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53 42

1. From take


2. What is the L. C. M. of 33, 99, 84 and 135?

3. Divide .04905 by .327.

4. What will be the expense of painting a roof 48 feet long and 22 feet wide at $0.30 a square yard?

5. What is the interest of $25.16 for 18 months at 6 per cent.?

6. Extract the cube root of 2 to 3 decimal places.

7. How many days will it take 30 men to do a piece of work which 20 men can do in 45 days?

8. How many inches in 1 metre?

9 How many hectares are there in a farm that is 1,000 metres long and 180 metres broad?

10. How many liters in one-half metre cubed.


1. The sum of the three angles of any triangle is equal to two right angles.

2. The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.

3. An angle formed by a tangent and a secant is measured by onehalf the difference of the intercepted arcs.

4. If two chords cut each other in a circle, the product of the segments of the one is equal to the product of the segments of the other.

5. The area of a triangle is equal to half the product of its base and altitude.

6. The areas of similiar triangles are to each other as the squares of their homologous sides.

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7. The bases of a trapezoid are 14 and 16 feet; the non-parallel sides are each 6 feet; find the area.

8. The area of a sector is equal to half the product of its radius and arc.

9. What is the area of a circle whose radius is 40 feet?

10. What is the area of a circle inscribed in a square whose area is 36 ?

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4. Find the cube root of 26-3ax5+5a3x3-3a5x-a6.

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6. Given x2 + y2 = 89 and xy = 40, to find the values of x and y. 7. Given 23-y3 = 56 and x2 + xy + y2 = 28, to find the values of x and y.

8. Given x2+xy6y2-24 and x2 + 3xy-10y2=32, to find the values of x and y.

9. Sum the series 5, 9, 13... to 19 terms.

10. Sum the series, 1,3 to 7 terms.



1. Give an account of the Huguenot settlements in the United States.

2. What was the character of a proprietary government? Which of the colonies possessed such government?

3. Give an account of King Philip's war.

4. Give an account of Queen Anne's war, and state the geographical results of this war in the American colonies.

5. Give an account of the Hartford convention of 1815.

6. Give the character and significance of Burr's conspiracy. 7. What was the significance of the Dred Scott case?

8. When and how has the United States acquired territory since 1787?

9. How is a President of the United States chosen?

10. Write a short sketch of the literary, scientific and political services of Benjamin Franklin.


1. Locate and give a brief description of the Sandwich Islands. 2. Draw an outline map of Africa, and indicate upon it the location of the English, French and Portuguese possessions.

3. To what country does Iceland, New Zealand, Corsica belong? 4. Name the prominent seaport towns of Germany, France, Spain. 5. Name the principal islands at the mouth of the St. Lawrence river.

6. Name the prominent Indian tribes to be found in the Indian Territory. Under what circumstances were they removed to this territory? How are they governed?

7. What portion of the United States lies north of the Arctic Circle? What are the chief productions of the region?

8. Name two prominent cities on the river Rhine, two on the Danube, two on the Mississippi.

9-10. Draw an outline map of the United States, indicating State boundaries.


1. What is the rule for forming the possessive plural of nouns? 2. Give examples of the three methods of distinguishing sex. 3. Name the auxiliaries.

4. What is a participle? What a participial noun ?

5. What is an adverb? Give examples in each particular.

6. Give the principal parts of the verbs go, sit, bring, drink, love, awake, strive.

7. What is an impersonal verb?

8. Correct the following sentences:

Those sort of persons are first-rate.

If I were him I would go to Europe.
Their healths may perhaps be much better.
Poverty or wealth have their own temptations.

9. Name the relative pronouns.

10. Parse the underscored words in the following sentences: My dear sisters!

These Psalms are David's, the sweet singer of Israel.


1. How would you prove that the atmosphere contains oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and water?

2. What is the composition of water? How would you prove it? 3. Write reactions for preparing oxygen, hydrochloric acid, sulphur dioxide.

4. Describe how copper, lead and silver are obtained from their


5. State the composition of copperas, corrosive sublimate, glass, salt, soda, saltpetre, gunpowder.


1. What are the laws of falling bodies?

2. Define specific gravity, and tell how it is determined.

3. What relation has heat to change of state?

4. Explain the difference between the spectacles used for far-sighted and near-sighted people.

5. Explain some form of battery.

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