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felf," this is altogether obviated by an improvement on the apparatus, by Mr. Hartshorne, apothecary at the Pennsylvania Hofpital; who is now engaged in editing an edition of Boyer's work, in which his improvement is particularly stated. By this, the apparatus may be moft conveniently adapted to any patient. It poffeffes alfo a material advantage, that it may be applied in cafe of fracture of both clavicles, with as much facility as to one only: which is not the cafe with the apparatus of Default. Though fuch an occurrence is not very likely to take place, yet it muft certainly give it a fuperiority.

We cannot fay as much for Boyer's apparatus for making a permanent extenfion in fractures of the lower extremities. In thefe, Default's is certainly preferable, especially as it has been improved by Drs. Phyfick and Hutchinson; which improvements are here detailed by Dr. Caldwell in an appendix to the work-and may be alfo seen in a paper of Dr. Hutchinson's at page 187 of this museum.

At page 293, the editor has given us the hiftory of a cafe of luxation of the head of the femur in a forward direction, occurring under the care of Dr. Phyfick in the Pennsylvania hospital; in which, in pointing out the difference between Default's practice and that of Dr. Phyfick, he informs us, that Dr. P. placed the strap intended for extenfion, above the knee. This is certainly correct, but, in fact, the reduction was not accomplished, until the bandage round the limb, to which the strap was affixed, had flipped below the knee, by which the power of extenfion was greatly augmented, and was, beyond doubt, a very important alteration in favour of the patient.*

In the appendix, we have alfo related, from the Medical Repofitory, "Dr. Phyfick's new and fuccefsful method of treating an old and obftinate fracture of the os humeri," by a feton paffed between the fractured extremities of the bones. This, no doubt, has already been perufed with the avidity it merits,

• For a particular history of this cafe, fee Dr. Phyfick's account of it, accompanied with a plate of the method pursued, in the present Number.

by every practitioner, who has the opportunity of seeing the Medical Repofitory.

Should the price of this work (2 dollars and 50 cents) not impede its circulation, there can be no doubt that it may prove effentially ferviceable.

THE CONNEXION of life with respiration, or an expérimental inquiry into the effects of submersion, strangulation, and feveral kinds of noxious airs in living animals; with an account of the nature of the disease they produce; its diftinction from death itself; and the most effectual means of cure. By Edmund Goodwyn, M. D. Philadelphia-Cift, 8vo. 1805, p. 61.

This excellent treatise, which obtained for Dr. Goodwyn a prize medal from the Humane Society in 1788, is now presented for the first time in an American edition. Its merits have long fince received the fanction of an approving public; and we have only to express our wishes, that a continuation of fuch valuable works may be insured, by that encouragement which our printers may reasonably expect.

The Philadelphia Medical and Phyfical Journal. Collected and arranged by Benjamin Smith Barton, M. D. professor of Materia Medica, Natural History and Botany, in the university of Pennsylvania.-Part 2. vol. 1. Philadelphia. 1805.-8vo.

The lectures of BoYER upon the diseases of the bones, with an appendix by Jofeph Hartshorne, are now in the prefs, and will be published in July next. Subfcriptions to this work are received by James Humphreys, at the corner of Second and Walnut streets, Philadelphia, and by the Editor at the Pennsylvania Hospital.


At St. Andrews, (Scotland), John Rotheram, M. D. F. R. S. Ed. Profeffor of Natural Philosophy, in that University. For several years before the death of Dr. Black, of Edinburgh, he was chofen by that celebrated Chemist, his affiftant, in his public lectures.


Plate of Aneurism to face

of Gorget and Splints

of Furnace, &c. for fubliming camphor
of Bistoury, Vaccine pock, and Aloë
of Strong's Tourniquet

of the reduction of a luxated thigh bone

page 65

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Communications are received from Drs. Dewees, Smith, Watkins, Ffirth, &c. which will appear in the next Number.

Gentlemen, who are desirous of announcing the various lectures in the different Universities, &c. are requested to forward their notices immediately to the Editor, to be in time for the next number, which will probably appear early in August; as it is contemplated to conclude the second Volume, by the period the Medical Classes terminate in Philadelphia. For the same reason, any communications intended for the Museum, will be particularly desirable as early as possible.



In page 273, line 8-for inability, read irritability.

In page 384, second line from bottom, for entertained, read contained.

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Azotic gas, absorbed in respiration
Baldwin's, account of the yellow

fever at Lisburn in 1803

Baltimore, account of the yellow fe-
ver of, in 1794

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21, 121, 241, 361
Barton's Philadelphia Medical and
Physical Journal

Batavia, account of a voyage to, and
observations on the climate, &c.
Do. comparative table of the tempe.
rature of the air and of the ocean,
in a voyage to



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