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Committees, I shall offer no apology for taking advantage of this occasion to say a few words which, under a different organization of affairs, I should have preferred to present elsewhere. *


The objects and purposes of this school, as originally organized, were substantially what they are to-day. The means at hand to reach these objects and effect these purposes have largely increased, and the school to-day has before it an enlarged field of usefulness, the circle of which not only expands with the increase of the population of the State and City, but the cultivation of which is vastly aided by the generous sympathies of the public.

The necessity of the school is to supplement the graded system of teaching which prevails in the lower divisions of the Department. To accomplish this, the course of study in the school itself must be elastic enough to aid and encourage in their labors:

I. Those who have successfully passed through the Grammar grades and wish to pursue a higher course of study, whether scientific, literary, or classical.

II. Those who have passed through the Grammar grades successfully, and wish to round off their education in a shorter period; to gather in and appropriate what they can, but who are especially desirous of pursuing with diligence for a short space of time certain scientific or mathematical studies.

III. Those whose education has been acquired outside of our city schools, and whose percentages may show a decided falling off in some of the studies, and an unusual prominence in others.

And finally, those who, from some constitutional incapacity, are unable to pursue with success certain studies beyond fixed points, but who are able to reach a certain grade, yet cannot get beyond it, if the inexorable law of percentages is rigidly applied.

For all of these, and perhaps for others, must a place be found in this school.

Because a young man, with a copious diction and a delicate literary taste, can only achieve the pons asinorum by memorizing the demonstration, shall we keep him lagging behind the army in its advance, or shall we try him now in this place, now in that, until we find the place where he can do the best work and where we can work him to the best advantage?

Because the graded system demands a certain percentage for promotion, shall we keep a pupil, year after year, in the first grade of the Grammar department, who from some mental deficiency is held back from promotion by absolute failure in some especial study? Is it not better to recognize this as one of the defects of a system, excellent in some respects, which is to be supplemented as far as may be by this school?

In order to realize what the defects are that need to be supplemented, it is essential to look at the organization of our schools and observe of what different materials they are composed. We see, side by side, the children of professional men, merchants and laborers; children whose every step is carefully watched, and those whose normal condition is absolute freedom from restraint; we see the rude and the polished; black and white; rich and poor; all patronizing our schools.

For these children, reared under such different conditions, enjoying such varied advantages, disciplined to such different degrees of obedience, is provided a curriculum, rigid, inelastic, and unconscious of any difference in the characters, the surroundings, or the opportunities of the pupils.

At the age of six years, says the law, you may send your child to the public school, and, continues our course of study, whatever his condition of discipline may then be, he shall pursue the following studies, such and such quantities to be given in stated periods and in definite ways. At the age of six, then, the pupils are launched upon the course of study. But how different are their opportunities! While at home, whether at meals or at play, the one child is under the care of educated and refined parents, who maintain a constant supervising influence over their offspring; who do not neglect discipline in mistaken kindness, and who accomplish far more in the process of leading forward the child than can be possible for any teacher in the lower grades.

Side by side with his little playmate another has to struggle along the path alone. His parents earn their bread by the sweat of their brows. There is no time to waste on refinement or cultivation. Here the case is reversed. The teacher is all in all, and much more is accomplished at school than at home in the process of unfolding the mental faculties and developing the intellectual growth.

Suppose that these two children are of equal mental calibre, will their growth be the same under the graded system? If not, what provision is there for such vast, such inevitable discrepancies? For, in this comparison, I have not drawn the strongest possible, nor even the strongest probable contrast. The law of " hereditary tendency" would assert, as probable, that the child of professional or literary parents would have stronger natural tastes for literary pursuits than the child of the laborer. So that the natural tendency would be to make the contrast even more striking.

