ePub 版


THIS publication is intended to supply the Clerical and Legal Professions with a practical Treatise of Clerical Law.

The alphabetical arrangement of the subjects has been adopted with a view to convenience of reference.

In cases considered of importance, the sections of the statutes and the decisions of the Courts have been given in extenso.

The authenticated judgments of Lord Denman, Mr. Justice Patteson, Mr. Justice Coleridge, and Mr. Justice Erle, in Regina v. Archbishop of Canterbury, relating to the confirmation of the elections of bishops, and the opinions of the Court, in Regina v. Chadwick, as to the legality of a marriage with the sister of a deceased wife, will be found, inter alia, in the Addenda.

The forms of procedure, or mere practical details of the Ecclesiastical Courts, either in London or in the Country, have not been inserted; for, besides the great increase such additions would have made to the bulk and expense of these volumes, it cannot be supposed that those Courts, as at present constituted, will be allowed much longer to exist.

Communications have been received from the Archbishop of York, the Bishops of Exeter, Worcester, Gloucester and Bristol, Lincoln, and Norwich, which will be found in the following pages, and for which respectful acknowledgments are offered.

61. Chancery Lane,
May 1. 1848.

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