. Smith.

Upon taking the Chair President Knudsen thanked the members of the Senate for the honor conferred upon him and asked

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