How in the world can such grave obstacles to the adjustment of the graded system be overcome? How can any rigid system be made to fit such a variety of minds, from the most brilliant to the positively stupid? How can the same nourishment, in quality and quantity, sustain the giant and the pigmy? These questions seemed to me, when I entered upon my duties as a School Director, incapable of answer.

I have found a partial explanation of the matter in this, that in many schools the promotions are so made that the bright and forward scholars do two years' work in one-actually accomplishing this work with ease. In other words, the course of study, as at present arranged, being adapted as near as may be to the best interests of the average intellect under average conditions favorable for its development, must necessarily fall below the capacity of a large number of the scholars. To keep these busy, they must either do two years' work in one, which is accomplished by promotions at the end of the first six months (making advance work of what is review to a portion of the grade), or some other means must be devised to keep their minds active during school hours.




This forcing pupils over two years' work in one, is the only source of relief from the rigid demands of the Manual which I have discov

ered. It is not, of course, capable of extensive application, and the generally inelastic nature of the work in the lower departments remains to be supplemented, and as far as possible compensated for here. We have sought to provide for this by furnishing various parallel branches of study in this school, and it is my hope that the chevaux de frise of percentages which bristle upon every avenue of approach to this stronghold of learning may be to some extent removed, and a more liberal view taken of what the school is for. It is true that not every horse can be trained to be a race horse; but it is none the less true that we like to see our coach horses well groomed.

The question has been discussed in public, "What shall we do with our boys?" Orators, lawyers and editors have addressed audiences upon this topic. It interests all classes, and we, who are connected with educational matters, are brought closely in contact with it.

Let those gentlemen who have propounded that question cast their eyes over this audience, and we will show them what we are doing with our boys at this end of the line. But alas! the fruit that we see ripening here to-day is but a small percentage of that which was set in the primary school, and they might still say this does not answer our question.

May I be pardoned at this time, and in this connection, if I throw out a hint of what I believe will help to solve this question in the future. The subject is closely connected with what has gone before, and perhaps these words may fall upon willing ears.

I have alluded to the different planes upon which pupils of the same age stand in the graded system, and the different results that must follow from precisely the same instruction. Apart from all questions of intellectual culture, the habits of discipline and obedience acquired by a child reared in a well-ordered family are probably of more value than any other development. The receptivity of a child who has been taught to move, or to stop when spoken to, must be far greater than that of one whose life has been spent in throwing stones at Chinamen, and building bonfires in the streets.

The generous nature of the climate here is such that the child of a family too poor to maintain constant supervision over it, is turned adrift upon the streets to charge about, committing those minor offenses promises, and almost certain forerunners of serious difficulty one of these days.

Experience has established, and the law has defined, the proper minimum age for beginning our regular studies in the public schools to be six years, and we all know that practically this is young enough according to our present methods.

But modern German thought has developed a system of amusing children which at the same time prepares their minds for future training, and enables parents to avail themselves of the system while their children are still very young.

If it were possible to erect a few buildings around the city, in those portions where the very young abound so thickly, and gather in the little children between the ages of three and six years, for five or six hours daily, during which time they should be amused and interested; thus removing them from the dangers and temptations

of the streets; comforting their mothers with the knowledge of their safety; teaching them little or nothing except methods of thought; I say, if one, two or three such schools could be tried, something could be done for the boy of twelve or fifteen years hence. From the Kindergarten these boys would enter the Primary School upon a par with the boys with whom I have heretofore placed them in contrast; with habits of obedience and methods of thought already acquired. Truancy, that terror of principals, would be reduced, for school by this system is a synonym for pleasure. The little fellows look forward with delight to the hours to be spent there, and leave for home with regret. The wild charms of a nomadic life, the comforts of a night in a dry-goods box or a sugar hogshead-all these can and would be dispelled by continuous kindly effort. The hold that this wild, irresponsible sort of life has upon the unkempt natures of these little fellows is almost incomprehensible, and the necessity for capturing them while young-very young-and molding them to conform more nearly to some recognized social type, is evident to the reflective mind. Further, our knowledge of our pupils and their ways of life would begin earlier, and we should know better what it was essential to do to aid them in the rugged pathways of life.

