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" Puts the debit to him, an' to us the per contry; .An: John P. Robinson he Sez this is his view o' the thing to a T. Parson Wilbur he calls all these argimunts lies; Sez they're nothin' on airth but jest fee, faw, fum; An' thet all this big talk of our... "
The world's wit and humor: an encyclopedia of the classic wit and humor of ... - 第127页
编者: - 1905
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The Humorous Speaker: Being a Choice Collection of Amusing Pieces, Both in ...

1853 - 404 页
...Parson Wilbur he calls all these argimunts lies ; Sez they 're nothin' on airth but jestfee,faw,fum; An1 thet all this big talk of our destinies Is half on it ignorance, an' t' other half rum ; But John P. Robinson he Sez it aint no sech thing ; an', of course,...
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The Humorous Speaker: Being a Choice Collection of Amusing Pieces, Both in ...

Oliver Oldham - 1858 - 422 页
...Parson Wilbur he calls all these argimunts lies ; Sez they 're nothin' on airth but jeslfee,faw,fum; An' thet all this big talk of our destinies Is half on it ignorance, an' t' other half rum ; But John P. Eobinson he Sez it aint no sech thing ; an', of course,...
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Fable for critics. Bigelow papers. Unhappy lot of Mr. Knott. An oriental ...

James Russell Lowell - 1858 - 328 页
...Parson Wilbur he calls all these argimunts lies ; Sez they're nothin' on airth but jest fee, fate, fum : An' thet all this big talk of our destinies Is half on it ignorance, an' t'other half rum ; But John P. Robinson he Sez it aint no sech thing ; an', of course,...
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The Biglow papers, ed. with a preface by the author of 'Tom Brown's schooldays'.

James Russell Lowell - 1859 - 236 页
...Parson Wilbur he calls all these argimunts lies ; Sez they 're nothin' on airth but jest fee, f aw, fum; An' thet all this big talk of our destinies Is half on it ignorance, an' t'other half rum ; But John P. Robinson he Sez it aiut no sech thing; an', of course,...
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The Biglow Papers

James Russell Lowell - 1859 - 226 页
...Parson Wilbur he calls all these argimunts lies ; Sez they 're nothin' on airth but jest fee, faw, fum ; An' thet all this big talk of our destinies Is half on it ignorance, an't' other half rum ; a But John P. Eobinson he Sez it aint no sech thing ; an', of course,...
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A Budget of Humorous Poetry: Comprising Specimens of the Best and Most ...

1859 - 342 页
...Parson Wilbur he calls all these argimunts lies; Sez there's nothin' on airth but jest fee faw fum; An' thet all this big talk of our destinies Is half on it ignorance, an' t'other half rum; But John P. Robinson he Sez it aint no sech thing; an', of course,...
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The Poetical Works of James R. Lowell ...: Complete in Two Volumes, 第 2 卷

James Russell Lowell - 1863 - 330 页
...airth but jest fee, faw, fum: An' thet all this big talk of our destinies Is half on it ignorance, an' t'other half rum ; But John P. Robinson he Sez it. aint no sech thing; an', of course, so must^we. Parson Wilbur sez he never heerd in his life Thet th' Apostles rigged out in their swaller-tail...
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The Ladies' Repository, 第 24 卷

1864 - 876 页
...jest fee, /aw, /um; An' thet all their big talk of our destinies Is half on it ignorance an' Ч other half rum; But John P. Robinson he Sez it aint no sech thing, an', of course, so must we. Рагвоп Wilbur sez he never heerd in his life Thet th' apostles rigged out in their swaller-tail...
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Melibœus-Hipponax. The Biglow papers, ed. with an intr. &c. by Homer Wilbur

James Russell Lowell - 1865 - 226 页
...Parson Wilbur he calls all these argimunts lies ; Sez they're nothin' on airth but jest fee,faw,fum: An' thet all this big talk of our destinies Is half on it ignorance, an' t'other half rum ; But John P. Robinsou he Sez it aint no sech thing ; an,' of course,...
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The Poetical Works of James R. Lowell ...

James Russell Lowell - 1866 - 322 页
...T. Parson Wilbur he calls all these argimunts lies ; Ssz they're nothin' on airth but jest fee, faw An' thet all this big talk of our destinies Is half on it ignorance, an' t'other half rían ; But John P. Robinson he fum: Sez it aint no sech thing ; an 5 ,...
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