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in the intellectual image of God down to the brute They must therefore be treated as they are found management not adapted to this assortment of o wholly useless.

All intelligent men agree that an efficient compa security is essential to the existence of organized co And as incident to this contract, it is as necessa helpless should be protected as that the strong an should be restrained. The first cannot be sustai keeping off the other.

There can be no useful education without religion not each other or ourselves, but we fear God. mind, when tender, is deeply and solemnly imbue gion, the worth of moral subjugation is begun.

Impressions of right and wrong are then made u polluted soul of a child, which no temptation can They enter into, and are engrafted upon, his natur

It is very seldom that a child who has had a pr tic, moral, and religious education, who has been to tenderly trained, carefully watched, and kept out company, and away from evil examples, turns out

He is not seen drinking and smoking about corne and shouting at theatres, running and fighting with nies, in riots, watch-houses or prisons.

Everything connected with religion seems to flourish.

Much sin has been committed in the name of rel Jews, Pagans and Christians, each in their drenched the earth with blood in the name of religion does not militate against true religion; it only wickedness of those who profane religion.

In the United States, where all religious pers tolerated, there has been no opportunity to use it purposes; and there have ceased to be any public a its sanction. Its prosperity has been unexampled.

The different sects have forms, governments, and suited for every prejudice and taste, and at every

turn throughout the land there is a temple for pub


Their labor and devotion are extraordina There is nowhere a class of men so blame Instances of improper conduct or lack o religion unaided by law is more pure, more fashionable, than where it is forced upon th

There is nowhere so much valuable pulpi piety as there is with the people and their c States.

The doctrine of legal religion has been triumphantly refuted. Religion is too pu used by human laws or their functionaries. Religion has been less helped, and donc United States than in any country.

The Methodists have retrieved and save doned wretches, and raised them from the low to honest and honorable reformation.

All acrimony has been subdued, and cor ciations of different persuasions are extensi universal diffusion of Gospel knowledge.

To those who have witnessed the state Europe, and compared them with this cour that here the Millennium had really begun.

The freedom of the churches removes all o upon doctrinal questions, which are never li placency, and leaves open for their minister repentance and faith.

Sermons most diligently prepared, profou men of great talents and genius, are most e with extemporaneous devout and fervent pr of the country.

All the denominations have theological s and vie with each other in the competent ministers.

No one can spend his Sabbath-day to mo tage than by listening to the splendid and e of these accomplished orators and profound


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elucidations, and scoff at religion, is indeed a fool.
Throughout this free and glorious country, ev
throngs the churches numerously with men, and
women and children, clean, healthy, cheerful and r
all their appointments.
The morning dawns the
prayers songs
of these blessed babes, early from their slumbers
the Sunday schools, where the first elements of lear
Holy Scriptures are zealously inculcated till the hour

Who has witnessed the beautiful exercises and t interesting processions of these innocent children school-rooms to the church, without a fervent pra faith that they may be preserved from the pollu sinful world? And who has seen that hope blight Scoff at Religion!!! It is

"The fool hath said in his heart there is no God Ask these intelligent Sabbath-school children meaning of religion, and they will calmly and ra you that to love God and hate sin is to secure pea hope hereafter.

Follow them to maturity, and mark their settle patient and honest industry, their thrifty gains, the and peaceful lives, and their reasonable expectation immortality beyond the grave.

Pure and undefiled religion is the source and fo knowledge and virtue, the corner-stone of every go

No man can justly claim the respect and confi family and his fellow men, unless his religious conv deportment demonstrate to the world that he is w countenance and confidence of his Maker.

There can be no morality, private worth, or public out religion; and the man who derides the Bible, t bath and religion, is worse than a heathen. Hel fears of the sinner and encourages wickedness. away the foundations of the hopes of the true b blurs and blights all that restrains crime and rewa



Not always index of the heart-Intimacies-Stranger fidence-Singularity of speech or manners-May pany-John Randolph-Jefferson-The art is sin fected-Sexes-Marriage-Some covet society ab ard, learning and virtue-All talk too much-Fri Proper restraint-Good for all-Matrimony bes general-Distinctions-Orders-Bad motives-I sell on credit-To live extravagantly-Large house stock of supply not enough-Productive labor ce -Wrong to speculate in trade, or live on it-N paying debts without explanation-Or force cred tools, furniture, and $300 worth of property—If the public do it, and not creditors-It opens doo out of $300 as often as it is spent, and that am again-Travelers-Ignorance and neglect-Skill rality-Taxes on churches, colleges, graves, &c.Tariff protection to labor, &c.--Religion, &c.

THE habits and manners are not alway heart.

Some are judged proud because they a quiet, and reserved; others as haughty, beca ful, cautious, and shy amongst strangers, wh liberal and benevolent as those of polished intercourse.

Nor is the use of singular words, or pron rent awkwardness of behavior, evidence of ity, or carelessness towards the feelings of sons, in their own circles, may hold a consis appropriate caste, and be distinguished for nevolence, while the conventional manners o to their prejudices of education, might appe ridiculous affectations of kindness and good

Every one has an unquestionable right t










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The occasions for business, accidental meetings, ductions of mere ceremony, supply impromptu quirements for casual intercourse, and leave the part option for future recognition without any breach of

Hasty intimacies are unnecessary and indiscre place the parties in false positions, and expose them and suspicion. All proper decorums and courtesi consistently maintained without the reciprocations disclosures.

A departure from this simple rule of discretion c the irrestrainable propensity that some have to talk i about themselves; a practice that betrays great ego rance, and vulgar breeding.

It is said that John Randolph knew more men man living, and gave to all a free and cordial greetin ing to their sphere and condition; but that there wa person on earth who ever had his confidence, and th mother. This ready and singular expert in the n losophy of human nature was never known, in hi intercourse, to trifle with the prejudices or sensibilit one, and yet his apparent manner was somewhat sev "It was this readiness which made John Randolph in retort. He was the Thersites of Congress—a to ber. No hyperbole of contempt or scorn could be against him, but he could overtop it with somet] scornful and contemptuous. Opposition only mad into more brilliant bitterness. Isn't it a shame, dent,' said he one day in the Senate, 'that the noble of the administration should be wasting their precio worrying the rats of the opposition?" Immediately was in an uproar, and he was clamorously called to or presiding officer, however, sustained him; and po long, skinny finger at his opponents, Randolph screa 'Rats, did I say? mice, mice."-E. P. Whipple.

This was the result of great firmness, independend turity of thought; for, although he would not con

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