These, then, are the lessons which my two years' service in the department have taught me:

I. The great evil of our system is its inelasticity.

II. The remedies which can be applied are: The Kindergarten at one end of the course; judicious promotions of exceptionally bright pupils during the course; and a liberal opening up of the opportunities of the High School at the other end.

I entertain the hope that the experiment of the Kindergarten or some kindred school may be tried at an early date. Properly managed it cannot fail. I urge it not so much for its direct educational result (though the experiment elsewhere has proved a success) as for the hold it will give upon the good-will and affections of these nomad children, whose lives are otherwise destined to be lost in the streets. By this means they can be gathered in. They can be kept out of mischief and they can be taught, without knowing it, what obedience is. They can be prepared for the primary work, and the tares of truancy can be weeded out of their desires. This work fairly inaugurated, the effects upon the inelastic graded system could not fail to be realized.

As to the work in the High Schools, I feel sure that all here will give the present Board of Education credit for having labored with great unanimity to improve it, and will join with me in congratulating the teachers and the boys upon the mutual good-will which seems to pervade this school.

I have before stated the purposes of the school. We have shaped our course of study to meet these purposes. In this form we shall hand it over to our successors, our term of office having nearly expired. Its future rests in their hands.

Among the problems which they will have to solve will be the various questions as to what shall entitle a person to admission, and what shall be required of students after admission. In our action we have recognized certain general principles.

It is impossible for us to ignore the fact that after passing beyond the Grammar grades, any course of study which treads beyond certain limits must overtake and lie parallel with that of the University. A due regard for economy will not permit us to retain here, at a great expense, a school simply to traverse ground, which can be gained by crossing the Bay, with little inconvenience to the student. and with no expense to the city. Apart from questions of economy we have earnestly labored to maintain harmonious relations with the officers of the University, and have sought to shape our school so that it should prove a feeder and not a rival.

At the same time we have endeavored to enlarge the sphere of usefulness of the school to its greatest possible dimensions. It belongs to the public. It has been carefully provided for, and its dispensations should be made in a liberal spirit and with a liberal hand.

Many questions relating to young men, peculiarly situated, who, under the rules cannot derive any benefit from the school, but who are worthy of our aid and sympathy, will constantly arise. No rule can be laid down that will govern all such cases. The only thing to do is to determine each case on its merits.

What I have said of this school will generally apply to the Girls' High School. We have endeavored to make the course of study there more elastic than it was. The elements with which we have to deal there, differ largely from those composing this school. A majority of the pupils desire to become teachers, and are anxious to pursue a special course of study which shall fit them for that purpose. It is not improbable that the pressure in that direction will at an early day lead to the foundation of a City Normal School. In that case, what will become of the remnant of the school which will be left?

When the school was founded the sexes were together, and I see no objection to an opportunity being afforded them to pursue their studies together now.




I believe this to be the only true policy to pursue with reference to the higher schools. As far as is practicable, give your principals swing and hold them accountable for results. If they fail, depose them, but do not meddle with them any more than can be helped while they are on trial.

In the matter of text-books for the High Schools, fear of popular clamor against new books should not prevent their introduction whenever needed. The world does not stand still, and advanced ideas cannot be obtained from obsolete books. It is nonsense to think of acquiring a higher education without taking advantage of every aid in the way of new books.

15. Veteran Teachers.-Ellis H. Holmes ranks as the teacher continuously engaged in teaching in the city schools for the longest period of time-23 years, from February, 1853, to June, 1876. During that time he was never absent a day from school. Mrs. A. E. Dubois, nee Miss Anna E. Sandford, ranks next to Mr. Holmes, having begun teaching as an assistant in Mr. Denman's school, April, 1853. She has been continuously in

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